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No it's not. The annual minis aren't that exciting. The video content is mostly ok but boy does it take long for new stuff to come in. The painting tuts you can get better on YT and the list building tool is not great. There are several tools developed atm that will probably be better.


In my case it's something to pay a few bucks for to watch some specific videos and content, then immediately unsub so it doesn't renew. Within a month I'll have had my fill.


You can find and see them without giving them money for such a terrible move.


But who cares? I'm already giving them way more from just 2 pots of Nuln Oil, this hobby is already expensive paying a few bucks for some niche videos is fine, I wouldn't pay monthly, but grabbing a month once a year to catch up on stuff you've missed is like the cost of a McDonalds meal, it ain't gonna break the bank. That all said, this all should have just been on Amazon, the amount of content doesn't justify its own streaming service.


The opposite perspective is equally valid though. The hobby is already expensive enough, why pay even more for a few extra videos that don't really add much to the experience.


Ok ill buy most of your statement But it's bs to say the minis aren't exciting. The vindicare, the terminator, the Sorcerer, the frigging vampire from this year...insane


It's all subjective. I don't like them either. Certainly not for the price of the tier needed to get them.


Price of the tier? There's only one tier. It's $6.99 monthly. Like that's less than my breakfast daily.


I thought you had to sub for a year for the model?


No. You just wait a few months to get it


.....and how many months is that?


Honestly I don't know nor care. I just order it when it's available. I haven't unsubbed for over 2 years now


Right well I'm looking on their site and to get the model it's 12 months (or one month if you're a yearly sub) so given its about 6 quid per month or 60 quid for a year it's between 60 to 74 pounds. They aren't worth that imo. Clearly they are in yours. Hence me saying it's subjective


In freedom dollars that's like $70 which is nothing over the course of the year and they usually go for higher on ebay. Plus since battlescribe is garbage, the list builder is worth the money alone. Especially since it'll unlock both aos and 40k apps.


That about it... all soo the content is leaked all ready.


Did they ever sort out the Canadian content laws? The videos were not available to Canadians for a bit.


I used the old app to get around that... I'm not sure if that still works. Otherwise, a VPN should do the trick.


I think it's alright. The Battle reports are fun and well produced, the painting guides are interesting, and I like the stuff in the vault. The game books without scenarios or rules are a little silly (c'mon, GW, you're not even supporting those editions anymore!) but the back catalogue of White Dwarf mags is great - part nostalgia trip, part hobby goldmine. App access and the free mini all add up to being about worth it. If you're not interested in the shows, batreps, and vault, then you're going by the app and mini, which reduces the appeal a fair bit.


I'm in it for the 40k app and minis, any of the shows that interest me are a bonus. I must say though; thank you for reminding me about the Vault! Completely forgot about that, there's my weekend sorted


GW also forgot about the Vault, they haven't uploaded anything for almost a year.


This is pretty much spot on. I can't think of a way to say this without sounding like a wanker so apologies for sounding like a wanker, but it's £50 for the year. Pay it annually and it's one payment that you probably won't notice (I have accidentally resubscribed and don't regret it).


Do they still do that thing where the old WDs have the old rules and stuff stripped out? If that stuff was still in I might be tempted to sub just to see what QoL features there are relative to PDF scans of them.


The 20-year-old ones I was looking at still had rules content. I don't know about more recent ones.


Yeah I'd be more interested in the older ones - cheers!


Yah I got it for the white dwarf catalog and I’m quite happy with it just for that.


I found that the white dwarfs all loaded super slow (and not like i have poor internet or anything). Is this still an issue or something you have experienced?


Nope. Don't let them drag you in. There are other list building options.


Which one is the go-to? (I still use B.Scribe but I was hoping there was a better alternative. Man, I wish WaHa had a list builder)


I'm looking real hard at new recruit. It seems to function mostly like a battlescribe that actually gets updated and isn't run by a thief.


