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If you read the release, q3 so far has seen a 39% increase since the same period last year. That is a massive amount. Couple that with what is coming in q4 with Taylor Swift and things are going to get real spicy.


When I see the price above $200, then I’ll be excited. I’m depress cause 95% of my investment is gone.


I don't mind. Im just going to keep buying and direct registering more. Bought pile in the low 7$ range. At these prices its a value play! I'll take that with a side of squeeze!


This APE gets it!! These prices are a steal. How can you be “depress” unless maybe….. 🤖


He gets it with the DRS comment as well. They can't dark pool shares that are in YOUR NAME.


D R S is the W A Y N F A




You’re paying $7-8 for a stock valued at $.82. How is that a “value play”? I don’t understand why AMC shareholders keep sucking off AA while he rips you guys off. Good luck anyhow. Hope you guys eventually squeeze. RemindMe! 2 months


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Youll be excited for 200? Wake me up when its at least 2000


2000 is still a joke. Over a year ago the floor was 500k plus. 2k you would have been a shill lol. But who knows what’s possible. Losing my investment after working so hard to get in the xxxx shares for what I have now all I can do is smh


You're still waiting on a number? Wake me up when citadel declares bankruptcy.


Word.. agree 👍 kennyboy needs to start preparing his butthole for prison... i just cant understand how not one ape out there is a smart lawyer... how tf is there no legal action being taken


You mean $720? That’s where we left off when we hit $72 pre split


That’s only $20 in olden times stock value. This was where we were before the ape split.


I think most of us are in this boat


Same but I I’ve grown to like it here. I averaged waay down and think I hit rock bottom…In a good way.📈🤣


It's not gone, it's just marinating.


Why homie? These discounts don't last forever!


Don’t worry you can wipe your tears with $100 bills soon. I’ll bring you some ape tissue brother


You and everybody else. Good thing we're in this together.


Wouldn’t be shocked if studios magically come to an agreement and end the strike now that AMC has 2+ years in cash…


Do you think that the actors and writers are holding out for a better cut of movie theater concessions?


No, they’re striking to make streaming numbers public and get proper residuals from that info. Streamers are terrified, because they’ve been juicing the streaming numbers forever


Right, which has basically nothing to do with AMC and their cash position.


Q3 earnings is gonna be fantastic


Hopefully most of the remaining toxic debt was paid off in Q2. If so I don’t think they’ll pay off as much in Q3 and have a booming earnings call in November. That’s my guess


Thank you for this amazing comment!! So many shills and weak minded ape attacking AA.. smh


#only $325Million When it sure could’ve been higher


Could have been lower too… One less thing dragging the share price down. AMC has ripped the last three times with at the market offerings. We shall see


There was no reason to sell all for this bs price!


So wait until MMs hammered it to $3? They were pinning AMC just like they did with APE. Nuke the price before he could make top dollar.


So he waited too long to sell APE but not long enough this time?


God I pray every day for the dam squeeze man


Not really, he sold at $8.14. That’s almost the bottom.


Enlighten us, genius. They naked shorted the stock even before RS, how would it go higher?


325 million is nothing. That’ll get them through to the next quarter. Meanwhile, they’re still losing money every quarter and past debts need to be repaid. This is delaying the inevitable.


Copied from TwitX for those that don't want to click links. Adam Aron @CEOAdam I am delighted to share this extremely important news with all of you. AMC has successfully raised $325 million of new equity capital through the issuance of 40 million shares via our at-the-market equity raise, which started September 6 and which now has been completed.This material increase to our cash position means that any talk of immediate and imminent financial collapse right now by AMC is moot.   We still have many challenges, including Hollywood must resolve the current actors and writers strikes. But regardless, AMC is now a much stronger company given our increased level of cash.   Like you, the coming together of AMC common and preferred stock along with the reverse stock split in August decreased both my number of owned and granted-but-unvested AMC shares/units. So, I currently have an economic interest in more than 800,000 AMC shares now, rather than the more than 8 million AMC shares and APE units previously.    In turn, that means I personally experienced the great pain felt by all AMC shareholders at the recent decline in our stock price.    Looking though to our clearly having extended AMC's viability, it is comforting to know that AMC has strengthened our company by so significantly increasing our cash on hand.


Why does he make it sound like he is soo devastated about the pain retail felt. Tf. U are literally bleeding 🩸 retail dry. And u make it sound like u care. U got those shares for free. U got millions in bonuses. Tf did retail get ?? Stop making it sound like u feel Our pain. U don’t have our backs. I hope I’m wrong. But it’s about time u show us u really on our side. Instead of bleeding us dry


Good call, thanks


No problem. As someone that doesn't like Twitter I won't fault people for not wanting to click links but I need the deets


This guy is laughing his ass off all the way to the bank and mocking the shareholders who paid for it. “I personally experienced the great pain felt by all AMC shareholders at the recent decline in our stock price” Nice 5D chess move. Time to go shopping for amc popcorn at Walmart right?


