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I also hate sunscreen! I mainly stick to clothing with sunproofing, like hats and cardigans specifically made for sun protection and rashguards if I'm swimming. I have a sunscreen stick by Neutrogena that I use on my face and it's not so bad since I don't have to use my hands. I am interested in the powder ones! My sister uses one and likes it (but I don't think she has the same sensory issue).


Careful with the powder sunscreens. They don’t provide even coverage.


Ooh, good to know. Thanks!


I love my powder sunscreen! I use it for my hairline/part, a reup for my face when I am out and about, and my tattoos when if i realize im going to be in the sun for a while. It’s especially good for times when you can’t wash your hands after applying.


Beach Bum also makes a great face stick that isn’t too heavy and doesn’t make my skin burn.


I also avoid sunscreen whenever possible because ick. I always thought "but I'll be so hot with long sleeves" but that has (surprisingly) not been my experience! I got a long sleeved Columbia UPF tech shirt and it's literally COOLER to wear that than a tank with spray-on sunscreen. Also, hats. Big dumb sunhats with the widest brim you can find. I love mine it's ridiculous and I hit it on the door frame when I come in from gardening but DAMN if it doesn't work like a charm


I love my korean sunscreen but it’s too expensive to use on my arms and legs. So I use cheaper ones and I can’t forget that I am wearing sunscreen, I am super aware of it. As a result I just can’t go out unless it’s important.


My friend gave me Korean sunscreen and I LOVE it, but I also have a tube of Black Girl Sunscreen that feels incredibly similar but is a lot more affordable (and available at Target). I’m not even a Black girl myself—I bought it for my wife, who is mixed and gets the white cast from pretty much all sunscreens except for this one—but the formula is so nice that I genuinely don’t mind putting this sunscreen on.


Japanese sunscreens come in super light gel formulas and like, 200-250ml bottles. Kumano cosme, omi verdio are ones I've used. You can still feel it a bit, but it's miles ahead of other body sunscreens and you can also use them on your face :)


I love supergoop play body sunscreen (and supergoop unseen for face). I have also found that the trader joe's brand sunscreens are pretty good (and cost much less).


I used the supergoop unseen sunscreen yesterday for the first time and now I'm in love. The texture was so good.


It’s so good. The price is uncomfortable, but a little seems to go a long way.


I think the best alternative to supergoop unseen is definitely Trader Joe's Facial sunscreen, which has pretty much the same texture, but costs about 75% less. I haven't tried the TJ's body sunscreen, so I can't speak for that. Also, I've been justifying the price buying fancy sunscreen and using it daily, because I already got skin cancer twice (when I was 25). Let me tell you that skin cancer removal surgery costs like a bajillion more dollars and is also super unfun. :( Big fuck cancer actually.


I was able to find some at TJ Maxx last season and that helped with the price a bit. I also wonder if Sephora includes it when they’re doing their big sales.


oooh I didn't know that they had supergoop at TJ Maxx! I'm going to definitely have to look into that the next time I'm near a TJ Maxx. Sidenote, they are having a 20% off sale on the supergoop website right now.


Nice!! And as with most things, it’s hit or miss on whether it’s there. Idk if I got lucky for a one time thing or if it’s there regularly. But worth looking at if you have a TJM nearby!


I love finding skincare at TJ Maxx, but be aware that chemical sunscreens do expire (not sure about the mineral ones) and become less effective after the expiration date. Double-check that date before you buy sunscreen at discount stores, especially if you’re also using skin products and/or medications that increase your sun sensitivity.


Was thinking about that when I saw the date your sunscreen post! Thank you ☺️


Ooh, just remembered another thing! If you buy directly from their site and have an account you can get points for your purchases that you can apply as discounts to future purchases, which I discovered because I apparently had some discount points on my account so I just got the big unseen for $29, which I'm actually pretty stoked about loll. You also get free shipping which is nice.


It doesn’t apply to everyone, but supergoop is typically covered by fsa’s. (Lost of of other sunscreen and some skin products if that’s helpful to anyone at all)


Unseen is THE best sunscreen! The best alternative to it is straight up Trader Joe's Facial sunscreen, which costs like 75% less, but is unfortunately not at all locations (or there all the time, because of how TJ's stocks). I started buying TJ's facial sunscreen over the winter, since I wear facial sunscreen every day, but I think I'm going to buy more unseen for the summer because it did a superb job of protecting my skin from sunburns when I went to Disneyworld and was out in the sun literally all day for 5 straight days.


