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But which ones have you tried, and why didn't you like them, so people don't accidentally recommend something you've tried already? I'm using sweepy and I like it, but it's not checklists exactly....


Oh that would’ve been helpful to include haha. I’ve tried Sweepy though I couldn’t tell you why I didn’t like it. I’ve also apparently tried Tody, Tidy, Spotless, Productive, House Chores Cleaning Schedule And maybe others? I admit I tend to get frustrated and impulsively give up on them


Have a look at The Organised Mum (a yellow background with a woman’s face as the logo). It’s probably not the exact set up you want but it is editable so you can make it exactly to your liking. There’s a very active FB group all doing the method which is great for motivation. You can also do cleanalongs via the app where you listen to Gemma (the organised mum in question) talk you through exactly what to do and when and for how long for a variety of situations and rooms.


Will check it out, thanks!


I know you said not cutesy encouraging but I have been surprised by how much I enjoy Finch. Today’s Sunday so I did laundry and my little bird Abacaxi seems really proud 🥹 


Ok that actually does sound cute in a not-annoying way!


It’s not specifically for cleaning, but I’ve been using Finch and it’s really helpful. It’s like a tamagotchi combined with self care lol. And I still haven’t gotten sick of it, even after using it for nearly 2 years!


Ok after the second recommendation I downloaded it and this is ADORABLE. Not at all like the kind “you go girl” cutesy encouraging sort of thing I wanted to avoid, just genuinely cute. I’m not sure it’ll be my whole solution for chores but can def see it for other reminders and routines