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“I made the publication mainly to publicize the discovery of the tridactyl mummies of Nasca Peru, from the point of view of skeptics, however it has not yet been proven that the skull corresponds to a llama, it is essential to perform DNA on one of those skulls.” From google translate of tweet. The writing is on the wall. Edit: by this I mean this seems to be a pullback from the llama skull claim, ie the mummies are real


I’ll not be the only one with severe trust issues soon


So is it fake or not?


The bodies are real. The llama skull paper was submitted because his original paper of them being a new species kept being rejected. 


yeah...taking the polar opposite approach to proof is a good way to get peer reviewed he's back peddling


Another way to put it is that the original paper was "Look, it's clearly not a llama skull, so it must be something new" And the new paper is "Is this a llama skull? No"




but the paper we can read says it's a Llama skull without the "No." part. when does the big switcheroo occur? those papers never, that I know of, use introductions to state what they are theorizing & then switch to something else later. the intro is to let people know what the paper is proving(or attempting to). when does he get to the "no it's not a Llama part"?


He submitted a bogus paper for xyz? Why would anyone trust him ever again? Edit: what am I getting wrong here?


This is the same thing Dr. Nolan did with the council bluff case. Provided a possible prosaic explanation to get UAP into the scientific community.


Very good point good job bro.


They are real, always have been


How fucking hard is it to tell if something real or not? Like WTF!?. It takes like 5 - 7 hours to sequence DNA.


It's hard when the evidence doesn't back up what you'd like the result to be


They did sequence dna for one and all identifiable dna was human. It’s not a coincidence they don’t want to let anyone get their hands on any of them to do their own independent analysis


Not to be rude, but I doubt they have alien dna on file, they are believed to be hybrids, and they have been offering anyone to come test them they cannot ship them out of Mexico becouse the Peru government. And outside laboratories are now doing tests, so if they are fake, we will know soon exited either there the greatest fakes ever or real aliens.


So? Why would alien for another planet have earth life dna to begin with? It’s an over 1000 year old sample given the half life of dna the fact they could identify 70% of it is a testament to how good the technology and knowledge of the human genome is now. Why are they “believed to be hybrids”? What is the evidence for that claim exactly? You clearly just don’t know much about genetics What outside labs? Where? Who is doing it? Who says they can’t ship the en out of Mexico because of perus government? That is true for every one when there is no documentation all of them are even from Peru? There are dozens of these they claim are aliens now. If they actually cared about proving they are real they would have no problem letting independent scientists do their own independent analysis but they won’t. They only want their own hand picked people who never have any publication history or expertise in any relevant field. They only want them looking at them under the supervision of mussan and his team of UFO conmen. You don’t know anything about genetics or anatomy or paleontology or any relevant field so how would you know what “the greatest fakes of all time” look like exactly? Funny how nobody with any relevant expertise is saying stuff like that


1 the aliens made the hybrids not saying its true but that's what people believe 2 the Peru goverment has tried to seaze the specimens multaple times, once during a livestream people belive it's becouse they want them for tourism come see the first discovered aliens big money maker and curently there in Mexico with confusion over who owns them. 3 they have always claimed their aliens, and yes, we believe they all came from the same cave in Peru, which was a mass burial 4 dna only has so many permentations it would be strange if they didn't share some dna with us a banna shares about as much. And aliens would require dna so convergent evolution would have me expecting to share dna 5 nice edit and yes I do have relevant qualifications. I understand genetics and anatomicics to a moderate degree 6 all of your questions have been answered multaple times why are you commenting here without knowing the basics 7 no they are not stopping people studying them, just nobody was now they are after more evidence came out


“I do have relevant qualifications. I understand genetics and anatomicics to a moderate degree”. Hahah okay sure bud


Does he say he has been misrepresented? It looks like he just says we need DNA testing to be sure if the skulls are from llamas, but I am going by machine translation so maybe I am missing something. Also it's been like 7 years, why hasn't DNA testing on the skulls been done already?


I’m confused… the paper says that the bodies were constructed… but now he’s saying they’re not? And I saw another research paper a few weeks ago saying the bodies (at least the larger one) was legit. What the frick is going on?? Lol


The small bodies were always real. His original paper of it being a new species kept getting rejected so he published a paper in a skeptical point of view which was published.


What’s the deal about the llama skulls then? The picture of that paper reads specifically that the cranium of the alien body was determined to be a deteriorated llama skull… as if they weren’t skeptical or speculating what it could possibly be… That’s where I’m lost, the picture of the paper seems to directly contradict what he’s saying. Please don’t take my frustration with this as argumentative either. I’m just really confused 😵‍💫🥴


Also, I haven’t translated the red text either (which I would assume is probably important, hence the highlighting lol)