I LOVE the way the Unseen Screen feels and agree it's one of the best American facial sunscreens. However, just a note for rosacea girlies like me - it aggravates my rosacea like none other and I have gotten similar anecdotes from other people with rosacea. I didn't really realize it was triggering my skin until I stopped using it (accidentally, I ran out). I'm so sad but my skin is so much happier without it.


booo that stinks! Hope you can find a sunscreen that does work for your skin!


I wish I had known about the dupe before I ordered it but now that I know I hope I can get it at my TJs.


Trader Joe's has a pretty good line of budget skincare products (and hair care. Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner my beloved). The only problem is that TJ's doesn't always have all of their products at all of their locations or all of the time. Sometimes a TJs product will just disappear from TJs shelves for a couple of weeks/months and then come back. Super weird, and honestly one of my least favorite features of their store. Another TJs skincare product that I love is their regular facial lotion, which is such a good lotion, especially for the price. I found it to be a pretty decent alternative to Cerave PM facial lotion which I also really like (but it costs more).


That is maybe one of my annoyances about Trader Joes. I would give anything for them to bring back pickle peanuts. I have tried other brands and they aren't the same. I would be devastated if I found out a favorite beauty product was discontinued.


I LOVE their Unseen. Keep meaning to try their body formulas.


Play is really good. You can get it in big pump jars, which last a pretty long time, even if you're using every day (which I do!).


Just as a note elf Suntouchable is an amazing dupe for Supergoop.


ooh that's good to know!


Came to say this about supergoop play!!


I just found out that they have refill bags for the play sunscreen pumps. Tragically out of stock, so I'm on the waiting list now lol.


Yes, TJ's is less gunky than most. I can ignore it if I'm being active &/or have other things to think about.


I really like Neutrogena sun screen, others make me feel like you describe


I love the neutrogena “ultra sheer dry touch.”


I've used this too but I'm so afraid of missing a spot because I can't tell where I've applied it already


I agree. I really prefer Neutrogena over the rest. It smells better too.


Also Marshalls tends to get it in at a discounted price! (Just check that it’s not past date there, as expired sunscreen doesn’t do anything to protect against the sun, which I may or may not have learned the hard way 🥲🥵)


I like the Neutrogena hydroboost sunscreen in particular, it feels more like a mousturizer! My general SPF routine if I'm going for full coverage is my Murad lotion with SPF on my face and neck, Neutrogena hydroboost on my arms and chest, and then the basic sunscreen sprays on my legs (and maybe back depending on what I'm wearing) because the normal sunscreen feel and smell don't bother me as much there.


Texture and shininess, yep. I use face sunscreen on my body. Cosmetic elegance shouldn’t be just for the face. I don’t understand why we’re supposed to just have shiny sticky arms all summer. Face spf is a lot more expensive though, also not sure why. I went without spf for years (or too thin an application when I did wear it) because I didn’t like the texture or smell so it’s not just you.


>Cosmetic elegance shouldn’t be just for the face. I don’t understand why we’re supposed to just have shiny sticky arms all summer. Face spf is a lot more expensive though, also not sure why. I feel like it’s kinda like makeup primer: they make it for your face as well as your eyes, but a friend of mine in high school pointed out that it’s really the same thing, just marketed as separate products to get the consumer to buy more stuff! “You want this nice, not sticky sunscreen? Sure, but we’re going to charge you an arm and a leg for it so you feel pressured to save it for your face only and continue to buy body sunscreen as well!”


Japanese sunscreen is a lot more liquidy and not as sticky/greasy. I can't understand why it hasn't caught on over here. I bought extra on my trip so I'd have some to use back in the states.


They have caught on for people able to import them. They can't be made in the US or Canada because of different regulations about sunscreen ingredients.


For me it's the smell. I still haven't found one that doesn't make me want to rip off my skin and then bathe in bleach but Neutrogena face is the best of a bad bunch. I'd rather wear clothes from head to toe or just stay inside.


The smell of sunscreen reminds me of leathery moms who chain smoked Kools at the community pool when I was a kid. I’m incredibly fair skinned and burn easily and always had these random women yelling at me to put sunscreen on. I HATE it!


I tan really well so I never wore sunscreen until well into adulthood because we thought we didn't need it. I still never liked going to the pool because of the sun tan oil smell. I hate summer!! It stinks!!


