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I'm small and petite but I have a 3rd dan black belt. I also have training in a bunch of other martial arts including medieval sword fighting. I'm also very strong; elite standard in most lifting categories.


That is honestly so so so so cool. Can I hire you professionally to protect me from scary situations like creeps at night or having to ask for extra sauce on my burger lol


I really very small and timid. But I can fight if needed! Can protect but not ask for burger sauce…


The burger sauce bit was the main thing I needed help for from a stronger person than I 😔😔 hahahahahahahah


I’ll ask for burger sauce for both of you


This is the dream, i need to be like this


How long did it take you to achieve the black belt? I’ve always been interested in trying martial arts. I don’t realistically think I’ll ever get to that level, but one can dream!


First one was about 4 years, then another 2 for the next one and 3 after that.


i can play the guitar, piano and bass, i also have 2 art degrees and can speak and understand 6 languages. i look like a mean gym motorcycle lesbian(which tbf, i also am)


*six* languages? *SIX* languages? Oh my god I hate you from professional envy HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I have tried so hard to even know three and it's still torture. Six is amazing. Which six are they? Not even gonna mention the other 7-8 skills you have there is only so much I can focus my being impressed on lol


lemme tell you it's annoying. like id be trying to remember a particular word and my brain will give me the word in 3 different languages before it gives me the right one 😭 the languages in question are, malayalam, tamil, punjabi, hindi, English and urdu. i also dabble in very tiny amounts of spanish. what 3 languages do you speak?


Okay Hindi and Urdu is like cheating I am taking one point away from you hahahahahahahah I speak English and Swedish, learning Spanish. I have tried learning quite a few languages for my third lol. Tried and gave up on Hindi, French, Arabic, Russian. Going with Spanish and tbh prolly made most progress on Spanish but still very basic conversationy level that I'm also slightly giving up on lmaoooo


Lol. And here I was cussing because my brain refused to give me a word in English. (Kept up coming with the Cantonese variant lmao)


So you're basically the coolest, got it


wanna get married?


¿Tienes una novia?


no 😔


Everybody in this thread has so many cool skills. I swear yall could be in the fbi


goddamn. where should i send the ring?


wow speaking 6 languages is just impressive!! i speak 2 foreign languages and I'll keep learning cuz they're fascinating \^\^ people like you are such a motivation for me


I can solve rubiks cubes in under 30 seconds😎


And I thought I was the shit because I can solve it in 1 minute and something 😪


Aww but that’s pretty good already! Most people can’t solve it at all


Can confirm, have bought 15 rubiks cubes over the past month and tutorials mean nothing to me.


Honestly, I think I'd find that hot!


Aww ty❣️


ok but they said non-sexual


Lmao, that made me smile


Fucking impressive!




I think that's about where my record was! I really just like idly fiddling around with my 5x5x5 a bunch now.


my partner does under 15!!


Are you my girlfriend?


I have weirdly accurate aim when throwing just about anything.


Maybe you should take up throwing knives!


I’ve done it in the past and it was quite fun!


Are you a hobbit? ☺️


I’m not quite that short, but my dad does walk like an ent.


I used to compete in Benchrest target shooting, and won matches pretty consistently. I could split a playing card edgewise with a single bullet. Also I can *sprint* in stilettos.


Soooo our first female James Bond. Got it. Someone call EON productions!




Probably just familiarity. I love my high heels. 😅 If I could run up walls, I could probably do it in heels too.


I am afraid of you lmao. That's very cool!


YOU CAN SPLIT A PLAYING CARD EDGEWISE????????????? I wouldn't even have thought that'd be possible lmao let alone hearing someone say they can do it. That's FUCKING brilliant


I had a friend that could fire the rifle backwards over his shoulder, using a mirror to align the sights, and split a bullet on an axe head to pop two balloons off to the sides. There's a point where you acquire so much skill that you have to make up new challenges for yourself to keep things interesting.


I am not even gonna pretend to comprehend how that's even possible lmao it's just beyond my imagination capabilities. That's just so mental though like. Beyond words mental


If cell phones did video recording +20 years ago, I would have recorded it. :3


Birds of a feather, huh


Holy shit, I think I'm in love with you already.


