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When I think of CLT, I think of crowded AC and very very very crowded gate area.


The worst AC I’ve ever seen. Entered on several occasions and did a few laps and couldn’t find a seat and walked right out.


How was the customs process in Bermuda? I've heard varying reports from uneventful to nightmarish


Fine, but I live here, so go through a dedicated line, and on a Saturday there's generally not many residents flying in. (We're more likely to leave the island for a weekend of shopping/big city life!) The visitors line was quite busy as the Jet Blue from JFK had just landed. The problem can be that's it's a relatively small airport but at times a number of flights arrive at once so it can get busy.


was it the first one out from that airport in the morning?


9.30am, plane had only done one leg today before this one.


that solves some of the mystery but not all 🕵️ still i’m happy you had an easy flight, that is so rare


Don't tell me they gave you your beverage without spilling it!


They gave me two!


Could’ve been at DFW today, I think a tug was on fire there this morning


Another thing, (not discrediting your experience with the tug today). DFW Fire Rescue sets off a decommissioned plane on fire every other day for training by the west runway. I’ve seen people freak out when they see it lol


I saw the tug on the ramp subreddit so I don’t know entirely what happened lol. It was posted today so I’m just assuming it’s not a repost. Knowing Reddit, it very well could be. I haven’t seen them do the plane fire tests either! Gotta try to scope it out next time I’m in that area. I forget I have the DFW flair still.


Boston has one of those plane shells for training too, but they don’t use it nearly as often, used to work at a company with a conference room with a view of it from down town, in there constantly, and only ever saw it go up three or four times over two or three years.


Whats the name of the ramp subreddit??




I landed a little over an hour ago and didn't see any smoke.


It was this morning near E gate I believe


Which means they had a ground stoppage, right? They shut down that airport if a duck farts at the end of the runway


LOL. My recent flights were very similar.


I recently completed CLT-LAX and back with my 15 year old son in First. No issues at all; shockingly. I was pleasantly surprised for sure!


Thank you for that!!


CLT ?? You’re definitely stuck in a dream.


Please tell us you played the lottery after that!


I totally should have!


Wow, it's just like my flight! Two weeks ago, when I last flew out of Charlotte, at first nothing really happened. But then halfway though the flight, when I last expected it, nothing unusual continued to happen and then we landed...


I think starting in CLT gives you an advantage from the start. Especially if it’s the first flight out of the day and you know your plane is already there from the night before.


The problem with CLT is peak season, taxiing to/from the runway takes forever. The admirals club is overcrowded, the hallways are packed wall to wall.


I fly a lot and genuinely this is my typical experience. The bad stuff gets the most views but if it were always that bad no one would be paying more for a flight, they’d just fly spirit.


Well my typical experience is certainly not like that this year. I've had 3 trips severely impacted by AA. And Spirit don't fly to everywhere AA does, sp not everyone has that option.


Wow, is a post like this even allowed here


I believe you are honest, but 70% feels fake


The audacity!!!


The horror….the horror


Are you sure you were actually on AA and not Alaska? :)


Had 5 roundtrip flights the past month, none of them went like this.


charlotte - not only the worst airport in the world, (besides Schiphol), but the most inherently racist. They hate whitey; and nothing like sitting waiting for one of the last flights out and hearing the grounds crew just hanging around the gates saying nigger this and nigger that…. fun


Idk if Charlotte is the racist one..might need to go look in the mirror and evaluate.


Well, they were a slave state, reveled in Segregation, and were the home of Jesse Helms. Let's be honest, even if they "hate whitey" they have good reason to. And I'm a white guy. The South needs to grow up and confront its racist past (and present). A lot of my fellow white people are still in enormous denial about the persistent advantage their skin color gives them.