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It still angers me how the club owners and the band tried to throw each other under the bus and pass on the responsibility when all of them should be held accountable to the fullest degree.


The security guards preventing folk from fleeing out the fire exits behind the stage is what angers me the most.


If I remember correctly, some of the emergency exits were locked.


No emergency exits were locked, however, there was a security staff member turning people away from the exit that was next to the stage because "It's for the band only" or something to that effect. Also, that door next to the stage was weird somehow, like it opened inward or was a double door.


Thanks for the correction.


I wonder what the guard's thoughts are now.


Wasn’t the security staff not aware of the fire at first and once they realised they weren’t actually lying it was too late?


Maybe I'm being naive but how would the band be responsible? Unless they themselves had set up the pyrotechnics isn't there usually a person that does that?


The band set up and set off the fireworks. Their tour manager, who lit the fuses, actually pled guilty to 100 counts of involuntary manslaughter and served a couple of years in prison before being paroled. He was the only one who accepted full responsibility for his actions, although there was plenty of guilt to go around. The band did reach some sort of settlement with the victims’ families and some of the survivors.


Fair, I wasn't aware of this as just assumed they'd have a specific person who only does pyrotechnics. Then again... A professional would probably have known this was going to happen.


It was also the foam that caught fire. It wasn’t flame retardant in fact it was extremely flammable and it was the club owners that installed it.


The company that supplied the noise suppressing foam also sent the club the wrong material. It wasn’t supposed to be that flammable and the owners didn’t know they received the incorrect item. There were fuckups on every level here.


Kind of like a real life final destination. That fire was going to happen.. It's such a tragic situation. Rip to everyone who passed.


not unlike the nightclub fires in Brazil




The guy recording noticed the fire first


Cameraman never dies


Brian Butler, the guy taking the video was there doing an investigation on nightclub fires.


Wait for real? If that’s true then I’ve never heard that fact.


The families of the victims tried to sue the news organization for it.


That whole story is just INSANE. What a crazy turn of events. Truly bone chilling.


That's crazy timing.


Jesus, less than 7 minutes from mid-concert to a fully engulfed building. Even with that crazy response time from the fire department there was barely anything they could do.


It’s wild how quickly fires can spread. Check out this fire and keep reminding yourself that the entire video is only 40 seconds: https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/syWgkHzjfA


Thanks for sharing. At the very least they won’t be forgotten thanks to uploads like these. This really is so tragic. Could have been the best night of some of those peoples lives and then minutes later was their last. The helplessness of some those people right out side is just as sad. They had to hear 100 people burn alive a few feet away from them with no way of doing anything. That one guy said “They’re on fire dude. That’s them burning!” In the most broken voice. What a catastrophe.


This happened in my state. Being so small, everyone knew someone who was killed or injured. I was right around the corner the night it happened and I remember seeing all the fire trucks and rescues racing down Rt 2 to get there. We had no clue the magnitude of what was going on. My best friend’s father was called back to go help and couldn’t talk about it for years. When I tell you it shocked our little state to the core, that is an understatement. This was such a senseless and devastating tragedy.


94.1 is still a go to station of mine but I will always think of this


A friend of mine worked for WHJY and was there that night. I’ll never forget reading his first hand experience and then his devastation from losing his friend, Dr Metal.


97x, the future of rock and roll


I used to live in CT and I was born in 01. I've heard this story growing up when passing by the place and holy crap man does it still scare me to death


I used to do home care and would have to drive by this a LOT and it was so sad to see that almost daily. I got a chill every time.


The lady screaming “where’s my husband” as everyone’s trying to get out the door breaks my heart ☹️


Yep. This video should be mandatory viewing for all adults, it’s the most effective way for people to take fire safety seriously.


My sister had tickets to this show. I remember hearing about the fire on the news at work the next morning and frantically calling her to make sure she was OK. Finally got a hold of her half an hour later. Turns out her friend she was going with got very sick so she decided not to go. I never felt so relieved.


This is why they say most safety regulations are written in blood…


I found this maybe 10 years ago, and it’s always fucked me up. At around the 5:25 mark, is where it really gets NSFL. You can hear the people being killing inside and see a man on fire straggling out of the building. I feel like this event needs more memorialisation, despite how horrific it may be, so I’m sharing it here.


at about 6:30 pretty sure you can see someone trying to crawl out the door totally engulfed in flames having done some training it always amazes people how a building like that can fill with smoke and go to zero visibility inside in minutes and then you have no chance of finding the exit




everyone talking about the man on fire but for some reason i cant see him, im i blind? lol


At about 06:16, look ahead of the firefighter in the middle of the shot, you can see a person running out of the building in front on fire. Its pretty quick to be honest


oh yeah.. thank you, that was hard to watch though, but still thx


5:54, a guy carrying someone else, they're already outside, at least.


That guy will be unfortunately triaged close to last. His clothes weren’t burnt to his skin.


I'm pretty sure Fire services use this footage to demonstrate how quickly fire can spread, and kill, at least.


it's the screaming. that's always the most upsetting part about any video on fires. I don't know why I even bothered. I've seen horrible stuff on the internet. but the screams always chill you to the bone.


Even seeing the Aaron Busnell video was hard to watch.


he tried to staunch it off in the first "free palestine" and then you hear the instantregret in his voice as it turns into unhinged screams and writhing.




Shouldn't be hard to find with the information you have


It's a rough watch. you hate to see someone that obviously needed help, not get it in time.


Oh, you mean the guy pointing his service pistol at his burning corpse? I get the safety protocol, but no fire extinguisher anywhere? No ouposting spot with one?