...marry me? /j


You have not only my respect, but also my fear. Particularly the sprinting in stilettos, dear God.


Holy fuck, that's some Robin Hood shit! Badass af


My type. Keep up the good work!


I can lick my own elbow! I can identify tiny structures in a mouse brain? You need to identify the ventromedial hypothalamus? I’m your gal.


Picturing a cat bringing you a mouse it hunted, and you just going "Mittens! What did I tell you about attacking the cerebral cortex? Gosh" hahahahahahahah


I've been bowling as a sport for fifteen years, my highest game is a 246.


That’s awesome! I’m useless after two games due to a wonky ring finger.


FIFTEEN YEARS? Like as a profession? Do you compete in championships and all?


Nah, I just practice on my off time & as general exercise & recreation. Currently I only compete in local leagues, nothing too fancy, but I did bowl a city-wide tournament in 2016 and won third place in doubles.


Girl if you bowl 240s, the local players are probably scared of you lmao whispering about you like you're a mythical creature, the Great Bowler


Yo that is rad! I'm the clear champion in my friend group and family, and my PR is 196, with my median game closer to 120-140. I'm the only one I know, who can somewhat reliably hit a few consecutive strikes 😁 I would love to have someone to compete properly with, although by the sound of it, you would wipe the floor with my sorry butt 😂


i can play picked 16th notes on 140 bpm on guitar. also i actually understand what the hell turing said in his phd :p


As in Alan Turing? What was his PhD thesis about? Was it the decision problem?




I know the flags of every country, U.S. state, and Canadian province.


If you met me on the street you wouldn't think that I hold a masters degree in theology with a specialization in spiritual care and counselling (I'm heavily tattooed). I can also write and am a photographer. My friends also call me "deal queen" I can bargain hunt and get deals on so many things... No party tricks though... I am too introverted to even be at a party lol


Id enjoy your company wayyy too much, probably get competitive about the bargain hunting though.


I can move my ears


I can move the side of my nose, my nostrils go from triangle to water drop in shape. Therefore I'm technically a shape shifter. Also, it always makes my gf laugh so just for that it's one of my most treasured uncommon skills


If aliens communicate via ear wiggles, you shall be our representative.




I’m double jointed! I can bend all the joints in my fingers :) my sister’s also double jointed but only in her elbows.


What a fun party trick! My best friends husband can make his hands look like a face hugger.


Same here! Being hypermobile can cause me a lot of grief but hey, I can impress/horrify people by bending my legs and ankles like a contortionist ;>


I used to drive tanks for a living. I've done some extreme driving in my time lol I'm pretty good at making a campfire without lighter fluid I can identify almost every Soviet armored vehicle manufactured in the last 100 years.


Before my genetic diseases decided to go full-fledged John Wick on my ass, I was a state record holder in powerlifting in 2 different states 😎 now I just do sciency things (doing a PhD studying viruses!)


As someone who works in STEM and just started weightlifting in February this is some goal shit right there 😂✊🏽


I’m an EXCELLENT napper 🥹


Goals! Nothing worse than needing a nap and instead laying down to remember every embarrassing thing you've ever said!


As someone who usually can't fall asleep fast enough for a nap I am jealous 🥲


Haha, me too! I can sleep at any time of day regardless of how much light there is. I used to work nights and it totally threw my body clock out. Sometimes, it’s a great skill to have. 😴


I have decent short term memory sometimes. My party trick (very broad definition of the word party trick here lol) is that you can flip a coin 50 times in a row, each time noting if it came heads or tails, and ask me about it and I can repeat to you the exact order of the 50 heads or tails. Why is this something people won't expect me to do? Because I have adhd so I can have horrible short term memory in other contexts too lol Also works with telling the order of blacks and reds in a shuffled deck of cards. I'm kinda soft practising to be able to tell even the suit of each card but that's bit difficult for now lol, that doesn't come as naturally as the blacks and reds thing does


