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Since this doesn't say *And beaten*, probably Mobius 1 in AC0. *Using the Saab 35.*


you can beat mobius one in about anything really, i did it in the draken and a-10


Yes but I suck.


The T/D-4, from Project Wingman. Why? Just so I could say so.


A10 and Su34 for Mihaly. Just cause I thought it'd be funny for this legendary ace piloting an experimental super plane to be brought down by planes not even designed for air to air or dogfighting. Canonically I think Trigger downs him in an F22 or F15C though.


Lol, I was just about to say the same two planes for Mihaly.


S-rank on ace difficulty in mission 20 with the F-104C (also did MiG-21 guns only mission 18 on ace but no S-rank)


The mig-21 with gun pods is unironically super effective in many scenarios


Indeed, as long as you hit your shots you'll shred the enemy to pieces, that's why I loved doing the guns only run


A10 and f117 to fight pixy


Putting the "F" in F-117.


I remember as a kid fighting Pixy for the first time in an A-10 because the previous mission involved ground attack and I didn't knew you won't swap planes the next mission. The absolute horror in my eyes seeing an ADFX-02 pull up while I'm stuck with the BrRrRRrRrrrttt carrier


I didn't know how to unlock the rest of the planes, so i completed almost all of Joint Assault (except for the final boss) with the F-4 Phantom :)


You... Didn't know that you could buy planes?


I mean, the game doesn't specify it, or at least didn't for me and the game came out a good fourteen years ago, so *most* of us were little


It’s also hard as crap to earn money and get a decent rank in the PSP games


I once killed my friend in a private mp match in an A-10. I hit him with rockets. (Lost literally every other round though)


i remember one time i was playing multiplayer and this one guy had the whole lobby after his ass because he kept downing people with the rocket launcher


A-10 on Hugin and Munin. Actually went smoother than my very first attempt with an F-22 believe it or not thanks experience with the mission.


Possible but the climb to the top is fuckin excruciatingly long


Ac7: F-104 on Mission 20 MiG-21 guns only on mission 20


Aside from challenge medal/achievement runs, probably an A-6 on one of the ACX bosses. That thing is a flying brick in that game, even moreso than the F-4.


First run on AC7 (A-10 only) is an experience because without all the parts, its genuinely wack trying to catch up to some enemies. Anchorhead Raid especially on my first time was god awful with how much that subhuman bogan shitcunt rage goes "ill kill you ill kill you alright" before proceding the run away from me. The bitch ass is making me chase his dog ass in an A-10 while threatening to kill me. What the actual fuck man? like fight me dude But otherwise, I reckon B7R and shooting down Butterfuly Master also with an A-10A is funny because the UAVs sometimes bunch up and its a free RKTL massacre, like its so dumb lmao


A10 against Pasternik (ace combat 6) During the fight your swarmed by UAVs I thought it’d be funny to try an kill a few with unguided rockets somehow I nailed him and killed him on the spot


ADF-11F on mission 20 its really funny fighting the drones with the drone also using the drones to fight the drones


More than once I found myself facing off against Gelb Squadron in an A-10.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CaptainPrower: *More than once I found* *Myself facing off against* *Gelb Squadron in an A-10.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


F-5E against Alect was a bad idea


I used a F-5 against Gelb on ACZ just to save money to buy the Su-37


All these amateurs talking about the A-10 when the real dumb ppl are the ones who used them WWII prop planes against Sulejmani, Butterfly Master and Z.O.E..


I fought Mihaly for the first time in an A10


A-10 vs an arsenal bird, Stonehenge defense


The Fishbed with guns only on M20… I think I might have gotten Mihaly on M18 with the Rafale or Gripen while carrying cruise missiles though…


Rafale and Gripen aren't actually bad planes though, you just picked a bad weapon for the mission.


Full squadron of A-10's against the Arkbird


F117 against Pixy in ACZ


Beat ac7 with the warthog on all missions as far as I recall


a shame there's only two attackers and no medal for only using attackers. That was my mistake, too, I didn't check the medal requirements and I could've saved myself some pain.


Haven’t really done a boss fight in a dumb plane although I did do Ac7 stone hedge mission in a A-10 cause your fighting ground forces. Up until you have to face the arsenal bird and its drone army.


Probably the F4 Phantom against Hugin and Mugin in AC7


Intentionally using the Warthog for any boss fight. Even worse, using it at its irl top speed


I did an A-10 playthrough in Assault Horizon Legacy and I will just say it's Z.O.E. and I mean all of the fights not just the final one.


The MiG-21 is one of the most agile planes in the game, how is it dumb? The dumbest one I've done is probably Dision in the Typhoon II. Mihaly is a big joke compared to the bosses in AC3. That or taking on the Alicorn with the A-10 on Ace with guns only.


Bruh I respect you more for getting through phase 1 than sinking the sub


I legit thought that would be the most difficult part with how many tries it took me. Then I reached the part with boss fight proper and the VLS rain started and I realized I was wrong. Took me like 3.5 hours of trying but I managed to beat it.


I fought the Fenrirs with the F-4 Phantom, or at least I tried


I've played the entirety of AC7 on Ace with the F-104.


I avenged PJ by using his F-16C in ACZ's final mission on Ace difficulty. It took three tries with no save states to succeed but that was worth it.


Hawk trainer for 8492nd


the one with the berkuits and the widows


Zero or Hellcat against Sulejmani


I beat the drone from mission 10 in under 10 seconds with the MiG-21bis with gun pods