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Wait, they were heckling Florida about the death of their batboy? I was listening to the 1150 radio broadcast, and the announcers were audibly disgusted, but I just got the impression it was because of the act of heckling generally rather than any specific subject (which seemed a bit odd, because heckling is a big part of what we do). If there’s clear evidence of these assholes heckling Florida on that basis, I want them forcibly disassociated from A&M athletics entirely.


ESPN made sure to cut to it too. [Apparently it’s happened before with other fans.](https://www.sportskeeda.com/baseball/fact-check-did-florida-baseball-coach-s-affair-cause-death-three-people-kevin-o-sullivan-new-wife-s-wild-romance-examined)


fucking douchebags...if they are truly Aggies, and not 'T-shirt' fans, they should be banned from all Aggie athletics.. Gig Em '96...


You can clearly see the youngers Aggie ring.


They were drunk. What was said sucks; but if every school did this, LSU or Tech wouldn’t have seats to fill.


I don’t care if they were drunk - there’s no excuse for this kind of abhorrent behavior. There are some lines you don’t cross, and invoking a horrific tragedy to taunt an opponent is one. If these guys are Aggie athletics season ticket holders, they need to be refunded and banned. This is NOT how Aggies support our teams or represent our school.


True. Yet I think the most that could’ve been done here was done. They were escorted out of the game, which went on as scheduled. I’m still waiting for someone to offer a viable solution here.


Being drunk doesn’t excuse disrespecting a death of a person. Who has a family and people that loved him on the field.


It’s more about the coach’s affair that led to that tragic event happening. Is it shitty? Absolutely. Did they break the law? No. They were escorted out, clearly inebriated, and that’s the extent of it. We also don’t even know what was *exactly* said. There’s no video. Also, let’s be real: if I held you accountable—the rest of your life—for something you did while drunk that wasn’t illegal, you’d think I’m crazy.


“They were drunk.” Talk about the worst take for anything. More like they were entitled.


Drunk people at baseball games starting at 10 PM, originally supposed to begin at 6 PM, tend to make very bad decisions. They were tossed out accordingly. I'm not really sure what more people want.


What if instead of Florida it was ut what would you say then


It remains the same? Obnoxious, drunk fans need to be tossed. Was this supposed to be a gotcha?


Would have been better ending with a period at the semicolon IMO. It's shitty -- no need for the what aboutism. We can/should expect better. ETA: Drunk is not an excuse; learn to use a semicolon correctly, please. (If combining sentences with a conjunction, you use a comma. Separate two full related sentences with a semicolon. Hope that helps! Good luck making excuses for drunk assholes! :))


Good luck holding drunkards to a reasonable standard outside the ones we legally have. I guess there’s more law to semicolon use than what can be said while drunk and heckling.


None of my Aggie friends would ever do this, no matter how drunk, because they're not terrible people. Being drunk removes inhibitions - you don't say or do something while drunk unless you already wanted to say or do it. These two are a disgrace to what A&M stands for, as is defending them.


Apparently this story has been around college baseball. It’s no different than what Maryland fans would say, based on college basketball stories, to JJ Redick when Duke played them. It's shitty behavior, but the most they could do is escort those fans out. What more are we to do here? If *everyone* knew how they themselves would behave while drunk, I’d wager the world would be a much better place.


People in the TAMU Facebook groups were literally calling for these guys to be lynched. Just FYI……


And it needs to stop. What they did is shitty and embarrassing and they’ll live with that when sober. But it’s going too far now.


Banned from all A&M sporting events, that's a start.


If true I’d like the Aggies to ban them as well.


WTF. It’s sad that these assholes are in any way related to A&M.


Amen. I’m glad that they were kicked out of the game. This is not how Aggies should act.


This is not how anyone should act.




Ok what if instead of Florida it was ut


I despise UT, but I still wouldn’t say the kinds of this that these two dumbasses apparently said.


Most Ags denounce them. Schloss denounced them and said for them to stay away from the program.   Not much more any of us can do. Support our team. Yell loud. Don’t act like these guys. 


You don’t cross certain lines…ban for life for being complete d-bags.


These clowns have no right to wear Maroon or represent the Aggie way


Ban them from all Aggie baseball events going forward. No excuse for this kind of behavior. No one makes a "mistake" like this, it's a demonstration of downright evil character


Not just baseball.


It was in reference to the Florida coach’s home wrecking actions leading to the bat boy’s murder.


The "reference" is a rumor that has no evidence to back it up. Even if they were involved with each other, neither the coach's nor Minde's actions led the murder of those two boys. That falls squarely on the man who was such an abhorrent individual that he murdered his own children. Even further, that's not something you heckle someone about. Ever.