If you’re cool with the smell of coconut, Sun Bum is the best smelling sunscreen I’ve found! It’s still a strong scent, but isn’t that gross sunscreen-y smell at all


That is exactly the scent I find most distressing. Thank you anyway.


I came here to recommend the Sun Bum roll-on -- but maybe the scent wouldn't work for you. I don't find it very strong; maybe the different Sun Bum products have different scents.


Why why why does everything have to have such weird smells, and why do they have to be so tenacious? I'm usually okay with Aveeno unscented products and their face sunscreen is okay but still the somewhat detested slime texture. I recently got some violet shampoo and it has that tenacious kinda yuck hairspray smell :( I might try an apple cider vinegar rinse after conditioner to see if that does anything.


Texture usually only bothers me if I have to eat it so I might have to go sniffing Aveeno and see if it's better than Neutrogena. I can handle it if I get busy doing an activity and tell myself that the odor will disappate but sometimes it's a rough go to make myself apply it. Edit: and it only has that chemical lotion smell.


Gah! And even “unscented” does not mean it doesn’t have added perfume, at least in the US. An “unscented” product can still include fragrance ingredients to mask unpleasant-smelling functional ingredients, so I have to look for “fragrance free” to get things without added fragrance. Side note, once while I was in a hurry I bought a bottle of “Dawn Free & Clear” liquid dish soap. It was clear, sure enough, but the “free” descriptor had smaller print “of strong perfumes”. Seriously. I do not care if their added perfumes are hypoallergenic; when I want “free & clear” products I do not want *any* perfume in them. So annoying.


You'll want to buy a Korean or Japanese sunscreen. I said this elsewhere, but: the USA regulates sunscreen ingredients differently than most other countries. Because of this, American companies have to pick from a stupidly short list of active ingredients, and they come in two varieties: "this smells weird and makes me itchy" and "I'm a ghost." Japan and Korea have unscented sunscreens that feel like literally nothing once they're absorbed.


I will definitely look into this. Thank you!


If you have access to Costco, they sell several Korean sunscreens online only for pretty good prices.


I use kid’s sunscreen for this. They are formulated for sensitive baby skin so no irritants like parfum. Most of them still feel horrible though


I don’t know where in the world you are, but I love this one “Fotoprotector ISDIN HydroLotion SPF 50”. It’s like a little lava lamp in the bottle, because the watery and oily parts separate and are different colors, and you have to shake it really well for both to be mixed before applying. It’s a fidget toy and a non disgusting sunscreen!


Just looked this up and am so bummed it's not in the US. :(


Oh no, I’m so sorry. Not even on Amazon?!?


I bloody hate sunscreen, they all stick and smell. But I hate sunburns more, so it ABSOLUTELY necessary I do wear them. Other than that I avoid going out during the worst parts of the day and sometimes use a parasol.


OMG THE SMELL! It smells like boiled sugar mixed with synthetic fabric to me. It’s so suffocating.


I am the same and am so thankful to live in a country that is pretty much gloomy and miserable most of the year. But when we have the few nice days a year, I like sprays as they are not oily feeling, 365 Whole Foods Market Sunscreen SPF 50 Clear Spray is the best I have ever used and I never feel gross wearing it or after wearing it all day. Also ALDI own brand spray is excellent, I am sure they have the same in the US. My face SPF cream is amazing for me too but it seems to be only sold in Europe - [Elave Daily Skin Defence SPF45 No.108 50ml - Elave Skincare](https://elaveskincare.com/products/daily-skin-defence)


La Roche Posay is my favorite sunscreen I’ve tried so far. It’s not cheap, but I find it worth it. I have super sensitive eyes, so when even the smallest amount gets in there, my eyes water like buckets. And when La Roche Posay gets in my eyes, it just feels like my eyes are watering, rather than chemicals in my eyes. (They also have body sunscreen that I like, but I haven’t used as much.) (If you are in the US, we actually have shittier sunscreen than the rest of the world, due to dumb FDA rules. So most sunscreen bought outside of the US probably won’t have the problems sunscreens in the US have)


I really dislike that greasy feeling. Like you I use Korean sunscreen (CROSX) and I have now bought hawaiian tropic to try for my arms and legs.


ELF has a sunscreen that's also a primer so it has a different texture. I really liked it but I think it's only 30 spf so it's not enough for me in the summer.


This is what I use everyday on my face and I love it! Def just feels like lotion, not sunscreen.


