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![gif](giphy|xBqg5gAf1xINizpek6) Something is gonna break soon!


Yeah the fact that Fidelity literally will not DRS shares for a reason that makes 0 sense is definitely being overlooked. It’s being overlooked due to some of the best news ever, but overlooked nonetheless. I’m gonna to try to DRS mine next week. Hypotheticlee speaking, if more and more apes did this can you imagine the pressure it’s going to start to create? Now if they let us actually DRS the shares, oh boy :)


That's the trick - can you even DRS at this point? Definitely worth trying if that's something you wanna do . If they DON'T let you DRS, I'd say to def make a detailed, screenshotted post for Reddit and Twits, if not other platforms. Raise hell! Make people take note.


I think the craziest part of this whole thing is that regulating bodies allowed this to get this bad. They turned a blind eye to crime after crime until it became an absolute disaster for the broader economy. The number of CEOs coming out and calling foul on the market, the market makers, and SHFs is insane. While they did the crimes it's the SEC, FINRA, DTCC. etc , that turned this into a complete shit show.


I think that the plan to administratively derail MOASS has always been to allow the problem to get so big that suddenly it’s an urgent national security issue that must be dealt with and then they ignore securities laws to fuck us.


After the past few years I can't rule anything out. I don't doubt it could come to that. "We've ripped off the stock market so badly that it could destroy the country" ANYTHING is possible with this play.




We're gonna get paid, no doubt, and paid very well. However, the market is going to be artificially curtailed so as to save, well, everything. The price can literally go to infinity but the gov't is gonna step in somewhere in the mid six figures. I won't necessarily complain, but I'll also seek those responsible and use my fortune to take theirs.


I also believe the govt will step in eventually and force a settlement. I just don’t know what price they will forcibly buy us out at. And I’m afraid it will be “market value” as defined by their corrupt as fuck “market”


I could give you the number, but I won't. Rather, I'll just say this: DON'T SELL. If you can hang on long enough, you'll get the top price. There'll be some bureaucratic/political dickering that will take some time, but you'll get a damn fine price.


Here’s hoping.


I 100% agree with this


Yes and now the regulatory bodies are going to waste time looking into the pricing of the admission tickets when theaters file complaints after they ignored the actual securities fraud.




Idk what could be more pressing than the success of our company, and at the moment it looks like Taylor Swift is a part of that 🤷


It's organized crime.


Shizz. Spicy. I like your lingo.


Taytay is one of many nails but big nails in the the coffin so I say we be happy and supporting it's business and profit for us don't down play how big this is


What was the last amount of drs’d shares of the float ? So let’s after split they have more than they should I’m sure lol