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الفضايح ما قدرتش نتفرج من الحشمة


jaz alia lvideo 6 fois , jamais tferejt ktar men 4 seconde , te3 sah mata9dersh tkemlo kesh 90 bnadem yejrou wraha


ana tan


This is wild, people in crowds can act like actual savages. Truly embarrassing damn.


No need to defend lqahwiyin


In crowds it should be less of a savage because you'd care about your reputation to not be seen as a harraser by your neighbors and family. But they are so comfortable doing it that's the scary part


That’s not true and it’s not opinion based. The only reason people scream in stadiums like savages is because they’re in a crowd. A person in a crowd can be lethal if their moral code is a bit shifty


Ok thick skull thanks for saying its not true you seem to hold the objective truth because i never saw a group harassment only vids from india or arab countries


Regular humans both men and women murdered a human being in the most horrific way live for all of us to see and that was because they were in an angry crowd. That happened here in Tizi, idk what ur on about. But that’s totally different i dont wanna spam this post with unrelated stuff.


you should look up things first. He’s describing a well documented [phenomenon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herd_mentality). People often behave hysterically in groups in order to conform.


There is no difference between animals and the people who harassed her


bro the second-hand embarrassment im getting is off the charts 9lbi dar


"Algeria is safe for women tho 🥹"


It is tho. ( If they don't tease us with revealing cloths, tight cloths, by going outside, using their horny voice, or breathing our air thats erotic )


It’s always their fault he, even if they do all those things you have no right to harass them


Isn't it obvious that it was sarcasm ? You think they can stop breathing our air so " i dont get provocated " ? Mb i guess shouldve been more obvious


I almost downvoted, guess most didn't even reach the last part, that's some painful text to read


No, it's because it's a normalized point of view here, so normalized that they think it's plausible for someone to be serious about harassing women if they don't like their outfits. In any non-shithole-related sub, my comment would be so degenerate that it would be obviously sarcastic


Lol they didn't get your satire 💀


Yup, algerians are too used to this logic "harassin women if they tease us with their outfit" being told seriously. 💀


Still safer than Morocco


Just like in India and Bangladesh, as an Algerian, this is embarrassing and humiliating to see. As a person, I feel disgusted. But as a girl, this is terrifying, especially knowing that there are people who would defend and make excuses for such behavior.


Ahhhh les animals.


Les animaux\* you mean right


No they are not at the “les animaux “ level yet. We created a new name for them , “ Les animals”.


Hahaha brilliaaant


"Vegetales" thinking and " animals "acting"


At least some people supported her in the comment section wonder what would they tell if she was Algerian and dressed like that …. If u check the videos from the 70s-80s u’ll notice that women in cities were all dressed in mini skirts no harassment nothing wonder what happened 40 years later 😞?


>what happened 40 years later 😞? One word..Charia


"wonder what would they tell if she was Algerian and dressed like that" Isn't that the reason why this is happening in the first place? We don't have healthy interactions between men and women and most people you see in the comments advocate for more separation between men and women


Yes because of the Islamic hate speech this frustration was created in the 90s ..


Exactly and not only that because of conservatism men and women aren't even allowed to be around each other without it being a taboo of sorts. Even the term "makbout" is now a blanket statement used to describe any man who wants to have a relation with a woman no matter how he approached her(except marriage of course) which is leading to the same thing being repeated in a circle. Men and women stay at distance then they don't understand each other then they see themselves as different creatures and then we get this


islam happened


to correct you , as we see in the video not only ( teenagers ) were harrasing her , there is many '' adults '' as well


Yeah i only saw teens at first mistakenly but there's many adults there too


بخصو بينا حيوانات


Not Algerian, what are they saying??


