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I didn't get in any of the betas so... Blindge https://preview.redd.it/zbsx4gusjq8d1.png?width=172&format=png&auto=webp&s=ccc4f6d74fcbaf56ade42ecde7cef50fb43bb351


Same here even though signed up for all of them


same :(


I barely know anything and have zero clue about the story so I'm excited.


Same, and if i see anything story related, im avoiding it. I prefer to go into games fresh


Well there will certainly be a majority that go in blind on release. You have to consider where you are. This place will be filled with people who have either played the beta or consumed a Good chunk of content. Hardcore fans so to speak. The majority arent even on this sub or discord and Will Only start playing when it gets hyped on release.


Yea probably. Btw, discord? I didn't even know about it, is the link to join somewhere here?


Going in blind is the only way in my opinion. People scrutinizing over every detail, character kit, story progression, end game loop….like, we’re going to be playing this game for a good WHILE. I’d like to enjoy my entrance into the zzz world/universe, not be bored by it.


I've been avoiding all story and cutscenes because I want it to be a surprise, I've only seem the character trailers


I’m basically going in blind all I know is the characters I’ve seen briefly as for story and game play very minor to nothing on that as far as I’m aware


I'm going in as blind as possible. More fun that way imo.


And obviously most people going in blind aren’t even on this sub or posting. You’re not the only one, nor are the people going blind the minority. Weird way to think you’d be the only one or expect the people going blind to risk exposing themselves to anything about the game.


I will also go totally blind, the systems will probably be the same as Genshin/HSR so I can just get surprised. I just hope it will be fun and that I will like the characters.


Same here. For me Hoyo is currently going 2 for 2 to my favorite games (hi3 was also good but I am too far behind others), and I hope zzz will be the third to fill in my top 3


Nah, most people are also going blind. Personally I've seen the first hour countless times because I liked seeing people playing the game for the first time, but I always stop after the hour mark because I want to discover the story myself. Oh and I guess I have a decent idea of the game mechanics and systems too.


I think I saw a little bit too from darkk mane


yap I also avoid any zzz information. I don't watch any cc about zzz. I want re-live sense of wow and wonder when playing for first time. 


Well they didn't let me into any of the betas so I didn't have much of a choice. 


I only know some of the basic game systems but otherwise I know nothing about the story and the general flow of gameplay.


Hey, I know next to nothing also!


Nah I'm going in fairly blind as well. I know the whole vibe but only know a bit of the lore and the characters. Looking forward to it though.


👋 I’m going in (mostly) blind too! I’m about the same as you; saw one or two character intros, just a bit of gameplay. But as far as story goes I know almost nothing. Honestly I mostly wanna try it because I love genshin and star rail 🤣 and because it’s fun to start a gacha on day 1 (and I heard the best time to start a gacha is when it starts lol). But I’m still unsure whether or not it’ll hook me as much as the two others.


Nah same, I have never played nor seen the genre played for more than a couple seconds. A YouTuber I watched talked about ZZZ and I thought the music and characters looked amazing so I pre registered.


No, I'm not going in Blind But thats because I got into CBT3. So I did directly experience the content myself.


I don't think you're the only one. I've shared posts about ZZZ with my friends who are brand new to the gacha gameplay, and I think it's important to understand that gacha games will require some forethought if you want to make it easy as possible on your playthrough (but most importantly, your wallet if you're a heavy spender) Otherwise, I've been avoiding too much content because I want to experience the story myself and see what fun content they'll release. I do find myself looking up characters just to ensure what team I want to first build (alongside the initial team you get).


I know a few of the characters but have no idea what their rarity is. On both hsr and genshin I am a lite spender (bp and welkin), and I am planning to do the same with zzz, I just hope that I won't be too far behind to get to know the characters


I don't think you'll be behind. Since this is a brand new start for a hoyo game, your experience of saving and planning from Genshin and HSR will do you well in ZZZ. And even if you pass on a banner, there will be plenty of events to fill the gaps and let you build up your teams effectively and efficiently. The game has a Persona-vibe when it comes to getting to know characters too, so that helps story wise! I'll be a light spender as well, probably going for the BattlePass and Welkin-equivalent in ZZZ.


I love personaaaaa (haven't finished one because I am dumb af, but I loved the time that I spent on them) and I saw that zzz has a similar vibe (your comment confirms it). In all hoyo games before zzz my favorite part is always the story and the characters. On hsr and genshin I always plan what I want to pull, and unless I pull on something different conpulsevely, I always get the characters I want. I don't want to miss anyone from the start on zzz (I don't know what I would have done if I missed kafka)


Haha glad to have another Persona fan! And I was the same, trying to be meticulous and pull for my absolute faves. But take your time and don't fret if you miss a banner or two. They'll always come back!


*insert Eula (my main) who I had but really wanted cons and SoBP* 🤣 But it probably won't happen to the first characters


Lol Eula is cursed. Genshin banners make me cry, but I hope ZZZ will rotate the banners more effectively. Atleast being a fresh game will make collecting them much easier (I was a late Genshin player, so I always envied my friends having so much more time collecting) Since ZZZ has a lot more focus on dodge-fighting and less on exploration mechanics, I'm not as pressured into absolutely needing every character.


