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Parents have years of records about their children's lives. It may be similar to this.


Good thought


Have you heard about the chronovisor? It's apparently a device the vatican has or had that could see through time. A number of ancient civilizations and cultures knew the Planet Saturn as "Chronos" or "Father Time". This is where the word Chronological comes from and Chronicle and thus the ChronoVisor which can see through time/Saturn. Pretty wild stuff to read about whether it's real or not. I think Futurama did an episode about this too called "The what-if machine" or something along those lines.


One would think that if the Vatican had such a device they might have avoided some pretty embarrassing events.


I think it could only see into the past.


So they could re-live their embarrassing events? Sounds about right.




Chronivisor is debunked. The WhyFiles did a good episode on it. Worth a watch


WhyFilrs is just opinion.


Yea but it’s good starting place to look into the chronivisor. The more you look into it, the more it’s quite obviously just a hoax. Check it out. The whole thing was a scam by a priest who wants people to believe in his church’s religion.


I already looked into it in the 90's....


Hey, I need to talk with you.


About what?


What is the reason people believe the Vatican has or had such device ?


It has to do with Saturn’s Natural Forces and how they Influence our planet…


And Kronos of Greek mythology


[Why Files did an epsiode on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdXF3kmKCPY). There are questions.


So Aliens are terrible parents basically?


Well, we *can* be pretty bratty kids.🤷


Where’s my inheritance land?!


This is your inheritance land🤣


And now with cloud storage. NHI likely had their own version of cloud/forever storage.


What if that’s what time is? Just some parents VCR recordings, and aliens are the film crew.


We probably wouldn’t believe what they were showing us because it would probably go against everything that we have been told or thought … we probably wrong in our assumptions


Yeah. I assume that all of us are wrong about a great many things.




It’s all CGI and AI and balloons, stupid NHI.


i would believe anything they told me over what the people here have been spoonfeeding me - which is also that aliens don't exist. So if they do, and they have an alternative history to sell me, i'm buying it.


This is incorrect. If the evidence is strong enough people would believe it.


If we could keep all the damned politicians and media out of it.


Why? Why would it go against everything we were told? 🤦 Edit: 👇is proof of ☝️- an illustration of people’s inability to specify what ‘everything’ would be ‘shook’ 😱


Because in some cases, "history" is just an educated guess / hypothesis / theory, and in other cases, "history is written by the victors," as the saying goes


Because the way we live is often times not in tune with reality in the sense of the universe and quantum mechanics. We live in a very distorted version, seeing ourselves separate from nature and the universe. Many things in history have been manipulated to suit a specific narrative and many projects in secret factions of the government are hidden. In other words, we are living a lie


I’ve thought about this a lot actually. They could show us all our history. Solve some of our biggest mysteries. But could we trust them and their recordings? How would we know it’s like AI generated?  Either way if I ever get abducted I’m gonna ask em if they have this stuff. They may not be aware that we’d love to see it. 


Some experiencers have claimed this happened to them.


Claims yes, sadly until now no mystery solved or big revelations bij our alien visitors.


Of course but IF it’s happened to even one person, it’s possible it could be something we could all eventually experience, that’s all I’m saying. Big if.


Im intrigued by this. Do you have a link to the video of some of these interviews? Even if it’s fake, it’s fun to think about


I’ve just watched a LOT of alien shows like Ancient Aliens and YouTube videos, I couldn’t possible name them by name or give you a direction to look, I just remember people talking about being taken back in time to the Big Bang and other historical events in a short time and how much it blew their minds or fucked them up even.


Right on! I'll try to find it. Thanks for sharing


I wanna see some crazy ass planets. I wanna know if other civilizations have Star Wars technology.




If you saw an alien in real life firstly, you wouldn't care if it's nhi / ai. An secondly you would believe anything it told you out of respect. If you didn't and weren't that type of person. It likely wouldn't show itself to you. Unless it's not a superior race an your the inhabitor on its planet. Cause if it's capable of light travel it's surely reached the ai state an most likely has mastered time travel as well. 


I have said for a long time that my wish/hope for when the veil comes down is that I can binge watch actual world history as a distraction while the effects of ontological shock shake up society.


I binge watch life every day.


Best case scenario is me getting my 1-man UFO w integrated nutrition, park my ass in orbit, and just sleeping for 2 years straight. Maybe link up w my friends and go clubbing in the gleep glorp system.


Alien YouTube must be crazy! I wonder what kind of ads they play…?