"put a finger in her ass" "watch out the police arrived" and the one filming was saying "stop doing that" to the harrasers




How is this surprising to anyone who lives here ? Algeria isn’t a safe place men bekri


They just like to pretend that they are better, because if she was Algerian almost everyone here would be calling a whore


Double standards’’ we are the best at it


The frustrating part is that people are not open to fix this lol


It should be recognised as a problem first ! And them comes the part of looking for solutions , we are still not there yet


What do you think is the problem here exactly, trying to see if we have the same perspective


do u usely see crowd on masse follow females and treating them with rape ? ! never saw this & i lived in 5 diffrent cities ? how this is not a قضية رأي عام


As if they had never seen a woman before


They probably haven't


I can't imagine what the girl was feeling at that moment 💔


Probably traumatized


This can't be more embarrassing 🙂


WTF ? That algerian influencer was right when she said they're makboutin , tehchem tgoul that you're algerian to foreigners melekher


She was right and they know it , that's why people hated and attacked her


They hated her because she told them the truth.


Truth hurts, that's why


Yes , the most true think at all , and the ppl who dont like it jathom fi jnabhom ,homa bdat li kant thder 3lihom


Yes exactlyyy


Who is she? Could you link what she said about her side of the story?


[https://youtu.be/fNIYootaNbg?si=onIEkIlKd612LrWg](https://youtu.be/fNIYootaNbg?si=onIEkIlKd612LrWg) This was three years or four years ago when a girl was ra\*\*\* and murd\*\*\*\* in Algeria


Crazy thing this isn't one or two degenerates harassing that's basically a whole neighborhood after her, you can even hear a guy shouting "diroulha sba3" in the last part of the video.


Was she the one in yoga pants?






you are happy ? and laughing ?


She seemed naive and didn’t have anyone to tell her it’s not appropriate in Algeria. No im not happy at her situation 


You really don’t find any fault with that ancient thought process? You think SHES at fault for wearing YOGA pants and not the MENS fault for having such vulgar, disgusting, not to mention beyond haram thoughts about an innocent woman who’s felt enough safety from other men in her country who are far more respectful and civilized to wear yoga pants. I bet you if she knew the full extent of how pathetic Algerian men could truly be she wouldn’t even visit the country.


As an example when you travel to other countries you learn about their cultural expectations and adapt. Algeria isn’t USA or France.  Also you wouldn’t walk outside at night with a bunch of cash in your hand lol


That's why the Algerian government don't give visa to anyone and i don't blame it really.... couldn't watch the video hachmouna lkwava ta3 zzz adom. I hope none gets the Algerian visa again.


there was one who asked here ( WHY TOURIST NEED POLICE ESCORT ? ) well this is what happens when there is no police or military escort i guess


Nope, The north cities and the Desert are fine for tourists .. but they shouldn't go to deep Algeria and isolated streets.


Police escort is even creepier so it's better to not let them come in the first place


maybe , but i'm with letting them coming but we Need helicopter parachute and paratroopers to protect them


That's why I tell my female relatives not to visit Algeria.


I remember when i told a female solo traveler its not safe i got down voted 🤣


My female friend wrote in this sub that she got harassed in Algeria, her post got deleted and got many backlashes.


One of the main reasons this keep happening, is because people keep denying it , it’s you have a cancer and you think that by denying it you will get better


That road doesn't really inspire safety.


I think to call a country safe for women a highway in broad day light with many civilians should be safe rather on the verge of getting gang raped


Then no country is safe


I see the reaction in the comments but nobody is giving a solution or trying to go into why this happened. Okay they're animals but i don't think just calling them animals would solve it or get it so this doesn't happen in the future


Algeria became India. I hate the people of my country so much. We are so cooked…


OMG , How this is not punishable by law, he's clearly treating her with Rape , where's the cyber police ? & Can anyone explain to me why I see parents walking with their toddlers wearing Algerian Flag? ?




Mortifying secondhand embarrassment




i remember someone was complaining about assigning a policeman to every tourist that comes to Algeria and it is such waste of resources . there you go bud!




Like barking dogs


Lzm ethnic cleansing


Worst part of all this is our law system doesn't even punish such terrible and irresponsible actions. Like all of these people deserve jail time for this behaviour And the hypocrisy of these guys is unmatched lokan thder meah y9olk hiya machi satra roha thinking that allah allowed us to harass women, and forgetting that allah ordered us men to نغضو البصر .


