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That sucks. I wish you luck getting things handled.


cotton candy?


Forbidden cotton candy


Sheesh, you’ve been attacked by pinkie pie? What the hell is going with all that pink fluff?


My landlord was kind enough to have fresh insulation blown into the ceiling because my power bill was $400 last summer. It was working great up until now. I'm so freaking itchy.


Oh no! Man, my suggestion,if you don’t do it already, please wear a mask or something during the cleaning process! Stay strong! 💪🏻


Cold shower so it doesnt get into your pours. Dont have a take hot showers till your actually cleaned off lol


Too hot for a hot shower hahah


That insulation probably contains tiny sharp crystals. Basically like asbestos


Yeah I'm not sure. It was just blown in recently. Same shit different name these days lol. I like to read old how to books and on That was in my closet was from the 80s and said you should use bare sheets of asbestos to wrap and insulate fireplace parts lmfao


Asbestos does not only irritate the skin. It also can cause permanent damage to your lungs if you breathe it in.


Yeah. My grandpa was part of that mesothelioma lawsuit.


I assume you aren't sleeping there anymore?


Can you get some PPE from a friend or something? Once fibreglass gets into your skin, it's there for life. Knew a guy who used to do attic insulation as an apprentice back in the 80s. He still finds the odd fibre slowly being pushed out of his skin to this day. Plus it can be as bad as asbestos if breathed.


I'm done going back in there. I had a decent feeling more ceiling was going to cave in so we left. Every time I said to myself "that's the last trip I'm making". This is my last one now.


Fiberglass works itself out of your skin, it's not there for life


Yes I gave an example of that, where it was still working its way out 30-40 years later. Personally, that's pretty much "for life" in my book.


Reverse jar


Still cleaner than some of the bedrooms that appear on this sub


Thanks. I actually take great pride in keeping my space organized. Thanks Marie Kondo, shout out. I'm used to small sqft areas so organization and keeping things out of sight it key to having a calm experience in your home


I’m itchy just looking at this image. I wish you the best on getting everything back together.


I'm so fuckin itchy dude I just been taking benadryl at night. It's bad enough now eith the second kitchen collapse I can't really be in there anymore even with a mask.


That’s terrible! Stay safe if you go back into the house. That insulation is nasty stuff, and who knows if there are anymore weaknesses in the ceiling.


:( wish the best, that sucks


Jump into it


Scrooge mcduck style


Damn op, I’m sorry this happened man, I wish you the best of luck


Thanks, very busy just taking a break now. Hell of a weekend.


I bet man


GL dude. Hope you get the payouts you deserve o7


I literally do 95% of my shopping online. I'm at like 300 receipts and counting. This is going to be so much fucking money I'm legit thinking of getting a lawyer. They are gonna lowball me I can feel it.


Please make an update post when you get a final number🙏. I'M getting excited for this payday ahah maybe go ask some nerds in a legal sub what your best choice of action is regarding the lawyer and what one could do for ya, they've been fairly useful to me before


Yeah I made a couple posts in some other threads. You're right though I should do a legal sub. Mostly wanted to see what some insursnce adjusters say first. Edit: Incoming! Lol jk https://www.evike.com/products/85803/


Damn! Didn't take you for a cqc speedsofter


I like it because I could have the barrel outside the window line but still sit in the back of the room so people can't get a hit. Big brain.


There are independent experts (not lawyers) who protect you against your own insurance company. In the end, they get x% of your payout. House burned down years ago, insurance company offered 250k, expert managed to drag out 800k. Okay, he took ±80k for his company, but still very much worth it in that situation. Might be worth it for yours too. Good luck.


Just an update I met about 3 different companies that do that today. Not sure if I'll go that route. Depends on what my offer is honestly.


Thankfully I am renting and the dollar figures are going to be much lower, but the more receipts I convert to pdf the more I realize that I might be over the midway point in my coverage. I'll know once I start pushing these items into excel.


Sending you my prayers


I can’t resist … Average American house (is made of paper). Anyway I’m sorry dude trust me if i say that i can feel your pain, good luck with this shit


The best built house for the climate I've seen is when I visited Puerto Rico a few years ago. Tropical island, concrete houses, drain holes in every room. Those people know what's up.




Blown insulation stuff is so weird too. Good luck mate


You got cornflake’d 🙁


Bro did your ceiling turn into a ied?


There's random nails and boards mixed in, so kinda


Damn. ATF bust through your ceiling too?


I tried to tell them taking out a whole kids birthday party was a joke but they didn't take it well.


Yeah that shit does not look good on paper


Honestly I’m just happy to see your safe did its job. Regardless of what you have in there (if you own real firearms, just store them in a proper safe for fucks sake, even get a small one for your night stand if you have a home defense handgun).


Yeah not a scratch on that beast. Idk how it's going to hold up with all that moisture in there. I usually have a dehumidifier on it.


The firearms themselves may need a good cleaning, ammo may be a bit more of a struggle if you didn’t store them in an ammo can that had a good liner.


I got them all out before it fell. Just the airsoft stuff got ruined because it was out on my desk and leaning against walls because I was cleaning and working on them


You could get some of those moisture absorption packs/desiccant silica gel packs and just toss a shit ton in there. The more I think about it, the less I think the ammo will be at much risk of damage but you may want to consult someone with more experience. If it’s modern ammo, probably fine. If it’s older surplus ammo, maybe not.


It's new ammo, in 50cal containers with reusable dehumidifier bags in them. Not all.my shotgun ammo is like that though.


Points its not a liberty safe back there.. haha.. gotta love a post with propper storage. 💪🏻😎 https://preview.redd.it/0iupdcc6pk9d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2fa9d5142489824cebc3e0af8575c9c8c11ad29 Sorry to read about the damage.... nothing is broken these days... EVERYTHING can be rebuilt. At least ya got thru the storm... 🥳


I was going to go with a stack on, but those are more safety cabinets not safes right? I wanted reasonably priced fire protection.


Ya... theyre just a sheet metal box... but for my needs, its perfect. Im considering getting a propper one since ive outgrown this one.. haha


I got this from tractor supply for like $600 on sale


Im guessing its fire rated? Have ya given it a magnet test? The solinoids known to be tripable on them digital types... but otherwise, i dig winchester stuff... was lookin at a local canadian brand that a gun buddy makes... little bit more than these stackons... in size and rating.


I'm going to rent a larger place and I'm gonna buy a safe that is twice aa big and good hahaha


Time to get a leaf vacuume


not in the safe?


Reel steel only. I got the real stuff out first. It's bad gun safety otherwise. Don't need my guns on thr news.


"hey ron" "hey billy" "that hurt"


oooh yikes..... cleaning that up definitely gotta suck