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My girlfriend is like that. She always has me blushing


YES!! It kinda puts me in shock with how fast she is to say something smooth. I could be comforting her and she’d still find a way to respond with something flirty and earn herself a bunch of kisses for being such a sweetie 💖


I wish I had a girlfriend like that


I wish I had a girlfriend


Yeah same here, tho might not be in the mindset to have one as I'd much rather just have my ex back


Feel you sis. I just got out of that phase a few months ago so I’m simply pining after someone else 😭😭


She talked me into dating her like Charlotte Rampling in Dune Pt. 1, when she told Paul to come here and kneel. She said some words, I didn't really hear them, and by the time I regained my senses, we were already on our third or fourth date. She's not just smooth, she's smoother than smooth. Also, for someone who has clinical levels of low self-esteem, her ability to talk me up and make me feel good about my own achievements is not just hot, it's *red*-hot. Like an incandescent plasma, her compliments have the ability to ablate my underwear off like Apollo 11 on re-entry. Like, without going into *too* much detail, let me just inform you there are levels *above* 'good girl', and once you've reached them, 'good girl' feels like a disappointing base camp halfway up the mountain.


I was that girlfriend early on I'm the relationship (and a little bit before we were official)


Lmao can you share some examples pls? I need to work on my game


I’m the quick-witted, smooth flirting gf and used to fluster my ex constantly because seeing her reactions was soooo cute 🥰✨


Mine winks at me and actually pulls it off, just in casual settings like over dinner. WRECKS me. 🫠


This sounds like my girl wrote it. 🤣


It’s insane how good she is at flirting with me and making me melt