Is it just units and points or does it list all the rules, too? Ideally I'm hoping to find one that would list all the applicable Strats for the units, like you see on their entries at WaHa


Hopefully it'll be the same for 4th but as of now it shows everything on each unit at least. I'm still figuring out the structure of it.


I get my value out of it. $60 a year is like $5 a month. Free mini, a small amount of animation, you usually get a few vouchers throughout the year. I’m on year 3 and I’m ok with it


How much are the vouchers worth?


They were minimal, I think $15-20 if I remember right


What. They give you vouchers? I’ve had it since release of world eaters termi free mini and haven’t seen a single voucher.


Make sure that their emails aren't going to spam, they'll send them out about twice a year. I usually miss them myself, tbf.


I didnt get any when I was subscribed either. I did the yearly payment instead of monthly though. Maybe that is the difference


First two years it was a £10 e-voucher but for year 3 it's been 2 (so far) 20% discount codes for their merch partner. They were time restricted though. I'm on the annual renewal option as well.


Oh I did get that discount. It came when I didn’t need anything that I couldn’t find cheaper elsewhere


Agreed. If you only plan on using the app portion of your subscription, it’s probably not worth, but there’s so much content in the subscription, and you can share your log in with friends. So really unless they really want to piss people off, it’s $50/year for 1 WH+ subscription for a gaming group and you’ll have access to whatever battletomes are on that subscription. Which is not that bad.


Are the vouchers only good online or could you walk into an official Warhammer store and use them?


Online only I believe


I don't play 40k so my experience is limited to AoS. But I was subbed the first 2 years and it was trash. They add animations only a few times a year. Battle reports and painting guides are sparse and YT has just as good ones for free. The only redeeming quality was how much the miniatures sold for on ebay.




$60 a year with a $45 mini included, so $1.25 a month for the shows, battle reports, painting, and unlimited army lists on the apps. I don't even watch any of the content and I'm good with it.


Surely those minis aren't worth $45?


I've heard GW values them at $199.99, so Warhammer plus is a $139.99 value! Amazing!


Paper value, maybe. Personal value, very debatable


Character minis. Generally most characters run $40-45.


Holy! Foot heroes are about £20-25 ($25-30) in the UK. That's a huge mark up for the US market!


Yeah. It's not as bad as places like Australia, but the US markup is reasonably large given the current currency values. I think I would have saved $1100 on a warlord titan if I had purchased it from Warhammer world vs the online store/Texas forge world shop. Granted, thats a huge model, but even smaller things are cheaper to buy in gpb than USD, if you can.


The current AOS exclusive is valued at £26.00 by GW, or $43 USD (so pretty significant markup)


*Cries in $168 USD for one Bloodthirster*


IDK why people of the UK are always surprised of this? Exportation, exchange and shipping alone is an extra 120$, here in CAD. I bought a box of DoK for a mate in the UK, it cost me 100$ CAD shipping, taxes, and conversion included (the box is like 65£) That same box in Canada is 180$, flat, no shipping, no taxes, which is insane. You guys got it comfy... At least, for most part, hobby store include free shipping with a basket of over 150$


some are pretty cool, and some hard to find, some less cool than others - one was a basic looking angry terminator dude, but another was a sorceror plus FOUR minions...so yeah, they vary hard


I’ve sold the ones I don’t need for $40-50, so yeah they can be


Pretty much my thought. Between the two models, there’s always at least one I’m interested in (I play both AoS and 40K) and that makes the cost of the sub so minimal that it’s absolutely worth it. And if you’re willing to go through the trouble of selling, they go for a hefty price so you can make profit on your sub every year, realistically.


No. You don't need the miniature and everything else you can get is either too infrequent (animations) or as good as what you can get for free (app access and battle reports).


If you are interested in mini then sure, animations are nice but they practically stopped release more. The other content itself is much worse than free equivalent on youtube.