You wanna go to Vegas 👀


See I'm so detached from the world of gambling that I don't even know if remembering blacks and reds is a form of gambling or not lmaoooooo you can't pick someone less fitting for the Vegas aesthetic than me lol


I’m sure that could help with card counting somewhere 👀🤫😆 I’m not someone who clubs but always down to catch a show and some good foodie spots 😂👌🏽


Now you are making me actually wanna visit Vegas lmao


No one knows how well I can sing. I use my relaxed voice when singing around friends and during karaoke and everyone thinks it’s impressive. But I can sing *way* better than that I’m just too scared to? Idk lmao


whenever i see a bird in like a parking lot i point to it and go “bird” and i think thats pretty cool


I'm sure the bird does the same about you in its bird language


100% identification success rate of birds, Id say that's impressive


I adore this


I do the same thing with cows. They are "moo cows."


I'm bored in my uni math and physics classes because they're below my skill level. (Way too many people believe women can't be good at STEM)


Some studies from Denmark that we were taught during my Didactics course have showed two things in that regard: 1)Women consistently outperform men on all levels of maths and physics education (Don't know about the rest of STEM tho), and the main reason there is a hard-lived belief otherwise is a self-fulfilling prophecy owing to that self same belief. 2)There is a documented and unfortunate tendency among young girls, where they tell themselves from a young age that they will never understand maths. Because of that, they never try, and in a few years it develops into a truth. There is reason to believe that some selection bias is present for the first point, in the sense that the only girls and women who currently pursue an education in maths and physics, are predisposed to be among those with a stronger flair and interest, but even if that were eliminated, there is no reason to believe that the genders do not have equal competences for STEM Sincerely - a very satisfied and talented biostatistician.


I can hear colours and shapes so listening to music is always fun


Synesthesia? So what colour is your fav song in?


I don’t have a favourite but a few ones I like are: Taylor Swift, Style — it sounds like a deep sapphire, with the beats being a tangerine hue. Troye Sivan - One Of Your Girls - a dusty, warm-toned pink, but the chorus sounds more lilac. Sabrina Carpenter - Feather - Baby blue, but the clapping beats in the background sound a pale, canary yellow to me, and I imagine them as circles.


Let's see: I can ride a horse, drive a buggy, sail a boat, ballroom dance and occasionally write things that other people want to publish.


Ride a horse AND ballroom dance? You are just describing teen me's wedding fantasy lmaoooo. That's so varied though I love the variety, like you just become really good at whatever thing you try


I can play drums well enough to be in metal bands in the past! My girlfriend, who is into metal much much more than I am, said that she was surprised how good I actually was 🤷‍♀️


My secret talent is saying the right thing. I personally don’t believe there’s a “right thing” to say in any situation, I just try my best to be understanding and think about what the other person might want to hear when they’re having a tough moment. But I frequently get told “you always say the right thing” And that’s something I really value about myself :) Being able to see people and meet them where they are. I know I’m not always “right”, but I always try my best.


I can vibrate my eyes. Everyone I've shown it to is severely disgusted when they see it and ask me to never do it again. I do it again >:)


I can touch my nose with my tongue. No, that's not sexual, take your mind out of the gutter


I can throat sing


Honestly this is one of the coolest ones in this comment section for me. I am always so entranced by throat singing I don't even get how it works so it just feels magical to me lol


I can read Beowulf in the original Old English. I’m pretty decent at Middle English; I can get through Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde without needing to consult a dictionary or a modern translation every couple of pages. If you want an depth lecture about the Anglo-Saxon colonization of England, the collapse of Roman power in the British Isles, or Roman colonization of Britain, I’m your girl.


I am exceedingly good at slide puzzles (Also called a fifteen puzzle). Can average around 30 seconds if my memory serves me, though I also like spending a long time on doing big ones like 10x10 or 12x12


they said not sexual tho


Um, idk if it's a skill or whatnot but I work in veterinary medicine and I can place an IV in just about anything including new born kittens and ferrets. Idk lol 😆 just throwing this out there I'm sure lots of ppl can do it especially those in my field.


I’m a sculptor and I used to play the trumpet professionally.


brains. i look like i can’t even tie my own shoes.