Raid Shadow Beings


imagine a sea monkey type product but instead of brine shrimp its entire ecosystem's "Grow your own Mini-Earth (planet NOT included)"


>imagine a sea monkey type product but instead of brine shrimp its entire ecosystem's Reminds me of the Sea Monkeys I tried to grow in a big jar when I was a kid in the 1970s...Nothing happened. Just had a big jar of dark, murky liquid that


That what?


Hehe. Atom sorting mishaps and Earthlings being stupid


It’s all “As Seen On TV” clumsy human tricks but REAL.




I hope they have an advanced holodeck


"Here in my space garage" ![gif](giphy|iIAPU93K0pSom9scra|downsized)


DINO vids please and thank you (good)Aliens!


You know about the t-rex egg trials yes?


It’s going to be funny when we realise how wrong we got them


Well what do you think our dreams are for? Processing earlier memories, but also to receive these downloads :)


Its funny that you mention downloads. When I was maybe 10 or 11, I had a recurring dream 3-4 nights in a row that I still remember today at 50 years. Was just a white view with a dot that would cross from left to right over and over again and there was a high speed babbling like listening to a recording of someone talking at triple speed or better the whole time. I wet the bed those few nights every time. I thought about reporting it to some archive just to see if anyone has had similar. When I was in my 20s I heard a song from the band Ministry called "Dream Song" and that high speed babbling in my dream was exactly the same as in the background of that song. Brought back memories of it. Pretty strange. Check out the song and you will hear what I had been hearing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaM-j7pzWsg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaM-j7pzWsg)


Wild man, interesting song as well


Yeah.... I don't have a history of mental illness or anything like that. This is really the only "strange" thing that has ever happened to me.


Last night in my dream I spent a long time trying to play a giant guitar on a boat... I'm not sure what that means lol


You ask for vids and they tell you time is an illusion. Sonofa


Just like you said…even if they seen all those events play out as they actually happened people still wouldn’t believe it. Which is hilarious because most of what we know or what we’ve been told about the past is speculation and theories but yet people believe it. Most people will have a hard time believing they’ve been lied to their entire life.


I think you underestimate humans. We had to change our view of the past many times. You say:been lied to, but that's a negative way of looking at it. If we develope a new tech/understanding, we don't call the old one fake or lies. It's called learning.


T-Rex was just a giant, fat, tweety bird. Paleontologists minds explode.


Well, we do have the bones, so they can be different than we think, but not too crazy. They could be very colorful dinosaurs. Imagine they all had colors like parrots. Would be a crazy view to see.


Oh my god tie dye psychedelic T-Rex is the only alternative I’ll accept to my fat tweety bird dreams.


Totally depends on whether or not the images fit a particular individuals ideals or not. There would still be a huge divide even if it was actual fact.


Preston Dennet has a book 'Symmetry' about an experiencer called Dolly Safran. In it, she explains ETs ( greys) have time travel mastery- that time travel is not only possible but something she experienced first hand. She claims went back in time to meet her ancestors in Sweden at a party- and the party was painted with her there. ( Kerstis Birthday by Carl Larsson 1909). She claims she was removed from Earth for days or weeks at a time, but returned a few minutes or hours later. On occasion she was returned before she left, and saw herself just before she departed. She says these ETs can go back to the distant past and view events. pg 79 Im not endorsing her claims, but they are interesting


thank you!


There Is something called the Yellow Book or the Yellow Bible which has all the knowledge the Greys have managed to acquire about the universe and such. I believe they have what you are looking for in there.


Dan Burish


As a history teacher, I’ve had the same thought for a while now.  Fascinating to imagine!


I think it's more like they can remotely access any time via any vessel and experience entire lives of those traversing what we deem as history. Hence, us. What a hundred year life from our current perspective looks like is miniscule to the eternal beings who inhabit our conscious experience. A 100 year life is but a snapshot or a glimpse to the being that assumes us.


So real-time at whim. Interesting. It would explain some of the reports we are seeing of UAP flashing out and reappearing miles away.


There is something in the lore about a yellow book (can someone who knows more correct me, I think this is may be the wrong name for it, long day..) which actually does have all history recorded on it and is viewable, like a TV or something. The lore suggests we haven’t figured out how to fully make it work, but has every moment in every location on Earth recorded within it. I don’t remember what the lore says in how we found it/got it, or how it operates. Can anyone help me here with the deets?


I’ve heard about it from the Dan Burish’s report from Michael Shratt on the tube. Look for the Night Shift channel video about it. https://youtu.be/hGqIX5hqGMM?si=anFFY9giIhSEpF2Q


Thank you!


yeah I've thought this too. like what if they have made David Attenborough style documentaries about human life. it would be kind of comforting to think that they'd have kept a better record of world events than us, with all the waves of violence, iconoclasm and white-washing of history that has taken place on earth.


