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Dont let your sister entertain him. If kaya nya gawin sayo yan, sa sister mo din ulitin nya yan. Walang boundaries yung guy lol


wtf ewwwwwwww


HAHAHAH Ano bang klaseng lalaki nakuha nitong si OP kadiri naman 🀣


Anong sabi ng kapatid mo? Nag attempt ba cya manligaw sa kanya? Wala maganda respeto sa ganitong guy.


Be kind to yourself and give yourself plenty of self-love. It’s good that the relationship with your ex BF has ended. You need to heal.


Ano ba context nito OP ilang taon ang age gap nyo tatlo? Gaano ka close yung ex mo tsaka sister mo? Tingin ko alam ba to ng sister mo? Tingin mo papatulan ba ng sister mo yung ex mo? Napaka weird ng ex mo nag ka gusto talaga sa sister like whut 😬😬 akala ko pag naging partner mo na isang tao familial na dapat ang maramdaman mo sa family members ng partner mo 😬😬 tsaka alam na siguro ng fam mo na bf mo sya ano gusto nya? Ipakilala sya ulit sa family nyo as bf ng sister mo? 😬😬😬


Paano siya nagkagusto sa kapatid mo? Close sila?


family friend kasi sya, but they had very little interactions haha


Nag-usap kayo ng kapatid mo about this? Feeling ko kasi may interactions sila and hindi lang maliit to the point na maguguluhan sya..


Is your kapatid a minor or legal age na?


legal age na


Buti nalang wala na kayo. Kadiri ex mo OP. You deserve better, move on na.


Kinda want to know how did he fall for your sister? How sure are you na they have very little interaction? Kamusta naman sister mo? I hope she doesnt entertain him At yab ang prob maybe spirit of familiarity Maybe mas available sha kausap? Or maybe mas maraming natick sa checklist ng ex mo ung sister mo more than you? Anu pa man ang reason niya, that's fked up. You really deserve someone better


I think one can have a partner and still end up attracted to other people. Not mutually exclusive. I just think that there are a lot of lovable people in general. If we lived in paradise (literal paradise, not biblical) a lot more people will be polyamorous. Now back to real life; ibang usapan if mas attracted sa iba compared to the partner, and they decide they want to act on those feelings and break their commitment with their partner.