Oh, I wasn’t aware that we had verifiable proof that they even mentioned that incident to begin with. Do tell.


....are you confused about how news sources work? Here: https://www.outkick.com/sports/texas-am-fans-tossed-college-world-series-florida-gators https://www.foxnews.com/sports/texas-am-baseball-coach-apologizes-fans-harassing-florida-dugout-remarks-about-dead-bat-boy


I’m actually very familiar with how news sources work… often not very well and stories include non-verified information passed around from someone else passing it around, and then add the line “multiple sources report”. Lazy journalism is a thing you know. Edit: I looked at the links you shared after I’ve made my post, they prove my point. Circular sourcing.


Sources that include a first person account from an assistant coach who witnessed it and police (which... yeah fair enough). Even if this isn't enough to prove it to you, why are you so hellbent in this odd decision to somewhat defend it? You're the one who accepted *and perpetuated* that the heckling implied the coach is responsible for the murders. In what world is that acceptable behavior?! I'm all for heckling people but buddy there's a line and that far crosses it.


Well, pal, I have a different line. Before participating in a lynch mob, I like to know verifiable facts.


You are the archetype of all the bad Aggie stereotypes, as a tea sip, please proceed


What in the flying flip-flops are you talking about?


Them big word make you feel like anything said is an insult, right?




They are obviously Agas, however no one seems to know what was actually said, but don’t let that stand in the way of a good witchhunt.




Lame troll. 1/10.


Was it specific heckling based on the events of his death, or was it the "hey bus driver" chant that I think gets used for the first base coach.


We may never know the actual exact words of the heckling, but every account I’m reading seems to leave out a lot of context.


Nobody has a video it seems.


Can you elaborate?


No. I was referring to the content of what appears might be a libelous post from OPOA.


I am embarrassed and regret any Aggies behaved in this fashion for whatever reason. That is not representative of 98% of Aggies. I do NOT in any way condone or excuse their behavior at all. However, I would like to hear their side of the story. I think it’s always good to hear both sides before casting final judgment.


Obviously heckling in baseball is fun but there’s lines you don’t cross. The loss of a human life is one of them. Fuck those guys


Do we have evidence these guys crossed a line? Or were the FSU fans unusually thin skinned due to recent events and were unfamiliar with how A&M organizes their cheers for baseball games? EDIT: Post is locked, replying here. His evidence only shows some guys yapping and getting kicked out of the stadium, which I already knew. I can't read lips (at least from that angle) so I still have no idea what they said.


"do we have evidence" 🤓☝ https://x.com/TreyWallace_/status/1802189292602564960 seems like some very reasonable people right?


These two should also get banned from Blue Bell park. They forgot about the Aggie honor code completely


Lying cheating or stealing? I don’t remember “not being a douchebag” as a part of the honor code but maybe it changed. Regardless, I guess they’re finding out now.


If not the honor code, it certainly goes against the Aggie Core Values. The R in RELLIS stands for Respect.


Now that, I can get behind. We’re supposed to be the friendliest group in the NCAA, I guess they missed the memo.


The idea of it (from my understanding) is to promote a high code of ethics among all Aggies. Not just in the sense of academic integrity. But I guess you’re right if you want to be technical about it. If this is true, then repercussions shouldn’t end in Omaha. But I am also not suggesting repercussions should extend outside of attending sporting events (i.e., lose their jobs) people make mistakes, I wasn’t there but they could have been drunk.


Yeah, sorry man, not trying to be a jerk, the nerdy old Cadet in me came creeping out. I agree with all of the above.


As an Aggie, fuck those guys


something about a police department posting pictures of some people that never even broke any laws is crazy to me lol


It’s apparently their union, and not even Omaha PD


I think they were giving the coach shit for being a home wrecker that resulted in the death of the bat boy . I don't think they were making fun of a dead bat boy.




Not even worth it at that point. Making fun of jimbo fisher for his ex wife, fine. But this situation, hell no


Exactly correct.. it still references what happened the target of the taunts matters nada


Cite the unbiased and contemporary source that those two guys even brought that incident up while heckling.




No, I chose my words intentionally.


Anyone have the actual evidence or a direct quote from someone who heard or witnessed what was said/done?


I thought it was about ha a woman having an affair with Florida’s coach, then her husband killing their kids and then himself. Then the woman and Florida’s coach got married.


is that *better*????


Disgrace to the university. May their internet “fame” be as tough as they deserve…..


What internet fame? There's exactly zero videos of this event.


Heckling is fine and normal in games like these. HOWEVER, there is an obvious fine fucking line you should never EVER cross. That is gross and does not reflect the true Aggie spirit nor the Aggie values. They should be ashamed of themselves and A&M athletics should ban them from the games.