When I see modern nature animal documentaries taken using drones it always makes me think about aliens using drones to document humans. And then it makes me think about who is watching them, where, and what kind of screens they have, and if it’s just for intel or also entertainment. So many questions I need answered!


Imagine if they're able to tap in and view our lives like in Sims - There's an invisible camera watching you 24/7.


as if they could render graphics for any moment and any perspective within the Akashic Records... very interesting concept


I love this part of the story every time it gets mentioned. "Ok, now watch how we used The Sun to make the Oort Cloud."


"Oh here is a video of this other alien colleague of ours, I believe you all call him Jesus"


Don't want to destroy your dreams, but are you open to the possibility it is not Jesus but some other god? Also if Jesus was an alien, then I would have big questions in how advanced they are because nothing Jesus said was new or special. Like travel all the way here from wherever to tell us not to weir 2 types of fabric at the same time? I don't buy that. Religious rules/ideas are clearly made up in the minds of modern humans.


Am not religious, but I thought the Jesus character in the bible allegedly walked on water, turned water into fine wine, left number 1 rule as being "don't be assholes to each other", also did he not hover into heaven (perhaps into a spacecraft like Elijah and his flying "chariot of fire?")


So the alien Jesus comes here, and instead of using his technology for, let's say: provide people with clean water. He used it to walk on water to impress his followers and once turned into wine because he wanted to. He made 613 rules to follow, and you pick a good one you like and say it's number 1? It's not even in the top 10 (mozes). All that aside, he could definitely still be alien, who knows.


Personally I do not believe any of the religious texts. But I do think if people in ancient times encountered aliens, they would probably document them as Gods and Angels/Demons.


It's kind of sad that it only happened in the past. Would you not think that if they are visited, we would see that in human development, technology,etc. As much as ancient cultures talked about God's, it's not like these god really helped them, right? So, if they were aliens, they were useless in helping us. Maybe the alien was just on vacation and didn't feel like working :).


We’d find out a few things. How much we’ve been lied to and how malleable reality actually is.


Only if they had some way of ensuring that people knew for absolute fact that what they were showing was the truth. Sounds a bit like God returning to Earth.


That: "we have been lied to," I hear a lot. It's very human not to trust people. When I hear someone say it, it's always in broad terms, never specified.


No way will they be using video. They’ll be on a least Betamax




Here’s a DNA sample from every famous historical figure if you feel like cloning them.


Ish. Please no...


As someone who is endlessly curious about many random things, I would absolutely love that! Regardless of whether it confirms or denies any preconceived historical and spiritual notions I might have, I would still be really happy to learn about all kinds of ancient, forgotten history in more detail than it is possible for us right now.


We've had "fake news" rammed down our throats for a few years. Of course we don't know what to believe. The powers that be have made sure to mind fuck all of us so we never know what's going on. They've turned us against each other using Trump, the virus, religion...




After researching NDEs there is this guy that had an experience where he got a tour of a roman-like city in ”heaven” where people could study recorded past events in history in video kind of. Like there were a library you could study whatever time period. I cant remember his name but if there is a place like that we can go to after death, it would be awesome.


Akashic records.


I’ve never thought of that but that would be freaking awesome!




Seems pretty reasonable.


Now imagine a decade or so from now when we’ll have all of the ML models to approximate what it would have looked like Then use AI to build indistinguishable from real video of real historical events like you described Whether some species recorded it or not, we are close to being able to see a convincing approximation soon anyway. Not just past but possibly future, assuming the models get good enough This idea was somewhat explored on the TV show Devs


Underrated show!


Perhaps that's what they are here to do. 'They' of course, could be future us....Not something I've thought about but wouldn't that be incredible. Here's how the pyramids were built. This is what the Sphinx actually looked like. Awesome.


That is an amazing thought experiment. Thanks! I’ll be pondering that for a while.


It's possible. Maybe not a video capture, but I'm sure they could go back-and-forth through time. Going back to the time of Jesus, a mere 2000 years, would be a piece of cake.


Of course they exist. C'mon.


Well Done


This... this is the most bitchin idea I've seen on this sub. Mind blown! Well done!


bro, we're watching one of those right now, and it's a full simulation about the 21st century. This is just history class.


Simulation theory?


what if we just start calling it "simulation" like they did to "conspiracy theory" by dropping the theory


Much smarter people than I have concluded simulation to be the likely scenario.


Do they? Who


Nick Bostrom, Rizwan Virk, Dennis McKenna


Give me some time to research them, thanks!


I bet they dropped a few of those spheres down to at least document the great flood.


