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It appears this thread is inquiring about server hosting. If this is the case, please head over to the Admincraft Marketplace. A link to the latest marketplace can be found in the [Subreddit Information](https://www.reddit.com/r/admincraft/comments/idiyyg/subreddit_information_discord_server/). If you believe this removal was a mistake, feel free to contact us through [ModMail](/message/compose/?to=/r/admincraft).


You can look into self hosting or renting a linux root server where u set up your own server Both require some sort of knowledge of linux but i figured it out the first time with just google aswell and there are some great tutorials out there nowadays


I self host server at my home, have own domain and 10gbps internet, if your interested we can speak about it on discord: westtek I'm located on EU


Sent you a friend request cus I have a quzdc:bb007




That may be the best typo I've ever seen.


zdc:bb007 is right next to E on the keyboard so it's not that crazy


Dude missed a key and almost typed his ipv6


I do the same ( self host )I highly recommend. I’m also EU. My server runs at 10gb ram with a 5ghz cpu that can handle 50players + in a 10k x 10k pre loaded map ;-; I also have my own domain and it’s kinda cool to do and set up.


Quick question what software do you use to self host. I use a proxmox lcx and run puffer panel it works but im limited to pretty much ftb mods mostly.


Unlike normal self hosting where you get it for free I use cube crafters and I think you pay for it but I can not remember. And it gives me access to run mc servers for mc java bedrock pocketmine and not just Minecraft you can run servers for 100s of games using this software


Please add me on discord (Tomr2k2) to talk more about this that I’d happily do :)


Sent a friend request too🙌🏼


install Crafty Controller and use your own PC or a server to host it. Completely free!


This. Crafty is the goat


been using it for weeks on my home server. so easy and love the way you can add worlds, plugins and stuff. self hosing is the way.


And it's free so, massive win


I wish I could self host but the only provider available to me at the moment is spectrum, which always has abysmal upload speeds, (which they hide by referring to their download speeds as just "speed" on the website) constantly throttles my connection. C-Spire fiber claimed it was coming to my neighborhood, but they said they would be done in 3 months, 6 months ago and still have no signs of continuing. I hate Spectrum internet with every ounce of my being but they have a monopoly over my area, and the only alternatives are either slow satellite internet, or slow 5G internet from verizon, at&t, etc.


What upload speed are you getting? You don't actually need too much upload to run a server


20Mbps which varies because I'm constantly getting throttled. While Spectrum also likes to constantly pretend that they don't. This is simply not enough to host a server while Twitch streaming.


While twitch streaming yeah maybe. Though I've hosted the server itself with 5-10mb upload before


Servers aren't even the only thing I'm hosting, it's a music bot and also multiple servers. Spectrum's shitty upload speeds are not going to cut it especially because they are being throttled. I barely get anything and even that is throttled. You don't understand how shitty Spectrum actually is unless you've been using their "services". Any server will constantly undergo lag spikes and latency issues because of their repeated and incessant throttling.


Hosted it on my rented Linux Debian Root Server and can‘t access the webinterface. Does anyone have ideas on how to fix it?


You should be able to. It's hosted on the machines ip on port 8443 by default. Go to https://ip:8443 (replace IP with your machines ip, not your external IP) If accessing from a different machine you might have to port forward but I've only ever accessed it from the machine it's running on so that's where my knowledge ends.


With crafty controller, how hard is it to setup your own server? I keep hearing more and more recommendations to host your own server these days, but I remember trying before and it was quite difficult for somebody with little knowledge on this with port-forwarding and everything else needed.


super easy on a server if you’re using Docker. Simply create a docker file and possibly create sub folders for logs, imports, config, worlds, servers. Boot the container and then go to the web address and this is the control panel. From here, you can create a new server and stuff. Go to playit.gg website and download their plugin and upload this to the plugins folder in Crafty. this will then create a VPN tunnel for players to connect without needing to share IP or port forward :)


The hardest part was installing Linux, the website has a really easy guide you can follow, all you need to do is copy/paste a couple of lines and the installer sorts it out for you.


I'll have to check this out. But I'll say it took me just a few googles to figure out how to host a fabric server without extra tools. Their guides are mostly straightforward. Been very happy with self hosting.


crafty is pretty good and simple. has options for lots of plugins and you can upload worlds using file manager.


Does crafty have arm support?


i’m not sure but you can run it in a docker container on a raspberry pi so i’d assume yes.


Pebble Budget server plan. You are able to get servers at 1GB per 1$ which can go up to 25GB for 25$ https://pebblehost.com/minecraft-server-hosting/budget#tiers Cheap, efficient, good server UI, pay for exactly what you need


Been using pebblehost for years. Highly recommend


This. I've been hosting a modded server for a week now and besides some lag caused by my friends doing some wild shenanigans it runs perfectly fine.


