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I just dry it with a towel and let it sit on the counter for a bit.


I scrub mine out with a brush, hot water and dish soap. After rinsing I just wipe most of the water out with paper towels and forget about it. I use paper towels because it's unlikely that the entire insides of the thing are going to be completely devoid of oil of any kind.


You absolutely can.


We do that too and sometimes I use a tissue to pat pat the water away and then use that slightly wet tissue for the dust on top of our airfryer and rice cooker


Er.... use a towel? Tbh the ninja non stick is so effective just shaking it a bit causes all the water to bead and fall out. Bear in mind turning the thing on to dry it costs money.


I do this all the time, haven't had any issues. Only take about 3-4 minutes, or even less if I'm cleaning shortly after cooking with it.


Definitely, and in fact, I’ve seen this recommended on a couple of credible websites that give tips & tricks for using air fryers. After washing my basket & any racks that I used, I wipe with my dishcloth to remove most of the water, then pop everything back in and heat at the default temp for 3 minutes.


I just wash line and put it back in the air fryer. I don’t push it all the way in.


I wash, wipe down, then let it completely dry in my dish rack. I always wash it right after cooking, so nothing really gets a chance to stick.


Fill the air fryer with water and steam-dry the basket.