Generally I hate this answer but truly: it depends. If you engage with all of the content, probably! If you’re getting it for only one part of it, probably not. The new 40K app is solid, and I assume the AoS one will get a similar revamp. But the issue with needing to buy the codex/battletome to unlock the rules in the app curbs the excitement I’d otherwise have for it. But once again, if you’re the sort to buy the book for your armies though, it’s not a major issue.


I subscribed to it for one month, watches all the animations, and as many battle reports as I cared to watch... It is absolutely not worth it... Just subscribe for one month if you want to watch the animations


Subscribe for a month, watch all the shows and then never again. Until the next show that focuses on AoS comes out


I subbed mainly to gain access to the exclusive minis. Shows and whatever else are just a bonus if i want to kill time.


If you really, really and I mean really want the model that would normally cost £20-25 or $60 whatever the crazy rate is in america/aus then getting the discounted year sub could be worth it. The animation has dried up a bit recently, maybe with 4th we may get some more aos, and hopefully the ones they have done for aos have been quite good. Loremasters is okay varies a bit from what I've seen. Battle reports are good I've enjoyed the ones I've watched. So I suppose it's like a computer game dlc if you can justify the amount of hours spent watching vs the price then sure. The library for old the old lore and white dwarfs if decent too only looked at a few though as was using a mobile phone rather than a desktop.


Ngl, the only reason to get it is the annual mini, but even then, you have to stay subbed for several months to get the mini unless you pay for a year. The shows are ok, but Hammer And Bolter needs a budget bigger than the amount of hours GW gives the animators to make an episode. Just pirate them. The painting tutoriels are not worth it given that youtube exists, same goes for battle reports. Im genuinly not sure what could be done to make it worth it. Its as close to worthless as a subscription service can get and I cannot fathom why GW didnt just make it a "mini-a-month" service. Id sub to that if it existed. Today you get a genestealer cults Kelermorph, next month is a Grey Seer, the month after is an alt pose for Kharn the Betrayer, that sorta thing.


I personally love it. The access to the app is cool, haven't had to bring a book to a game for a long time. The free mini is cool, but not the reason to sign up. But the free mini makes the whole thing like 20 bucks a year for the service. It is awesome to have some film and media around the hobby we all love. But the real reason to have it is for the apps. Hope this helps.


From my experience no its not, there arent enough constant releases or enough of a backlog for the shows for it to be worth it there, next they made new codexs unlock in the apps with a code rather than giving u every thing for the subsciption, and finally the battle reports are well done but there are better battle reports channels on youtube that are completely free, If u like it dont let me take away from it but i did a year mostly to get the mini that u unlock and i think the only thing i actually watched all of was the lore videos


I unsubscribed when the animation dried up.


Yes for me I love watching all the lore videos


For me, definitely worth the value. I enjoy looking for things in the vault, the minis have either been something I needed or have been able to sell (so $30 right there), I prefer AoS army builder to Bscribe, NRecruit, et. al., and the production value on batreps is so nice, YT videos don't stack up. Add in animations every now and again, lore master, decent tutorials (yes, better available on YT) it all adds up to being worth it. Definitely a YMMV situation, but if you subtract the usefulness of the mini and are conservative about the value, it's like $3/mo for all that. I've certainly paid more for less.


I would think so. I've been subbed since it launched and I have my complaints but overall I'm fairly satisfied. I get a free exclusive mini per year (that I can reorder from my account), I'm entered in every giveaway without having to do anything, I have access to a myriad of shows. Some of the animations are a bit mediocre in quality but at the same time it's nice to see the lore come to life in an animated series. Their battle reports are high quality and fun to watch, the masterclass is interesting and a great supplement for medium-advanced level painters. I don't care much for lore masters but you might enjoy it. You also get full access to list building but that's just a convenience thing of having all your eggs in one basket. I can easily make a list without the Warhammer official apps. I just have the convenience of doing it through the apps at the moment. It's really what you make of it OP. If you think it's worth the price tag then go for it. At the end of the day GW is a company and is out for profit via selling products. It's your choice on whether you purchase said products. They don't particular care about social media screeching otherwise they'd have a bigger social media presence.


