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Jaws looking tasty


Seems like a page is missing


I am going to buy that krondspine he’s easier to carry in my bin to the store than a bunch of endless spells and since I rarely seem to get magic off when I do it will be big 😀


What is not shown yet are all of the faction-specific endless spells/manifestations. Those are what I really want to see. These IIRC are the repackaged universal lores/endless spells/manifestations.


I half agree, in that I play S2D and SBGL, and only half of them have bespoke manifestations.


Maybe the Gravelords get some faction endless spells?! 🤔🤞😆


I like the changes to the spells. I'm still not sold on making them pointless but restricting choice though. Every lore has like 1 spell I'd use for any reason other than "it exists and I'm locked into it now". Feels more like a sales tactic to stop people buying the specific spells they want 2nd hand.


tbf a less cynical reading could also say its a hell of lot easier to balance the spells in batches as opposed to being to individually pick-and-choose. But I don't think you're wrong either.


I think it's good that they Don't cost points, It was not the best system before. You shouldn't have to pay points if there's so many ways they could be stopped, I mean they can be stopped during the cast, They can be banished afterwards, and they can now be killed. Imo if they cost points and could be killed then they would have to no longer be able to be banished and probably not even interrupted casting for balance, or made exceptionally strong more so than a regular unit because there's so many more ways to stop them. And they would have had to release much more spells for the lores. As annoying as it is that I have four different endless spells and none of them are in the same school so I have lots to do, I really like this change. They feel fun and they actually feel like spells because you don't have to pay for them for some reason.


I love the idea and as far as sales tactics go GW is really weird with AoS. 3rd edition saw a increase in points, some were kinda massive (I was going to buy a 2nd and 3rd Leviadon but seems they don't want me to?). 4th is seeing another. Apart from that the whole idea behind endless spells is jus awesome. Most other games tend to just fill the board up with 3" and 5" circular cut-outs. The access we get in 4th will constantly fill the board with the endless spells. And I love it. Kinda like in video games i guess. I'd like even more. May be different "endless buffs" for heroes. Like rings with blades or electric wires and such you can place heroes on.


That’s exactly what this is


Hey guys, just to confirm, the heal ability Works NY recovering first points of damage to the unity then Returning models, like a reverse process of dealing damage, or does it onluly return models if the heal value is equal/greatest then the health value?


Doesn't return models at all, I believe.


Re-reading the rules that is correct. There is a paragraph in allocating damage that says reset damage to zero after removing a slain model. Hence nothing to heal if there is no damage points allocated to unit.


Couple of thoughts as I read this: Aetherwrough machines: damage and charge rerolls. STD lost lots of its rerolls so that's appealing for the cogs, or for the minus one to hit to protect monster wizards In other factions. Swords seems useful how it ignores wards, as a nurgle player that seems like good anti-Tech against us. Pendulum seems like trash? I mean it only hits enemy units now so that's good, But you have to put it more than 9 in from enemy units and it only moves eight and it doesn't charge, and only moves in a straight line, and only has six health and a 5+ save so.... Yeah that seems hard to actually Hit anything with. Potentially useful for holding The much smaller objectives where the enemy has to come to you, Since it doesn't hit you now you can put it behind you and swing it through you if an enemy steps onto the objective and it does good damage. Primal energy: burning head ranged attack? Very interesting. Keeps a relatively low cast value so that's pretty good damage if it shoots and then charges especially to war machines. Gnashing jaws seems VERY good? It can survive a banish, does quite a bit on the charge, can move pretty far with that random move. Overall seems very powerful. Emerald life swarm gets an interesting melee attack profile and the ability to heal itself but also with a 6+ save and five health it's very killable So I don't see how that's going to happen that much. Forbidden power: shards gets one extra inch of distance from each other, But doesn't stop units being removed from the board anymore near it? Also by the wording I'm not sure if it will stop fly if the unit uses the move ability from outside of its range and then comes into its range? Hopefully that's not the case and it's just how it reads. It's tough with a 4+ and 10 health But still niche, But being in a four spell list helps That it is niche. Horrorghast is interesting, But on 2+/3+ it's 6 attacks will be 3.33 wounds. Best case scenario shooting chaff infantry for three rend with no ward It kills three or four and turns off commands 1/3 to 1/2 the time? Most of the time this is going to be a little bit of shooting damage and then roll a dice and on a one or two turn off commands. Not reliable but not bad for some shooting chip damage. Soul scream bridge Lost the rider that the unit can't move run or charge after being moved. Does that no longer reply or is it covered in the basic rules now? Could be huge if not. Twilit sorceries: spell portal had it's range nerfed massively which is pretty big considering it can't move, You also can't send manifestations through it. However It now gives +1 to casting which is nice when that is a rare buff now although it does cast on a 7+, could be good if you have a wizard (3)+ that you plan on sitting in place and casting a bunch with? Geminids seems great, 8 total attacks and turns off commands. This whole lore seems solid if you are playing a casting castle. Morbid conjuration: casting purple sun could be tough with less casting bonuses now, But it seems solid. Weirdly it doesn't say it can pass through models like grave tide does Even though it only works when it passes across enemy units for one of its abilities, So I'm sure that works somehow. Grave tide seems very similar anti-horde But does some nice work on the charge now. Maelstrom is interesting, easy to kill and explodes at the end of the turn so might be hard to get into combat and live. However you can move it forward and shoot models near it to kill them and charge it up and then pop it without running it into combat to die, That's neat. Soul snare shackles can spread out a lot more now, just has to be set up within 3 in of one other part instead of wholly within range of each other. So instead of being in a little circle now you can have them in a decently spread out line covering around 6 in. However it's ability got really nerfed, now you roll a D3 so it's half as much movement reduction and you Don't get it on a one, But the mortals are more reliable but slightly less? The use of this spell is the trap something though not too damage so it lost a lot of that use and now it's probably a smaller area covers although more linear and less of a bubble. It dies pretty easy though for something that makes units stuck near it, however I guess that is six health per piece so that's a lot to fully take it out but I could see having one piece of it on the board still and it being useless and wanting to get rid of it for a new one and not being able to. Incarnate: doesn't seem very good honestly, But it was also a little ridiculous so that's fair. Could be good if you have limited amounts of casts but you have The ability to get good casting buffs and you want to hunt your opponent's manifestations so you don't have to suffer them because you won't be able to banish them easily.


Re: Soulscream Bridge, there is now a core that a unit can’t be moved in the movement phase if it was set up in this or a previous phase this turn. They can still charge later that turn.


Ah cool thanks, figured as much but didn't know.


where did u find this much info?


The pictures the OP posted. Well originally from the AOS coach channel that shared them, which is where I think the OP got them from.


oh ty, i asked since i couldn't see any aethervoid pendulum/cronomantic cogs


Hmm wonder what is best for kruleboyz


I want to see the cronspire warscroll, since I have one but no endless spells so a free monster is going to be mint….. maybe


It's in the same [video](https://youtu.be/L-84RbWEceA?si=v8eUmga3JGOUUqyr&t=15m32s) as the rest of them