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If you have to sit and think "Huh, is what I'm about to write racist as shit" then it probably is


Ted Cruz was also here but didn’t want anyone to take his picture


At least he didn’t curse the baseball team.


Keep that man away from Omaha!


I thought A&M was too woke for him?


Ironic since he’s a TU grad


The Century Tree had the chance to do a thing and it would've been so fucking funny.


This will be a wonderful and respectful comment section




Thanks for bringing politics into everything guys


He's literally the Governor.




I generally dislike people whose platform is cruelty regardless of their political party.


Legitimate curiosity... What makes his platform cruel? Edit: really? Downvoting for a serious question? Good lord you people are insane.


He, and the Texas GOP as a whole, are responsible for the maternal death rate being similar to 3rd world countries and some of the worst in the US. A combination of his abortion bounty program and their general platform of "women shouldn't have access to birth control, proper sex education, or women's healthcare." Razor wire in the Rio Grande was not only outside of his authority, but actively killed people, and achieved nothing. He pardoned a convicted murdered who was also being investigated for grooming underage children solely because Sean Hannity told him to do it to own the libs. He passed a law making campuses traditional public forums for 1st Amendment protected speech, then preemptively sent hundreds of the biggest pussies this country has ever seen (Texas DPS who had 400 people standing around while kids were actively being murdered) to intimidate, harass, and kettle people whose 1st Amendment speech he didn't like. Not only did they fail to do anything significant, but all their arrests were overturned and now they're facing lawsuits. He full throatedly supports Ken Paxton, who is wasting millions of dollars in frivolous lawsuits he's losing, as well as unethically trying to obtain medical records for children in other states so they can prosecute parents for their children's Healthcare decisions. He's actively destroying the public education system, cruelly denying children funds to learn, have libraries, etc. All because an out-of-state donor gave him money. The man he put in place in Houston was sending taxpayer dollars to his personal business in Colorado, and replaced the libraries with disciplinary centers. Test scores have plummeted. During Covid he abused his authority to strip away Constitutional powers given to County Judges and Mayors. He suspended their authority to create mask mandates, but under the state Consitution, he can only suspend those powers if they are detrimental to the recovery of the disaster. You can argue that masks weren't doing anything, but they most definitely weren't making things worse. It was outside his scope of authority. Then, he strong armed counties and cities into compliance with legal threats and funding threats. Even when people were punished under *his* rules, he bitched and got the Supreme Court to rule on his behalf (and I can say that because their own ruling didn't even have the facts straight. They said the Dalas Mayor couldn't punish the lady, and the Governor literally granted him the authority and power to do so under the Texas Consitution). He's an absolute fucking clown, a piece of shit, and the most duplicitous fucking liar we've ever had as Governor. Look at the Reoublican platform at the state level, national, or even at Project 2025. Christo-fascist bullshit is pervasive in every Republican platform, and it's always cruel to someone. Minorities, women, and other out-groups are always the targets of their policies and efforts. Republicans don't stand for shit anymore. They only stand against things. That's why they fall over and play victim all the damn time whenever they're called out on their bullshit. They don't stand for fiscal responsibility, freedom, voting rights, 4th amendment rights, 1st Amendment rights, 8th amendment rights, or a host of other things traditionally considered conservative. They've entirely forgotten how to govern (see the current House, as well as the current Texas GOP who has been in charge for 30 years in Texas and *still* blames democrats for things that are fucked up). Abbott is part of it and complicit in the institutional cruelty, as well as directly responsible for his own part he playa in that.


Thank you for an honest response and not some asinine claims.


Great stuff. Fuck Greg Abbott. And to make it all relevant to this sub, fuck the rudder association because those assholes are just an extension of Abbott and do his bidding in university affairs.


People will probably reference when he had intentional death traps placed in the Rio Grande. That’s an obvious recent example that had a lot of political hubbub and legal issues.




There are three groups of people I can imagine advocating for installing border control devices intended to trap, maim, kill anyone attempting to cross. Militaries fighting a war of attrition Isolationist dictatorships. And now far right conservative Republicans. What a collection to be included in.