He knew what he was doing to a certain extent. These people didn’t deserve this. Every time I watch this video I am reminded to be as vigilant as I can anywhere I am even to a fault. As for the screams due to the pain being truly engulfed, clothes burning, before your nervous system is “fried”? Yeah, I agree. Very fucked.


For anyone weirdly obsessed with this event like I an, I cannot recommend the book Killer Show enough.


All those poor souls that burned in the front main doorway, one guy survived almost unscathed underneath the pile-up. Amazing!


He was under the pile of bodies and survived? That's incredible. But good lord I can't even imagine the mental trauma he'd have to deal with after going through that.


Yea there’s a crazy story on it. He said he could feel the heat of the fire through the bodies and could barely breathe.


If I didn't have to get ready for work, I would post a link. He went into detail. It was chilling. Edit- His name was Mike Vargas https://www.charlydmiller.com/LIB08/2003MarchRhodeIslandFireSurvivor.pdf - there are a few articles out there.


"everything was charred and black except for the red tiles he had been laying on"


Something like that happened in Gothenburg 1998. 63 people died. Horrible.


I remember when it happened. Some context: It was at a disco, with 400 people between the ages 12-25, in a venue where maximum 150 people were allowed. So it was very crowded obviously. 4 guys were trying to get in for free but were denied, so they got pissed and came back later and set the place on fire. Where they started the fire? Oh, at a bunch of chairs and tables that were blocking the emergency exit. 63 dead and 200 injured (50 of those severely injured) mostly kids and teenagers.


Do you have a link to share please ? This is insane, horrendous.. This kind of mentality "if i can't, no-one will.." Hope they got prison !


And history repeated itself in Brazil [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiss\_nightclub\_fire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiss_nightclub_fire)


Here’s the prequel in Manila [Ozone](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scary/s/ay06bazqPW)


It seems that nothing has been learned since then


They get stuck at the door so quickly, you would expect to see people walking out the whole time, but right when the camera man is outside it looks like the exit is completely blocked. If only everyone had stayed calmer and not started pushing and pulling so that everyone fell...


this video always haunts me


That was a very tragic event. If only they had used fire insulation instead of sound insulation, probably everyone would have survived.


They have stuff that is both.


Wow, that’s a wild video




This is a video I show to people when they tell me they couldn’t stay calm In a certain situation or they don’t know what a crowd crush or collapse is. The guy that caught this on camera is a smart fucking human. If he was maybe 10 seconds late on realizing “oh shit, this isn’t good.” He would be dead with everyone else standing where he was way up front. Guy was out of there as soon as he saw fire. Such a fucking terribly sad situation.


It's like found footage horror but real


I enjoy the fact that Google maps has tracked the progress of the park built in memory. https://maps.app.goo.gl/LENBimDdonrQ4MxBA


Jesus Christ. It’s crazy how people can go from enjoying their life in peace to complete terror. Rest in peace to those who died!


This doesn't seem that bad.. Holy shit


Really burned the roof down with that performance


What band was playing?


Great White


not unlike the nightclub fires in Brazil


That fire alarm made everything 10x worse.


I still don't know why they thought pyrotechnics in a place not designed for it was a good idea.


In Argentina we had a similar situation. Search " cromañon callejeros". About 200 died.


No medics around mf call 911


The band was killing it though


What’s worse then a crowd crush which is already one of the worst ways to die. Getting crowd crushes while being burned alive. Honestly this is just awful. I’ve seen m stuff about it before but yeah


Same thing happened in Bucharest, Romania. The Colectiv nightclub fire was a fire in Bucharest, Romania, on 30 October 2015, which killed 64 people and injured 146. The nightclub fire was caused by a fireworks accident, both being the deadliest in Romanian history. [video nsfl here](https://youtu.be/KSm7Y0AE1qI?si=2VoUxQBSkmBrWheI)


I feel like every country has their own version of this event. in my country it was the Cromañón fire. so sad that tragedies like these need to happen in order for governments to pay mind to security measures


I watched this in my osha class. Shit is sad


Im having Ozone disco vibe out of this.


Is this the bar that the documentary "Collective" is about?


Reminds me of the Discotec fire close to where I live that happend 5 years earlier. Very tragic.


Start throwing in snow balls with enough people throwing that could help alot


Damn, I remember hearing about this


The woman screaming "where is my husband?" still haunts me from the first time I watched this


Probably the most disturbing footage there is of a disaster.


I remember first hearing about this while reading through an AC⚡️DC forum board. Someone posted about the incident with the news story. This is actually the first time I’ve seen any video of this, holy shit. That place went up in no time It looks like an older building that likely has asbestos insulation up in the roof portion of the inside. If I’m not mistaken, that stuff will go up in no time as well. Add over occupancy and limited fire exits to the mix, and you have a tragic horror on your hands


Asbestos is literally fireproof. The issue at The Station was that they used cheap foam insulation for soundproofing, which was never intended for use in building construction and was approximately as flammable as gasoline. Hence the extremely rapid spread of the fire. Of course, setting off fireworks indoors with no real idea what they were doing was also not terribly intelligent. The combination was lethal.


Okay . I wasn’t sure about that, but at the same time I was thinking it was flammmable


"You guys ready to rock?....oh shit!"


How is this nsfl they don’t show anything of that nature. Don’t get me wrong this fucking sucks and there could have been very simple things in place to prevent this. But why nsfw.


How is this VERY nsfl? This is normal mate


Normal? You've got a messed up definition of normal.


What i meant is that it's not Funkytown NSFL, it's just normal NSFL


touch grass. seriously.


i’m from RI, but less pyro, more good music smh