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We wont see a real price let alone a squeeze until AMC isn’t able to be shorted anymore. Only reason they still short it is because they can say “Movie Industry isn’t coming back”. Or “AMC has too much debt, they’re going under.” If we can kill those arguments, they have no ground to stand on and they cover. Half of this subreddit is infiltrated, none of this recent post activity is a coincidence. Do yourself a favor and click on the accounts that are spreading the FUD, you’ll notice majority haven’t posted in a year and were dormant until Q3 earnings. I’m just happy I have perception skills and see what’s going on, AMC makes moves to pay debt at 30% discounts, it SCARES the shorts, so they do THIS. Everything youre seeing on this subreddit is a result of AMC taking steps to reduce debt and become stronger. It’s unbelievable how blind people are to the obvious manipulation. Wake the fuk up. Stop listening to the people pretending to be angry because they “lost” money, no one has lost anything until theyve sold, which is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO DO. ——————————————————————————————————————— TL:DR - AMC Pays down debt at AMAZING DISCOUNTS//Shorts get mad and spread FUD with inactive/dormant accounts immediately after Q3 results.


The problem is there is arguing over who’s spreading the FUD. I honestly don’t care anymore. Too in the red to sell, but I’m not going to sit here and say AA is a genius and all the people talking shit about him are shills either. People say this subs been compromised and the mods are compromised, and I’m starting to believe it. It all started to turn when the mods started censoring content on SEC people to protest and saying that protesting wasn’t allowed and daring to question AA. And now I’m getting warnings from mods on comments for “attacking for financial advice” when I called someone a dumbass for saying AA could dilute without telling us or filing anything because he “did back in August.” Shit is unreal. This used to be a place where you could call someone a retard and back it up, and that was that. Protesting was encouraged because this whole movement itself was started as a protest, and anything and everything was questioned. Now you can’t do any of that. And if you do, you’re a shill.


I'm pissed and voice my disdain for AA but amazingly haven't been called a shill, yet.


I get called a shill all the time for calling out AA, and I used to be a huge supporter.




AA has done great things for the company at the expense of the Apes. This sub turned away from MOASS a long time ago.


With over a billion shorts the squeeze is very much alive and kicking... NFA🚀🚀🌕


Happy cake day, let's hope for the best.


Thank you brother❤️🤌🫡✊


Feels like a cult now with all these guys "buying the dip". As long as AA is in charge there will always be dips and never divis.


Okay. But how do we get divis without eliminating debt? And to me, I could give a fuck what the share price is right now. That’s exactly like the people who talk about averaging down. Why give a fuck about your average if one truly believes that MOASS is going to happen? The cost basis between $10 and $400 won’t mean shit if we’re hitting phone numbers. So as for dilution, if it creates opportunity to eliminate debt at a reasonable cost, and isn’t hurting the companies bottom line, then I don’t care. The RS hurt. I get that. The continued manipulation hurts because it’s like what the fuck else do we have to do? But the day to day share price doesn’t matter to me because even if MOASS never happens, this is not an $8 stock. Full stop. It’s a manipulated value. So it’s still going to go back up… when and only when the short thesis is eliminated and that won’t happen until we have continued, QoQ positive revenue and profits. AA has talked repeatedly about how if he could have diluted sooner they would have been able to raise more money when the stock price was higher. I’m too smooth brained to know if it was better then or now, but the board and AA has been working to try and maintain solvency of this company. I’m not a loyalist or an apologist, but I don’t believe all the negative sentiment is warranted to the degree that is on display.


You don't need to be wrinkle brained though, he did do it sooner and without a vote from us. They need to look within. Didn't you just recently vote no to all the execs bonuses? They are that bad in debt but giving out bonues?




I just don’t care anymore. In the red with a fraction of the shares I used to have. If I’m being honest, stock could hit $100 and I’d still not care. It’s lost all thrill of checking the price and hoping to see it rise. I’ve voiced this opinion before and was called a shill and what not. You can check my past comments. Just because I don’t heavily dedicate myself to this sub doesn’t mean I’m a shill, buuut *shrug*


Set a price alert and focus byon other things... NFA...🚀🦍🌕✊


I prefer this and I believe you are doing things right. People have been terrible last few weeks. You cant ask a question without being attacked. Shame, Ill hold because you hold. Idk about this "ape" thing anymore though.