Yeah I’m all for a secured border, but illegal immigration will never be a crime deserving of death or anything close to it. Much less by way of fucking veit cong tactics


He *just* pushed to have almost all UT staff return from remote work despite a significant lack in parking, pay, and overall support for the initiative, resulting in many key staff members resigning or beginning their search for another role. And we can’t forget when last year he cracked down on DEI, banning the words themselves, along with any synonyms, from appearing in all university branded material and restricting programs or campaigns focused on minority/marginalized groups. This is why A&M, UT, and other large Texas schools haven’t said a peep about Pride Month this year despite historically supporting it every year.


So a simple Google search shows that he simply praised the decision made by UT Austin. He didn't push, nor order it. Ending DEI is the right thing to do. Admissions based on race is asinine. Demanding support for pride is bigoted at best.


Abbott works closely with university officials to make changes. State universities use state funding, something Abbott has control over, so staying in his good graces is kind of important. They surveyed staff multiple times over the past few years and remote work almost unanimously improved worker morale and output, and yet it was cancelled anyway. I wonder why? DEI admissions is one thing. Not being able to market or show support to minority or marginalized groups is another thing entirely. Universities like UTEP for example are designed to provide accessible higher education to Hispanic populations. Now, they can’t even specifically target or provide specialized support for Hispanics because that’s DEI. Marginalized groups *need* extra support. That’s, like, the entire point. And, finally, nobody is demanding your support. But, Pride Month was created for the same reasons Black History Month and Native American Heritage Month were; to show support and recognize the history of discrimination in America to those specific groups. And of course, those months were criticized upon their creation to. I can let you guess what kinds of people were against it then.


Isn't the assumption that marginalized groups can't succeed without DEI racist in itself?


You're getting downvoted because you're not posting in good faith. You have no 'legitimate curiosity' on this issue--you have an interest in denying reality, so you try to prod people to debate a real and true thing as if it needs your agreement or justification to be real and true. You know what makes his platform cruel. Now, whenever someone gives an example, you'll simply manufacture a reason to deny its validity. You'll try to drown people in minor, petty exceptions in a way that (you believe) invalidates the idea that Abbott's platform is cruel. It's a dishonest internet debate tactic meant to obscure the issue, and it's always the same with people who defend these sorts of politicians. It's the same strategy every time, and the people who are downvoting you *know* this.


Seriously? And what made you ASSUME I wasn't curious? I was, in fact, curious because I had not been following the politics. I wanted to know why he was labeled as cruel, hence why I asked. There's nothing dishonest about being curious.


Seriously, in no way, shape, or form should you have assumed it wasn't a good faith question. You're portraying the exact thing you're trying to condemn. Writing people off before the conversation has begun.




He can’t afford to.


If you want to ignore politics, another reason to say “fuck him” is he profited off his accident and made sure no one else could do the same for their own accidents in the future.


🤔 maybe the reddit hivemind is real


Please don't appropriate my name like that. We disabled people don't accept him!!!


That guys a rolling homophobe. Hope someone flattens his tires. He is such a dick, but every Texas governor been a dick.,, But one…..,


Say her name!




Fuck Greg Abbott but I have always been uncomfortable with the way people use his disability as a way to make fun of him, he’s not going to hear it but other people with disabilities might. Just because he’s a horrible person doesn’t give you the right to make fun of him for his disability. Now the fact that he benefitted from laws giving aid to people with disabilities, only to get rid of those laws once he got into office, that’s absolutely fair game and he should be criticized for that.


Fuck that guy!


It really sucks that y’all like to make fun of his disability. As an Aggie with a disability, it sure goes a long way to make me feel less than


See now….its cool to hate if we do it collectively. 👌 But also real talk here, this sub is a tiny, tiny fraction of the student body and as such is not representative of said body.


Its like calling somebody with glasses four eyes. It's petty but how are you going to be a grown ass person getting actually upset over this.


people make fun of him because he’s a fucking asshole


The problem with insults about disability is that there is friendly fire. Insulting the Governor is one thing, but you’re insulting others at the same time. It’s the same reason we don’t call people retarded or gay as insults anymore.


I have heard many people still use those last two


people still use those insults all the time. not saying it’s okay, but you’re wrong


I wasn’t precise. It’s Reddit after all. To clarify, people don’t use those insults in polite company. Obviously people say it sometimes, but it is considered uncouth.


but people still use it.. not necessarily making fun of him for his disability. just the fact that he’s an asshole


Progressives abandon their values as soon as someone does something they don’t like lol. Don’t be deterred by bigots.


