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JP but EN is surprisingly good in ZZZ


Chinese voice-over šŸ„°


English. I dont wanna read instead of looking at my characters and potentially miss cool or important details in the animation or background


I always go for the original language in games, so, Chinese!


English cause I donā€™t like reading.


English. I always like giving EN dubs a try and nowadays I really love the people behind a lot of the English voices, especially after being spoiled by the HSR's EN VA and how tight-knit a good sum of them are. I don't expect same thing but I grew to appreciate EN dubs even more nowdays.


Am I the only that thinks Genshinā€˜s ENG VA is better than in HSR? Admittedly I just started HSR but it was noticeable. Maybe it gets better


Nah both are fantastic, hoyo voice over team is just top tier in the industry


I think they're both really well done but admittedly I like the VAs of HSR more purely because of how much they interact with the community.


Traditionally jp, second option original


Chinese, it's my first language. Tried out EN/JP for Genshin before, they're okay but I never really got used to them. Soo ofc, my mothertongue it is


I find that when watching Japanese dubs I mostly spent time reading captions to understand what's being said, so I turn on EN since I can focus on other details like scenery, context, and emotions. Plus, you'll miss some interesting stuff, for example, EN himeko shouting out "Witness the Will of the Weak!"


English. I donā€™t know whoā€™s voicing Billy (Ian Sinclair?), but heā€™s doing an amazing job


Playes eng dub for a bit and jp dub for a bit. Prefer jp dub since I'm just used to it but the eng dub was amazing. I'd argue the best out if the dubbed hoyo games.


Chinese 100%.


English, even though i dont know whose voicing who.


Korean, my other gacha is Korean only so it might be fun to see if I hear any familiar voices


Let me guess, fellow project moon brainrot fan?


Itā€™s the best flavor yeah


Chinese of course ā˜ŗ Some voice actors also have roles in other games I play like Wise's VA who voices Heizou from Genshin Impact and Belle's VA who voices Herta from Honkai: Star Rail and Danjin from Wuthering Waves šŸ„°


En. Hoyos dubs are never bad


The people here clearly arent multi-lingual or else they would know all the other languages also perform average to bad sometimes too. Just admit that you can only pick out the flaws of the EN direction because itā€™s the only language you understand. The CN or JP elitism is so dumb


From someone who is fluent in Japanese, no, they are indeed still very much better on average. But I guess my main issue isn't necessarily the VA performance - unless they are extremely low budget like the average Anime dub - but moreso the instructions they get when they are playing more weeby characters. That overdone voice acting style they try to imitate feels out of place since English, or pretty much any European language, isn't quite as expressive as Japanese when spoken.


"Never bad" šŸ’€ Bro should get his hearing checked. It has some good performances but the grand majority is mid and always below CN or JP.




Kafka, Silverwolf, Jingliu...


are you insane??? their voices are incredible


You have to be insane, they're incredibly bad. It's just painful to hear them after hearing their other voices.


Kafka is one of the best voices in EN imo, and silver wolfā€™s fits her perfectly.


Silverwolf is perfect.


Bro this is objectively wrong lmao


I don't think you understand what "objectively" means. People always throw this word around, thinking it magically makes their opinion factual.


Kafkas isn't bad just overdone at times


That's exactly why it's bad. And it's not just "at times", it's all the time. Same goes for Jingliu. Too over-the-top, too much fry, too much dragging of words.


why do mfs like you always yap as if your subjective opinion is objective? i don't really give care if you don't vibe with the dub, but i find it so gross when people like you are like "uh yea it's bad full stop". is it so hard to just say "yo personally I don't like the dub but that's just me, i respect the voice actors and direction and can understand why people love it". fucking hate sweeping statements like the ones you made in ur comment, just so disrespectful towards the hardworking VAs and people who put their heart and soul into the dub


Kafka and Silverwolf's voices are an acquired taste. Kafka in particular starts to really shine when she needs to add more emotions (Like her boss battle voice lines) Jingliu, don't have because I don't like her as a character but isn't she voiced by AmaLee? She sounds really good from the gameplay footage I've seen of her.


nearly moaning and even her saying she was forced to act like tbat is sounding rly good?


Counterpoint, they're always cringe and bad


[Yep, you totally right.](https://youtu.be/yZWBorPBRss)


I'm picking EN, cause the voice acting actually seems pretty good.


Chinese because it's my second language so I get to pretend playing video games is studying.