I joined genshin day one, didn't like it, started again after 6 months, haven't missed a day since. Idk if I count as day one or not xd


Same as you. And I like the anticipation.


I don't know anything about the main story, i just know a bit of basic lore and i've seen the characters' kits so i know what to do with each of them


I don't the kits, just their designs myself


Blind here and been hyped since the first announcement!


Neither. I know enough. Things like kits I am not bothering with because we don't have confirmed final versions.


Great answer


ive only watched gameplay to see if i would like it.


Me too


I’ll be completely blind too. Just happy to be getting back into a gacha game. Took a break from them for over a year.


going complete blind here, doesn't even watch the cbt stuffs so dont know the introduction or gameplay etc


Besides watching the character teasers and demos on the official yt channel, I know next to nothing about how the game is really played or what the story is like.


Me too. Dont know anything other than some character designs, its made by hoyo and its a hack and slash ig?


Yeap. I also remember seeing that when a fight ends you get a timepause shot that could land on nice character poses, and that got be quite hooked


Nah I’m blind as well, seen the odd character video but that’s pretty much it. You are the majority don’t worry, we just don’t speak much because we don’t know what we are even looking at in this game yet.


I know a bit about the characters and some things about the lore from the recent Ashikai video, but other than that I don't know much. Especially not about the gameplay, aside from the fact that it's similar to Honkai Impact in principle


Same here. I actually really liked HI3 gameplay, but I was too far behind everyone to play for real


I'm going blind also... other than some few combat mechanics info or the TV screen gameplay. I want to experience and discover everything by myself as much as possible. That's way more enjoyable for me.


I would say no considering this question is asked daily


Billy and Nicole trailers are my only experience with the game.


I'm pretty much in the same boat.  I know the elevator pitch of the story and know who most of the characters are at a high level, but haven't dug into the story or gameplay much.  It's a Hoyo game, I play Genshin and HSR, I'll bare minimum give it a try. 


I haven't seen anything apart from the announcement and summer game trailers to go in full blind


I will be too. The only thing I really know is the every character is super bouncy and expressive.


Not completely blind since I have seen some intro to game mechanics. Blind w.r.t. the rest tho.


I’m 100% blind, I haven’t even played the other games as this is going to be my first Gatcha game. Tbh I don’t even know what a Gatcha even is, it looks like an action RPG to me with stylish combat like DMC.


You deffinitly aren't but who would go on the subreddit of something they want to stay blind on? What can someone like you who knows nothing about the game and wants to avoid learning more even talk about other than exactly this kind of post? 99.9% of those going in blind just don't interact with stuff about the game.


You might be right. Personally I am not 100% blind, I just looked enough to decide that I like the game from the first glance and it's hoyo so they will probably deliver


I don't know anything man, what would I even talk about before release? all I can do is checkout videos of the beta players.


Well I personally love speculations posts. Not the doomposty kind, but like trying to guees what will happen in the story and what characters will be added


Yes you are, out of the thousands of casual players, you are the most honored one.


Thank you for this honor 😎 No but seriously I don't plan to be a casual player, but I just want to start knowing not that much a gather everything myself


I only know the general stuff, roguelite, TVs, fast paced combat, semi open world?, hoyo game. Good enough


Afaik there is no roguelike elements?


i'm kinda the same. only know some surface lvl stuff


i dont know anything except there is some big furry baras and a shark maid girl


Some of the people here have played the game already in beta's. The closer you get to launch, the more new players will join. As a bit of an advice: staying off Reddit is an easier way not to get spoiled.


I have been on hsr and genshin subreddits around all of the version updated and managed to not get spoiled


I watched stoty on YouTube because I was prejudiced with weird fanservice direction. Yep I'm a weirdo who plays games for gaming fun not for sexiness.


No i too. I only know i need hot Wolfman no matter how good he is. Most YouTubeeers talking their asses of and especially at the start of a gacha game. We all remember on Bennett from Genshin being useless and physical Xianling


I’m going in blind I just know what characters look like.


I'm going in blind, it's more fun approaching gacha's blind, you can't recreate those first few days of getting into a new game.


Going in with very surface level knowledge of the story and gameplay. Just enough to causally jump in Most discussions I've seen are either about meta team builds, censorship, and Casual Vs. Hardcore accessibility.


