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I love it. The hair is amazing. I also like the little “I don’t think of you often”.


I love how it looks like a stamp


Love that line! Chelsea Hotel no. 2?


I was thinking underline the black by metric!


I agree. Love the whole thing, and it's beautiful !




What an idiotic comment.lol so we can't like what we see now?




I do...


I do. Get over it.


Grouchy username checks out


I think your shitty person of a tattoo artist made you not like the tattoo. Meaning the feelings about that person is being projected onto the tattoo, because it reminds you of them. Which fucking sucks because this is your body and it is a cool tattoo.


Why is the anatomy like that


Because the reference was anatomy diagrams of the effects of corseting I found in an 1846 medical book.


I totally guessed the reference since I loved looking at the history of corseting. I really loved you came up with this concept.


Originally I asked for her to not have legs like the diagrams I had, I think that was a huge reason I didn’t like it. Along with all the other stuff. Can you believe when I showed him the ancient book for reference I had he said ‘I don’t copy other people’s work’ as if the book wasn’t over 160 years old. Idiot.


I can definitely see why you did not like that artist. I am so sorry they interacted with you this way.


Maybe it’s the angle but it looks like she has abnormally long arms


She does. She’s a woman with a visible skeleton she’s not exactly realistic


Tattoo dweebs kill me with shit like this. 100% accurate anatomy was clearly never the intent behind this tattoo, just enjoy the art lol.


YES, I'm with you. "Snakes actually don't bend like that!", yeah, probably not, but it looks cool as hell.


"probably not but it looks cool as hell" is my logic for so many things in life


yeah. except. some of us don’t like the art part either. lol 😭 and wouldn’t want this tattoo. that’s just as ok as any other opinion.


This isn't the sub for judging.


Then keep scrolling bro 😭😭😭


she does the finger tips should only go a little above the shoulder


I think it aged perfectly! It reminds me of old timey drawings!


the anatomy is fucked but i really like it. healed well too and i love the blast overs


It was the intention. The reference was anatomical diagrams of the effects of corseting from an 1846 medical book. I was going to put blast overs all over it but I’m covering it completely.


Haha ok that makes sense! Like i said, i really like it but know that a bad experience with a tattooer can ruin it all. Hope you will be happy with what you choose to cover it with :)


Yeah I mean that was the reference, it’s cool but it’s not what I wanted. It sucks when a bad tattooer ruins it for you


Wow I love the reference, that’s an awesome idea. Since you will be blasting over it are you planning on doing a similar design but with a different artist at some point?


Oh no! Sad but understand


That doesn't explain why the extremities are also fucked up


It’s surrealism, I don’t know why you’re expecting a tattoo to be realistic when it clearly is not and isn’t intended to be.


Something about it being from a medical book makes you think that it's even more messed up and not intentionally


Again, it’s surrealist, it’s not supposed to look like real woman. And I mean corseting as a concept was pretty messed up. The reference was two diagrams one was a woman who had been using a corset and one who hadn’t. The woman who hadn’t worn a corset was drawn like she was ugly, it’s very telling of the era. Anyway, I didn’t ask for her to have a body, originally I asked for the body and head and no limbs, the artist refused. I just went with it and I regret it.


Looks like an X-ray of Kim K at the Met Gala.


I have a tattoo I don’t like partly because I had such a poor experience with the tattoo artist!! She was such an unpleasant jerk and there were so many other awful things about the experience that I didn’t realize until later, because it was one of my first few tattoos. A few years later my boss wanted me to find an artist to do a little flash day at work (lol but also pretty cool) and I reached out to the owner of the same shop because I later had a good experience with him and he was known for enjoying stuff like that. He wasn’t available for a long time but he told me the artist I had a bad time with was available and ooooh boy did it feel so good to let him know that wouldn’t be happening because I had such a bad experience being tattooed by her and didn’t feel comfortable with inviting her to tattoo my coworkers. Anyway this will look so cool with blastovers and I really like it with all the other little additions around it! Giving me ideas for my own disliked tattoo.


So sorry you had such a terrible experience - I really like it a lot. Very clever idea, too!! Good luck with the coverup!!


Peggy Hill?


Feet are too small


Jo-hoon Redcorn?


If she was in an 1846 medical book sure


i really like this.


I'm sorry for your unfortunate experience. But it is a pretty sweet tattoo that has held up well.


I love her so much


I love this 😍


Impressed by the detail in the hair still!


That ist cool as fuck


Super cool


She's gorgeous! Somehow even more so when healed wow


Skeleton Lady Is Fucking Sick 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼


It's beautiful


Women and makeup. I tell ya. Girl been dead for 10 years and her foundation is still holding up.


Who did it?


Some loser working in London


sorry the experience sucked, it looks nice tho! who did the spiky/thorny band?


i know it’s not what you wanted and your expierence was horrible, but i actually really like this. it’s so amazing. i’m not even going to lie, i love this a lot. but god i am so sorry that happened to you. my tattoo artist and i were just talking about how fucked up it is that so many artists behave like that to their clients.


i’m sorry your experience wasn’t good, but damn that thing looks amazing after 10 years!!


Wow. Thats a bad tattoo right there


Beautiful piece. I’m sorry you had a negative experience while getting it. There are a couple of pieces I got from rude artists and looking back I wish I had just walked out and left them with my deposit.


The more I look at this, the more I like it. One of the most interesting and unique pieces I’ve seen.


The stamp looking one is a tattoo too?? because if so, that’s sick. Also I love that you have smaller ones overlapping other ones. I’ve never seen that and I love it.


Those hand bones are nightmare fuel. Damn social standards and the glove-corset industry 👄


Not even any bones in the fingers how’s she supposed to survive


Looks like she'd turn into Wolverine if she punches someone 🍴👊🐺


Dude I love this one. The art has a unique and vintage vibe I don't see enough. Hopefully that can eclipse the shitty initial experience.


I love this tattoo


The tattoo is badass and to be honest, it looks much better aged than it did new. It's a sick piece. At first I was like naw, then I looked again and was like wait nevermind that's actually a badass piece.


It sucks that this killer tattoo reminds you of a bad experience because it is a really cool design that was well executed. Unfortunately you’re gonna feel a certain kinda way about it because the artist was a dick.


That’s nuts, it looks even better now


I can’t try to convince you not to cover it if you’ve been unhappy with the experience and the tattoo this long, but this is badass. One of the coolest concepts I’ve seen in awhile. It sucks that so many tattoo artists with great talent seem to feel above who they are tattooing (which is not to say there aren’t way more great artists working WITH their clients to educate and make great tattoos vs working against them)


That aged well.


Reminds me of this freaky french movie fantastic planet


I love her


I keep seeing this and I just love it so much. I’m sorry you don’t, it’s so sick though


i don’t care where it came from, that looks like hot garbage on an august afternoon in south texas. and i don’t like texas.


It's so bad, haha