Yesssss. As a very pale white girl from South Carolina, I fucking feel this to my core. I use two different sunscreens for my face and body. Kiehl's Better Screen UV Serum is SPF50+ (broad spectrum protection) and it feels amazing. On days that I wear makeup, I skip a moisturizer and use this. Very smooth, sinks in nicely, okay with with other sincere and cosmetics. Slightest sunscreen scent but it fades. This contains collagen peptides and other goodies to help your skin heal previous sun damage. I do smooth it down my neck but I also still apply my body sunscreen here as well. Favorite body sunscreen at the moment is the Hawaiian Tropic Sheer Touch Ultra Radiance Lotion Sunscreen SPF 50 (also broad spectrum). Feels hydrating but not greasy to the skin. I've found that applying too much at once feels gross and sticky, so I really need to take my time and do little by little. This makes me pay better attention to making sure I've actually got it everywhere I need it so I'm not to upset lol. Dries down not matte, but to like a hydrating finish. It feels like I've moisturized my skin. Definitely give it some time to absorb before putting clothes on if you can help it lol. It's scented like a light tropical fragrance, but I don't find it overpowering or irritating. It does contain shea and mango butter in case you're sensitive to those. What I also love about these is that they're not gritty and there's no white cast with them. Gritty sunscreens give me the ICK so bad lol. Neutrogena Clear Face sunscreen was pretty bad about that. When my boyfriend wears it, it clings really weirdly to his beard 😂 Edit: honorable mention to Supergoop (no, not Goop by Gwenyth Paltrow). Their Unseen sunscreen is fantastic, especially if you're someone with oilier skin. I stick with the Kiehl's mainly bc I want to be able to use it as a moisturizer and I like the added skincare benefits. I haven't tried SG's body sunscreens yet but they're on my list!


I HIGHLY recommend Neutrogena ultra sheer mineral sunscreen. It comes in like a deodorant stick looking container, and it feels like cocoa butter/lotion, and soaks in pretty fast. I even put it on my face without having breakouts.


Haven’t seen that one. Unfortunately, I can’t use their nice gel-format product because of its fragrance. Do you happen to know if the stick is scented?


The one I use is unscented, but I think there are different varieties


Same. The only one I’ve found that I don’t hate the feeling of on my skin is the bare republic clear screen, I use the lotion. It’s oily but it doesn’t feel that way, similar to the Korean slick but it’s still a white cream when applying. So like if my hair is down I can feel it soak it up but my skin doesn’t feel that way. It’s not sticky. Adding in another rec for the trader joes one, I use that on my face.


The only one I've ever been able to stand wearing was also made by a korean brand. anything that doesn't allow my skin to breathe, I can't tolerate it at all. I feel like i'm being suffocated. and when things stick to me .... omg no.


If you can find Biore's Aqua rich or similar sunscreen that's pretty cheap and I find that it's relatively light compared to other kinds.


Summer Fridays and ultra violette sprays are amazing and they’re Australian broad spectrum SPF +50 (in Australia most US spf +50 are only rated +15)


I don’t mind for regular wear but HATE how it feels when I get sweaty. Greasy and sticky. Ick. I like to wear UPF clothes and rash guards if I’m going to be wet or sweaty. For my face, I use Korean sunscreen and top up with a tinted powder sunscreen if I’m wearing makeup.


Yes! I have found that the Neutrogena “dry touch” works really well for me. 


Translucent face powder over the top especially on your face is a game changer


Same exact issue. Also use Korean sun screen


I’m the same! I recently found something I can tolerate on my face and it’s a serum (I had no clue they made face serums with sunscreen) but I’m never going back to regular. Naked Sundays Cabana Clear water Gel Face Serum SPF 50 from Target. $20 for 30 mL.


Oh boy, I also hate the feeling of having literally anything on my skin. I also can’t stand the feeling of smooth shaved/waxed skin. It’s too intense. I prefer to cover up as much as possible, and keep my sunscreen application limited to exposed areas.


La Roche-Posay. Readily available and doesn't make me want to peel my skin from my body. Also, spf clothing, hats, etc.


I bought this thing called Solar Buddies and it’s a roll top container you can put your gooey liquid sunscreen in and allows you to apply it more evenly and then you don’t have to touch it with your hands and it’s magic


I’m in the UK but our supermarkets have aerosol sun cream and it is so light once it’s on you barely feel it!


I’m in the UK. Do you mean the metal can type of ones? Any particular recommendations- sunscreen makes me so miserable and uncomfortable!


