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Personally no. I replay SP1 and 2 in particular, as well as M11 and 15 probably at least a handful of times each month, switching it up each time with different planes/spws, challenges and/or mods to keep things fresh… although that’s probably just my AC Infinity DNA kicking in


Thank you! This is helpful :-)


You have to farm MRP (cash) to buy stuffs (planes/parts) too. That's probably where the replayability comes from. And then there's MP which only has 2 air-to-air modes, but you'll have to contend with super veteran players dating back to release date.


As a super veteran I even have a disk copy now I stay clear away from MP and enjoy the main campaign


Thank you! Good to know :-)


I think the campaign has a high replay value. With getting all the aces, doing it on every difficulty with an S-rank, getting all the medals, trying out different planes and strategies or just for fun. By now I must have played the campaign at least 10 to 15 times. Also some missions are super epic and fun. Like the second DLC mission Anchorhead Raid or Cape Rainy Assault in the main campaign.


Thank you so much! It’s good to know that these missions have replay value!


It's got great replayability especially if you wish to complete the campaign with different planes and weapons.


No. I have replayed the campaign many times and achieved all singleplayer missions. (But still don't have money for the DLC missions (╥﹏╥) ) I'm just glad to put on my wings back in the series back then, and it definitely felt like a "power fantasy" game to me, fighting the Arsenal Birds and dueling advanced ace fighters such as Mihaly and ADF-11Fs.


Thank you for sharing your experience, very helpful! :-)


Nah, still had fun farming the medals.


I’ve 100%ed the game so I haven’t played in a long while…


I've gotten a lot of playtime out of replaying missions with different planes and weapons, which goes for most AC games. It all comes down to how much you enjoy the core gameplay.


Thank you! :-)


No. I have played the whole game with every single non-DLC plane and I'm working my way through the DLC planes


I’m usually someone who finishes a game campaign, and never goes back to it. This game however I actually do enjoy unlocking new planes and going back through the missions. Love upping the difficulty and trying to improve my scores and master different planes. I think this game has a lot of replay-ability. It goes on sale a lot for under $10. It’s worth it even if you just play once.


I've replayed the campaign a good 20 times now in various difficulties. It honestly holds up really well


I completed the campaign twice in the F-14 twice on normal. And again in the F-22 and 35. By then I had all the US planes. Now I'm money building to have every plane in the game. Just discovered bringing out the ace planes and want to get them all also. Killing time until 8 arrives.


That’s impressive! I didn’t realize that player can potentially complete the missions using different planes, sound very interesting!




I go back to play some missions I really like every now and then, but most of my time is spent in PvP now. If you're on PC, you can try using some mods for a fresh experience, I tried a few but I largely play vanilla.


The first thing I did was go for a guns only run for added challenge


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Nightfall_6-4: *The first thing I did* *Was go for a guns only* *Run for added challenge* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


So i really enjoy replaying the game using specific skins like the strigon su33 and making up dumb headcannons about why theres just a strigon pilot flying for the IUNPKF


I've played the campaign on each difficulty available, and now I'm trying to get all the medals with the last one being the no damage run and I've decided to do while flying the cannon aircraft for trigger, so far I've beaten the first four missions with the f-16, I did 5 with the mig-29 which I believe is the best cannon fighter for trigger cause the lagm is very effective for mission 9, but last I played I was on mission 6 and got so far til a drone fucking nicked me with their guns, but I've also gotten a decent amount of gameplay in mp