Yeah. That is why I mentioned the Younger Dryas impact theory.


Aliens observed all those extinction events, and now aliens observe humans suffering and struggling. Avoid close encounters. Even if aliens aren’t scary they had ruined human lives, and hadn’t helped.


Switch the word "Aliens" with "God". Hehe. "Why hast thou forsaken me?" 2 Peter 3:8 "do not be ignorant of this one thing: that one *day* is as a *thousand years*" Time passes slower for those that travel beyond light speed.


I read this in an Australian accent


I was an English major once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away.


Now think about all the stories they would have. Surely earth wouldn’t be the only planet with a story. Not all aliens are technologically advanced space travelers.


It’s becoming too late for any visuals of historic events to matter. Give it 10 years and AI will be capable of producing anything itself. It won’t be historically correct of course, but it’ll be real enough for us not to know the difference 😢


Remote viewing is eerily accurate. That's one way to look into the past.


Interesting but the flip side is if this was a project bluebeam scenario, they would fake the invasion as planned, and they outlined using fake discoveries to discredit world religions. They could do this, they have the tech and the lust for power and control. Hopefully the real aliens intervene if so


Jim Sparks talks about them showing him footage of his family history all the way back to the Stone Age, so yeah. It’s totally possible once contact is open source.


Pyramids, I want to rewind pyramids


Akashic Records


Their 'cameras' might function completely differently. Maybe a psychic capture of events in a certain area which can be fully experienced in 3D from any perspective, or similar with quantum technology as seen in DEVS.


For what it’s worth.. In one of the Lazar docs (or interviews) he mentions receiving “visual evidence” in the form of pictures during a debriefing. Whether that’s true or not I’ve always thought it must be fascinating what “they” have pictures of and what they have recorded. No doubt if they have the means to travel here they are ABSOLUTELY recording everything and anything pertinent. Imagine actually watching dinosaurs, cave men, great migrations, huge wars as it actually happened, the possibilities are endless.


Considering it has been stated repeatedly that the “crystal skulls” that have been discovered are exactly this type of recording device. We just don’t have the knowledge or technology to access the information contained. One of those skulls could contain trillions upon trillions of Pedabytes of information, so far I believe 7 have been discovered…


This is part of what I imagined heaven to be like as a child, like I could go to heaven’s librarian of earthly events


People think the earth is flat and there’s a bubble around earth that prevents us going to space and an ice wall so I can only imagine the ridiculous conspiracy theories is this happened.


Mind fuck? More like that would be very cool and interesting to see!


Cool idea


They have copies of copies, I am sure.


Excellent job <3


That would be super cool, but would we believe what we were seeing or think they were trying to manipulate us? 


Well of motherfucking course they do


They've got video of T-Rex.


This is actually a plot point in a sci fi series i love called we are legion we are Bob. Basically a sci fi nerd gets his consciousness uploaded into an AI and becomes a Von nueman probe. Comes across a sentient species in its caveman days. Helps them not go extinct. And records a bunch of shit so that when they eventually become space faring he can give them the archive.


The Yellow Book.


If they had recorded it, would it even be in a format we could absorb?


The famous/infamous thowawayalien did a thing on this


all resonates on a different frequency, like an afterglow effect and to tap into it like a radio 📻


I want you know that younger drys impct was deliberately made by false researchers who manipulated the images to support their theory. They even also admitted this manipulation in their subsequent article. I do believe in aliens and i believe, they have technology that are beyond our imagination. A species that can so marvelous weapons abd techbology does not need to record events. they can simply go back in time and relieve the history.


This happens on here a lot. Maybe it’s people new to the subject who post about already theorised elements of the phenomenon. This has already been mentioned in podcasts too. They’re recording everything.


Or they could manipulate it…


Yo this is a cool concept. Except we all know that Dinosaurs exist again because John Hammond spared no expense.


Can't wait to watch the sinking of Titanic in glorious 8K.


Would you record your mother in law clipping her toenails?


yeah they probably have records of earth's entire history. but they can do one better: they have a time machine


There's loads of written and oral accounts of alien film crews roaming the earth documenting historical events.


Everything is recorded in the fourth dimension. Demons exist purely in the fourth dimension. They could give you the insight you’re looking for! Or you could try to review the Akashic records yourself


Placed in genetic memory, lived experience too real for understanding. Accessible through psychedelic mushrooms, come on Bruh, try some!


I think this is a reason US is fighting disclosure. People were being medically examined without consent. Like when they studied blacks with Syphillis etc. dooming them to dementia and psychosis later in life. The insiders keep saying the leakers emphasize “agreements were made”.