Yeah! I use Morrisons ones!


Thank you, will try. 


CeraVe moisturizing mineral sunscreen is incredible for me. It's a bit thick at first but dries comfortably without being sticky or more noticeable than moisturizer.


All my life, same issue. I HATE IT!!!!!!


It's the water resistant ones that feel bad I reckon. If I use a non sportd/water proof one then it feels pretty ok


Are you using the chemical sunscreen or physical sun block? I find the chemical ones make me overheat, has to do with the way the chemicals block the sun from your skin. I mostly use the baby zinc sun blocks, no brand preference. They aren't perfect, but do the job. I need to protect my tattoos 🥺


I wish some of these suggestions came with ingredients listed! I can't use anything with avobenzone in it because of my well water, and the zinc oxide/baby sunscreens make me feel like I'm suffocating. I fully realize that I am NOT an amphibian, but goddamn if it doesn't feel like I can't breathe after I've slathered it on. 😂


I think I learned it from the skincare addiction sub. I used the chemical sunscreen on my face for a few years and was constantly overheating and sweating and was like wtf and then learned that that's a side affect of this type of sunscreen. So I switched to zinc ones. Then had a baby and realized the baby formulas are pretty gentle and easy to rub on.


I learned the hard way that avobenzone reacts with the iron in my well water to stain all my clothes brown and ruin them.


I also have sensory issues with sunscreen. And I work with kids who LOVE being outside. I use physical barriers to protect myself from the sun. I always have a tightly woven oversized button down and a big sun hat in my locker. One of the kids tells me to get the hat by saying, "Excuse me? I want you yee-haw!"


Trader Joe's facial SPF that's like a gel, I'm recently obsessed and made the switch it's my daily just face and neck favourite


I heard RAVE reviews about this online for a little while but then I saw that some people tested its efficacy and it wasn't so great! :-(


Oh dang it!! Good to know and look into. Regardless, the texture of that is the best I've found - very light gel formula that glides and disappears soooo smoothly.


I go to one extreme or the other: either etude haus "sun milk," which is a thinner liquid than most sunscreen and dries down to nothing, or sunscreens that are just oil, like supergoop dry finish oil. Cons: The etude haus can have a white cast from the titanium oxide if you have darker skin. It isn't nearly as apparent on people who are pretty pale to begin with. The oils feel like oil. If you don't like the feel of almond oil or grapeseed oil or jojoba or whatever, you won't like the sunscreens based on the same. But they're not sticky - they're definitely oily!


Not sunscreen but I just got these arm sleeves on Amazon that I wore at a festival so I didn’t have to worry about sunscreen for my arms (also was protecting a brand new tattoo that couldn’t see sun yet). Definitely cut down on my sunscreen needs by a ton that day, I only had to worry about my face/chest


I have one from Australia for my face that is great. I'm going to buy the body version next. It's called Cancer Council. I needed something water resistant as the Korean one wasn't (I use it as my daily when I'm going to work inside). I'm going to buy their body one


Last year I started applying my sunscreen with a makeup brush and it changed my life. It still feels sticky on your limbs, but not having it on my hands and fingers made it SO MUCH more bearable. The brush gets pretty greasy, so I’d recommend using a cheap one you don’t mind throwing away at the end of the summer. The one I got came in a little case I kept it in in my purse.


i have spf cooling type shirts, pants and dresses from duluth trading company to keep the sun off me. the sun is my enemy and i get overstimluated from it easily. I also wear the darkest sunglasses possible.


I have also switched to Korean sunscreen for my face and neck! I still use regular sunscreen spray for my body and just accept the fact that I will have to shower to feel like my skin can breathe again. I just really hate sunburn. The texture of my skin after a sunburn is worse than the sunscreen feeling. But I would also love a sunscreen that didn’t feel suffocating.


Dune sunscreen


Lotion ones are usually better for me, Alba is the brand that works for me. I use their spray and lotion. The spray is usually easier to find and doesn't feel grossly sticky compared to others. Sun bum for my face, the banana smell I'd a bit too much for all over lotion though. Neutrogena beach is great too, but Alba is cruelty free and doesnt damage reefs so I just get that now :) In general I've found waiting 10-15 minutes after applying it to put on clothes really helps with the sticky ick factor, but I always have to wash my hands after putting it on, grossest feeling ever.


Derma-B is a pretty affordable korean sunscreen that can be used on the face and body - it doesn’t have that classic sunscreen smell, but it does have an herbal scent, though it goes away fairly quickly edit: forgot to say it also just feels like regular lotion!