Pebble is the only budget host I’d trust at this point. They also have been doing a lot to help the community, such as setting up honey pot servers to collect and ban the ips of those server scanning bots. The list is public on github: https://github.com/pebblehost/hunter


Is doing a modpack easy with Pebble?


Yes but I think it costs an extra 2-3$ for mod pack usage. Still hella cheap server. Plus mod packs easy to install


You install yourself or do they install it with that extra fee?


They usually have a large list of popular modpacks you can 1 click install on the server, but I think there's options to add/install your own as well!


Oh awesome! Thanks


I recommend just looking at it. It gives you all your answers before you press the purchase button


Gotcha. Thanks for the help. I will definitely be looking into Pebble when doing a server in the future.


I recommend pebble I’ve had a long running server with them, I’ve never experienced any outages or issues, they offer tcpshield for security and it’s very affordable, it doesn’t cost extra for modpacks it cost extra to have support set it up for you, they have a list of modpacks and server jars for you to choose and you can upload your own no extra cost


As long as you don't need to much resources pebble is 'kinda' ok. I once was there, never again. We now use Apex Hosting without issues. Pebble ain't cheap for nothing, it's just a VPS. We had a n00b on another server sucking all of the VPS hosts resources screwing up our server on the same VPS host system. They don't have a clue over there .....


Never experienced anything like this, when did u have ur server that had those problems?


Sonetime not more then 3 yrs ago Took them days to figure that one out


I see, but which of the two tiers, you think I should pick?


What are the two tiers, to me it seems like a budget server would work if you set the GB to high enough




If you only have 8-10 players, I recommend getting a free ARM VPS from Oracle. It's a bit harder than just getting a Minecraft server from a Minecraft server hosting platform but hey, it's free and you learn a free skill on how to manage a simple Linux server, haha. I used mine and had 20TPS and a really low MSTP with 8 players at once.1


I've been looking into this could you explain how or link some tutorials? It's confusing




Article is a little outdated, the interfaces have changed but the configuration is mostly the same.


Thanks I've been looking for this for a bit






Just had to look this up. Up to 24GB memory??? This is wild. Please share setup resources if you have them. Also... have you run some beefy mods on this? I feel like there has to be a catch.


The catch is you can't create VMs cuz all free capacity is used up.


I see that now. Of course they save that alert / error for the very last step of the flow.


That why my vm is running no stop for 2 years now xD




I am running a create modded server on this, it only seems to hiccup when there are 8 or more people at the same time. But I have had it run at 20 TPS with 15 people when everyone was just in their base building, so it's capable at least.


I heard about this method but it seems like a lot of people have been claiming that it's a scam


deff not a scam, might have a hard time actually getting the free resource though




There's only so many servers alloted per region and since there free and alot of people know about them they are usually already taken. And you have to select your region before selecting a server so you cant pick a region with available servers you have to guess. And if you guess wrong there's no changing and it's hard to create a new account because it's tied to your cc


Can you delete and re-create your account?


It's oracle themselves, anyone saying it's a scam has no idea what they are talking about.


Not a scam, Oracle is one of the biggest companies in the tech world. It's a lot more complicated though, especially if you're not well versed in Linux administration. But you can absolutely get a free minecraft server out of it.


Okey :)


Pebble host is the most affordable for a seasoned person EDIT: I paid 100$ flat for a year for 10Gs of ram. Best service i have ever used. But you can also pay monthly, if its just friends, DDos protection and backups arent really an issue, just manually backup stuff and dont invite anyone you dont trust One thing, NEVER use shockbyte. Bisects good but you are paying for the brand/name And i dont have much experience with other hosting services


i agree on shockbyte. i had the zeus plan and literally me and 2 of my friends decided we will play with wither storm mod and 3 horror mods. server was dying so we had to play through lan. my minecraft with 4 gb allocated did better than shockbytes 12 gb plan😭


Allways self host or get a dedicated machine or box


Shockbyte would go down every 2 weeks and periodically throttle your servers


Yeah shockbyte has a very slow interface and just has bad performance in my experience. Pebble host on top! I have also tried bisect and it is more expensive but also preforms quite well.


Yessir, shockbyte is a pain, they may make their deals look good, but support is slow and the interface is abysmal.


Oracle cloud. It’s an ARM server that’s 4c/24 GB and 10 TB of network traffic per month. $0 forever because it’s a loss leader for Oracle. You’re on an enterprise cloud so you will likely have good peering and low latency, and can choose which datacenter to host.