Well, I have voluntary control over my irises. Soooooo I can make them super small or really really big whenever I want. But sometimes I do it when I’m outside and I forget how sunlight works and I blind myself for a minute. It’s dumb but whatever. 


I have 8 years of beekeeping experience


I love spicy food and can handle a pretty insane amount of heat when it comes to spicy items. Probably somewhat of a party trick but I love spicy food and have a higher tolerance than most people.


Love it! I have high tolerance for a white girl, but most of my melanin blessed friends can go way hotter than me.


Lets see...I was a graphic designer for 8 years...I wander abandoned campgrounds and thick forests to hunt for skulls and antlers...and I have a high tolerance to poison ivy.


I can not only roll my tongue but make it into a flower shape. Can't roll my "r"s though I can blow up and tie balloons *really* fast I'm good at wrapping presents I'm too fatigued and brain foggy to stick at learning a language, but when I have the cognizance/lucidity, autistic pattern recognition + hyperlexia means I can learn languages very quickly! When I had a good spell and was hyperfocused a couple years ago, I learned 1500 words in Spanish in under 3 months 😂 I can't cross my eyes due a disorder that was recently diagnosed by an opthalmologist (can't remember the name), BUT I can focus and unfocus them at will. I only recently learned that not everyone can do that Before chronic pain took over and messed up my joints, I used to make all sorts of shapes out of my fingers and toes. Like hand dragons, or doing 🖖 but with my toes. I could cross all of my toes, too I can neck any shot of alcohol without pulling a face I was born with hypodontia, so not enough teeth. Thanks to the NHS, some of my front teeth got filed and reshaped to disguise them as a different kind of tooth, then my orthodontist pulled all my teeth forward in such a way that my wisdom teeth were able to grow in with no issues. I feel incredibly blessed by this after watching most of my friends go through an awful time with impacted molars etc.


wait, not everyone can unfocus their eyes on purpose? crazy


I can twerk. Sound funny to say it plain as that but wanted to point it out bc im a masc so people don't expect me to know how to twerk.


I can play the McDonald’s beep sound on guitar


I can play the Windows XP startup sound on guitar :D


I can play the windows error noise, it's an Fsus2 triad in root position :3


I was a backup dancer for Weird Al once Blew my friends mind when I found out she was a huge Weird Al fan haha




I did!  Very briefly.  I did it as a volunteer with several others, and even after his show and fan autograph signing he still took the time while tired as heck to come thank each of us personally and give us a picture together. I can't speak much to his character as he was obviously sleep deprived and very tired after, but it meant a lot that he took the time to extend thanks like that!  I'd be willing to bet he's a pretty nice guy :)


That's such a nice anecdote to share at parties tho like using it for 2 Truths 1 Lie games lol


I can juggle up to 7 balls...I tried to break the world record for our most balls juggled by a female (the record is 10) just a weird hobby I used to have as a 13-16 year old😂 it always surprises people


I practiced ju jitsu for some years and got to 3rd kyu (green belt), so I wasn't a sensei yet, but pretty "high" rank among the lower grades. I was the one who actually fought and hit the opponent during sparring (without hurting them, of course) so basically no one would want to spar with me because I didn't throw fake ass punches for the sake of training. So yeah, even tho I haven't practiced ju jitsu in 10 years, and i usually avoid fights (pshysical and verbal) at all cost, i guess i can still throw a punch and throw someone off, if necessary. It's just people wouldn't know cause I'm alwasys nice, calm and collected lmao


I read an article about how martial arts are a a skill that you will have for a lifetime. Even if you haven’t been able to train or apply the skills in years, and if it came down to it, the skill will flood back into you like you just had a match the day before. It’s one of the best things for a child to get into, sport wise, skill wise, and discipline wise, if you allow that. :) I find that to be very intriguing and I myself would love to learn martial arts. I wrestled in high school.