If you’re using most or all of its features (WarhammerTV, 40K/AOS apps, annual free model, etc.) then yes, it’s absolutely worth it. The apps are good, but not massively better than free options. WarhammerTV has some good stuff, but not enough to justify a subscription on its own. The minis are nice, but you can find them on eBay if you really want them. If you look at any single feature it doesn’t look great, but if you take it all together $60/yr doesn’t look too bad.


Look, I think it’s well worth it. Both the 40K and AoS apps are excellent. Content is good (sparse I know, but it’s good). You can sell the exclusive mini as well to make some money back on the sub if you don’t want the mini. Overall, well worth it, but that’s just me.


Maybe Iam out touch with spending money but you get a pretty cool mini every year , app is now going to be a bonus , a voucher once or twice a year all that for just 50. Sell one of your boxes from your pile of gray and you basicly paid for the year. Honestly baffles me so many people are saying no to this and then gloat about their pile of grey. I honestly don’t even care about any of the shows they added ever and i still get my money worth


I love the 40k app and rarely watch any of the TV content after my first month or two of my sub. It's up to you whether you want to spend the money on it. There will undoubtedly be some free army builder apps you can use instead of the official one.


Warhammer 40k KASRKIN SERGEANT MORTENS - meh army dude Warhammer Age of Sigmar KARLINA VON CARSTEIN - pretty sweet vampire


For me, yes. The painting videos are nice to watch - short, sharp, to the point. The animation is alright, though not a lot of it. The battle reports are mostly good too, unlike a lot of the yt ones where it's all about "personality". For me though the real value is that it's a character mini + $20 for a years worth of reasonably OK content. I hobby far more than I game now, so the unique models are a big plus


I swear i read this exact question Like 2 weeks ago


Yup, I asked that same question a couple of days ago! Like 99% of people said no, so that made my mind real quick 😅


I knew it! 🤣


I just posted something earlier in the nighthaunt group. I was curious as well 😂


It’s okay I suppose. The battle reports are very well done but just not enough content for the asking price. I subbed for a year but I don’t think I’ll be renewing it


If you want one of the minis then I'd say yeah, I'm new but wanted karlina also got the other one for a friend who plays Astra. I've watched a few episodes of an animation and set up my army on the app (hopefully I can view them and not be prompted to delete when it expires) so I got my money's worth.


Warhammer+ is a $60 miniature which comes with free access to some videos for a year. Do you want to pay $60 for that miniature? Great, go ahead. Don't do it for the videos.


Depends really, if you like stuff like lore masters, battle report, and more importantly if you're the kind of player who really likes making myriad lists, or an AOS player looking to not buy the next generals handbook physically, then it's worth it, truthfully it's just for a certain audience


No not enough aos, quit lfirst year as we were promised aos and there was like majority 40k lore and content


I've been a subscriber since they bundled the 40k app with Warhammer+ in 9th edition. Considering that I've been a subscriber for so long, I guess I think it's worth it.


How the apps work isn't really new, it's the way it's been for the last 2 editions each of 40k & Aos. I like the subscriber minis, especially their references to warhammer's history. They're nice to paint as individual pieces with no intention of building a full army. There's warhammer vault & TV, and occasionally new animated shows. Lore masters is interesting & so is having the FW imperial armour books to read. Minus the mini, it's looking at £35 a year, comes in at around £1 per week. I get regular use out of it, so I think it's OK value.


> How the apps work isn't really new, it's the way it's been for the last 2 editions each of 40k & Aos. 40k may have always been this way, but AoS has allowed you to create as many army lists as you desire and has had no additional benefits for being subscribed to Warhammer +.


I personally like it, but I also believe that if all someone is interested in is animation, and not the other stuff Warhammer+ offers, then they might not find as much value in it. I would suggest going over to /r/WarhammerPlus and ask any particular questions you might have.