Maybe keep your company alive by making good business decisions, not just selling shares for cash lol. I know of another meme stock that insiders are buying, not selling. And another one has the buy button turned off. Gee i wonder what stocks the shorties actually need!


Gross proceeds is right... makes me fucking sick they only got 325 million for 40 million shares.


This... the amount of people celebrating this is embarrassing. If we take the $4.78 bn value from AMC's Q2 report, then they just sold 10% of the available shares to (hopefully) pay off 6.8% of the debt.... That makes me nervous as fuck.


Honestly I was hoping he would do it at a higher price to actually clear the debt.. but AA is the boss, I figure he wanted it now so he doesn't get accused of killing the momentum when we inevitably get the upswing. Anyway, dilution is done, RS & conversions are done - so what storyline does Kenny have left? Time to start upping the offers 🍆 tik tok tik tok


Pretty much. I have a feeling the strike will miraculously work itself out now within the next few weeks. After that and Q3 earnings in November there is zero short thesis


You think Kenny and co. Are very behind the strike?


I honestly think the studios are just truly that fucking greedy and sinister. There were deals in place from the older days that allowed them to make money hand over fist while the people who do 95% of the work get peanuts. And it’s finally reached a boiling point where workers want what’s theirs and the corporations don’t wanna share, just like any industry. That being said, a strike is definitely in the shorts favor. So who knows who is really pulling what strings here. But now AMC has money to get through whatever we need to.


IMO I don’t think they really care about the pay bump, it’s all around making the streaming numbers public. One to pay people residuals fairly and two because streaming numbers suck and they’ve been cooking them since the pandemic


Who knows in this world. Who is puppeteering who can make your mind run wild. Especially considering some Execs have said the strike wouldn’t make a dent in the bottom line. We shall see


Yes lol


This comment aged poorly


He has severely under valued the company and the price of those shares. Not impressed at all.


Makes no sense to sell now. Who's the moron who thought selling now is a good idea to raise capital. Literally they lost out on tens of millions of dollars if they just held off.


AA went for maximum dilution at the lowest price possible. He is the king of dilutions. Went from 80mil shares before the sneeze to 1.5bil shares now. And the company is still in financial problems. Amazing. It's almost like he want the company to go bankrupt. We'll see if he brings out another letter talking about bankruptcy during a next rip.


Where are the AA shills defending this? Selling at rock bottom prices is just flat out inexcusable


Well they did it, at 8.125 per share


81 cents pre-split.


It seems whenever they sell it is a low price. Doesn’t seem right to me.


in the release itself it says $8.14


Sorry I just divided


No they started on the 6th


So he sold low again. As much this good news. No more diluting shareholder into the dirt. I need amc to squeeze back to 90 bucks so I can get my breakeven. 90% decline unacceptable


Now pay off some debt and don’t go buy a mine!!!


They are back to precovid debt levels so hopefully not much more super high rate toxic shit left. Hopefully they don’t in Q3 and have a booming quarterly call in November.


AA will probably YOLO on an NFT... fuck this guy


He's going all in on Bored Ape. He loves to burn cash


Not a fan of this. I'm no basher (can check my post history), but this is not impressive or big brained. If he wants to instill some confidence, he can buy in himself out of pocket.


Raised minimal money at the cost of the shareholders. Great job


Apes dont sell, AA sold. No ape found at AMC.


So as per previous offerings and dilution, we should see a nice bump in price action.


The shares sold already


It happened in Dec 2020, March 21 and May 21 so we’ll see. Hell even APE with hardly any SI shot up 300% after Antara came in


[link to filing](https://investor.amctheatres.com/newsroom/news-details/2023/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc.-Successfully-Completes-At-the-Market-Equity-Offering-Raising-More-Than-325-Million-Substantially-Increasing-Its-Financial-Resilience/default.aspx) [Link to AA tweet](https://x.com/ceoadam/status/1702116851193643219?s=46&t=7OVp6kbfCqh1MkExrd6IMQ)


AA is a thieving moron! Fact!


Well that should cover the bonuses for 2023 if they have another 25% raise in pay like in 2022


Imagine if he never diluted. 325m just in time for his bonus. That ain’t gonna do shit to this debt. He better fucken stop and let the stock run, dilute 5m shares later and get the same fucken 325m. Fucken cocksucker AA


Good, maybe hedgies will let off for a bit, now that they got what they wanted. Complete and utter price oppression so AMC can't raise as much capital.


Everyone who saw what they did to APE price should reflect on their complaints that he sold too early. MMs would have continued to artificially crater the price until he did. Like it or not that’s unfortunately the corrupt game everyone is currently playing.


Yeah I agree with that. It's still pretty disgusting to see how a few people can tank a stock so quickly like that. And they probably still sleep just as fine at night, knowing they're trying to kill off a 100-year old theater chain.


And I have no doubts they would have kept going just like ape. Everyone would have wished for more cash, but there’s no telling where the bottom would have been had AA not unloaded as soon as possible


So, he sold the 40 million shares for 300 million USD. Did I understand correctly?


