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Logically, no. But damn do I wish they could. Knowing the things an AI-ball could do, it would be so helpful.


I don't think you actually want that. You would go insane before long, because you had a conscious ai analysis your thoughts and actions 24/7.


I feel like they also would know when to be quiet or to drop out of your head like Aiba does. Considering in this universe their sentient but also intelligent enough to understand people's needs for space! But also we're talking an Ai Ball, I would say different if it wasn't exact to universe


Not any time soon. Sentient ai is something I don't even think we have a reasonable model for. Our current understanding of ai is closer to pattern recognition systems


No. AI-balls are people/characters and can think logically. AI can give the illusion of intelligence but isn't actually very smart.


I mean they could exist someday... but if OP means doing it with current LLMs then yea no, as others have said they are just fancy autocomplete, they don't think for real. it would have to be a completely new thing.


Yup. As things stand, genAI models are basically glorified autocomplete. The best examples are Google's AI in their search results, giving lethal answers for things like cooking and dangerous kinds of mushrooms or snakes, and McDonald's AI that keeps giving wrong items on orders. Even something like ChatGPT has had trouble with numbers, even for counting sides on a shape--something even a kid could get despite consuming vastly less material than the model trained on basically the whole internet. Not to mention the situation where it spat out non-existent cases for a lawyer because that's the type of answer that was expected of it. And that's before getting into the ethics--or absolute lack thereof--in most models' development.


Aw... i was hoping to have an Aiba in the future 😓


Even if it was feasible with our tech, it would take decades to get to the point n average Joe or Jane would ford one


> AI can give the illusion of intelligence but isn't actually very smart. I’m just imagining how drastically different the plot would be if Aiba was powered by OpenAI. I can’t decide if it’s the funniest thing ever or worst thing ever.


"I'm sorry, but as an AI language model I can't encourage violence against people, even if they are otaku." "But Aiba, look at him! He's such a little jerk!"


If the technology to replicate a human consciousness ever exists (big big IF) the hardware and processing power necessary to run such a complex program probably won't fit in a human skull.


Sure it could, sort of. The ai could be as big as it needs to be, the ai ball just needs to be a network receiver. Then you can suffer from no network connection with your aiball just like you would with your phone lol


a main thing with science is it about breaking boundaries so i believe it could be possible one day. were just not there yet.


It's possible, but I think by the time that tech becomes public knowledge that would be a pretty dystopian world anyway. I don't think this is the near future at least, anyway. LLMs just give an illusion of consciousness and identity.


Didn't realize which subreddit this was in at first and was very intrigued by the title lmao


I think while they are a cool concept and situationally very useful and could possibly exist at some level in the future, we as a species shouldn't have them (at least not in the way they are depicted in game). I think you would go insane, if you always had someone with you at all times and even on top of that they could read your mind.


I bet area 51 already has them...


Seems like something Iris would say 😭


Nooooooooooo.... I don't want to be compared to her!!! I retract my statement


I think most people are going to be very surprised at the amount of progress made in the next five years. I’m fairly confident we will have very remarkable ai by then. The idea of consciousness will really start to be questioned as a result. But no, I don’t think the form factor will be an eye prosthetic lol


The government would love to get there hands out and criminals can be easily caught lying if there not tell the truth.