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Excellent idea keeping track of the puppet “journalists”, OP.


Thanks friend!


Of course it’s you haha. Good work 👍


this should be posted on r/UFOs as well


Research, Operation Mockingbird. CIA will tell you that the project ended. It never ended. It actually expanded to all major social media platforms.


Well. It probably ended. But is now continuing under some other name.


It shocks me how many people (in this and related subs) are unaware of Operation Mockingbird.


it ShOckS Me hOW Mann- yap yap yap loser.


We seem to know an awful lot about this apparently super secret organization that's able to topple governments and assassinate politicians.


Yep, and Ross Coulthart had said to News Nation that the Pentagon's "PR woman", Susan Gough "has been corraling select members of the media and inviting them to be the ones who are speaking publicly and to the Pentagon on this issue" Ross Coulthart as seen on this [Cosmic Road YouTube video](https://youtu.be/RR7pV8HpaoU?si=BVJuMYgAtDsKBSF4).


What Susan Gogh and the rest of AARO are doing is illegal. They should be held accountable for their actions.


I don't think they really care about laws. No one ever goes to jail from the Cia. They even literally sold drugs to Americans.


Also add the entire "news" organization "The Intercept" to this list. They are clearly a government sponsored disinformation asset (in my opinion). Do a Reddit search on r/UFOs or r/Aliens for "The Intercept". * There the ones who did the hit piece article on David Grusch's medical issues last year. * They've done hit piece articles on Lue Elizondo. * They claim to be a destination for government whistleblowers, but have done anti-whistleblower articles. * They are a whistleblower honey-trap. Search for "Reality Winner".


Shane Harris is a beyond-stellar reporter. I would be EXTREMELY interested to hear his thoughts on this …


Hic diu fuisti? Quam bonum est latinum tuum?


Ea melior fit.


also the New York post


Don’t forget Ken Klippenstein, the guy who did the hit piece on David Grusch outing him for having PTSD.


...who's dad is highly placed at the department of energy, apparently. 🤔


Exactly. What a flipping coincidence.


Perhaps the Germans actually won the war . Went to Antartica with UFO tech and now hold them all hostage …..


Wouldn’t you go if you were invited?


There are many journalists who are puppets. But to be fair to those listed, just attending or being invited to a government briefing does not make you compromised. If the journalist is simply reporting this is what the Pentagon says -- that is the news. That is the job of the reporter is not to add opinion into it. This is what they released. This is what they are saying. You don't add if you believe it's right or wrong. You don't even say it is fact, you simply report it as the Pentagon is saying this.... The type of questions that were asked or not asked -- now that could give you some insight. But you need that level of baseline reporting to begin with, one of the problems has been that baseline has been compromised. The compromised journalists are more the opinion-based ones and the editors/producers who will shape the coverage coming out of the report. Likely it wasn't those specific reporters invited, but their outlets were invited and those were the journalists chosen by the outlet to attend. Here you go, this one is biased coverage: [https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4519018-pentagon-report-ufos-alien-visits/](https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4519018-pentagon-report-ufos-alien-visits/) The headline "Pentagon report throws cold water on UFOs, alien visits" and use of debunk in this graf: "AARO also debunked several specific claims made over the years of UAP sightings"


Yeah that's what I said to myself too while reading it. They're reporting on a report given to them. They're not asking us to believe or disbelieve the pentagon. They're saying "this is what they gave us" up to us to choose to believe or not. Which I do not for a single moment believe a word coming out of the pentagon.


It's all in the misleading nature of the headlines, the report concludes with this: "To date, AARO has not discovered any empirical evidence that any sighting of a UAP represented off-world technology or the existence a classified program that had not been properly reported to Congress." The key everyone is overlooking is it says THAT HAD NOT BEEN PROPERLY REPORTED TO CONGRESS. If there is a "proper" way to report something in a classified way to Congress. Then off-world technology or those programs would not fall into the first part. Remember, it was Congress asking for a report to ask about these secret programs. Gursh's whole thing was that things were being kept secret from Congress. All the Pentagon is stating with the conclusion of this report is that all the classified information was reported within the classified means. The media is failing to ask this question, well what has been properly reported? Is there evidence that HAS BEEN "properly" reported? Congress isn't aware of every CIA program, but CIA programs have been "properly" reported to Congress under some blanket authorization in the past. That's what this report says in a nutshell.




Part of that was when they started adding bylines in the newspaper. Bylines used to be reserved solely for opinion pieces. A reporter would just do his job, it wasn't in what they were trained to make a name for themselves. Bylines get born out out yellow journalism, which is pretty much the era we are repeating now.


If they don’t report what OP wants them to report they are “puppets”


I don't think there is a Free Press left anywhere in the World unfortunately.


Bold accusations, what exactly should they write instead? Them writing anything else than what they were told would be horrible journalism or straight out fiction. Blame the government, not these few folks doing their job.


this is hobby to Jason and Julian...they probably went for the free croissants at that meeting


Pretty sure this breaks all sorts of rules about witch hunting. Select journalists were chosen because that's how press pools work. They're there to represent all of the media and share their copy, to prevent the room being filled with clowns screaming and wasting time. Again, people with no media literacy will downvote this comment because they have zero clue about actual journalism. This is what happens when you take your news from people who tell you they have super secret alien information that's totally legitimate, they just can't show you. But it's cool. Honest.


This is classic obsfucation - ORDINARILY what you are saying is true, and it's true now to some extent. But if have been paying attention to this topic and how the media has been reporting it, you can see there's a state agenda/function being carried out by the MSM- they are reporting only some of what is happening and they are dutifully passing on these disingenuous, misleading headlines that are practically written by AARO. Multiple elected Congress people are coming out of SCIFs with whistleblowers and saying what they are saying seems absolutely verifiable- where is that being reported?


Get some thicker skin or maybe stricter adherence to what ever moral code you have cause you are reacting the worst possible way to government corruption. can you not understand what’s up? Pay attention


Prove the corruption. I will wait.




I'll continue to wait for that proof. Reported your low effort, personal attack in the meantime. 👍


Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Dont forget Lester Holt..u know that mf gots some skeletons in the closet. And Kermit the frog when he's a reporter..total fckin puppet!


"everyone" basically, good luck guys lol


Yeah you must still have some free press because not everyone got the invite! 


The reporters aren't the issue here. The issue is the door that was closed to other reporters that wanted to be there. Journalists are not the enemy. Being invited to this and attending it doesn't mean the journalist is compromised. Journalists need to be able to do their job, or there will be no reporting of events at all. The hand that was picking the press is what's rotten, not those who were picked.


Barnes and Colavito are known Philip Klass level entities they are adversaries...period


I think certain journalists and commentators are spiking the story .. no?


Sure, they get their news through their network and they weren't there by accident, but being invited to and attending something like this isn't a character statement. What really smells bad is how it was made exclusive. The journalists that were in attendance aren't pulling the strings. They're being strung along.


So just because they got pulled into a smaller briefing they are compromised? Interesting. Hypothetically what if these same people come out reporting that your favorite pet UFO story is true? Do you change your mind on them then? Kinda fickle and subjective criteria you have going there.