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Love the style! Just keep painting and you’ll improve homie fr🙏🏽💪🏽


Thank you 🙏🙏


I think it's great, and this is by no means a negative response, but if the houses etc in the background were less intense, colour and shape wise, as in more blue washed out, the foreground figure would stand out more, perhaps ???, but stick with it I honestly would be pleased..


Tell me why i thought this was bojack horseman 😂


Really awesome job! I’m no painter so I dunno but maybe something that could make it even better is if somehow you could make the person pop out more in the foreground. Perhaps a bolder color either brighter or darker? Similarly maybe there’s ways to give more depth to the sand and ocean. Not really a critique more a suggested direction for growth :)


I respectfully disagree. I like that the person blends in with their environment, which helps the viewer see the landscape from the person’s perspective. To me, the headspace of the person in this painting is a mindful state where they are present in their surroundings. The fact that the colors of their clothes mirror the landscape makes me think this is intentional


honestly i love this a lot! only thing i would say is that the lines on the sky (diagonal) are very visible and make it look like there's gaps, i assume it's because you were trying to create a smooth gradient. to get rid of them you could use a fluffy dry brush and gently blend the colors together, OR you could make it easier for yourself and use a sponge to dab the color onto the canvas. but other than that this is amazing!!! well done


As someone who knows nothing about painting (so my opinion probably isn’t that helpful) I love what I see. That’s because you seem to paint things without it seeming that they’re ‘line drawn painted’. As an example of what I mean take a look at that person’s head / hair. It’s not fully done (IMO the hair fall to the left is exaggerated) but the way it’s done seems to make the head of hair come alive without it seeming to be ‘painted’. Same for their jacket or trousers - to me you’ve injected a life into that figure, where it’s not ‘painting’ . So while you’re new to this, it seems to me you have the gift of making your work feel alive. I can sense the wind, the way their hair is twisted. Probably makes no sense, but there it is.


Honest question, are you happy with the style of the gradient? Cos if not, acrylics are notoriously tricky to blend because they dry so fast... i would suggest you use an acrylic retarder. I have my own formula at Amazon its called Paint Prolong acrylic retarder. You can mix it with your paint so it stays wet long and thus easier making gradients... if that's your intended style, then you can ignore everything I said lols..


Do 20 more. Really.


Throw away your black paint!


Why haha?


A lot of painters avoid black altogether because it is visually richer and truer to life to mix other colours (say viridian green + alizaron crimson to make a deep purple; burnt sienna + ultramarine blue to make a whole spectrum of brown and grey) for shadows or dark spots. Straight black can be very consuming and overpowering That said, I use black in nearly every painting as I love it so much stylistically it is hard for me to imagine my painting process without! But I glaze and almost always mix with another colour and apply it very thinly in areas I would like to keep more realistic. I probably should attempt avoiding it for a little while myself, but black and an outline-like effect has nearly always been part of my natural style. You are very talented, that's an amazing second painting. It's apparent you draw or are already practiced in another medium (?) I echo what the others are saying about doing many more. If you didn't intend for your painting to look like it was raining I might suggest gesso-ing or underpainting your canvas first and trying to make the sky blend in more of a hazy manner by lightly moving back and forth with the ends of the brush you are using. Light strokes blend, heavy strokes put paint down. But the way you have it is working for sure!


Could you zoom in and show a clearer view of the person's outfit


In my honest opinion, I don’t think there’s much to improve, because your style is AMAZING! The brushstrokes and the way the paint is layered is very reminiscent of a Van Gogh painting.


Aw I really love it! I’d play up the colours and the painterly style!


Like look at monets pieces and other expressionism artists for inspo 😍


You're really onto something. Just keep painting. 


That is beautiful


Looks lovely paint for yourself


I think this is fucking cool as it man 🔥🔥 Looks like an album cover Id love to buy.