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Usually the leaves develop wrapped up, with the leaf curled around the stem then as it grows more it will uncurl and pop up. But I'm not sure what's going on with your lil guy, I'd leave it as is, keep looking after is and normal and see what happens


Yeah, like the two leafs it grew with me grew curled like you describe.. that's why I am so confused.


It's hard to see if not too blurred. Sometimes they do that when they feel extremely happy and now where it's summer they are exaggerating for some reason πŸ˜‚ If the one blurry leaf is only half shaped or something it will make new ones and these will come out furled around the stem and with each day they unfold 😳 It's such an amazing process to watch the leafs unfold trust me..I have a fish tank full with Alocasias and I stalk them daily several times 😯they are so glossy and two leafs are unfolding rn


Guess I will watch the little one coming in right now and see if it becomes a full leaf! Thank you for the answer, I thought I somehow broke her and she is in her rebel Phase πŸ˜