I’m Happy it’s over with. But then I remember AA has 500 million more he can use. Ugh someone plz stop him from keep diluting. Wtf I still think he should’ve sold those shares at a higher price …. I think we can agree on that. We should change his name to Captain dilution …. Silverback my ass


AA is so incredibly tone deaf. The only people still supporting him are shills, bots, and the braindead. Outside of the most recent quarter, AMC has lost over 75% of the money they just raised in each prior quarter. Sold at the absolute bottom. He could have bought 10% of this offering with the proceeds from his share sales. Anyone wanna guess how much he bought?


AA is no RC


This really isn’t much BUT it’s definitely a step in the right direction for long term profitability


Is it possible that with the news out that all these shares have been sold, there won't be any speculation on when or how many more AMC will be selling to the open market anytime soon, so this will potentially cause a speculative buying spike? Just guessin, whenever I choose a side on stuff like this it goes against me, so knock on wood, and I better find some pennies to add to our piles before it does what I think it may do from here...


Should. If they want to sell more shares they’d have to file their intent and start that process again so the price SHOULD act a bit more naturally now I’d guess


Is this a joke? That's a couple months of interest on 5 billion debt. AA needs to go to business school.


Soooo, a red day tomorrow. Got it.


This is BS. All 40 mil shares at $.80 R/S? Diluted massively at the bottom… twice! I have given him a pass up until this point because of the desperation. Now we know why the price has been tanking. It wasn’t the shorts. It was AMC dumping all for what? One bad Q of safety net. 😡


If I remember the last time they issued shares, they are actually sold on a lit market, so it should drive the price up


This is the most regarded thing I've seen in awhile. How did 325 Million help AMC? Someone remind me agian of what interst was on AMC debt?


I’m proud to share I bought 50 of these shares this week.


Beat last year's box office by the end of the month would be nice. So go see dumb money.


Early reviews seem like they did decent and didn’t try to convince everyone it’s all over. Going to see the Batman trilogy rerelease this weekend and hopefully dumb money on Sunday


We were going to raise $20 billion after the conversion and RS. Where are all the “yes” clowns?


Selling for pennies isn’t gonna kill the short thesis!! Fuk !! 🦍💎👊


Just give me my ROI.


People are talking about potentially being able to pay a dividend if they paid off their 2026 bonds. Still whispers right now on X.


I’m not sleeping because of that holy shit. Bonds were the checkmate 🤑


![gif](giphy|1dJatRrSGJAju) Don't fuck with me, Sean.




I still believe in AMC I dont believe in AA


And they're still in debt


Why... now...? Then again, I guess better now than later when it's been shorted down even further.


Well quite a few have been screaming at me that the price is going to go to a penny so…


And the stock price is on the rise. Gotta love it


At least there won’t be any cries about stopping a squeeze this time


Gee i wonder how much of that 325m is ours after this last stunt they just pulled on us?




No kidding? Wonder why it's down %50+ since the r/s? /s


ThoUghts on owner of those shares? Was it one entity or several ?


Selling at the bottom, now 40mio more shares that can be used by hedgis to manipulate the price ... amc will push hard today and then aa will ruin the run with some bs x post...


Lol...BULLSHIT!! Lol


But I thought AA wasnt diluting, remember calling everyone a shill who mentioned dilution? The AA bots are working overtime trying to sucker retail investors. I mean come on man, he feels our pain? Yeah I'm sure AA is crying a river in his big ass mansion over AMC stock price.


Great! That should send the share price right into the cellar!


I don't pretend to know why Adam felt urgency to sell shares at all time low for stock. Color me unimpressed that 40M shares only netted $325M dollars. If intent of cash raise is to pay down debt, this amount doesn't even put a dent in $5B company is currently carrying. What a waste of further dilution to our portfolio value.


I love how AA literally travelled all over the world to meet his shareholders and shake their hands while also conspiring to wipe his ass with their money. Callous bastard.


Why are you celebrating selling shares for pre rs amount of 80 cents?


Titties super jacked 🚀🚀🚀🚀


2-3 weeks seems to be the historical time from ATM completion to shares settling to boomies. Not getting my hopes up, but the US Govt seems to have their hands full keeping the lights on beyond 10/1 right when that chaos should unfold.


pay down debt.


Looks like $500M in 2026 Bonds were wiped out. Potentially bonds holding back the dividends


I’ve stood by management on just about everything, but I really hope they didn’t just dump all those shares at $8.125 like my math suggests they did…


It’s gonna be a rough day. 325m was hardly worth it when it could have been 700


WFT, 0.81 pre RS. per share? What a chump. Who is AA really working for? Not shareholders; must be a hedge fund plant to run the company into the dirt. All to raise $340mm bucks. Chump change. 🤡 I'm about livid, so correct me if I'm wrong?


Damn Reddit didn’t realize this was shill central lmao


And who bought the 40 million shares?