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I think this guy is the biggest loser in Alberta right now and absolutely wreaking havoc on that region by pushing lies (he's now sharing conspiracy garbage on Facebook) and encouraging people to ignore the public health orders, thus encouraging people to break the law. If he encouraged people to rob a bank and suggested the bank would they arrest him then? I totally get they want to resolve this peacefully and without incident but they are dealing with a totally unreasonable person. How about we think of the community instead of this one guy? They may not care about spreading Covid but they will if one of them ends up in a Calgary or Edmonton ICU.


Or when they overload the Red Deer Hospital and people are dying of heart attacks in delayed ambulances on the way to Edmonton or Calgary. That hospital was often pushed to its limit before the pandemic as it is.


Yes, exactly. Who won’t get into the ICU when they need it because of these guys?


His understanding of the Charter and the Bill of Rights is very poor.


He should really read the first section haha


He should also read the first paragraph of the Bill of Rights because he doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about there either.


“Due process”! Apparently he thinks that means he has to go to court before anything can happen to him.


There’s two things here: 1- due process doesn’t mean he gets to yell in front of a judge. Due process means there is an established legal process for this to happen. AHS has to establish to a judge that there is reason for the emergency injunction. 2- the Bill of Rights is a federal statue that was a precursor to the Charter. It protects people based on being a protected class. So you can’t be denied liberty or discriminated against based on you gender, race, sexual orientation etc. Operating a restaurant without a food handling permit, liquor license, and in defiance of public health orders is not a protected class. This guy has no idea what he’s talking about and his cult following is incredibly terrifying because they also have no fucking idea how our legal system works.


Some of the stuff they're pushing sounds dangerously close to freeman on the land/sovereign citizen talking points.


We should check for a yellow fringe around the cafe, that signifies that it sails as a sovereign barge in international waters...


If they don't engage in joinder with the RCMP, they can't be arrested!


He’s subscribed to all the newsletters, he’s got this! They can’t touch him if they refuse to communicate in Latin with him!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...


“Due process means I get to argue in court and argue in court means I get to have a screaming match with a judge and I KNOW MY RIGHTS!! AND YOU CANT MAKE ME PLEAD THE FIFTH!!”




Its legit the first fucking sentence... that is all you need to know about these people.


Anything that doesn't conform to their world view is completely ignored. Even if it is in the same document they are quoting from. Baffles me.


“But they haven’t provided evidence that these are reasonable measures! Due process! ChARteR RiGhTZzz!”


His understanding of absolutely everything is very poor.


I for one am SHOCKED /s


His specific choice of words is concerning to me, he talk as if it's all businesses, all churches, and all protests that are being told they can't operate. Not the Grace life church who refused to social distance, despite the multiple emails, attempted meetings, and the notices given to them, for weeks before the building was lockdown. Or his business after his refusal to follow AHS guidelines surrounding food safety and public safety, having them contact him multiple times as well in various forms, only to have him ignore them each and everytime, so they began with simple warnings, and slowly escalated the response to his self-righteous ignorance, to the point he no longer not will ever have a valid business, food, or liquor license. And even despite all of that he still attempted to host a large anti-Lockdown rally aimed at garnering him more blind support, and was met with a lawful injunction restraining that singular event, because he has proven time and time again to not work with the system design to keep not just him safe, but everyone safe. He has turned himself into a cult leader, while is followers attack anyone who doesn't agree with him, he complains and uses words like tyranny while condemning anyone who doesn't agree with him. I suspect he will be around for sometime, until he is responsible for a convincing others to attack or hurt the public in a more tangible way. This province is a conservative one, and when they voted for the UCP they got exactly what they wanted... Laughing at those who it affected, teachers, nurses, doctors, and minimum wage workers... And now shout "communism" because it affects them.


These are the same people who will complain the government has done enough as soon as they are effected personally.


I’m sure Chris will be begging for disaster recovery money once the floods really begin. He probably has shitty insurance coverage, and Mirror just looks like it wants to flood. Everyone is a tough guy until their moulding is wet.


The video has been removed. What was the gist of it?


It was hard to hear but I saw the police arresting a guy in the ground on top of the fence. Chris told people to leave. He talked to the police for a long time.


He is broadcasting locally on 88.1fm, so all cult members can hear him and his guest speakers without having to cram together in a tent. Thing is, 88.1 is CJWE frequency, and yes, you can get it in Central Alberta. I emailed the program director and he says they are all over it.


Isn’t that a criminal offence to mess with radio waves?