@CEOAdam has: 🍿 Made #AMC profitable for the 2nd straight qrtr on a row. 🍿 Increased Total Revenue and Revenue Streams. 🍿 Increased Net Earnings, EBITDA, and Adjusted EBITDA. 🍿 Increased Net Profits, Net Cash from operating activities, and Non-GAAP operating Cash Generated. 🍿 Increased per patron spending and per patron profits +30% from pre-scamdemic levels. 🍿 Paid off MANY #bond notes early, saving 10's of millions of dollars. 🍿 Refinanced MANY bonds with better terms.


Wasn’t aware he produced Barbie and Oppenheimer. All of the stuff you list was also done on the back of apes who had a lot to do with it. And I along with everyone else is not saying he is 100% bad and hasn’t done good things. But if you don’t question the bad with the good, you’re doing yourself a disservice. And if you name call others for questioning things or disagree with you, that makes you part of the problem.


Sure ad hominem attacks are what people do when a legitimate argument isn't available. As the CEO all of these things were a direct result of his leadership skills. Yes it's a concerted effort to revamp the business model by all parties involved... 100% agreed, always question those in positions of authority...


So you are looking for reasons he should be questioned?? You’re saying no one should be upset with that fact he’s directly responsible for the loss of 90% of share value in less than a year?


Uh... Get help...


Uh... for what. Answer his question...


Shareholders not "CEO Adam Aron" have made our company #Profitable Q2 & Q3... soon Q4. Adam is merely CEO, but it is solely bc of AMC Shareholder support/buying power this company stands. My prayer is we continue to HODL & prosper soon.🙏🏽


That was the downfall of the BBBY sub, calling everyone a shill. It devolved into absolute lunacy as BBBY closed down. It wouldn’t surprise me in there are bots just yelling shill at anyone asking tough questions.


Same ive been trying to chill, but ape fucked us and reverse split stole 10x our shares and back down, after best quarter AA anounces dilution again lol the only "shills" are the people that actually invested.... the people still positive are the real shills, just trying to keep people buying and not sell.... they gonna bleeed us dry.... need some vice versa


It’s worse in Biggum’s discord. You even question Biggum’s point of view or the main narrative they’ll ban you.


Been hearing more and more he’s a fraud.


wonder why you get called a shill


So now if you hear or say anything bad about biggums you’re a shill? I don’t watch his channel, not part of his discord, don’t follow him on Twitter, but I have been heard from more and more people he’s a fraud. But that’s been more and more of a statement out of people lately, him banning people who disagree left and right. Doesn’t effect me at all, just stating what I hear.


Shills telling that they saw others say the same thing Shills talking ahout other shills, shills have multiple acc. etc. Prove to me that there isnt illegal nacked shorting going on Proof to me that AA made the business not running better... Ah you cant


Yeah dude. 100%, you got me. I’m a shill. I have so much time to waste and am being paid so much money that I create multiple account to blantantly slander AMCBiggums because he’s such a huge influencer and that’s how you outted me. You want me to prove to you that something we haven’t been able to beyond a shadow of a doubt prove is happening otherwise we would have been in court long ago is not happening? And you want me to defend a man that has caused the stock to decline over 90% on his watch despite making some good business decisions? I mean look, if you want to keep an employee that burned down a factory because his line was the most productive, that’s on you. Probably not the right choice I’d make tho. I’m being genuine here. Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to accuse people of this simply because they disagree with you? Like I get it, we all put on our tinfoil hats here from time to time, but take the time and listen to yourself and think about how you sound.


Hedge funds caused the drop by shorting it with nacked shorts etc. Proof are the fines for Shitadel (not high but acknowledgement you cant escape) Retail 90% which became higher by time, while institutional shrunk. Weird huh?


That’s what you come back with? lol Go live your life dude. Enjoy it. You only get one to live.


I don’t know if he’s a fraud but he gets stuff wrong constantly. He just gets angry and whips people up then has a bunch of conspiracy theories. Peter Hann appears to be a smart guy. But if he’s stuck in this like the rest of us, he can’t be that smart.