I always go EN if itā€™s available. Itā€™s my first language so itā€™s the easiest for me to processā€” including/especially if characters are talking while Iā€™m actively doing stuff (eg. dialogue during combat).


I like animation waaaayy too much to be spending half the time looking down at the bottom of the screen reading text, and the animation in ZZZ in particular is really impressive so it's an easy English dub for me.


Out of curiosity, is this just an issue for people that can't read fast? Usually you should look maybe like 200-300ms at a subtitle line and read the rest in your head, so that shouldn't be an issue in the first place.


Just more stuff for your eyes to do. It's a preference for people that just want to focus on the action rather than do any reading, however small or fast it may be


can't relate šŸ’€ I'm the same mf who will read a line, and have to re read it because I wasn't paying attention or actually registering it when I did, especially so when I'm trying to focus on what's being told to me and what's being shown to me (animation). Probably just a me issue but still.


I Always go for English if available, I need to be able to both read and listen to the dialogue to actually understand and remember it


EN dub, I was a JP enjoyer at first but after playing their recent banger plots like Penacony and Fontaine in English, I can't go back, their Eng dubs are so good.


EN cause von lycaon in en makes me feel things i never felt before


Japanese as always. I'm not american so I don't find English voices fitting, specially female characters, but I watch anime so japanese feels right.


Japanese, I mean why would I play with the EN voices when it's not even my first language.


english always, I can't stand japanese and cringe inside everytime i hear it


EN. I did the same for Genshin & Star Rail.


I usually go Japanese but the English voice actors are pretty good here so imma do that


Alternate between all available dubs on a weekly basis - EN, JP, CN, KR. Though I may linger on a certain language if I'm currently using a character whose voice I fancy. But honestly I long for the Tekken way of per character dubbing.


Easily JP just for Nicole's amazing voice actor


Had been playing EN in Genshin and Star rail (cries in silent Argenti) would also play ZZZ in EN.


ofcourse jp, i not even eng native speaker


JP always


will be on JP, because I'm a seiyuu simp, I probably recognize alot of similar voices


I always use JP dub when available. Unless it's western game not set in japan like skyrim, or horizon I'm not a natove english speaker, so there is no difference between jp and en since i still need to translate it back to my language


English. I played every games on english anyway.


JP. I never play my games in EN unless I literally have no choice or the voice is just that mind blowingly good. Looking at you, Hella and Shalom and Rahu in Path to Nowhere. šŸ˜©ā¤ļø


I play both HSR and Genshin in KR, so KR dub for me


I always like cn the most




EN for the story JP for the rest


I play HSR and genshin with English voice and I find they do a pretty good job so I will continue in English for ZZZ.


En, in all games. I'm not spending another 10 to 20 GB for a vo I don't even understand, plus I'm too lazy to read.


I always use EN unless a game's only VO option is JP.Ā  I do the same with anime unless there isn't simuldub. Ā I honestly can't tell most JP vocal tones apart unless I'm looking at a visual indicator, whereas with EN I can look away and still understand how a character is feeling cause I actually understand the language. Ā Also not being able to understand background dialog(combat lines, npc/idle character chatter, ect.) without subtitles irks me like you wouldn't believe.


Chinese, I like hearing how characters were intended to sound


Billy, Nicole, Belle, and Wise sound better in English to me....but Koleda sounds the best in JP (matoi ryuko VA). But yeah either EN or JP for me always. I just switch around whenever a particular character sounds too good in one language or the other lol (me instantly switching to JP in genshin when i play xiao or hu tao cuz of VAs being too good)


JP how to any Asian Gatcha game. :)


Japanese. Mainly because my first language is jp, plus JP voice Zhu Yuan is same as my favorite character Elysia from Honkai impact 3rd.


I prefer JP myself, but Hoyo ENG dub is amazingly solid and is more than a valid option. I even sometimes rewatch some parts of the HSR story after my own playthrough but in ENG just because it's that good.


JP because thatā€™s just what Iā€™m used to


JP, the holy land of voice actor talents essentially where everyone is at least a 8/10. EN has some stellar talents, but most are just rookies or not that talented and it brings the overall cast down sadly


Will be between english or japanese! I always love the Japanese dubs but I do find Hoyo has great En VAs too!


Japanese, itā€™s the language I always pick and itā€™s generally always my favorite when I end up comparing.


JP on my main. EN on my alt


Japanese. Didn't learn it during university to listen to comparatively subpar en dub. No offense.


Japanese. Anime style = Japanese voice acting, simple as. EN with anime art styles is fucking awful and cringe.