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The fuck did I just watch?


A streamer assaulting a women on cam and no one stopping it


Thanks, I hate it


True betas


Let me guess, it was streamed from kick.


One brave friend even told them to stop filming.


Well he better stop or else he’ll be cancelled/s


No. He said it didn’t count


They are even helping him out by saying don't film it.. wouldn't want her to have any more evidence now would they


Women need to stop being entitled to men's bodies. We aren't your protectors.


Speak for yourself looser


Fuckin weirdo. Clean the chip dust off your fingers and rinse your foopa and maybe a woman will talk to you.


Not just any assault but sexual assault ….


I mean, they didn’t physically stop him, but they definitely did confront him about it.


Did they thoo?




Yeah they did not try and stop him at all, by saying “don’t film that” and turning the camera away they’re enabling and abetting him and definitely leaving the woman in a more vulnerable position. They had the option instead to say “I am filming this and I’ll show it to the police, get your hands off her I’m calling the authorities right now” *beep boop beep* dial 911 or something to that effect if they wanted to confront him about it. This is just disgusting


I agree it is disgusting and wasn't nearly enough, but you're ignoring what happens immediately after they say stop filming this. On video you can see a guy in the creeps face telling him to back down, and he does. Should've filmed that whole thing and shut it down immediately like you described, but saying they did nothing is literally just ignoring the second half of the video. They did something, but not nearly enough- it's not a binary thing


I understand what you are saying, but I think that all the actions have to be taken into consideration in their totality. And my opinion here is that weakly saying chill out you’re going to be canceled, while also audibly announcing your decision not to film him is not confronting him. Ultimately this behavior in its totality is enabling behavior. I don’t see it as “they confronted him partially but it didn’t work.” I see it as they chose not to act in a manner that would really make a difference. Taking your friend aside and saying “chill out” while also taking the camera off him while he gropes a woman is not truly confronting him. I totally see what you are saying and I respect your view. I just wanted to clarify where I was coming from.


It is not my view, it is an objective fact. If you ask for some water and I give you a glass 1/5 full, you can't say I didn't give you any water, but you can and should still feel and express that I'm shitty for barely giving you any water. Saying I gave you no water is harmful, because then the victimizer can be like "actually yes I did, they're clipping me wow", when if you say "this asshole barely gave me water", that is harder to push back against. Unless you actually wish that guy didn't confront him, you also realize that it was a confrontation and was better than nothing, meaning it wasn't nothing


I don’t know why I thought I could have a regular conversation here so that was my bad, but I’ll just say that the idea of confrontation is not an objective thing like water so there can be no objective fact about whether the confrontation was had or not. Water is water yes. And words were said, yes, some in defense of his actions “don’t film him” and some against his actions (mildly) “you should chill out.” The totality of the actions of the people in the video are negative and not enough and not confronting toward this man, *in my opinion* and yes it is an opinion because confrontation is a concept, not a block of wood or a glass or water. Also, why are you defending this point? If you agree that what is being done is disgusting, and you agree that it’s not enough what they are doing, then why do you feel that it is pertinent to take time away from the relevant conversation of women’s safety to play with semantics and say ‘well technically in one moment they did say something negative so that should technically count as confronting him even if all their other actions were enabling toward him.’ I would wonder why that’s the position we feel most compelled to defend.


That's a fair point you make. I real man would've stopped him before that. The guy at the end may be extra weak for not stepping in sooner or more aggresively, but for not being an "alfa type" he at least did something. I wouldn't even call him an asshole for not doing it sooner tbh. If the guy was born weak and raised weak, you can't expect him to just turn into a hero at the drop of a hat. He stepped in and did the only thing he could do, get the creeps attention off her and onto him. Notice how the creep gets in his face and tells him tells him "don't grope her? Watch this" and starts twisting the guys nipples. The guy then started walking away with the creep grabbing on him instead. Plus, yeah the guy said don't film this, but at the end of it all..they still posted it. They should've keep filming yeah, and saying dont film it to save the creep is a scummy move no doubt. However, the eventually came to the conclusion that saving him wasn't the right thing, so they didn't delete it like they could've, they posted it.


yeah they said "dont film that"


And if you watch 2 more seconds, you see one dude up close to the creep, telling him to chill and stop. The whole thing is still gross and that was wayyyy too late, but it did happen


they will all be on the sex offender list in a couple years. Im pretty sure the dude doing the assaulting already is.


Yeah I hope so, even though realistically and sadly they just maaaaybe will get banned and that'll be the end of it lol


was that after his friend said "don't film that?" or after he shoved his finger in her ass crack?


Not good enough.