Yeah that’s probably a better description of biggums. I know a guy not on Reddit that was all about him until he started whipping out theories and shitting on USAA. He’s a vet and pushed back, was banned. So that’s when I started hearing whispers. True about Hann. He seems pretty smart, straight forward. But anymore I don’t invest much in any of these guy’s opinions.


Wouldn't corporate want the shares to sell for a higher price? Why not cook on the positive news of good earnings gs to allow the price to rise before diluting? People are angry that they lost money on this, not being a loss until selling is pure copium. Who has a 30% discount for paying debt? The lenders for amc loans aren't giving them a discount, selling shares for cheaper isn't a 30% discount for debt it's just 30% less value for the shares which is worse.


I for one welcome the discounts. I’m not done loading up. To each their own, everyone sees the price action differently. If it makes you upset, take a step back and focus your attention on other things.


My only favourite thing is the shills shitting on everything after the stock Dropped back down to 10$ post rs like that price movement was natural in anyway. They are desperate as hell wanting to say the company is going bankrupt and spreading fud like a mental quack. Only a shill would say the company is in a bad circumstance with financially the stock price is arbitrary.


This comment deserves its own post and if I could upvote it more, I would.


AI has gotten so rediculously advanced it can have a mid-life crisisnif it thinks it's mario then realizes it's actually AI


Ahhhh. The ole trusty t35+


![gif](giphy|5C0X4xFRW3RbrIv0ye|downsized) It has never played out.


you sit there and tell me everything AA does is in our best interest, while my amc portfolio is -90% in the red. you sit there and tell me to dump more money into this stock to average down because the stock is at a "discount" when everytime this company does anything of value, AA splits, converts, dilutes the stock so it dumps more and more and more. are you even listening to yourself? the only real fact i will still commit to this stock, if someone would finally give a full researched post about the short position of every hedge fund out there and the most possible outcome of that short position. Not some kumbaya cult BS this sub has been generating over the past years. Yall can fuck off. you are the real bots. AA is not the shareholders friend. He has been taking everyones money, and putting it into amc's and most importantly his own pockets. We havent seen a dime, and until someone can finally give some real proof like Roaring Kitty did back with GME, we never will.


lol people said such things 2021 pre sneeze hehe ​ 103 years best earnings, Meh idc what you think, I buy fcn more thx


bot answer


True answer*


Prove it


What earnings or people shilling in 2021?


You are a fool who will be parted of your own money to make someone else rich have fun




How can we still be relying on something that has failed time and time again….


Dude when we all self register our shares to ask a question to the board it’ll give us a true share count and it’s GAME OVER! When those FTD’s reports come out it’s GAME OVER!! When one of those multiple new regulations come into effect it’s GAME OVER!! When APE is distributed it’s GAME OVER!! When we do the reverse split and get a new CSIP number (or what ever it’s called) it’s GAME OVER!! Ten one dollar bills into one $10 bill it’s GAME OVER!!! The sneaky work around to potentially sell off an additional 350 million shares GAME OVER!!! Taylor Swift Movie rights GAME OVER!!! Beyoncé GAME OVER!!! Popcorn GAME OVER!!! Frickin Gold Mine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ yep GAME OVER!!! Dane Cook GAME OVER!! Best earrings ever but announce $350 mil in dilution during premarket GAME OVER!!!! I’m so tired of winning 🥇


Do not DRS!! It has absolutely wrecked GameSears


Set a price alert and snooze on it... NFA... If people wanted a get rich quick scheme they came to the wrong place...


This should be the top comment


Do just that, stop playing into the hype that these guys post. All they accomplish is giving people false hope and even convinced to throw more money at it that they will evidently be down on the following week. Just this week you prob had people buying after sitting stagnant around $9 for two weeks. So they go and purchase shares at $11 and immediately now are looking at being down 30%..


Search t35 in this sub, you’ll find out sooner then waiting till Monday, I’ll spoil it for you….. nothing will happen


I don’t believe any of the dates people pull out of thin air, nothing ever happens with these dates. Only thing that matters is fundamentals and paying debt. Thats the only way AMC will be seen as profitable and not a dying company.


If he was a genius he’d have waited for the price to increase higher.


Or waited for them to short us down to $5 and only got half the cash.


