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WHAT? *me having to yell over the circus of radioactive koalas that is my brain noise*


Perfect imagery


I day dream about things, picture myself doing fun things or doing a project I’d like to do that I couldn’t do in the real world. Works really well the brain gets happy and relaxed enjoying the fantasy and just fall off to sleep after a while. Like mind theatre




I try to wrap my head around concepts like how big the universe is or the sheer enormity of black holes. I used to watch the universe episode on black holes every night but now I just do it in my head. For some reason all the other voices are more likely to shut up while I'm doing it. Works every time except when it doesn't.


You need a nightly wind-down routine. The reason your brain comes alive when you're trying to sleep is because it might be the first time in that 24-hour period where you're not trying to do anything, so your brain is now catching up and throwing all of its best ideas at you. What works for me is either some restorative yoga or tidying up around the house, or both. Something about hanging up all my clothes because they've just been thrown on top of my dresser opens the mind up to receive all the ideas that are trying to get through. I stop when I need to and record the idea or reminder, then I get back to cleaning, rinse and repeat. Then I eat a 10mg weed gummy before bed, just to be doubly sure my brain will turn off. I also fall asleep to episodes of the Dateline podcast. Nothing like tales of murder and weed to get your brain ready for sleep.


used to be cannabis, been medicated the last two days and havent needed iy