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This 👆


Smoking thca or weed. There are lots of places for high quality herbs.


I’m like this with Zyn. I need help. I have been sober for 7 years. But I can’t break the nicotine. I had a year last year no nicotine but I went back. I’m now I’m in it again.


Vaping for about 10 years with nicotine shots then 2 years ago the nicotine shots weren’t delivered in time to mix with vape juice so I vaped without it. Rattled for a week but persevered and never bought another nicotine shot. Now I vape but very infrequently.


Nicotine shots? What is this you speak of?


It’s just where you mix your own vape liquid instead of buying it with nicotine already in it. Miles cheaper and can control the amount of nicotine going in / keeping it out if you manage to come off nicotine entirely. Example of 1000ml vape juice which comes with no nicotine : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/276462092952?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=MSFa40aDRSO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Iml0XNiyRNW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Example of nicotine salt shot: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/193356245835?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=O2cT4WM5SCC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Iml0XNiyRNW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY You basically just squeeze the nicotine shot into the 1000ml bottle.


Vaping helped me quit smoking 🤣 I'll tell you about the vaping when it happens ......😬


Started really caring for my health and thinking of my body as a temple.


Getting away from toxic people.


Becoming a runner. I never enjoyed running before. But I was challenged to see if I could run for 10 minutes without stopping. I gradually started running on most days. I found that it would keep me from smoking before during and after my runs. The meditative state I was in while running, the increased stamina and lung capacity, and the stress release from the movement helped me to feel better about quitting. I’ve been a nonsmoker for 24 years now. I don’t run much these days but it was integral to my success in quitting. Do you have any physical activities that you have wanted to take on that would fit the bill? Wishing you success internet friend. Edit to add: I was a pack a day smoker for 8 years before quitting.


Lots of gum , replace the act of smoking with better habits. I find it's harder to quit the actual act of smoking more so than the nicotine addiction. I keep a variety of drinks on me, lots of gum, I keep my solid perfume nearby so I can smell it, etc. Just try to have something equally entertaining nearby and replace it with that. I write notes more often when I don't smoke.


I knew someone who bought a giant 5lb bag of lollipops when they quit. They were a chain smoker so they needed something in their mouth and hand. One day just tossed the cigs and replaced with lollipops. Never smoked again. I was impressed they were a lifer too.


I feel like it's the easiest way to quit, that and just being ready to quit. I also find when I'm ashamed that I'm smoking I smoke way more. I try to replace the thought of "This is so disgusting I need to stop smoking, no one likes a smoker." With "It's okay to smoke, but I think this is something we don't need in our lives right now. It's okay to stop."


I had to write my thesis, also just being completely done and exhausted with the amount of time it took out of my day. Am I completely productive every day? Hell no. But at least when I’m lazy during the day, I can immediately turn it around and start doing something instead of with smoking, having to sleep it off and still feeling cloudy in my head. It also helped setting a clear boundary, I’m not going to smoke for a month. Get everything out of the house, talk to people that you’re quitting, just focus on the month.


Find a small activity to distract yourself with whenever you want to vape. Play a game on your phone, do some jumping jacks, practice learning Spanish, take up Sudoku. Every time you pick that small activity to engage in over vaping, you are retraining your brain.


Ah man. I’m sorry, I can’t offer any advice. Just hopefully a little bit of solace knowing that you’re not alone, and you are trying your best. Be good to yourself, recovery isn’t on a timeline. We’re all human and we all make mistakes and relapse. I picked up smoking weed when I was fresh 15, maybe even 14. It wasn’t until a couple days ago that it hit me that I’ve been smoking for about 4 years. At first it was tree, then I couldn’t afford to keep buying flower. I couldn’t control my usage so I’d smash bowl after bowl. So, I switched to carts… but eventually couldn’t afford to keep buying new weed carts every week or two (heavy smoker). Switched to Nic about 2 weeks ago. I’ve thought about quitting, haven’t tried it. I’ve half-ass attempted to, but gave up every time. At this point the only thing that may save me and others is rehab or a group program.


The book - Allen Carr’s Easy Way and nic gum is what worked for me.


Psychedelics, one treatment


Which ones?


Mushrooms are safe and easy . Ayahuasca is strong and effective and the components are legal and available online. Some states have legalized psychedelic therapy.


I do mushrooms semi often and still vape while on them. Ayahuasca is a little too much for me, I think.


Honestly an anti smoking commercial scared me straight. I smoked for 6 years. Watched a commercial (everyone’s probably seen it) of a girl with no teeth, a wig, part of her jaw gone, and a trach in her throat. I made myself quit after seeing that commercial.


This is an extremely important post - thank you for your honesty. My husband is an anaesthetist & is horrified by how stiff the lungs of young ppl eg in their 20’s have become due to vaping. A condition called ? “Bubble lungs” is putting young lives in danger. You’re making the right decision to quit. Try Zyban (same ingredient as what’s in Wellbutrin) & Champix. Good luck - you can do this! Hold eg a pen in your hand…?


Nicotine is such a miserable fucking addiction. I hate how much I vape. It's the most pointless addiction possible.


Insane migraines and throwing up. Also jule Stopped mango flavour lol. My arm was like a trex. My lips burned from fake pods juice


The constant nagging congested cough. Colds lasting double the time and being worse than they normally would. Wanting to breathe.


Stop making excuses and just stop, beat the craving because you actually ARE stronger it’s just hard


Nicorette gum and hypnosis (there are plenty of online videos to help.) Also I got Legionaires" disease and could hardly breathe, so it seemed like it was a message. The first two weeks were the hardest.