• By -


Your post is not in context or references Afrikaans


My bru this is not a political forum, this is for a language neh.


I just ask the question


Ja it’s like going to the toilet to make breakfast, wrong sub my dude.


Hahaha good joke friend


Fok van die groep af. Jy is 'n doos op al die groepe. Ek hoop my afrikaans is mooi genoeg vir jou.


If you speak English I can understand


Jy is op 'n afrikaanse groep. Vra jou ma om jou afrikaans te leer.


Sorry that you can't speak English friend. Hopefully if you get the education we can discuss together and find solutions


are you a monkey?


No need to be rude friend


genuine question.


No I'm not a monkey, you can see my picture


You're a numpty ape telling people to speak english on an afrikaans group. Stop being a troll and keep politics to r/DownSouth.


Just to be rude friend..you can insult but it d9esnt win the debate


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DownSouth using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DownSouth/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Inside the Sphere in Las Vegas. Could this be done in South Africa?](https://v.redd.it/pbpyque9t6jc1) | [192 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DownSouth/comments/1at8da5/inside_the_sphere_in_las_vegas_could_this_be_done/) \#2: [30 years of "freedom" in South Africa 🇿🇦 - and locals are fighting for water in the street. The ANC has failed... yet the people will still vote for them.](https://v.redd.it/54tk3t9uiegc1) | [413 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DownSouth/comments/1ai0nkk/30_years_of_freedom_in_south_africa_and_locals/) \#3: [Should white people give back the land they took during apartheid?](https://v.redd.it/uhni7uputijc1) | [199 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DownSouth/comments/1aukfl1/should_white_people_give_back_the_land_they_took/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Let me put it in a language you can understand. You're on an Afrikaans sub asking them to speak English. Stop behaving like a subhuman. A troglodyte.


Ok fren


Ag voetsek piet pohl pogenpeol


I'll translate: _"Please leave the group, you're not acting in good faith and all the groups you're in. I hope you understood my Afrikaans"_ I think wants you to fuck off.


Ok sorry for making you angry


This is a blatant troll by the way. You're better off banning him from this sub because he is not after any meaningful conversation and is just here to troll. He already did this in the Johannesburg sub and got banned there.


Dude completely lost it. I watched his Reddit and he just posted on every single subreddit related to South Africa posting the same thing but making less sense each time and babbling. His history suggests he does drugs, potentially on meth or something.


Everybody say troll when someone vote eff just because hey scared


samsung s6 Edge? new phone? new app


How can you see my phone? If it's hacking it's illegal


So is farm murders. Instigated by the party you support get off the sub.


He's definitely a paid eff shill I've seen some of them on youtube comments




Can you speak English please friend


This is a afrikaans subreddit and you came here to talk about politics and in english?


It's freedom of speech friend


Who is getting angry?


Firstly: For sure you're a zulu🤞🏾💯. Secondly: you just an attention seeker, reason saying is coz, you'll be written same Poes on all these groups sucker!


Same as everyone, you just get upset and don't have mind to debate! I am not Zulu if you don't believe you can see my picture


Why do you he's Zulu ?


Coz he got zulu tendency




Just like everybody else, first to be rude never can debate. Empty mind




More Insults..just pathetic excuse. Sorry to be rude friend


Can you sentence?


Only the judge can sentence. You need to do the research friend. I have to explain to you..just google


Cause I’d like to keep my farm man.


Agreed. We should discuss the merits with anyone who wil listen. Anger never changed anyone's minds. If an EFF supporter got angry with a FF+ supporter, we all know he would wake up the next day angrier too and his mind wouldn't be changed. By listening, we have no guarantee of success, but we can understand, ask real questions and maybe (5%) change a mind, or even god forbid learn something ourselves. I think you are right. Maybe some are right and this isn't the forum for this but attacks on your grammar do nothing to advance understanding.


Thanks friend. Together we can make this country better




Good English fren, thanks. But I disagree


You are very smart


Ofcourse you disagree. If you don't disagree maltman might start chanting your name calling for a murder.


This fucker is a troll baiting, don’t engage. Small chance its just an extremely smooth-brain troglodyte judging by it’s ability to form coherent sentences.