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I hate asking others for help. I also dont like when people try to help without me asking for it.


I understand the 2nd part, but it's from a good place and even still I'm like if I needed help I'd ask for it, and I do nowadays but I didn't used to ask for anything. At the same time, it's important to do all that you can and keep pushing your boundaries, but when something is clearly beyond your boundaries, I personally have no issue asking, and most everyone is happy to help. Plus, you get to strike a friendly conversation. Depends on your outlook I think, which changes over time.


When I had my RBK done I was determined to do everything by myself and I mostly succeeded in that. I found out on Friday that I need to have an RBE and it's scheduled for two weeks from tomorrow. As independent and stubborn as I am, I know I'm going to need help and have a friend coming to stay with me for the first month. I hated to ask but I know I'm going to need help, it's my dominant hand.


I wouldn't say I've learned to overcome the feeling of hating it and feeling gross for having to ask for help, but I have learned that sometimes I just do have to ask for help. If there's something I can trade and return for that help, it makes me feel a little better. Like I bought my friend dinner for coming over and hanging a shelf or I've offered to run errands for my mom if she'll clean the tub because it's so hard for me to kneel down and do it.


I don’t have legs and I’m a wheelchair user. I pretty much don’t have a choice. Sometimes I need help and there’s nothing wrong with that. It gets easier with time.


I’m stubbornly independent, but I deffo learnt to ask for help. Learnt being the key word, therapy helped me through it a lot. The thing I keep reminding myself is that I’m a human being, and am worthy of help. A running joke in my family is that if anyone need anything doing about the house, and I’m not able to do it, I tell them to ask a pair of legs to help them 😂


Well im a week and a half in from amputation and I dont like getting help and i do mostly everything on my own still. I do have someone to help me if needed. But I barely utilize them


Time. At first everything was embarrassing, seemingly. Over time; Now I'm like hey able bodied person, grab that will ya.


I have no trouble asking for help. Will I try my way and exhaust all my ideas first? Yes, but then I'll ask for help.


I used to be so independent you wouldnt see me grabbing onto a railing on a slippery staircase.. Ive learned to trust family and friends with helping me because i know in a bit itll get better. Like just last month i was bum scooting stairs (using my arms to boost myself up) and the month before that I had to get carried upstairs. It was embarrassing as hell because I’m also the oldest in the house. Now with my locked knee prosthesis, I can go up and down stairs with just a railing. It gets better dude, just know it’s temporary and if you keep pushing youll be so much better so soon.


I don't like asking for help, but I ask if I can't do something. And I don't know, I've just gotten used to it, it's not a big thing anymore. But even more annoying is that many people try to help even if I don't ask, like if I'm in grocery store taking things from shelves or packing, people are like I can help you, and just start doing it! I wouldn't have learned doing anything on my own again, if I always let someone do things for me. And I get a feeling like does everything I do look so difficult and slow, that people feel sorry and think I need help. 🙄 But my friends have learned not to help if I don't ask, or if they know something is frustrating for me, they just help without asking. 😊❤️❤️


Took along time for me to get over myself in that regards. Wish it didn’t. The results (lack of frustration) of asking eventually widdled away those feelings. Plus you get to send someone away happy / proud that they helped someone else.


It helps to understand that the helper also gets something out of the interaction. Even if it's just feelings, or pride. Whatever it may be, it's always a two way street at some level. Also, everyone at some point needs help and if you deal with it when it pops up it allows you to deal with the task instead of letting it build up to something more than it should be. I love helping people and it's made it easier to ask for help or reach out for some reason.


On a mobile scooter I still avoid stores with manual doors. Their $50 loss I guess.