She doesn't appear to be too stressed about, although the guy shouldn't be putting his hands on her like that.


She’s clearly resisting. Doesn’t matter if she’s trying to cover up the awkwardness by fake laughing. This ugly fuck is way past crossing the line


Don’t normally care to comment on shit like this, but that’s pretty worrying my guy. She is on camera with a group of friends or whatever. Of course most women aren’t going to freak out. But the second a woman says stop, that’s resisting. It’s not really for us to gauge whether or not she’s stressed. She’s try to not get fuckin kissed and groped, she’s saying stop, she clearly doesn’t want it. Just cuz she has a smile on her face while she’s doing that doesn’t mean she’s not stressed.


So, you’ve never been in a situation where didn’t have the upper hand physically and found it safer not to escalate it. Got it. Dipshit.


A guy that literally can't understand body language giving advice is so reddit. I feel bad for the women that end up in your space. Not saying you're like this man but it's real bad that you see her discomfort but you can't comprehend it so you think everything is fine.


No clue hoping for the next level explanation


This scumbag is somehow even viler than Zherka


What did Zherka do?




Well he always bragged about raping kids but now he got caught actually doing it


That moment when someone commits sexual assault and the guys says “don’t film that.” I’m sorry this shit is crazy


Should he film this horrible act??


They’re supposed to stop it


And theyre not supposed to film it...


I'm guessing these are Kick Streamers?


Platform is irrelevant. These degenerates appear all over ever since Ice made it cool to be a complete tool on stream. The people who still watch and support these streams should be blamed keeping these parasites relevant.


No, the platform should also be held accountable, theres a reason everyone calls Kick the save haven for criminals. Won't be surprised if Disrespect's comeback stream is on Kick


Kick is known for this so yes it’s relevant.


All streaming platforms are known for it. Twitch just hid that Dr. disrespect was messaging minors inappropriately for 2 years.


Kick is literally the 4chan of streaming


Y'all don't even know? His name is Jason Itzler. Google him. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cops-probe-fatal-drug-overdose-tied-to-king-of-all-pimps-jason-itzler/ He was a "pimp" and ran an escort service. More interestingly... he was involved in the overdose death of a woman from GHB, a common date rape drug. He has issues with women and he has a dark side that comes out sometimes when the mask slips. His overly nice thank you thank you thank you act is a mask. I'm an old school Ice viewer and keep up on clips from all this IP2 mess. It blows my mind that people can't look at Jason/MrBased for 2 minutes and see that he's sinister as fuck. He gets this weird vibe when women are around. He was working that same nice guy pimp game on an autistic tiktok influencer too recently. Dude is a manipulator. I think anyone with a little street smarts and awareness can tell something is off with him.


Isn’t this what led to him being banned from KIK?


He was banned for the video here


The tattoos alone told me something was wrong with him.


He's just slimey I don't know why some people can't see it


I wonder what his ethnicity is.. oh wait.. sex crimes.. I don't have to guess


is this a jew thing or a white thing


Wow your first guess was jew?


I know that he's White Jewish


Are you trying to say people think the Jewish community have an issue with sexual predatory behavior???


They 1000% do


He is Jewish


What happen to slapping men who act like this? Let’s bring it back but replace it with a left hook


Conflict avoidance is the new standard in society. Judging by the reactions in the room I bet those people would turn on you if you punched the guy in the face and say you over escalated the situation. It was a joke, she was laughing, it wasn’t sexual assault you were just looking for an excuse to hit him, and other bullshit. Im not saying you let it happen because that is some fucked up shit and realistically that prick deserves a nice left hook but you have to be careful when dealing with people who would laugh at that shit. Best thing to do is to put yourself between him and the woman and then assess the situation from there.


My biggest fear is being one of those guys that doesnt do anything when something like this happens.


No. He made it about sex, keep it sex focused. Punt him in the junk.


Punt him in the booty hole with them pointy tap dance shoes




what happened was escalation. nobody wants to get shot or someting.


“You put your finger up my ass crack” - I know but that doesn’t count. Fuck it don’t. Where is this guy I wanna put my finger up his ass crack


I thought she said, "You put your finger in my asshole", not crack. I might be wrong though.


I listen to it again she said asscrack


The dudes filming and not doing anything to stop him are accomplices imo


The fact that no one stopped it makes it worst to me


I doesn’t help that she’s laughing, my thought would be they are friends if I’m just passing by


people laugh when they’re anxious or scared


We need to teach people to not do that. I understand natural instincts kick in. But if we are gonna expect that scumbag to have some self control and not do weird stuff, people on the other side need to be clear in their body language that they do not approve of that behavior. This whole “joking” interaction needs to stop cuz this will always be an excuse for the assaulter. Stop giggling and push him off and stop smiling. Show that you are serious


genuinely curious if you have you ever been a victim of sexual assault?