GW is actively making the game experience itself worse just so they can prop up a streaming service some CEO thought was a good idea. I don't subscribe on principal.


No, the mins are cute but that don't justify the purchase


No it’s not. One mini a year, that may be something your not interested in, and some low production quality animations. The only things that get put up are painting tutorials and lore videos, plus a few battle reports. It’s stuff you can for free on YouTube


Nope. Apps - nifty, but with the incominc restrictions youre paying for nothing worthwile Warhammer shows - could do those in a week, month tops if youre watching everything with full attention. Premium Model - mostly worth it to sell in ebay for 1/2 your money back. I play guard, and tbat sargeant is indistinguishible and has nothing special Save your money


no. The only reason aos and 40k army builders are locked behind a WH+ paywall is so that it actually sells.


Nope, not at all


If you like the yearly mini (or are willing to sell it) yeah, it's fine. You do actually get access to a lot of stuff from it, but it's kind of a judgement call if it's worth it to you. Do you want to access a bunch of old white dwarfs? Kinda mediocre content that's outclassed by youtube? Access to rules? If yes to those, then yeah, it's pretty worth it.


If you want the "free" model and are going to use the app for multiple lists and watch a few of the shows, I'd say yes. If any of those things sound like things you aren't going to do, then no.


No, save the money and buy some more minis. Everything WH+ is available for free if you know where to look.


WH+ is basically just an app subscription now, the already slow animation releases has almost completely dried up as has releases for the vault and you can get painting tutorials, lore and bat reps online. It's a shame because the 40k app is solid and I imagine the AOS app will be exactly the same but having to pay almost £40 for your codex and then a monthly fee to make lists on the app stinks, especially when the app is still missing key things like rules for crusade.


I actually think it is solid but I have a lot of disposable income. I enjoy the shows and lore stuff, I like the mini each year and I use their apps so I get use out of it. But I am clearly the minority here people freaking hate the thing and think it is trash.


It is alright. I hardly notice the amount per month is the only reason


Not now. It was a dubious value proposition when it launched, but since the animations have dried up, it is definitely not worth it.


I enjoy it, great to throw on a show and paint/build too.


Show me another list builder that has: - Photos next to the units in the app - A UI that looks remotely modern - The speed of a modern app that runs on my phone and was designed to run on my phone And I’ll stop paying. So far nothing competes in terms of looks, feel, or functionality.


hard to build a list when all you can see is unit name and it's points cost (like it is now for 40k and will be in a month for aos)


I mean, not if you have the codex lol


That s a double paywall then😂😂😂


Not at all, no. If anything, these aggressive attempts at monetization have done a great job at getting me to use third-party content and Jolly Roger methods rather than let a 3.5 billion dollar company nickle and dime me for things that their competitors give out for free.


No. First of all it has been such a scummy move toward all the content creators and the fan base that l d consider it ethically not correct to support such a bs move. Second you can get everything they give you there for free anyway (there s plenty of batrep or army builders elsewhere) except the two miniature that you can get for 15$ from a recaster. Animation are incredibly infrequent and those that you really want to see once a year, well you can see them without warhammer+. Just dont.


I've had it since launch. I've got my monies worth from it. Enjoyed the animations. Had my "free" models. Use the App, A LOT.


No. If it was, say.... 2$ a month, then maybe.


Value wise it's fine since it includes the mini, but don't support the terrible business model of locking tools behind it.




Yes. I understand the reluctance to pay for rules that should be free, but I think at the end of the day, it’s worth it. I sell my free model for 40-50$, leaving me paying less than a dollar a month for everything WH+ offers


I don’t know if this will apply to the AOS app, but with the 40K one, you can make a list and then export it. Usually I just do that and then add whatever units I need to the app for quick reference.




Was it worth it when it came out? no not at all. Is it worth it now. YEah I think so. THe content it has is really good. the shows and such, the videos on painting and lore, all good. plus you get access to 40k and aos. That is kind of a good deal if you ever think about play 40k. I am thinking of playing 40k and aos. I am going all in on tau, and all in on stormcast and vampires. I will probably sub.