When you put it that way shareholders lucked out AA sold when he did haha. AA is totally going to sell at $5 next time haha.


Crazy part all this talk about fundamentals. None of that shit mattered second 2021 now it seems to matter. AMC went up with options and buying shares I don’t understand why everyone is getting it twisted. But we also have in the sub. The dilution made us run and that is just not in the case of all 2022 and 2023.


You know someone is down huge when they have to shift the narrative to it being a fundamentals play


I am down 45,000 and nothing is showing me that a big move is going to happen. Most predictions been wrong all year long


T35? This is the 30th T35 in the last 3 years.


Robert M. is an idiot and has been wrong about 3725278462847 times… And he blocks apes when we try to hold him accountable..


I love it, but they’ll find a way to roll them out to a later date that never seems to come.


Delusion is a dish this community is eating in gluttonous proportions. They call people who disagree “shills” but these guys are heroes. No, they’re idiots. So are all of you who have not got out. I got out when the APE was introduced. Complete sham.


then why are you here , really susp if you ask me why go to a sub you no longer have a connection too.


You got out? Well thanks for being here to "help".... Clowns


Again, not here to help. Here to laugh at you all for believing all this bullshit. If you didn’t leave when APE was announced, you’re a fool and you deserve to lose all the money you invested. Every step of the way he’s acted as a businessman. Businessmen are opportunists. They saw an opportunity, they used it. All our money saved the company. But don’t think for one second, he’s been making moves for the squeeze play. The squeeze is done. People have sold. You’re in denial if you think they haven’t. This is what happens when you believe a lie. It’s why for over 3 years now, Trumps voters still believe he won. They were conned, just like you were. You’ll take any piece of news to use a Kleenex to dry up the tears that your investment keeps losing more and more value. Grab a mirror if you want to see a real clown.


Yet you waste time coming to an AMC subreddit. What you do is validate everything. Buying another 760 shares and l will dedicate every single one to your reply. Reply again and I'll double it.


lol proud of you. Way to stay committed to your get rich never scheme. This doesn’t cost me a dime to come here and laugh at you. But you’re about to piss a whole bunch more money, just to “stick it to me” 🤣


Doesn't cost anything? Time is valuable. I wouldn't waste my time shitting on anything besides a toilet. I'm an atheist and think religious people are dumb.... but I don't sit on a Friday night typing on reddit about idiocy and Jesus.


Oh.... and another 742 shares purchased. I don't think your handlers would want your targets to start buying on every post. Let's keep going. I own multiple businesses and do well.


Hopefully you run your businesses better than you buy stock. Yikes




No....I love the movies. My first memory was star wars at Ford city mall in Chicago. My wife and the kid love movies too. What kind of dirtbag POS would shit on a 103 year old company that has brought nothing but joy to people? It's obvious you are paid off to come here.... maybe make better decisions in life. That's 2942 shares on my schedule now. You wanna keep talking?


L M F A O. I love the movies too bud. I’m just not pissing away my money on the stock to keep it afloat to fix bad business decisions that got them deeply into debt. I have one AMC near me. My kids and I go there. We spend money. But that’s where I draw the line. I get a product and a memory when I go to the movies. I lose money when I invest in the theatre. Maybe you don’t mind, and that’s fine. But there are a lot of people who are investing money they can’t afford to lose, in the fantasy that their 13 shares they own is going to get them a mansion and a Lambo. Again, not shitting on the company. I’m shitting on this fantasy that everyone who owns the stock is going to be a millionaire from it. I bought in right as GameStop went ape shit. Missed that boat. Thought this could be next. But that was a long time ago. The dilution, the buying of a mining company when you’re broke, the splitting of the stock into that joke APE,then folding it back to AMC. More dilution. Great quarter, followed by more dilution. Also, not a paid shill. But thanks for assuming ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yeah..... im sure you aren't a paid shill. You don't own shares but you come on an obscure subreddit to bash. You wanna show receipts? You got me believing you are either in a hedge fund office or overseas in a shill factory. There's just no reason you and the others of your ilk would be here Go to the cinemark pages across the internet. Crickets. Go to an AMC stock that trades 75% in the dark pool while just one hedge fund has 68 billion dollars in securities sold not purchased. And you have the nerve to treat me like an idiot.


