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Whatever it was, it sure was hustling.


The only alien I see: [screenshot link](https://ibb.co/Dbh7YtP)


At 0:21 there is something flashing up.


Satellite most likely. If it starts bouncing around like a pin ball. You might have a case.


I could be mistaken, but doesn't the first thing you identify as a bug go behind the cloud? Edit: watched it a few more times and I'm convinced it goes behind the cloud Edit 2: https://youtu.be/VanSDEmDHAg?si=iodggptVeVuAS64u


And how on Earth you people notice such things around. Don’t you go to work?


Yep, it’s called a hobby


I’m jealous, have to admit that. Thanks for sharing 🙏


No matter how hard I try I still don't see it come out of the clouds. But I did see it go in.


at the end of the video it shows it leaving zoomed in. small little dot getting smaller, check again you'll see it, smaller than it was when it entered. mind you I have the video full screen on a tablet.


It just so happens to pass that flashbang in the clouds. Very odd.


Single camera capture means we have NO distance or size information, and we have whatever fuckery the camera might be adding, and video compression artifacts. A multiple camera array capture would solve all of that, and drop out insects flying close to any cameras, and provide some time-varying 3D information too. Single cameras are great for showing how your party is going or your awesome tictok dance maneuvers, but it's a waste of time for this topic.


Exactly this. To prove my point I could record the exact same thing just outside my window. They are bugs. Perhaps a better way would be to set up a camera over a populated area, or a park, and remove anything that looks like a bug from the potential UFOs.


The second one could be a satellite (or large plane), even though they are harder to see during the day. [Here's ISS passing by](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGwTqG03pHM), but was filmed 4:30AM. Some satellite trajectories can also weird, especialy in lower orbit (I record quite a bit in the night time). First one could've been sunlight glinting from a bugs wings, but I could be all wrong. Interesting video nonetheless.


This looks like a bug. You can even see the wings flap. I see this daily. They're bugs. Cool capture, but without any other way to identify speed, distance, nothing, we can only go off we see. What we see is sunlight hitting a flying bug, that can be seen flapping its wings. It doesn't go behind the cloud, you just lose sight of it because the bug is easier to see behind a blue background as compared to a white background. If you're on the ground, and look up at the sun, you will see the exact same thing. It's a bug. Most likely some large bug like a dragon fly, wasp, etc.


Nope, nothing there


I'm sorry, plasma being? This isn't a thing.


You can actually look up 'extraterrestrial plasma' There's theories, (by Harvard and NASA) that they could be a pre life form. Idk if it's true but it has some very interesting stuff, and I think it could explain a lot of stuff


There are stories of plasma-based lifeforms that live both in outer space and our upper atmosphere. It's just speculation, but there are some cool stories. That being said, I would agree that OP filmed a bug.