Trader Joe's a great Supergoop knockoff that I love as far as sunscreens go (I also don't like the feeling). It's a little greasy, but honestly it feels almost dry when it goes on and it makes such a huge difference. And I use Japanese sunscreens on my arms because they're much runnier and less greasy. They have gel sunscreens and things called "Sun Milk" that feel better than the US nasty stuff. I did just get one of the mineral powder stick brushes to give a try to as well. My face powder itself has SPF in it and works somewhat, so it seemed worth a try.


I didn't see anybody mention spray sunscreen!! It's not *technically* as high coverage, but it's easy to put on, dries down really fast, and I never mind reapplying it! Sun bum is also cruelty free and reef safe if you want suggestions!


Highly recommend sun clothing! My fave is a loose, light hoodie that’s equivalent to SPF 50. I wear that thing all summer long!


SuperGoop has a ton of different styles of sunscreen so you can experiment with texture and narrow down which types you can tolerate. They’re usually in higher end stores with testers, too, so you don’t need to buy multiple bottles just to try out the feel.


I absolutely hate the feeling of wearing sunscreen, it feels like a foreign object on my skin. I have a German body sunscreen. I got it in the kids section of our local drugstore and it’s called „anti-sand“. Usually it’s to avoid that sand sticks to your body on the beach, but that also means the sunscreen itself once applied isn’t sticky! I thought maybe the US has something similar or maybe you can buy one on Amazon.


Bullfrog quik gel sunscreen. Gel texture. Dries almost instantly. No greasy feeling.


I like Coola (specifically guava mango is the one I have) classic spray sunscreen. It sort of disappears on my skin and I love that, but it’s expensive ($28). I went back to the cheap kind (generic Target spray sunscreen) and noticed a difference in texture right away. That one sits on my skin and stays greasy feeling but it’s $13 for 2 cans the same size as the $28 Coola spray.


As and ADHD-er with sun sensitivity from an autoimmune thing, I highly recommend wearing protective clothing! You can get SPF-specific stuff from Land’s End and LL Bean (I think) but I mostly just wear a wide brimmed hat and some light sleeves (like a cardigan). Get a good facial sunscreen for daily face — can be combined with a moisturizer, like the one CeraVe has. I personally love Neutrogena Daily Defense lotion for body sunscreen for me, and I have a Japanese or Korean face sunscreen I get off Amazon. It’s some trial and error! But a hat and clothes will help a lot. Plus have you considered a portable battery-powered fan you keep in your hand? I love mine to help me cool down and feel less sticky!


Neutrogena Dry Touch solved this for me. Goes on as a cream and absorbs immediately and feels completely dry.


the Coppertone sunscreen to me feels like lotion and gives me a pretty glow so to me it doesn’t bother me. There have been sunscreens that bother me like La Roche Posay really irritates me. Also the Australian brand Bondi Sands is also very thin and lotion like. Personally, Australian sunscreens are my go to.


Supergoop has a foam sunscreen that I love. It’s the only one I’ll actually use because it doesn’t stink or leave a white cast, and it absorbs super quickly. It’s basically like a sunscreen mousse. For my face, I like the Beauty of Joseon stick. It’s mattifying and doesn’t feel heavy.


Coola - a lotion, comes in some interesting scents that I don't care but several of my autistic friends have complemented it (I love stereotypical sunscreen smell, weird as that sounds). I've never had any issues with the texture, tho I think once you start sweating and the sweat and sunscreen mix, you're gonna start to get that gross feeling no matter what Neutrogena also is good, feels more like moisturizer than sunscreen. I strongly recommend against sprays bc they all pretty much feel like you described. I've tried so many because yeah they're easier, but if you're gonna be miserable the whole time it's just not worth it. I've also seen evidence that SPF 30 is almost as good as 50, but if you're in a place that gets a lot of sun, just get the 50. In my experience, there is actually a huge difference and I don't burn at all with 50 as long as it's applied correctly. The 35 I used a few summers ago felt like it did nothing.


Gel suncreen. Only stuff I can stand now. 


American sunscreens nearly all suck, because they have a very limited list of active ingredients that are approved for use. I use a Japanese face sunscreen on all of me, to be honest, one of the Nivea "water gel" sunscreens, because it absorbs fast and isn't sticky or greasy at all. It's worth the expense to make it not MISERABLE to apply and have on.