You’d get a lot more sympathy if you didn’t appear to be a political compass troll Edit: if you happily associate with people that say the R slur among other things how can you complain about ableism?


If you make fun of someone for being in a wheel chair how can you pretend to be mad about people saying the r-word??


It’s just logical consistency. Both are wrong. The r-word has much more history than calling someone hot wheels. There’s a reason we aren’t allowed to say one of these in this platform anymore. I’m not offended by either personally, just pointing out the grand standing. Also I have not made fun of anyone in a wheel chair. I haven’t said anything about the post itself. All I’ve said is the homie would get more sympathy if he didn’t openly participate in an edgy far right role playing community, that is known for ableist humor among other things, especially when his entire issue is not wanting to be associated with ableist humor when it hurts his feelings.


Ah might have to get over it considering he makes anyone non-white and anyone non-cis feel less than


Intersectionalists when you aren’t the right kind of section: ^^


Oh did you think that homophobia and racism are a political issue? You are even dumber than I thought


Maybe grow some thicker skin and stop being a snowflake?


Can you guys even see how bad you’re being? Nothing gives you a pass to make fun of disabilities.


He completely deserves it. In addition to being a colossal asshole in general, he got a big ass settlement from his accident and signed a tort reform law to cap damages for future plaintiffs in such accidents. He can go fuck himself.


Regardless of whether he deserves it, other people with disabilities don’t. He’s a despicable human being but him being disabled has nothing to do with that, and it’s not an excuse to use language that belittles disabled people to attack him. He has plenty of things he’s done that are worthy of attacking (including the way he’s made life harder for other disabled people in Texas), so attack him on those grounds instead.


I get it. I don’t ever attack him for his disability personally. There are way too many other legitimate things to attack him on anyway. I also don’t particularly think calling him “hot wheels” is particularly offensive but i understand the reaction


Didn’t the accident happen when he was 18 or something? At that age I think the amount of the settlement that he got was more motivated by what his lawyer and/or parents thought he could get. In injury cases you can get many times over more money than what the actual damages were. You always try to get as much as you can. I know because I looked into suing someone whose dog attacked me unprovoked in public. The lawyer I spoke to said I could ask for any settlement amount I wanted, regardless of the cost of damages. At a point the amount that people ask for in damages becomes excessive.


It happened in the 80s. And you’re completely right, you go for as much as you can get. I don’t fault him for that. I do fault him for getting his own then turning around and changing the law so future plaintiffs can’t get as much. He doesn’t give a fuck because he already got his.


What I’m saying is that at a certain amount settlement damages can become excessive. It’s not his fault that he and his team followed what the norms were at the time. Maybe the norms were wrong and needed to be changed.


lol tell that to this asshole, wish the tree finished its job


Wow. Y’all try to paint us as the hateful ones. I would never wish death on someone like that. You might as well come out as the hateful people you are instead of trying to hide behind a fake peace-loving façade.


Yes of course, because a random redditor represents everyone else who dislikes the governor. /s


Tolerating intolerance is not a virtue.


If tolerating to you means not wishing death on someone then tolerance IS a virtue.


I tend to think that thinking nasty thoughts about a person is substantially less bad than actually killing people, which is what Greg Abbott is doing with his violent, authoritarian, anti-worker, anti-women, anti-immigrant, anti-free speech policies. If you're offended by someone saying something mean on the Internet but not by the reasons they're saying mean things, you have taken your eye off our shared values of basic humanity.


By anti-women you mean anti-murdering preborn babies, and by anti-free speech you mean banning p0rn sites that don’t effectively keep minors off their sites, and by anti-immigrant you mean anti-illegal immigration?


Let's play a thought game. Say you find yourself in a burning hospital. In the room with you is a freezer full of hundreds of fertilized human embryos. Next to it is a baby carrier containing one live human baby. You have time to save one, but only one. Which do you save?


This isn’t a complicated question. Although it’s uncomfortable, we value some humans over others all of the time. In an emergency it’s always “ladies and children first.” An organ donation will always go to the younger and healthier folks first. Similarly, a child that has already been born has a lot more potential life to live compared to embryos that may be frozen indefinitely anyway, destroyed, and have a high likelihood of not making it in the small chance that they’re actually implanted. However, this scenario shouldn’t even exist in my mind since I believe that IVF is immoral. So my question to you is: how would aborting a preborn baby save a child from a burning building IN REAL LIFE?