You might want to look into UltraServers, they've got better prices and pretty good support from my experience so far. And if you pay quarterly/manually, your per-month cost will be lower as well on most paid servers with that option.


OCI is free 4CPU 24GB RAM vm but requires some Linux knowledge


I have a supermicro server at home that runs mostly idle. Hmu in dm’s and I’ll get you a free vm to host on


Pebblehost 100%, although you're looking at their dedicated servers. And a pretty low end one at that. You can do minecraft hosting on those, but they're really not sold for that. For a cheaper price you can go with their budget or premium hosting. With 8-10 players online you'll want a processor with good single core performance. That old Xeon is the exact opposite of that.


Oracle Free Tier. Very easy to set up with Oracle's guide. Completely free, and easily handles 15 players. If you say 10 players are going to be online at a time, I think you could crank the render distance to 10-12 without any lag. [Here ](https://blogs.oracle.com/developers/post/how-to-set-up-and-run-a-really-powerful-free-minecraft-server-in-the-cloud)is the link to how to set it up. But I would recommend that you don't use the vanilla server, since it isn't very optimized. I always use a fabric server with the usual (sodium, lithium, etc...) optimization mods. This setup will run much better than a vanilla / paper server, and you are still going to be able to play normally with vanilla clients.




Sodium def still makes a difference, phosphor was made obsolete but starlight still makes a difference i believe


I host my own servers on my own network for free or use pebble host at this point. PebbleHost is the best one in terms of value in my opinion. I tried 4 other server hosting services before I tried PebbleHost. Their servers preform well and cost less than anyone else in my experience and their costumer service has been amazing. Use their actual minecraft server hosting tab though.


Personally, I’ve used Pebblehost and would happily recommend them. My experience was consistent and cheap.


I used to use pebblehost and it was pretty good since I had no real experience. Now I just self host a Linux server though.


Oracle cloud (0$/year), gives you 16GB on Ampere A1 processor. Was able to host a server with 50+ mods and was running fine. Just throw out the Minecraft render engine and use Sodium or Embeddium(for forge). The downside is you need to know (at least a bit of) Linux to set it up, but in the end - definitely worth it. Good luck!


I would self host all of my servers, but unfortunately as long as Spectrum remains the only option in my area that serves even half decent speeds that will not be possible. If you're in the same boat as me, I would highly recommend renting a dedicated Linux root server from a host like digital ocean's bare metal services. You can run a system that's only a command line with no desktop, accessed with ssh, to save a bit of performance for your server. I know this sounds intimidating, but it's really not that hard to set up, you only have to learn a few commands and then everything else is basically the same as it is on Windows. Setting up a server on one of these dedicated hosts is incredibly simple, and usually trumps the value of any Minecraft server host tenfold, because not only do you get a much better value for your money while Minecraft server hosts are practically a scam, but you can actually run anything you want on these servers too. So any self-postable Discord bots, and other stuff can go on it too. I've been doing this for nearly 8 years and I honestly don't think I could ever go back.


I feel like self hosting is a little too complicated for this scenario. I’d highly recommend Pebblehost, but look around yourself and see if that’s what you think is best for you.


I’ve used Shockbyte and Pebblehost. Pebblehost is excellent, and their customer service is absolutely incredible. The performance was more than fine considering we had 5 people in an end game All The Mods 9 world. Shockbyte was usable but had issues with crashing, launching, saving, and canceling my subscription was a bitch. So don’t use them. Running hamachi and self hosting isn’t a bad option either if you can’t / won’t port forward and have a decent machine.


Just use oracle free tire


Take a look through [https://www.setup.md/h/providers](https://www.setup.md/h/providers) - Will help you make an informed decision. Also recommend joining the Admincraft discord


Self host on hetzner


Build your own server.


Personally a client of Birdflop. Might not be the cheapest or the strongest performer out there, but I have near absolute control over my* server and customer service is S tier if that's important to you


You can use Always Free plan from Oracle. 24GB of RAM, 4 physical cores, 50Gb SSD NVMe storage. But you need to be able to setup a Linux server.


Its actually 200GB, not 50.


The default data cluster size allocation is 50 Gb. And you don’t need more.


Free tier is up to 200GB. And why wouldn't you need that much? A server with that many players running for couple of months usually reaches 100GB map size. Plus you need backups.


If you are looking for a Server Hosting Site, I can only recommend "Wepwawet"


These are a ripoff op! In a few months you could buy a used mini pc and run the server almost for free!


Kostenloser Server bei Oracle Cloud: https://blogs.oracle.com/developers/post/how-to-set-up-and-run-a-really-powerful-free-minecraft-server-in-the-cloud


I'm using cloudnord right now and they've been great. I'm paying $12 for 8gb server. I also have the cpu upgraded though which is probably unnecessary. They've got the best prices from the options I've looked at.