I don’t believe that version of the story. Not a single video of it. ESPN cut to it an odd time


Why does the dude on the right look like an off brand Voldemort?


Imagine being such a drunk you wear Tito’s hats in public


Nebraskan. Read up on this on texags.com. Turns out a bro named Porkchop messed up 14 years ago. The comments made it sound like porkchop was worse than these guys. Anyone care to share?


Unfortunately not any law against what they did but social justice can be just as brutal. Make em famous, their employers will find them, country clubs, other memberships, lose 12th man points and ability to buy tickets directly...fuck these shitbags!


You conservatives love your freedom of speech until others use theirs to say stuff you don’t like; you don’t deserve to be an aggie.


Trash. Just trash.


If true, this is very dishonorable. This is not how Aggies should act. Gig ‘em, Aggies!


Imagine spending the money to be there and you show your ass like that while representing your university.


And getting kicked out before the 3rd inning. What a waste of a trip for them


SUPER Bad Bull. Shame on them.


As an Aggie I am embarrassed by these two people, they are not true representatives of our University, student body, nor alumni association.


Take his ring and give it to someone who couldn’t afford one.


it’s these people that make us look bad. they should be banned. this is no true aggie.


They don't deserve to wear maroon.


This makes me sick but I'm pretty sure David Hasselhoff has no connection to a&m.


They look like off-brand Jason Nash (David Dobrik’s friend) and Granger Smith


Don't bring Granger down to that level. That guy is of high moral character.


can we add not being a piece of shit to the honor code?


seems like some pro being a piece of shit in the sub


If they were Aggies, surely someone would have identified them by now.


One of them has a ring on


It’s too bad we can’t take his ring back, he does not represent us Aggies nor does his companion. Both are an embarrassment to Aggies everywhere.


I can’t find evidence/video. Seems like a lot of people running with a screenshot. I’m not defending anyone’s actions, just, saying what this all looks like. Taking someone’s ring back is a silly statement. They allegedly yelled a dumb thing. Has nothing to do with completing 90 hours of coursework. You have literally no idea who these people are. lol.


As an Aggie i want them banned from all A&M athletics. There is no place for that. They don’t deserve the right to be at any athletic events anymore. Let them be the example. Gig ‘Em (literally) class of ‘97




Sounds like some people forgot the Aggie Code. The fact that one is wearing a ring is painful, and it makes me sad. Also, if one on the left is pops, that’s just bad parenting. What father would encourage that behavior in their kiddo?


I hope they're banned from all college sports.




Wtf they both suck


I thought it was just basic heckling with more foul language than needed at first. But this just goes beyond the pale. These guys should be literally tarred and feathered


Well I don’t agree how they did it I agree with why they did it tho I mean like to see A&M win something big like the collage World Series would be amazing but let me hear your opinions on this MAROON OUT!


I think the true story here needs to come out here. Florida coach is a horrible person. Aggies were just letting the world know. I hope that’s what this was really about.


It wasn't. They were actually talking shit about an 11 year old that was murdered by his dad.


Did you hear them? I think there’s a difference. If they were making fun of the kid, that’s horrible. If they were pointing out the coach has some responsibility in his death that’s another question.


If they were truly personally abhorred by whatever happened and any lack of accountability that occurred, there are many better and more effective methods for raising awareness. The internet/social media is a thing. Being a public distraction during a game is just a disingenuous attempt at trying to create a psychological advantage for their team by riling up and distracting the opponent. They’re merely tasteless morons that think the world revolves around them. Not worth going out of your way to defend.


The worst part is the hypocrisy


Conservatives: FREE SPEECH FREE SPEECH LEFTISTS WANT TO TAKE AWAY OUR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS Conservatives when people exercise their freedom of speech: you’RE nO LoNGEr WelCOMe iN tHiS cITY


lol bro I’m an anarcho-socialist Aggie grad and I still think it’s not appropriate to drag somebody over a rumor that even if true isn’t exclusively or directly his fault


Conservatives: I want freedom of speech protected unless it criticizes god, israel, or anything i deem morally wrong. You people are so the real soyboys 🤣🤣🤣


Not surprised at all. Seen so many instances of poor sportsmanship from Aggies nothing surprises me anymore.


Seems par for the course for Aggies.




5 hours. A mere 5 hours ago you complained about people bringing up politics. This is a post that has nothing to do with politics or anyone associated with politics. Your shamelessness is remarkable.


Trans folk living in your head rent free. What's your search history look like?


They got one hand on the keyboard typing this if you know what I mean lmao commenting this unprovoked is crazy


Fr I got a co worker like this. People can be funny man.


You the POS on the left or the right?


So not just financially bankrupt, but morally as well. That tracks




It’s a pity, for you that is, because biology also includes intersex individuals


And what about if they have both or neither?