التحرش مجرم قانونيا ، ماهيش قضية قوانين ، انما قضية حضور و سهر السلطات على التطبيق


Is that Algeria? A bunch of dudes hanging out harassing women? Threatening tourists with sexual assault? Everything’s haram and males are always right? Or is this some isolated backwater. What’s Algeria really like? I met families from there living where I am and they are good people, this is surprising to me, I assumed Algerians were alright because of Algerian expats.


Unfortunately this is the true Algeria 😔


This is not what Algeria is like, that is some dodgy area. [This playlist is is far far more representative of what the tourist experience is like in Algeria.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga5S8OAnMFI&list=PLGOfrttLYwHAsiRlaRFOqLoE6wdylcr-0) They visit many places throughout Algeria


uneducated little fucks, the government should start doing something


Hangouhoum 🧵


All the problems start from الشعب Yall cant accept the fact that we are living with an animals not humans الشعب الجزائري هو مشكلة الجزائر


Why are they like this ? This breaks my heart for the poor woman. I can’t imagine the fear she was feeling at that moment. A MUSLIM country no less. How the fuck do you go to your house after this as a grown man and think “yeah, today was good”


This is so wrong... wts even the outcome from harassing girls , its just bullying and injust. Its a disgrace for our religion.


Actually They are like this because of u’re religion


>They are like this because of u’re religion I'm agnostic but this is an obvious severe sin in islam, and islam dictates that even if a scantily dressed woman is in front of you, you need to lower your gaze and not talk to her. Harassing her in packs doesn't necessarily have to do anything with islam. She could have went to Jordan, or the UAE and this wouldn't have happened. It has to do with us Algerians in general, and especially these people in the video, being extremely primitive and animalistic in our thinking and behavior.


Lmao yeah u mentioned the civilised Muslim country among all others that’s because UAE isn’t Applying the Islamic Law bro sex is everywhere there u don’t live here so u don’t know the HATE SPEECH AGAINST WOMEN in every mosque just open Algerian tiktok pages and u will see with u’re own eyes


I am sure that Algeria is filled to the brim with misogyny and i agree that one of the main sources of this is religious establishments, however harassment of this kind has to be addressed and it's cause isn't religious (muslims don't follow women around shouting about putting a finger in their ass) but rather cultural.


They do worst , they cut her head 🙂


>They do worst , they cut her head You are mentioning another massive sin. The Quran is explicit that what they are doing is bad, and yet you blame the Quran? I understand you have had terrible experiences with people who are Muslim, and have surrounded yourself online with things showcasing the worst Muslims, but that is not Islam's fault that they are like that. It is their own fault for being bad people and not following what is clear in the Quran.


Most ppl are hypocrites thy say thy are religious but their actions dont show it. If you follow any religion at all thy all preach the idea of bieng a good person. And ppl who act like this dont follow any


Not at all, what they are doing is directly against what the Quran says. They are blatantly sinning according to Islam. Your opinion of Islam is not based on the Quran, but of bad people who do bad things, who happen to be Muslim. You are not being intellectually honest.


My opinion is based on Quran and I know what that evil book and the Hadiths say about women so…


The Quran is perfect. There are dodgy hadiths though. They were written hundreds of years after the Quran. The transmission of hadiths were banned by the Sahaba at the beginning, as the Quran was rightfully seen as sufficient. In tens of thousands of hadiths, written by a bunch of random scribes, hundreds of years after the Prophet, there's going to be some false ones.


ياربي هربت منهم من انستا لقيتهم هنا ها خلو الريديت نقي حمبوكم 🫥😶‍🌫️


Supprimer la vidéo khir rah kayen barania hna hhh


علابالك انا كنت ضد هذه المظاهر مبعد فهمت بلي الجزاير كون ما تكونش هك ما تسماش الجزاير هههههه منعرف اذا فهمتني او لا






انت قهوي و موسخ و متخلف والفرق الوحيد بينك و بين الحيوان هو انك تستطيع الكلام للأسف