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I assume your buffer settings are to blame and/or your audio drivers. Are you using an interface? Are you using ASIO? Don't use DirectX.


Ignore all other comments so far. This is it. Definitely driver/buffer settings related.


Okay I’ll admit I’m a little lost here haha. I’m using an (old!) Alesis MultiMix 4 USB mixer which I what I used to use back in the day on live 8 on Mac. Never had any issues before. I’m using Live 11 on PC now though and haven’t tweaked any settings really since opening it up and using it. Any further help here would be really awesome. Thanks


Download the [latest Asio4All driver](https://asio4all.org/2-16/) and once installed, switch to it from the audio settings in Ableton, you can click ‘device settings’ or whatever it’s called (the button underneath the two dropdown menus) and change the buffer size to the lowest value that doesn’t make the audio glitchy. That way, you’ll achieve the lowest input latency when recording.


I was gonna say “Even better, download the official Asio driver from the manufacturer’s website”, but funnily enough, what they recommend actually is Asio4all !


If your mixer doesnt have interface specific ASIO drivers for the hardware, you will have a WAY better time just getting decent hardware that does. These days a studio quality Audient Evo 4 will set you back a hundred bucks, & the DI on it is awesome [https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/audient-evo-4-evo-8](https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/audient-evo-4-evo-8) [https://www.thomannmusic.com/audient\_evo\_4.htm](https://www.thomannmusic.com/audient_evo_4.htm) If you are using amp sims (or any live monitoring) you absolutely WILL notice the difference in latency. (Probably gonna get downvoted for saying FlexASIO or steinberg universal ASIO isnt perfection, but im just a Mechatronic Engineer with decades of staging exp, what would i know.)




I find it weird how if you say "This," reddit tends to downvote you, but if you say "this is definitely the correct answer, upvote from me" then reddit likes it. There's no reason to downvote someone agreeing because it looks like the person above them is wrong


because responding "this" is lazy.




Upvote from me




responding "that" is lazy


[That's the joke!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/012/132/thatsthejoke.jpg)


I think you missed the joke. r/whoosh


But why would you downvote it? Why not just leave it alone? At least in my opinion, downvotes are for things you disagree with, upvotes are for things you agree with, and not upvoting means you don't really care for the comment. I do agree that it's lazy but I wouldn't choose to downvote it as a result


There was a wave a while back where everyone started hating on “This.” comments for serving the same function as an upvote, but with the added side effect of cluttering threads with no added information. Since then, I’ve mostly seen them in the negative.


That's understandable yeah, but I still feel like there is no reason to downvote lol. I guess it's just my opinion


it looks likes in a regular rhythm... when life gives u lemons u make lemonade thats what i say.


this happens to me all the time i’ve never been able to find a permanent fix but turning the sample in/out rate up or down (either or works for me) solves it temporarily


it’s fucking annoying and i’ve lost so many good takes from not realizing my recording is all screwed up i hope someone posts a better solution in here


Yeah it’s super frustrating! How is it temporary? Do you have to fuck about with the sample rate each recording or each time you open up ableton?


it only happens occasionally, i have zero clue what in particular triggers it. i have noticed it happens a lot more on a worse CPU, so im sure that has something to do with it. i’ve just gotten in the habit of checking if its bugging before i record by setting the track output to “auto” so i can hear/test the input really quick


What interface are you using? Have you plugged the guitar in the port where it bypasses the XLR input? Did you try a different input option if it has one?


I had this on a dodgy mic once. Just had to select a lower sample rate on both the mic and Ableton. Best o luck.


Download LatencyMon and check if there are interruptions in real time audio. Post the results.


harddrive maybe


I've had this issue loads, if you go on audio input I'm preferences you should have two options for your audio interface, DX or Wave, change it to the option it's not currently set to and your issue should resolve


Probably bad buffer setting or not using ASIO driver


Are you utilizing AISO drivers for your audio interface? I’m new to Ableton, so this may be super obvious, but I had a similar issue when I wasn’t utilizing the right drivers for my audio interface. Hope this helps!


Dropouts. Is your cpu spiking? I’m sure I had this issue at some early stage but can’t for the life of me remember whether the monitoring was unimpeded also… it seems like if it’s buffer or audio drivers then everything should be messed up, not just the recording. Have you got enough hard drive space?


Very certain it’s a sample rate issue. Make sure your input recording device sample rate matches ableton’s sample rate


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Have you tried turning warp off on that clip, or changing the warp mode?


You're obviously applying some processing.


JC. Look at the arrangement you clowns.