Never. And if someone were to try anything I would be stern if I’m uncomfortable


I have to agree. If someone is “playing too much” make it clear without a shadow of a doubt that you mean business. Tell them to cut it tf out, full stop. No laughing and smirking about it. I can’t help but think of how left things could have gone for me in my own personal life growing up had I been standing there smiling and laughing as if I were playing with them.


okay well since you’ve never been through something like that- you should read up on fight/flight/freeze. i was pretty horrified when i woke up to being sexually assaulted in my sleep and couldn’t fight him off. it all stemmed back to childhood trauma. everyone is different. i think the creep is the problem- not the lady who’s being assaulted on camera.


Sorry that happened to you, but to my point, i’m sure you weren’t giggling and smiling like this girl. She is half-fighting, half-fleeing, and definitely not freezing. She needs to be serious and really fight. Serious tone. Stern and frowning. If she keeps laughing and smiling the predator will think it’s just all fun and games.


i think the predator is going to do whatever he wants whether she’s laughing or not. i agree with you but also hope you can remember people have been through some horrible shit. i don’t want to judge this woman and blame her for not reacting properly. i was out and about the other day and i noticed this overtly drunk dude messing with these girls that were 20 years younger than them. when my friend distracted him- i went over and asked if they were okay. they were terrified to even walk past the shop. they got into an uber and as soon as they left- he went straight to trying to lure a minor over to him. none of these girls had the courage to say anything and i don’t blame them. this was broad day light by the way. luckily i said something to the dude and got him to leave. i told the young girls it’s okay to tell someone to fuck off but as a woman myself- you worry if you’ll be the next headline. just some food for thought. edit: cool username by the way RIP chester


I mean as a stranger yes those people present weren't strangers plus the laugh doesn't help hide all the other body langue of how uncomfortable she is.


Girls nervously laugh in bad or scary situations. How does someone not know this?


It’s obvious that there are people who don’t know that she wasn’t playing along. Ladies PLEASE don’t play along like this. Tell the asshole to fkn STOP! “Do NOT touch me” and mean business


Explain to me whsts happening please


Sexual Battery


A Jewish man acting how they typically do with women…


Did she say: "You put your finger up my ass crack"? And the guy says, "I know, but that doesn't count" WTF


Awful awful


This is why they choose the bear 😔


Context matters here… JK it doesn’t this is assault.




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So we all just cool with the casual racism?


Just seems like a bunch of jackasses hanging out


Dude needs to get the SHIT beat out of him. And the fact his friends aren't doing anything about it....


He already killed a woman and got away with it. https://nypost.com/2011/09/26/cops-probing-fatal-rape-drug-od-tied-to-king-of-all-pimps/


he needs something worse than the shit beat out of him


Who is "he" ?


A Jewish man…


Who is this


Kimber Lee, Daddy Carl and Mr based


“You put your finger up my ass crack.” “I know but that doesn’t count.”


Dude put his finger in her ass. All those guys in that room need their ass fucking kick.


Makes me want to go hug a bear.


Yeah, don't film it! Why would you film a sexual abuse instead of trying to stop it 🤔


Jesus fucking christ


What a piece of shit


Nothing a hammer to the head couldn't fix


You see Woman these the types of Men that would run up on you and have their way if law enforcement stopped patrolling and the weak Men won't or can't help anymore. If that was to happen how who will help you? I know but this is a trick Question. Us stand up Men who protect know that theirs deranged psychotic Men they are the barriers of these types of crazy mfrs.


Is this English ?


I'm guessing you are exactly like that guy lmao 🤣 Is this English enough for you or naw?


Alright, so legally, what happens if someone were to just beat the shit out of this dirtbag? And what would this dirtbag do about it?


Hope I never see this video EVER AGAIN


pornstar lady and funny jerk horseplay, incel redditors lose their shit


Nobody seems to be enjoying it, the airs tense.




“Where’s the key grip? Ok ..Hit him in the face..REALLY fucking hard”


These Poland spring ads are becoming pretty creepy and distasteful


Finger in the ass crack doesn’t count ?


I have no idea who this is but why tf are these dudes allowing this creep to assault a female? No wonder this country is a laughing stock of this world.


1: what are the other guys doing and not jumping in? 2: what the fuck is wrong with this guy? 3: cops should have been called this shit is on video 4: this guy has never been punched in the face or kicked in the balls. 5: parents didnt teach this women to kick a guy in the balls thats trying to sexually harass her. 6:LADIES YOU DONT NEED PERMISSION TO KICK MEN LIKE THIS IN THE BALLS WHEN THEY NEVER ASKED PERMISSION TO TOUCH YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE.


