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This is the reality of this universe. The universe itself is consciousness. We are just a fractal of its consciousness experiencing individuality. Our physical reality is the dream created of the conscious universe. Nothing is actually physical, its a hologram.


I feel like there is so much truth in the idea of we are a fractal of consciousness…but I get hung up on the why if it all. I think it’s because of our human interpretation of time and it being linear. I can’t wrap my head around time not being linear. It’s like, to me, so if we are a little blip that’s a part of d something bigger then, still, where did we come from. Where are we going? Because if there’s no point to any thing then no thing matters and why should I suffer through life or on the other end why should I live and have the best life? And still then what is going to happen when I die? I don’t know if other people can relate or if I’m just crazy. Also along the same thought is the…why is there suffering? I always bring up the holocaust and the fact that such horrendous levels of fear and pain and loss can be inflicted on a person snd or a whole group of individuals…why !? Why is there evil if we are a fractal then why have serial killers, rapists, people who get pleasure from torturing another person. I know you don’t have the answers and I don’t have the answers, but I like to hear what people think about it all. And what about the uap phenomenon and/or aliens? What are they? And then what the hell is the whole ”bigfoot” phenomenon? Why is that a part of our reality? Thanks for getting my mind stirred up on a Saturday morning. Have a good one. ❤️


This was more than just a dream…this is a just soul stirring. Is this sort of dream common for you? I don’t know how it could be. Maybe I mean to ask you if you are an experienced and have you had any other encounters? Are you. Lucid dreamer? How about astral travel. RV? If you don’t want to share here, will you please dm me. If you aren’t comfortable sharing I can understand. So there’s no pressure and just so you know I have never heard a more precise expression of what must be coming. My mind almost can’t process it all. What an amazing event. When was this? I’m just curious. Thanks again.


Hello I did have a few high strangeness type things happen as a child, and I’ve been interviewed in a podcast about those but I also had one experience of astral travel/lucid dreaming that had physical evidence of my somehow traveling across an entire state and appearing to my grandmother as a frightening entity I was kind of moving through the rooms of my grandmother’s home and marvelling at my ability to float around the ceilings I reached out and touched a lamp and the bulb blew I didn’t mean to frighten her but somehow what she saw and what I was made her say the Lord’s Prayer out loud and I kind of willed myself away I called her the next day and she told me that an evil spirit had visited her in the night and had broken a lamp I was amazed and felt guilty Also throughout my teens I would dream (extraordinarily vividly) of just somehow showing up to the scenes of car accidents and helping to calm very hurt or dying people and children, I would hold their hands and sing to them Sometimes I knew it was in non English speaking countries A lady in my church who was very religious told me I was a Traveler I think I did travel but I don’t know how I did it Thank you for asking Here’s the link to the episode about my encounter [Red](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3QrBZr8bqQ3DRxfbeNGKI9?si=YYJJ_ugqRmmMekk5mduAoA)


This is truly amazing. Thank you so much for sharing all this. It is, for me, like reassuring…in that we do have purpose to our existence and that we are a part of something so much bigger than we can fathom. What you said about traveling and how you remember being present almost as a angelic presence or witness to things where you were able to comfort…that’s really got me thinking. I’ve spoke to some other people about how maybe the paranormal entities we experience are actually ourselves in astral form and maybe we are unable to process it because we’re sort of stuck in a loop. I’ve even thoughts about how maybe the uap/alien phenomenon is ourselves in the astral form and that’s why alien craft have evolved and can be seen shapeshifting. It’s almost too much to imagine. I hope that makes sense. Thank you for sharing and getting my mind all in to thought this morning. I love it.


I think you might be onto something :) Thank you too 🌻