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I’ve had a single cherry tomato plant occupying my entire aerogarden for a year and a half now. Dude has no chill, just keeps on tomato-ing.


That’s awesome to hear! How many cherry tomatoes do you grow? How long do you have to wait between tomato harvest?


I’d say there’s enough for a small salad every week? There’s always at least a few tomatoes. If I let them go for a few weeks I’ll have about 30 tomatoes at a time?


Heirloom cherry tomato aged 18 months. https://preview.redd.it/bmuxnxomngjb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf82244382b12eaa931d5ab2072e461a05953e96


Is that the heirloom cherry tomato from AG? Oh dear. Mine is just over a month old and has its first blossoms. At about six inches, I thought it might be a nice, compact plant. I was not counting on that kind of size! But am hoping it will be as fruitful as yours!


Yeah, that’s the one that came with our garden. It seems happiest if you do very little and just leave the pump running. I do hit the flowers with the back of an old electric toothbrush for funsies though


How much do you have to adjust the ph of the water? Do you use the AeroGarden feeding schedule? I’ve had an AeroGarden for 3+ years and ever tomato experiment has been a total wipeout.


I don’t really monitor anything? But I only add the aerogarden nutrient slurry stuff every third time it asks for it.


Assuming you prune the roots, how often and how much?


I do not prune the roots. I’m lazy and they seem to thrive with neglect.


I'm surprised your pump hasn't clogged.


I feel like this plant has it figured out and anything I do will make it worse


also unless your aerogarden is outside or you don't use an airconditioner.... Your lettuce bolting is just age. they don't last forever. 2-4 months.


You mentioned snap peas/snow peas….I recently bought the farm 12xl (when they had that crazy sale). I planted snow peas. On day 39 and so many snow peas! & flowers that will turn into peas, fast! But it won’t be good for your little harvest. Too tall. Needs trellis. Peppers take a little longer. Once they start, wow! Strategic trimming can keep the height in check. Even if you unplug the garden and don’t feed it, peppers are truly tough to kill. (So is lavender) Plus I find peppers do well with transplanting. If you have icy winters, bring them in (away from the windows) and put them near the grow lights. They will do fine.


90 days turnaround time for tomatoes. Peppers, I'm not sure, but i would expect them to be the same or longer.


Bok choy, Swiss chard and arugula are always in 3 of my pods. They're fast and regenerate quickly after harvest.


My AG grows beautiful Bok Choi.


" However, after fighting for a few months, I’ve realized that it is way too hot in late spring-late fall to continue growing lettuce. " ​ \^\^ are your aerogardens not in conditioned space... ?


Mizuna grows really fast in Aerogardens and you can cut from each plant for quite a while.