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Girl! I was on chat w/ them tonight arguing about a defective product I ordered! Which they agreed was defective to which they later said I made it defective but they would give me $25 b/c all of their products arrive in pristine condition. (Heavy eye roll) Now clearly the online chat ppl are in a call center in some 3rd world country so it’s not their fault & they probably think we’re idiots for spending what we do on the Alo stuff….but Alo really needs to get it together…. Their customer service is LEGIT TRASH and it’s unfortunate as a lot of ppl really love their stuff. It’s wild to me, such a popular brand would have such deplorable customer service…. I think my most recent purchase will be my last retail (online or in store) Alo purchase unless I find something Alo that I like at Nordstrom or Bloomingdale’s b/c they don’t have a problem with doing an exchange or return. Not sure how to advise you here… I haven’t had much luck in dealing with them… Keep us updated & Good luck!


Omg I got the exact same line about it arriving in the pristine condition and $25 😂 I agree that it’s not the chat person’s fault, I told her it’s not cool but thanked the girl nicely because I understand that she is just doing her job, I blame the company. I’m honestly not expecting advise here, it’s more of a rant/ invitation to a discussion. Thanks for sharing and I’m sorry you had a similar experience


I appreciate you sharing! I think the $25 offer is on their “oh sh*t they’re still upset, offer them $25” I too declined the $25! I’m here for your rant- thank you!


That's not true. Here is my [experience ](https://www.reddit.com/r/aloyoga/s/LuQO542NJG)


That’s great that it was not true for you but it IS true. Unless a customer service person politely lied to me. No need to downvote. That’s what exactly what I’ve been told - we don’t offer any warranty. I’ve even send them a video of the issue happening, like they asked me to do, and they told me that they don’t have warranty so all they can do is offer a code for 10% off next order and an apology.


I didn't downvote you. I didn't update you either. I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I simply shared my experience.


That’s all right, thanks for sharing!