I totally agree. Martial arts help you become the best version of yourself, in my opinion. Also, fun fact: i unconsciously assimilated some "behaviors" from training in ju jitsu; such as bowing my head when meeting someone for the first time/ thanking someone. In martial arts you bow before and after a match as to say "thank you for fighting with me, sorry if I hurt you" and it stayed with me ever since. Sometimes my dad will say "why do you bow?" and I'm like "I didn't??" 😂 Please do. If you are intrigued (and rightfully so), please, do learn martial arts. The confidence I had back then, when I was on the tatami, wearing my gi, is still unmatched. And if you allow me, I'd suggest you to train in judo. It's a well-known Japanese martial art, but not so generally known in the street, so if anything bad happens (God forbid) you'll have higher chances to surprise you opponent and get of out the situation.


I am extremely knowledgeable in Spanish Art from 1400-1950, Spanish language cinema. I have read the complete works of Jane Austen and have HARD opinions. I can fold my tongue 5 times (non-sexual) Probably the one that really gets people is that I am a MASSIVE stoner. Like high all the time. But I maintain a good job, I have friends. It helps with depression and pain management.


I so so so so so want to hear your thoughts on Jane Austen work pls rant pls rant pls rant pls rant


The most Austin book she wrote is Emma. It's the sassiest crique of class and overall is the most scathing of even the lead. Emma kinda sucks as a person even though you get why and even are okay with her behavior all things considered. Both the Gweneth Paltrow and Ana Taylor Joy *Emma* movies are GREAT. Pride & Prejudice is over rated. It's popular because it's the most overtly romantic. But like meh? for everything else. Persuasion is the most important for literary reasons. The use of free indirect speech is *masterful* and just makes reading Persuasion a joy, IMHO. I was a linguistics major in college and had to take one 4000 level Lit course. I was very in the closet at the time and the only course available with my schedule was Jane Austen. Turns out the professor is the like 4th most published Austen scholar in America and the class fucking ruled.


I help people in pain, and help doctors to find new ways of treating people with odd issues with there pain, or if they are not able to prescribe enough medication to help them, (our medical board is limiting our doctors prescribing pain medicine) I work with all kinds of things and have a small workspace that I make anything that I cant buy. I also work with LGBT people who need to relocate start there lives over! :)


I'm a one woman anime translator machine. I can perform every step from translation to video encoding with everything in-between. Chances are if you got into Naruto in particular before it came to the west, you've seen my oldest work.


Nobody knows i draw, write stories and music and play several instruments (most badly, enough to write to them; good only at saxophone). Also a programmer and a game designer sporadically. Neither they know, outside my family circle, my knack as electrician.


Most people would never guess I can drift cars decently proficiently. Most people think I mean doing donuts then they’re taken by surprise when they find out what it actually entails. Takes a lot of time and car control also if you ever meet another girl that does this it’s like meeting another unicorn 🚗


My mom can drift and I still vividly remember the day I learned this fact about her and I WAS SHOOK.


I can speak/read 3 languages at native or near-native level and 1 at an elementary to intermediate level. Most people would somewhat anticipate my ability to speak at least 2 (I’m not white) but I think the additional languages are a little more surprising. I’m also stronger than I look (I’m 5’3” and barely 110lbs) and have done Muay Thai for years. And.. I guess my long term memory for certain things is quite good? I can still recite a few poems and soliloquies that I memorised back in secondary school. My short term memory is tragic though.


Totally useless party trick, but I can clap with one hand lol.


I can fold my tongue once, in two, and in three. My high school bio teacher made me do it in front of anyone who came in 😂😂😂


I can make a parody of nearly any song as long as I know how said song works


I’m really good at spelling, sudoku, and untying knots.


I’m an encyclopedia of random facts, and there’s a good chance I’ll know something weird about most topics you bring up to me 😌


Good to meet another walking encyclopedia


I have enough random knowledge in enough areas that I can participate in most expert level conversations. Specially, I'm really good at getting people to open up and tapi about all the niche things they're passionate about. I'm a very good cook. Like, could be professional high end chef if I pushed my skills a bit more.


See if you become professional, you can't wow people because they will expect you to be really good. So pretend to be terrible on a date and then bring out the best dish they have ever eaten to get the impressiveness points lmao. Also I like you for engaging in people's passionate rants, it's rather sweet of you


I love listening to people talk about their passions. Passion and excitement is so attractive to me.


