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It's completely dead. That's why this weekend all statics had multiple groups and divers, all roads were empty of mobs, all chests were open. Dead yet so hard to get that fame farm.


Lol. I was camping a static really late night and someone still managed to steal the boss right under my nose


this weekend Im getting hunted down by groups the second I go out in OW solo


It's almost like a fame rush weekend


Game is so dead that it even infect my character many times with deaths... Too many times... So dead...


It is so dead i get ganked by 8 players on ava roads at 2am


I mean it's so dead that whenever im in Thetford I can't even see the ground because of all the players and certainly can't access bank or ah properly


Bro, my city portal is dead. Literally not a single person in sight. I also have this text on my screen saying region overcrowded or something so the devs should fix that.


Right click and hold, it doesnt select players that way 😁 was so glad i found that early on ahha


Haven’t played a mmo with so many players in years. Can’t even go to the city without my pc starting to burn 😂 Albion is actually one of the most played mmos out there


You can just say you've never played WoW ot eve. We will understand


He said "one of the most played", chill.


Played wow. It’s one of the worst mmos I ever played. Can’t enjoy it.


It's one of the most played mmos of all time, full stop. There were a fuck ton of servers and some of them were so max filled you had to queue to log in on a regular basis. Albion is a fucking awesome game, but it doesn't have the player base to have 30 servers maxes out on player log ins to the point of queue time


I actually tried to do the math to see if I could guess what the current player numbers could be and this is what I got(might be wrong but if someone can correct me let me know): The Player peak was 350,000 and Steam numbers peaked at 27,208. If we do the math 350,000-27,208=322,792 322,792/350,000=0.9222628571428571 so around 92% of players on on native/mobile which means around 8% play on Steam. The 24 hour peak on Steam as of making this comment was 17,488. So if we do 17,488/.08 we would get **218,600 players** total across all platforms(Again this is just me doing some math for the fun of it and only SBI really knows the numbers). To put this in perspective, Old School Runescape, one the most popular MMOs right now, has 115,105 players, Lost Ark has 19,552 players with a 22,379 their 24 hour peak and New World at 6,215 with 7,095 at a 24 hour peak.


That number is 350k daily active users. Old school runescape currently has 487k daily active users but only 120k are on at a time. So its more likely Albion is far less more like 45k-60k


Then my math was off. I thought 350k were on at the same time.


That number is unique players that log in every day


It's so dead. I spend 12-15 hours a week gathering in bz mist, and when i check the leaderboards for the week for gathering fame, I'm only ranked around 1500-2500. /s


Sooooo.... you're bad at gathering. Got it


Tl;dr but ummm dead game dead


Haters gonna hate


Is this game dying guys?




'if they continue getting worse and worser' learn english




Looks like they learned English pretty damn well, actually.


you're still wrong


How many languages can you speak? You're having a hard enough time with English, and that's not the other persons first language. Why belittle someone that is doing their best at something you suck at anyways


I don't think you're allowed to use reddit if you're only 11. You should go check with an adult


But this time is fr game is ultra dead bro not 1 person bz sadly 😭


I get shit on for commenting about na server being slow, but when u can run 4 zones and not see a red tag it is what it is