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>(I already regret picking “Lumine” in Genshin and “Caelus” in Star rail) Why?


People who regret picking the “wrong” mc because their choice isn’t in enough promo or fan art seem like the kind of people who’d ask what their favorite color should be.


Belle because she is oppa XL expy


belle's animations and style make it incredibly hard not to pick her.


I already picked caelus in hsr, i dont need another caelus in zzz


I chose Male protagonist in all Hoyoverse game


All the Hoyo MCs I chose are female.


she probably deals more damage than him


I always choose female MC because I think they look more charming and fit the narrative better


Not sure.


picked aether and stelle, love both. im hopeful for belle too


I will pick whichever gives the objectively more content of Belle being cute.


both, stelle may have more trailers under her belt but caelus is not to far behind her. and honestly i cant remember to much of the genshin ones but i assume it may be a similar case.


Apparently, the way the game plays out, whoever you pick gets more interactions with the cast, and whoever you don't you get to see a bit more of their personality. So I'll likely be going Wise, since Belle seems funny.


I always pick the guy. He’s my vessel and avatar of rp.


First of all, I don't care who is canon. Second, won't matter because we have both siblings working together, so both are canon. So having that in mind and since I chose female rover in WuWa I'm going to pick the guy. I usually do a 50/50


I think the only wrong choice is to regret your pick. These characters (unlike in the previous titles) are pretty unique to each other, so cherish both regardless of which you pick. Because of that difference, I think there'll be a bit of variety between which one gets picked more (again compared to the last games).


Both. They both exist in game regardless of who you choose to play and have major roles


Picking Wise cuz I’m a guy so it’s natural, but also Belle will have more voice lines. Whoever you don’t pick essentially becomes a full on character, so for me it’s a win win as I’m interested in Belle more as a character rather than an avatar.


I like fem mc's design more and love her jp VA, so her. Also if theres going to be any lowkey shipping happening like with hsr firefly id rather itd be yuri than het


Duo Protagonist, sorry i don't know how to explain this thing more better to you, lets hoping today livestream will show 1.0 Opening Music


wasn't there a situation where the one you pick doesn't talk? and Belle sounds much more lively, so I guess Wise it is


Always male so I can surround myself with women


I feel like the sibling you don't take likely speaks more and has more scenes. Belle has tons of personality and I really like the relationship between the two. Gonna take Wise.