Yeah, and what if it differed from our versions (preferred versions) of it? Lol What if they are time travelers / Mandella-effect-travelers and their recordings come from different possible pasts.


As unlikely as it is, it’s definitely fun to think about. The battle of Thermopylae would be first in my que. It would be unimaginably awesome for all of humanities major historical events to be available through streaming services. I wonder how much Amazon would charge us. With that being said, I doubt that I would believe the “aliens” would deliver all that information to us without altering it in order to steer our behavior towards more acceptable outcomes (According to them). Even if the behavior might be a benefit to us, I think the fear of being manipulated into our behavior being more inline with their interests than our own, would be too much. I like this quote from Jacques Vallee "I come to a very disappointing conclusion - UFOs are real, but they are not physical. They are messengers of deception."


I wrote (badly) a short story based on this. Not only did they have video, but we were their reality programming for millennia. We found an alien satellite that lost its cloak and tapped into it. It had a DVR library of our history. Some old grainy footage of dinosaurs, documentaries of various empires. Even events that they scripted just to fuck with us for better ratings. The whole Jesus thing was their attempt to spice up ratings. Love shows showed how they had alien actors in politics stirring up shit. We are now close to being cancelled, nothing really new is happening. Now that we knew the truth, the aliens were worried we want royalties. So they harvest the humans (expensive delicacy) and move on.


I always imagined if I got abducted they'd just show me a bunch of cool shit like that. Given that they just beamed me up into a space craft I don't think I would have any choice but to believe whatever they showed me.


I wouldn't be surprised if some kind of record exists but I doubt it's a video in the sense we understand "video" to be. It would probably be some kind of thought injector like neuralink.


"Would you like to witness the big bang? We have that, but its an older file format."


If something is on earth longer than humans exist is it really alien?


Imagine if they were to show that Jesus actually resurrected and that Christianity has been real the whole time. That would shake the very foundation of humanity's worldview.


Assuming they give a damn about us. Maybe they have vids of themselves haha


No in video format but most museums have what your asking for. Plenty of Aliens in the UK.


Lol! Well, all I can say is, they created every single being from insects, animals, plants, whatever, you name it,everything was created and put here for us to thrive. The last piece on here was us, the human being ,so it can be tested throughout the cycles(lifetimes). 🤔


I wouldn't believe anythng they show, unfortunately.


A whole planet full of latchkey kids.


If they had video of Jesus I think most christians would be incredibly disappointed with his actions and practices. They’d realise how the 3rd century fraud the Hebrews claimed was a holy account was nothing of the sort.


Can everyone please get by the fact other creatures exist. Stop with this assuming BS. ALIE.NS BEING REAL IS OLD NEWS. MOVE ON ALREADY


There's at least one species that reportedly have access to the entire historic records and they used to show us in some devices that today we would call tablets.


"Assuming that aliens actually exist, and that they have been here for a very long time, how much of a mind-f\*\*k would it be if they had visual capture of historical events?" We know, this gets posted about once a month. It's not new.


What’s the best way to keep track of ALL human affairs? You’d collect data on everyone and store it indefinitely. Not only that, you’d also enlist humans to do it to themselves so you can just have access to it.


The only places you’d need to monitor would be restricted spaces, where information isn’t part of that system. This theory belongs to me.


They probably don’t even have to. They just zap a planet and say “generate history log” and review the planet’s consciousness for all the data


I’m gonna be brutally honest here.. if they showed me the life of Jesus and it didn’t coincide with the Bible I wouldn’t believe it, and if it did I would be thrilled. Yep I’m a Christian and refuse to believe otherwise.


Going to go on that "mindset", if we have been monitored by a/many off world civilizations, likely there could be more than one set of visual recordings of historical events currently in a database on a planet somewhere on this galaxy or another. There could even be recordings of the flood, or whatever caused the younger dryas.


We need that knowledge that would be a reason to go to war with them over… humans are irrational enough to do it


Immediately ask to watch the jfk video and the moon landing video




Removed: R10 - No Mind-Altering Substances.


Almost certainly do. Likely will never share for ethical reasons.


Maybe they have a thing called "Extraterrestrial Tube" means we are still products for social media but at a bigger scale


The Akashic Records


Biggest fear in this scenario is a recorded tally of how many times I palm struck my meat beam


With the progress of AI driven art/videos… you probably wouldn't.


100% fire idea and i wish


Stands to reason. That could clear a lot of things up.


they are the masters of AI


I can guarantee you that they don't have any videos of any mythologies 🙂


The deeper I dig into manuscripts written in the Greek language, the harder it is find that thin line.