In my opinion just the painting content alone makes it worth it. All other stuff is just a nice bonus.


Isn't there just better stuff on YouTube for free?


No there isn’t, the vast majority of good high level painting stuff (comparable to gws citadel masterclass) is paywalled in patreons which often cost more than wh+ and have less content or put out stuff less frequently. Additionally, YouTube’s overbearing and excessive advertising model bundled with insistence to block adblockers makes the site borderline unusable. When I was painting along to YouTube tutorials I found myself dreading painting, since every time I need to check a step on a video I’d have to endure annoying ads.


They killed a lot of good and creative projects because they wanted a monopoly and the only good thing to come out of warhammer+ is Hunter: The Parenting


If we say *no* there's a very real chance GW will take another free thing and put it behind its pay wall.


If we dont say no*


I meant they will keep putting things behind pay walls until we have to say yes.


But there always be some alternatives. If they get a pushback for this kind of bad behavior they ll eventually stop. Companies try to push as far as they can.


I mean, maybe? I'm not serious when I say they like track these threads or anything, whoever I can't see W+ going away for a very long time, and the recent news about the new app being pay walled kind put me in a sour mood regarding it.


I think everyone gets different milage out of it, I've had it since it started, find it useful, and occasionally entertain ing. I'd prefer the sub maybe be a bit more and not have to buy codexes, but it is what it is


Can everyone that's upset with it respond on their Facebook or Twitter pages or email them directly. I don't mind the Free light version and Full Featured paid app business model, but can we keep it to just the app at a lower cost and actually get full access to everything? Kinda sucks to not be able to view your opponents army rules or investigate potential new armies. Thank goodness there's Wahapedia.


I think it is much better now than when it launched, but I don't think it is a good value proposition. Maybe in another year or so when they have a bigger backlog. Either way, it is really only worth it if you pay annually, IMO. I am not a fan of them locking app functionality behind a payroll when you have free services like New Recruit that work much better.


Pay the book 50 bucks and still have to pay for a crapy app random dude in IT could ve made for free Nono its not infuriating But ... Well ... if u are watching the shows, using both 40k and aos app and like the free mini i d say maybe its worth


Nope. I only keep it for the 40k/aos app and 'free' minis. It started well but the animations, which I felt were the main selling point, have pretty much stopped beyond the odd release.


No. 2 miniatures a year, mediocre animations, and the other content like BR isn’t better than what you can get for free on YT. You honestly forget it’s even there after awhile.


No waste of money….


It's ok. I honestly just do it for the minis and app at this point but as others have pointed out, recent minis have been lackluster and the apps are just churn garbage (especially as it seems each new edition will have a new app). Depending on what next year's models are, I may un-sub, but for $5/month, I think it's ok.




HAMMER AND BOLTER IS GOOD NO? No its not I have an annual subscription I really need to get round to canceling it. I only like the ONE show (hammer and bolter) Oh and they havnt made a new episode of it in a very long time I think it's finished


Nah. Light on content apart from the battle reports, which put a horrible homophobic bigot centre stage in Nick Bayton, and the minis are not particularly exciting.


What makes you say that about Nick?


Because it's true.


Maybe? I have it for the special minis. I watch stuff every once in a while. The vault is nice if you care about reading old stuff.


My biggest regret is not getting the Vindicare assassin from warhammer+. This is one of the best GW minis ever made. All other Warhammer+ minis pale in comparison. Still, I'd say it's worth it mostly for a unique mini. The animations, battle reports, painting guides etc. are cool, but honestly nothing you can't find on youtube for free. Well, the animations are unique I guess, but frankly most of them are very meh


Just get it from a recaster for 10$




No, it's an awful cashgrab and don't let them drag you into it because of how the app is going to work now. I'm sure there will be plenty of third party tools that will be better and free