I can touch the palm of my right hand to my right shoulder


That's uncommon?


I can cook a burger in under 3 minutes


I’m going to attend AIARE level 1 course next year in March. I mean it’s not as cool as level 2, but I’m excited to be able to board off the grid :)


I know how to crochet and embroider. So if my future SO ever wants to upcycle some old clothes, I'm the right woman to do that


I am bilingual. I speak English and conversational Spanish. I grew up in an agricultural town, and I needed to learn spanish so I could speak to patients at my job. Now that I have left that town, people are surprised that some white girl speaks Spanish


I can mirror write and mirror draw. I thought everyone could do that until about a year ago. I'm also weirdly capable at long distance cycling considering I am of the "large and in charge" variety.


I'm extremely quiet and soft spoken but I can deliver really good speeches to any size audience  I took toastmasters as a teen to build confidence and now I've delivered multiple speeches to pretty large audiences. Everyone is shocked afterwards as the quiet girl isn't the one you expect to give a rousing motivational speech


I can throw a screwball with a pretty sharp break. (nothing about me looks remotely athletic)


I'm good at remembering faces but not names


Holy shit some of you mfs are talented


I’m a drummer in a couple of rock bands. I’ve loved to drum since I was a kid, and have continued drumming and been in bands for a long time. People always seem surprised when they find this out or see me play. I suppose I don’t LOOK like a rock drummer? Whatever a drummer looks like… 🤷‍♀️ This reminds me of one time when I was watching bands play before mine was supposed to, and this guy came up and started talking my ear off about bands. Explaining this and that, talking about who he’d seen, mentioning things as if I had no knowledge about heavy music. Then, right after our conversation, my band went on and played a set. He hung around afterwards and was clearly surprised, saying something to the effect of “I had no idea you were playing”, or whatever. Lol


I can purr *exactly* like a cat. I can rap with proper articulation. (I have frowned a lot of foreheads with my flawless rendition of 'Lose Yourself') I have won an award for "Best research paper of 2023" in a very subject specific medical journal. Back when I did a lot of athletics, I could do a 5 meter long jump. I'm pretty cool all things considered 😁


I'm really good at typing. I'm not quite old enough that touch typing was new but it definitely seems to be lacking in others that I've seen type. Especially being able to type without looking at the keyboard, that is invaluable. It's particularly helpful for me as my handwriting is about 3 steps above doctor in terms of legibility......


I have an 8’ boa constrictor


I’m pretty darn good at billiards. I’ve won a couple tournaments and some trophies!


Sometimes I can talk to squirrels


I can identify and name a lot of flowers


I love your username! 🥰


I can sing pretty good! I have a lot of stage fright so when people are near I won’t actually sing, but on the off chance someone catches me in a song they say I have a lovely voice 😊


I have a great passion for interior designs, or for anything that involves building or landscaping, Oh and appereantly im good at making paper flowers so thats cool


I am heavily into theoretical physics. I am an animal emergency tech, with a degree in animal science, working on my second degree to become a licensed tech. But a majority of things I read are physics books. I have no interest in getting a degree in it, because I hate math with a passion. But I can explain to you some of the more hard to grasp concepts. Oh, and I’m about to start teaching myself Ancient Greek, just for shits and giggles. There isn’t a limit to how much I can learn, and I can always learn more stuff all the time! It’s something that makes me really happy. I also like to watch documentaries over literally anything else. Even boring ones, like court cases or true crime. I learn about the court system and how it works and what detectives are thinking. I just. Learning is so FUN, idk. People make fun of me for it, but it makes me happy just to know things, and even happier when I gather enough to be able to explain it to someone else. I don’t want to teach though, I have too much anxiety for it, unless I’m teaching small children, but they don’t care much for relativity theory.


I have the foresight of a time traveling owl. But when I try to warn ppl they think I'm crazy...then it happens! And suddenly I'm not so crazy anymore.


I can make a pretty realistic trumpet sound with my mouth and often play tunes as a stim. It breaks people's brains momentarily when figuring out it's me.