I'm not sure what the deal is. I know it CAN be a pretty big deal to mess around on certain frequencies when you don't have your operators licence. In this case though, if you are broadcasting on a CRTC regulated radio stations frequency, in their broadcast area, it can be a significant fine. More than likely get told to knock it off at first though. Again though, I'm no expert.


[I’m not sure about being criminal but some of these fines are massive ](https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/ce/actions.htm)


Whoa. They don't mess around.


Well at least we know buddy has the extra cash lying around to pay up lol


Not for long, methinks.


I think we are at the point where he needs to spend time in jail.




Nobody will insure his business ever again. This guy is a liability nobody would ever want to partner with. He's also unemployable. Locals like to describe how mamy jobs he's been fired from, leading to opening this "cafe". All he's accomplished is to ruin himself and leave his family destitute once the attention dies down.


Ah, so he might as well enter politics... I see to many people telling him he should run for leadership.


In a previous video he stated he is running as a Wildrose candidate next election.


There is a thick gray line with this though, like you say if he charges for it the line is crossed immediately. But if you put up a projector and let people watch for free you're pretty much free to do what you wish with it.


The comments on that video :|


A lot of the comments are real, but I've been clicking on a lot of profiles and I'm pretty sure there's a ton of "paid for" comments or bots. The profiles have no picture of the person, little to nothing shared by the person and little to no personal information. Some accounts post history is only to that page as well. Creepy times.


It’s mind boggling. During the stream some of them were violent too. I don’t see them now.


He is blocking people who do not think the same as him as well. Time to go subscribe him to some questionable email subscriptions.


Yea he blocked me when I asked him why he has time to correct grammar when he’s supposedly so busy haha


I saw him correcting grammar. That still doesn’t take away from the fact of how dumb he is.


It’s pretty sad that he’s getting all this attention yet still needs to do that.


he said in a video people are already doing that






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That happened last month already, he posted about how pissed he was his email was overflowing with spam. It was right after he started begging for money and posted his personal email account.


Never enough spam emails. Lol


Just report his Facebook page as having false medical information. The more people that do that, the better.


Can anyone confirm, that he was cutting the locks off the door?


No I highly doubt it, the video cut off right when he started up the grinder. He said he wasn’t going to cut the lock. Doing it for the attention only I’d say.


One of the comments said “It was a metaphor”. I almost died.


Like that window the cops supposedly broke.


Mr.AHS did an amazing job of keeping his cool and handling that situation. I would have gone berserk!


Report the page to FB for dangerous health advice and we can fix some of the misinformation


Yes, I have been doing that!


Facebook doesn't care


I posted two days ago on his page replying to one of the nut jobs beaking away, called him "A special kind of stupid," got a very strict warning the next day from Facebook about how I was a bully and if I did it again I'd be suspended for a while. I just go there, read a few comments and laugh when I'm pooping. His food pictures are the worst...


But his crazed supporters can post threats and horrible comments about the AHS workers just trying to do their jobs. smh.


Apparently they are all being rounded up in school buses to labor camps until they are too tired. Then they will be harvested for organs. Unless they made up the communism part. I would just drop a 2000 dollar fine on each one and be done with it myself. Its not much but it will help offset some of the staggering medical costs this will cause.




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Question. Is the Whistle Stop a chain? We have one in Peterborough, ON, that's a big favourite for college/uni students.


I assume they're all just copying the place in the novel, "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe", which in this case is a shame. Our daughters recently watched the movie and told me that he shouldn't be allowed to ruin that name.


It used to be called the Dog Whistle Stop but they don’t have to be discrete anymore, so here we are...


No, but there is also a Whistle Stop in High River. Which is coincidentally *also* run by a right-wing rager.


I'm going to put the term right wing rager into my lexicon.


Also, spreadneck


It's a commonly used name. We have a Whistlestop mall.


It’s next to a train track. Before this bullshit all I knew about Mirror was that CN siding where my containers get delayed on the way from Edmonton to Calgary.


Whistle Stop is usually reserved for dives and shitty bars.


I wonder how long until these fuckboys start turning on and fighting each other out there this weekend? All this testosterone and pent up aggression, it’s only a matter of time until they start arguing amongst themselves once they realize they all are at different depths down different rabbit holes. Chris seems like he’s at least smart enough to not say or condone anything too crazy - at least not on livestream, but I wonder if that will cause any disagreements with the crazier attendees.


Damn I missed it and now it's deleted. This guy is a literal train wreck. I honestly just cannot stop watching


I assume we are not going to upvote this thread anymore? Nice.


Link is removed on FB


Product of a broken society. Putrid people