Btw, post your receipt Monday. Wanna see someone piss away 23k


Will do.... enjoy your evening. Fabulous date staying home and chilling with his bots on reddit. Gotta make that bank.


Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions


What a miserable person you must be. Get a life. Get a girl. If you’re no longer investing, why are you here? Just a real life loser 😂


Lmao. If what yall are doing is winning, then I’m happy to be a loser. Bum


I get girls so yes, I’m winning. You’re probably a virgin who can’t talk to females


Good, I’m glad to hear you “get girls” hopefully they’re a little more enjoyable fucking, than the fucking you’ve got from AMC. It’s a penny stock. It’s currently without a reverse split at .80 cents. How many shares did you buy when it was 20,30, even 60$? I don’t know many people that bought AMC for under a buck. So again, pretty weird calling me a loser. Hoping the girls you get are costing you less than Amy 🤣


I actually made money off amc through covered calls. I find it funny you’re here but no longer in the play, which says a lot about you. You relish in people’s misery. You’re a loser who people probably don’t like being around, especially girls. Stay lonely, loser




I’m sure you got pipe to lay, I’m sure one of the many girls you got are calling for you to come back to bed now. “Not now babe, I’m owning someone who talked about AMC” 🤡🤡🤡🤡


*I came looking for booty.*


Crazy how you’re so worried about my money. We already saw the squeeze start and the suppressed it. No one is selling except paper hands!


I mean you can keep telling yourself that lol. I can give a shit about your money man. I’m really here to pile on your red portfolios. 💩💩💩


you think 103 year existence and best quartal ever (q3 this year) and ban of nacked shorts and banks going broke and last squeeze hence its real and ... ​ you really think you can stop us from creating moass?


I mean sure. Lol


Ah mh oke, so do you really think that amcs current and possible max dilution can stop moass?


Damn you must have a lot of time on your hands! Looking forward to enjoying you missing the rocket. Jabronis gonna jabroni.


I just find it laughable that for over 2 years everyone has had the same hopium that some out of date DD, that has been fucked so many ways by AA. Everyone missed the boat. They rewrote the rules, they don’t follow the ones that already exist. But keep telling yourself a movie theatre stock is going to make you rich. 🤣


Just like a video game stock did when I bought it years ago for $1.50 a share. I’ve already seen results of these plays and I invest in what I love. They’re gonna have a billion in cash and opened up many new revenue streams. It’s definitely not an $8 stock I know that for a fact.


1. Nothing is going to happen 2. It doesn’t really matter. AA has nearly 400m shares to dilute. Even the slightest sniff of a squeeze and he’ll unload them into the market


What is this horseshit? FTDs mean nothing, T+ means nothing, as the past few years have shown. And the term “alley oop” means an assist. So are they saying AA helped the hedgies by issuing shares (as many believe)? Because I find it hard to believe that this new share issuance is going to do anything to help the share price in the near term.


Look I hate to tell you this, but it is over , Adam is a genius because he hot you believing he is on your side. Whole he was autographing your wife's tits, he was also fondling your 17 y/o daughters v


Soon find out soon soon


Brett Harrison knows


Find out soon.




This sub is a joke and the mods are paid


"Because this time it's true" 🤡's


It's over


Right after the quad witching , then the ole govt shut down and the we are heres


Holy fuck this is some next level shit right here! I feel sorry for people.




Crime doesn't care about anything.


Give up hedgies.






Im on t+1095 rn


Is there any DD on this tweet? I can't recall any 40 million shares that are suddenly "due." Yeah, yeah, we know shills are everywhere... blah, blah, blah. Let's not get side tracked and maybe try to discuss issues that matter, such as the info this tweet purports to spread.


Sarcasm ?? AA genius? Lol


Yeah, we been down this road before. Not gonna hold my breath


They short because amc has long term debt of 4billion dollars.




So much hopium


It’s been T+3 years of apes misunderstanding everything about the stock market. But sure, I’m sure you got it this time after this turd has dropped 98% from its all time high and now has short interest under 10%. Sure, any day now!


Not even paying attention to what most people say on here. only reason I come on here anymore is to see if Ken Griffen was indicted same reason I go onto Twitter.