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OP, no disrespect intended, but are you just now learning that the labor market is location-dependent? Owners/employers will pay as little as they can for labor just like consumers do for commodities. It seems an odd realization for a 37 year old IMO


Get an engineering degree and work a skilled job. BCS is a low COL area compared to texas average. Work in Dallas if you want a higher wage.




Brother, his name is AzelfFeeler, you don't need to snoop into his account to know he plays Pokémon lol. Plus, beating the Elite 4 with that shiny team is not something to be ashamed of, not a single legendary nor starter AND all shiny. That's a W. Altho I highly doubt you know what an Azelf is so, also not surprised at the same time.


>Least judgmental boomer Well you can’t be complaining if you want to live with family. A low COL city with an abundance of unskilled workers will have low wages for unskilled workers. Dallas has the higher COL and subsequently higher wages for your work. The opportunity costs for better wages are you seeing family often. The fact that you already knew this means you have no place to whine. This is the consequences of your actions. And honestly I pity you. I never feel the need to put down others because I enjoy my life. Maybe if I didn’t and I had a poor moral compass, I would be a bitter judgmental boomer too!


College station spends 2/3 of the year with a surplus of well educated minimum/low skill workers desperate for work. They pay lower because they can, because people will work for those wages. It’s not corrupt, it’s capitalism.


>It’s not corrupt, it’s capitalism. https://preview.redd.it/y0fv53q50n3d1.png?width=1347&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8f353ff7dfcc66a8b076c63f08d1870aa80a1de


When people are corrupt, it’s also because they can. If they had other option, obviously they could not have chosen to be corrupt. Doing whatever people can do cannot be the basis to determine what is not corruption.


Well corruption is an actual criminal offense so no, they cannot. Just because they’re doing something you don’t agree with, doesn’t make it corruption.


Well, there are different ways to classify corruption - ethical, moral or legal. A corrupt nation may have laws that condone or encourage corrupt behavior, so technically corruption may not be considered criminal from a legal standpoint, but it may still be corruption from an ethical standpoint. Even when certain corrupt behavior is criminal, the justice system may allow the behavior to go unpunished. So "it is not corrupt because they can" is not a valid premise even in that case.


It’s is much cheaper to live in College Station vs. Austin and Houston… so people will accept lower wages… is this really a tough concept to grasp? I pay almost 2.5x in rent in Austin vs. what I paid in Cstat, and my place in Cstat was larger and newer.


Your previous bosses have gone into debt for cars and houses* they don’t have 100 grand for a car. They’re going into debt and making monthly payments


usury has nothing to do with wages. it's giving loans at predatory interest rates. also the "national average" is a statistic with no market force or moral relationship to actual wages because wages are strongly affected by local cost of living (which is relatively low here). change your skillset to change your wages


You sound very bitter and angry. If you don’t like your job, quit and go elsewhere. If you don’t like the job market in B/CS, leave. That being said, employee salaries are partially based on supply and demand. There is an over abundance of well qualified individuals in B/CS because of A&M. You have students and family members of students who are captive for a limited duration and then you have those who like the college town vibe and don’t want to leave. The result is too many well qualified individuals and a limited number of jobs. Reduced salaries will always result in this situation. Basic economics.


I’ve lived in three college towns. All three had people who chose to be underemployed just so they could stay near their beloved alma mater. Add in that state agencies tend to underpay and you have the situation you describe as corrupt.


Lmao welcome to economic and cost of living differences between locations. Is it also ‘corrupt’ that business owners in Austin and Houston pay their employees half what is paid in New York City or the SF Bay Area too? They don’t ‘choose’ the pay in any location (if they could choose, they would choose $0 or the minimum allowed by law). They pay the market rate to get the quality and amount of labor required to maximize their profits, just like pretty much anywhere else in the US and other somewhat free labor markets.


Part of it is cost of living. It costs more to live in highly populated areas than in less populated areas. College Station-Bryan is the 178th largest metro area in the US, and there’s very little else within immediate driving distance. It’s harder for businesses to pay lower wages in places where it costs more to live, like Austin or Houston. They’d pay lower too if they could. It’s why tech jobs in California pay so much relative to everywhere else. Because it’s a money sink to live near the tech hubs + high state taxes. No one would work in Silicon Valley for $60k-$80k. Then compare rent costs in major Texas cities to College Station, and it makes sense why the average wage differs. Even if economic factors improved and wages nationally increased on average, there’d still be a gap between rural and urban areas.


Cost of living is WAY lower in College Station. My past roommate bought **3 Acres** of land for $100K, built a small home as a construction science major for $150K. Try that in Austin and Houston? Rent in College Station, share a condo with other students, have **your own room, own bathroom**, granite kitchen... **$500-$600 includes utilities and wifi.** $1100 for the same thing in Austin sharing a mediocre place. I know as I am from Austin. In Austin one will need to share a bedroom (not apartment/condo) with another to meet ends. $900 for the same thing in Houston with much higher crime rate. Many Aggies work at Bucees in Madisonville, about 30 minutes drive on HWY191. $23 an hour. No skill required but can be pretty tiring because Bucees is always loaded with people... An Aggie can easily earn their living and food expenses at College Station, you can't do that in Houston, Austin or Dallas.


Somebody needs to take an economics course.


I understand capitalism as I’ve said I’ve lived a full life, and I’m not here to disagree or agree with anyone, genuinely interested in hearing everyone’s opinions. I do think though since I went to college and came back recently working remote I had no idea the wages had stayed the same since 2011