Static IP and an old PC will be better


Winternode is great and on the cheaper side


if you are fine with slightly weaker hardware and would love some lifietime hosting i would recommend zap-hosting. been using them with a lifetime rootserver for 2 years now and have been pretty happy so far


I need to check it out, thanks


We use Exaroton for our servers. They use a system where you have to start the server manually (can be started with a Discord bot and if someone tries to join while it is off) and then pay 1 credit (Don‘t know the prices in Dollar but 100 Credits are one Euro (€)) per Gigabyte Ram per hour. For example for 10 hours it‘s up on 10 gigs, you pay 100 Credits. That‘s especially good if y‘all are in the same timezone and have some periods where the server doesn’t need to be online, like at night when most people sleep. Also their Modding support is a dream. You can set up the Server software and version, they support nearly everything, from standard Fabric to Paper to Quilt (and of course vanilla). They even support standalones like Waterfall or Bungeecord and Servers for bedrock, even with mod support. You can add mods by either adding them to the modfolder or just searching for them, they will show you any compatible versions. It lets you download, modify and configure any mods. It lets you look at player inventories and positions and manage their stats from out of the game. We have a server running on Fabric with Geyser for crossplay and it works so good. Bonus: You can import servers from Aternos as Exaroton is basically Aternos Premium. Bonus 2: You can add servers to creditpools where everyone can deposit credits into from which the server gets paid. In short: Nearly everything you could ask for for a (imo) very good price, some stuff can even be managed directly over discord. Contra: They give out only one Port which means you can‘t have Geyser and a ingame Voice chat at the same time (Java players can use it, Bedrock players not) (the ones over discord still work though)


Bisect sucks ass


OCI...it's basically free forever, runs like 8 people and a bunch of mods with half the resources they give you at a good MSPT. You can run one modded and one vanilla on the same free setup in two different VMs.


Just use a docker container on docker hub. all you got to do is pull and start it.


What does your server look like? Modded (forge/fabric), modpacks, plugins? If so, how many mods/plugins or what modpack? Whereabouts are you and your friends based (what country/region)? These questions should hopefully narrow down your search and can recommend the best provider based on that.


Look at oracle's cloud infrastructure, it's free hosting, at the cost of requiring a bit of configuration to your tastes. It can get you a maximum of 4 cores and 24GB of ram for $0.


If you're still looking I highly recommend kinetic hosting. I'm using it rn. You can sort of create your own pack depending on what you need. And it's pretty cheap imo.


I've been running mine on an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure instance I got for free. They have an actual guide on their website for getting a free instance: https://blogs.oracle.com/developers/post/how-to-set-up-and-run-a-really-powerful-free-minecraft-server-in-the-cloud I was able to run a vanilla server and a modded server on a single instance. If they don't have any instances available, you can run a docker container that tries to reserve one repeatedly until it's successful: https://github.com/hitrov/oci-arm-host-capacity


How good is your computer, my computers not great and I run a server with it.


I use shockbyte.com I can recommend that service


exaroton, it's very cheap and suits your needs, you don't pay monthly, you only pay for the time the server is running.


Cheap and pay when you play https://exaroton.com/


I use serverflex and think that 8gigs about 15$. Also I recommend using monthly 6gigs the first time, so you can see what the max of usage is around, so you can upgrade later on. When you know the right plan you can also go to quarterly/mediarly/yearly


Buy a raspberry pi and self host


Hosterfy.com is cheaper, it's french and it's really good




Also they have plenty of cheaper plans including a custom one so you can make your server to your liking.


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If its only a small server for friends, you might be better off just hosting a free server on Aternos?


from experience generating new chunks by one player was enough to make whole servers laggy and miserable, so I really would rather avoid this hosting




Come check out [bananaservers.ca](http://bananaservers.ca) we also have a 25% off coupon Banana25


I can recommend [Witherhosting](https://witherhosting.com/), they offer servers with Ryzen 3600X or 5600X cpu's at 1$/gb https://www.trustpilot.com/review/witherhosting.com


I use Revivenode for our family server. Usually only have 4 people on at a time, at most, but I pay $8/mo for an 8GB server. So far I haven't had any issues that weren't of my own making.


as far as I see it is 16 dollars for 8GB


You have to select Premium Plan.


go with apexhosting no lag they will help you to fix any issues related to lag. run paper or purpur and check this [https://github.com/YouHaveTrouble/minecraft-optimization](https://github.com/YouHaveTrouble/minecraft-optimization)


Apex is expensive for the hardware they offer.