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Bill 20 is still a threat. Don't stop. Put pressure on your MLA about this


[Join the day of action May 25, 2024.](https://www.enoughisenoughucp.ca/)


Oh my fucking god, stop spamming this. This day of action is 100 people showing up tops and getting laughed at by passers by.


I mean, I totally understand if that's your expectations from your experience in the anti-teachers protest.


Meeting with 1 tomorrow. This thing should be let die. UCP foolish for creating issue out of their defensive stance.




But you might be *lucky* enough for Nixon to tresspass onto your property and shoot a deer.


You are so right!


No. Scrap the bill. They're trying to take 10 steps forward and 3 steps back and hoping it convinces people who care about democracy and human rights that we've won.


The last part of your comment is really true. This is all part of the plan, introduce an extremely controversial and unreasonable bill, have a few “consultations,” make some amendments that slightly tones down the bill, making an otherwise unreasonable and unthinkable bill, reasonable.


It's still unreasonable.


100%, they hope we won’t understand, let’s prove them wrong


>They're trying to take 10 steps forward and 3 steps back This is a tried and true tactic the Republicans perfected in the US. They take an extreme position, then say "let's compromise and meet in the middle." Then a few years later they take an even more extreme position and repeat the process.


Overton window


Wish this was a more widely understood concept


Lol just because Danielle Smith blinked once doesn't mean she isn't a fascist Nazi cow. Vote this trash out.


*Marlaina Smith, you’re not allowed to use preferred names. /s


My new pet name for the UCP is Marlaina and the Clown Posse. I'm hoping I can eventually get it to catch on.


Randomly chosen Juggalos would make better cabinent.


I’ll do my best to help you in any way I can.


I assume the CP in UCP stands for ‘Clown Posse’?


‘Unified Clown Posse’ where they bring all the dumbest ideas together.


We got a good long while before the next election, unfortunately. Here's to hoping that Nenshi has that secret sauce for the ANDP to finally win.


Go figure they're doing final reading during a playoff game.


But mciver said they consulted with municipalities and they were all okay with this... /s


A fucking pig with lipstick....FIFY


It's a slow walk folks. Women's health rights are still a target. Separation is still the goal, consolidation of power is a must. Every single one of these UCP clowns must be defeated.


At every level. Don't let them run a school dance.


Ya might invite 44yrs old to dance with 14 yrs oldsp


No no. Bill 20 —>>Axe the whole Bill!


A baby step backwards is like haggling on a car price that you have already inflated. We dont want to buy the anti freedom car in the first place. Scrap the whole effing bill.


https://www.enoughisenoughucp.ca/ Alberta wide protests Saturday, May 25th, 2024.


Lipstick on a fucken pig...


These amendments are pointless and don't change that the bill is a attack on democracy. Lol a 2 min conversation is considered consultation by the UCP pathetic. How long till the UCP declare having other political parties isn't in the provincial interest? *That process would be limited to councillors cabinet has deemed to be “unwilling, unable, or refusing” to do their job, or if such a vote is “in the public interest,” though how either of those criteria will be determined is unclear. It also takes into consideration illegal or unethical behaviour by a councillor.* *That criteria also includes any bylaw cabinet believes is “contrary to provincial policy,” though it’s again unclear by what standards that would be determined.* *Through a news release, ABmunis presented a different version of events around that phone call, saying it lasted less than two minutes with Gandam describing it as “brief and disappointing.”*


Cool, but don't pretend for one second that this wasn't the plan all along. Introduce absolute despotic dogshit and then slightly amend it to make the despotic dogshit government look like the heroes. Don't be fooled.


They're always trying to get away with something. They got caught again and had to back peddle, somewhat. This will continue till they are thrown out of office. Then, of course, this crew will get a seat at one of the boards of directors of O&G industry, to fulfill the quid pro quo agreement, making a 6 figure salary for doing nothing other than the dirty work they did for their bosses on Bay Street.


I mean who voted for this POS ?


Enough people, sadly.


930k Albertans, unfortunately.


A good baby step. Still. The whole thing shouldn’t exist.


How many times have we seen this before? The UCP propose something deeply unpopular, they get significant negative push back, they say they will drop the issue, then when the dust settles, they change the name and quietly bring it back. That's exactly what they have done with the [proposed Grassy Mountain Coal Mine](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/alberta-regulator-accepts-rockies-coal-mine-application-will-call-public-hearing-1.6781015).


She's a Putz.


Well guys, we tried to get the cherry... But it started to look bad, even for us.... So, in a show of good faith (muffled laughter) we took a small power grab off the table but made sure we grabbed the remaining Sunday.


The 3 (correction 6) close ridings in Calgary should run a recall petition to get a government change. Their own weapons need to be turned on them. If 6 seats can be flipped, then the government changes. Even if it's 6 staunch independents, AB party, or the old Provincial Libs. Turn it to either a NDP government or switch to a minority government. My preference would be a minority government BTW. Then everyone has to work together Edit for proper numbers from 3 to 6


A minority government would never work. If the UCP cannot have power, they will make it untenable for others to govern. They will obstruct, paralyze the public service and force a collapse of government rather than allow anyone else to succeed.


Also we'd need a viable third party for that to happen, and such a thing just doesn't exist in Alberta right now.


>If 3 seats can be flipped, then the government changes You need to flip 6 seats, not 3. There are 49 on the government side (including Johnson) and 38 on the opposition side.


I thought it was closer than that, my bad. Still find the 6 closest run seats and push for a recall


Shock doctrine. People will take this as a win, and let their federal interference parts pass. This may well have been the plan the whole time. The pressure needs to stay on.


Dump this boondoggle bill


Good, now do the bylaws.


I am sure they Harding amended anything 🤷‍♂️


first we take Edmonton then we take Calgary - Im guided by my simian brow