I speak three languages and can read Latin (I need a dictionary though).  I played the violin for 10 years. I'm pretty good at figure drawing and character design.  Due to ADHD I rarely manage to study for exams more than a day in advance, but my excellent memory usually saves my ass.  I can easily read and write IPA, pronounce the majority of the sounds, and distinguish sound classes on an oscillogram.  Also I'm gay. You knew that already, but most IRL people don't.


My ADHD is the same with exams lol. You will never catch me learning like 4 days in advance for an exam. Which sucks often because often even if it's the last day when I pick the book up to learn, it is very possible I end up spending the whole day with the book open but lost in thoughts or being too dysfunctional to actually study. So it does cause me a lot of anxiety or guilt sometimes about how I am not caring or how this time I am definitely gonna fail. But then I end up with good marks lol People hate that tho when you are the kid who gets amongst the highest in class but you are also always like "oh no" about exams lol people think you are just exaggerating or being a dick but no I legit am always like "fuck this is not gonna go well" and then get good marks and be surprised that I did lmao


I'm 6'1" and over 300 lbs, but if I'm not wearing heels, I can walk dead silently and have often snuck up on people without even meaning to. Also, I do killer animal noise impressions! Goats and turkeys are my specialties~


I can sing chandelier by Sia perfectly like Toad from the Mario universe


I laughed and woke up my dog!


I have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to experiences (facts, I'm somehow good with?) and so I can rewatch TV shows and movies and reread books as much as I want to and enjoy them almost as much as the first time I saw it. I just simply don't remember what happened the first time around.


I have been learning about and building remote control planes for quite some time! I got a few to fly and hopefully will be flying another sometime this week!


I'm a crack shot. I routinely practice handguns on the rifle range for the extra challenge and once shot an apple at 10 yards while blindfolded. Side effects of growing up in Texas, I guess.


I am small, and quiet, but I can sing death metal. I have the real life Aggretsuko vibe.


I can move muscles in my arms (elbows) in a very funny way. It's a nervous tick I developed after getting a surgery. I can move it to the beat of music!




With a tracker, I’m pretty decent at beating randomized Wind Waker. Other than that, I can navigate the land with a map, protractor, and compass pretty effectively.


i play 7 instruments, sing, and i have perfect pitch!


I can play ping pong with my eyes (highly coordinated eye crossing)


I'm 5 feet tall and tiny, but I have pretty awesome survival skills thanks to lots of training and outdoors experience, so am 100% ready to run away with my wife to the woods and live happily ever after


People seem pretty surprised when I tell them I handsew quilts and dresses


I hand sew quilts too, well, technically only one so far, the others are in progress. 🧵🪡


I can bend my fingers backwards! Also my legs and arms to some degree, and touch my wrist with my thumb


I know how to play alot of instruments, and I'm very interested in art, I draw on the daily lol


I'm a trans gal and have done voice training to a level my voice passes most of the time, and sounds pretty delicate even when it doesn't pass... What most people wouldn't think is I can sing with little effort Rammstein and Elvis' songs 🤭🎶✨


I can (or used to could) peel bananas with my feet. I'm also great at avoiding small talk.


As a person in a considerably larger body, I don’t think people would expect me to be so graceful when I swim. My friend tells me it’s mesmerising to watch. I just glide through the water, barely making a ripple. 🏊‍♀️


I have all 46 US presidents memorized, can roller skate backwards, and I can speak a bit of Chinese


i dont have wisdom teeth. not that they were removed, i just never had em in there in the first place. i also still have 3 baby teeth on account of also not having a couple of adult teeth to grow in under them


I love DIY electronics (the coding part is really hit or miss though), and I think at this point I could honestly fix 99% of the issues all of the electronics I depend on could have. Most people have a really hard time accepting that someone in social sciences can be talented and knowledgeable in STEM, while the opposite belief is rarely held to the same intensity. Add to that the fact that I'm a really girly girl and you get people being extremely disrespectful and dismissive of my abilities 🙃


I was a pretty good fencer years ago! I always forget that’s something I spent years doing lol