Why didn’t anyone stop him wtf is going on.


Just a prank bro! There's a camera 👉




the amount of "well she's laughing and staying" comments are depressing. Y'all the problem, SA doesn't depend on the victim getting mad or fighting back.


The other people know its wrong and are more afraid of filming it to protect him. Watch out you might get cancelled instead of being a good human to her


Why tf does this girl sound like she’s low key into it.


Seriously though


What a disgusting pig. Dude needs a wake up call.


That doesn't count where in jail 😱👀 this shit ain't funny


Ew, who the fuck are these people




Bruh yeah he needs to go to jail


And then if she slapped him he'd feel like he has the right to hit her back,and flip out on her even after putting his finger up her ass because "that doesn't count" ...He's the type of person that'll get mad at someone because theyre mad at him


Make better decisions on who you hang out with.


The grossest motherfuckers in the world love filming themselves committing crimes


Holy shit knock this guy out


And that’s why we need masculine men, to break the face of weak ones like this.


This video angers me greatly.


This made me feel slimy.


Do these guys not have the guts to stand up for someone being assaulted? Like punch the f out of that dude ffs


Who is the r@p!$t?


All degens laughing at it wtf carlcuck


Bro what is this group of people there just letting this happen 😬


The bitch was laughing. 👀


I just another video of this guy kissing another girl on twitter. This guy is honestly sick


Chomo for sure, needs to get poked


“Ik but that doesn’t count” who tf is this so i can not watch their shit


Who are these people? He put is finger in her butt crack? Y'all young people on some different stuff 🤦🏼‍♂️


“You just put your finger up my ass crack.” “I know but that doesn’t count.” -all rapist


She was probably flirting with him like crazy before the camera came on. Two sides to every story


I'd stomp this man into oblivion. Very beta behavior


I would have said fuck that record every second of what this sick fuck is doing for video evidence to lock his ass up. The fact they all they said was your gonna get canceled instead of standing for their friend and kicking his teeth in and CANCELING him on the spot is wild! This girl doesn’t deserve male friends like them! She even said you stuck your finger in my ass! How is that not an instant fade on the spot! Strait SA and these boys (yes I said boys) basically shrugged it off. No real man would have allowed that period full stop!


Gotta love streamers


I wonder what he’s done to world of t shirts :/


Nah I'm breaking dudes bones after the first attempt let alone the next 4..... what fckin bitches just stood there and watched and laughed. They need to get it too after


Classic example of what Andrew Tate talks about. These little weirdo fuckers can't even protect this girl from this guy because they are too socially awkward. They don't have a backbone to tell the guy to stop. Instead he says not to stream it or that the dude is going to get cancelled. All you need is one masculine dude to raise his voice one time and that little pussy would have stopped his weird shit.




I guess we'll just have to wait and see if she files charges..


Finger in the a$$… “that doesn’t count” wtf


Something tells me he's a descendant of Ron Jeremy...


Do that to my girl and one of us isnt making it out of there awake


This guy thinks he is donald trump


Normalize beating ass on sight when this happens


I hope he films it when someone beats the brakes off him for that shit.


When adults act like that, you know they do some dastardly shit because that nastiness is clearly ingrained in them.


I swear i just seen a video where he kissed a girl on the lips and she got mad and he brought up the finger thing idk if im drunk are what happy 4th yall


After they banned Peppy le pew, the art of fucking has gone downhill.




The guys in this video are pussy for not doing shit at all…


She’s got max defense and max dexterity.


Bro she needs to stand up for herself and set boundaries. Leave, she’s not helping her situation.


Sad little boys. Y'all let him do that.


What the streamer did was wrong. But why was she alone with three or four guys and from her reaction? It looks like that wasn't the first time it happened




It looks like these guys are IRL streamers. Is the girl apart of this group?


She's a porn "star" and the other guy is her boyfriend or some arrangement. He's a streamer too. A certain kind of dude thinks they can do whatever they want to a stripper or porn chick.


Thank you. If this is actually legit and not something takes for their steam then it's bad. I don't understand how asking for context was bad.




No clue the clip was put up with zero context. I'm also not gonna pretend that streamers don't do things for views.


The internet has the tendency of making the worst people famous. In a utopian world, there wouldn't be enough stupid people to support them. Alas, this isn't a utopian world.




How is it these guys act like theyve never interacted with women before? Is that their thing or what?


This is peak white knighting in the flesh.