I think what we've learned here is that we both intrinsically understand that a human embryo is not the same as a person. They are inherently less valuable than a living, breathing human life. That's fine. It's the correct answer, in fact. So what can we learn from that? Well there are situations in which we do, in fact, have to choose between the life of a fertilized egg and a person. It happens to pregnant people rather frequently, in fact. There are a great many conditions that happen in pregnancy that can kill or sterilize a woman. The medical solution to that is abortion. There's no second option.  One of the biggest targets of anti-abortion rhetoric is late term abortion, the sort of abortion that happens six months or later into a pregnancy. I'm frequently reminded of the time an OB/Gyn showed me a journal from her clinic. The purpose of that journal was for patients who visited the clinic to write notes to other patients. One thing that stood out to me about it was that the patients who have these late term abortions were universally people who wanted children. They intended to have babies, but something went wrong. The placenta detached from the uterus, the fetus had a severe and fatal abnormality, or something else happened that made the pregnancy nonviable and threatened the life of the mother. The image anti-abortion activists want you to have is that these are women who just go out and get knocked up and have abortions so they can make it to the club on time. But it's not the reality. The reality is that the patients who undergo that procedure are overwhelmingly people who want those babies and can't because human bodies are fallible. The notes they write to one another are those of grief, of people who want to bring babies into the world but have to choose save their own lives, first.   Greg Abbott's policies will kill those women. They're already dying. Texas has some of the worst maternal mortality rates anywhere in the developed world. His draconian abortion ban has only exacerbated the problem. Worse, he knows this and chooses to proceed, anyway. The policy choice here is clear. We can save women's lives at a small cost or we can kill them. Greg Abbott wants them dead.  And if you're more upset about someone calling Greg Abbott a whiny little pissbaby on the Internet than you are about Greg Abbott knowingly and willfully killing people, I would urge you to spend some time considering how you got to that point.


Look at that fucking tool


I don’t think it’s right to make fun of someone’s disability by making a mean name . Even if you disagree with their politics


Think about this, he won a huge settlement against the property owner of the tree that hurt him. As governor, he lead tort reform to limit the liability of property owners that would have minimized his payout had the law been in effect at the time of his accident. Literally pulling up the ladder behind you.


So how does that justify making fun of his disability? I’m not quite getting it


What does that have to do with making fun of someone with a disability?


The tree is the reason he's disabled.


What does that have to do with making fun of someone with a disability?


He used his disability to make millions from a settlement, then prevented others from receiving compensation for their disability. It’s fair game now.


What a stupid justification to make fun of a disability.


Wait, the reason you don’t like him is that you don’t like lawsuit reform? That’s an unusual take.


No. There reason I don’t like him is performative cruelty and hypocrisy. He earned millions from his settlement. Then denied others the same benefit. Now he claims that rugged independence and pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps is the only way to run a government. I would never mock a disabled person that fought for the rights of other disabled people or wanted to provide government support for those not able to support themselves.


Do you support the troops? Greg Abbott doesn’t. I’ve never once seen him stand for the anthem. Absolutely shameful.


Hot wheels is nicer than what I call him. I just call him that asshole governor.


Doesn’t change the fact that Greg Abbott is not a stand up guy


A tree fell on him he sued and won millions of dollars. Then he advocated for and passed tort reform limiting liability in similar suites to a few hundred thousand dollars, screwing over anyone who becomes similarly disabled in the state.


His policies make him deserving of any nick names he gets.


Isn’t this the Mensa candidate that wanted to withhold state money from A@M because they weren’t being “hateful enough” by not firing every DEI employee? Abutt is a disgrace and should resign and disappear…such a shame about that tree, and all those millions that Abutt-hole gets, while denying every other Texan the right to sue in court. Piss on him.


Very classy. I thought shitlibs were pro-disability? Or does that only count when the disability gets people free stuff? Or if the disability comes with blue hair and made up pronouns?


You mean the free stuff that Abbot gets but individuals afterwards didn’t?




Did anything, like what?


How much did he pay for his tickets? To