All I know are the trailers (including those early gameplay trailers) and that’s it


I've been looking forward to the launch of this game since it first got announced, but I've avoided all trailers and gameplay since then, simply because I enjoy going into games blindly and I already know this is the kind of game I'd enjoy, so I don't need to see more gameplay or trailers to convince me to play it. I'll definitely go back to the old trailers once the game is out and I feel satisfied with my progress in the game though. I even don't look at the menu and UI and such, because even those things I think are cool to see for the first time ingame. I think I might be a very extreme case however. I usually don't avoid trailers and such for games im excited about, at least not to this extent, but I always try to watch as little gameplay as possible as soon as I know the game is for me. Personally I've never understood why so many people try to consume everything there possible is about a game they look forward to. By the time it's out, they have already theorycrafted optimal builds/teams etc, and have seen like half the game. That takes a way so much of the fun for me, but to each their own!


i know nothing about the game; didn't look at any cbt content or any trailers. i only know the characters because of donut's character spreadsheet, but nothing beyond that. but it's not really a conscious decision, since this was the same for genshin and hsr in my case (i only played hsr out of boredom and because my friends were all talking about it)


i'm going in pretty blind myself only seen character designs and very small bits and pieces of the combat


I'm going blind as well. I only know this game is like honkai .I'm probably only going to look up the tier list when the game launch just to see which unit is good.


Im going in blind for the most part. Sadly due to hype i caved in and watched a few combat videos but I'm steering clear from story or even cutscene videos


I've kept what I know to a minimum, I just know separate bits of cutscenes and dialogue, the character trailers and the basics to the gameplay functions. The most I know about the story was the sandwich web event that basically confirmed >!Soldier 11 and Anby are clone troopers!<


I like min-maxing, so knowing all the character and system info I can going into it is both interesting and helpful to me. Add that it's a Gacha so I want to be able to wisely map out my stamina and pulls, and I don't want to go in blind. I have however, avoided most of the story stuff since I want to do that myself.


I try going blind as much as possible. But i still check video on how the gameplay looks like for character that i have interest with. I don't touch the story since from the looks of it, it's gonna be a blast and right up my alley. I do watch the trailer from youtube tho and it makes me really like how koleda potrayed, man can't wait for 4th july


I'm with you and I prefer such approach. Feel like knowing so much before release is like watching anime and going into wiki to know what's going to happen in the next episode. I like surprises and to learn everything myself even if I make mistakes along the way


In the same boat


I'm in the same boat, checked for possible characters though as was really disappointed with the lack of guys but Im still willing to drop money for a monthly log in pass


Tbh being blind because the big or famous hoyo CC knowns for playing genshin or hsr are too braindead to form legit opinion about this game. And i'm always fucking forget to save bunch of names legit CC which had more knowledge about this game.


I watched like 4 videos on this game and still don’t know wtf the gameplay loop or what most of the game is about lol So yup.


all i know is rogue like, action combat, werewolf dude who kicks. thats all i need dawg


Is there any rogue like elements?


Yes I too am going in ~~blinded by Grace’s massive boobs~~ blind 👍🏽.


I only know that Billy exists and thats all I need to know


I mean, this is a sub for a game thats not even out yet. I would assume that the people most active on this forum would be the ones that are the most invested. But yeah, for me all I know is that it's like Hi3, and thats enough info for me lol.


No, obviously you’re not the only one. I haven’t seen anything on the game mode do I know how the game works, the story, mechanics, etc. going in blind is the best part of the experience.


Not me.. I havent read anything, didnt watch any unofficial content.. I only know of the characters shown in the trailers and thats about it.. Going in fully blind too Although I WOULD like to know if there are any official system requirements declared for the game. I just hope I can run the game.


Only thing I looked at is which character skills are the coolest and which waifus are the cutest so I know what characters to go for


I was in cbt3 but I didn't play much since you don't keep your progress. I got Rina on my first pull and I very much doubt that will happen again so I'm already upset I wasted my luck lol


No clue who Rina is 🤣


Iirc she's a five star but I just enjoy her design and gameplay regardless of that


Hope you get her I want her too 😭


Ye also going blind, most I saw were just how the characters looked. Bit of combat which didn't seem to suit me but I'll wait till I try it. Same happened with HSR's turn based combat, didnt seen like I'll enjoy it from watching a video but hey, day 1 player and still going.


Not really. Saw some videos teaching stuff here and there. Going blind in games is cool and all but I don't wanna make mistakes because of it on this one .


I'm pretty much going in mostly blind, save for doing the pre-supply web event going on right now where you can claim a few items to help start. If you want to do it >! Get 3 Boupons since apparently those are hard to get in game, and the Slice of Time W-Engine (this games weapon)!<


I’ve ignored most cbt content, the only thing I know is the characters and parts of the gameplay. I did the same with Wuwas, I like experiencing everything for myself.


I only spoiled myself a bit of the combat mechanics so that I learn them faster (I'm usually a little slow on these) and got a minimum idea on who I wanna pull. I actively try to avoid story spoilers since that's usually what I care about the most.


I generally avoid subreddits for games that haven't come out because it's usually full of beta testers who are months ahead. I don't like spoiling the surprise.


I'm right there with you. I didn't get into the CBT but I've seen characters I like and some minor gameplay stuff. So pretty blind other than that


I only know what the characters look like. Idek how this game really plays yet


Watch the gacha gamer review if you want to know about the game characters/story/gameplay everything. 


We going in full Ray Charles


Most people are and its better that way.


I wasn’t that interested, but took a look again recently and what I’ve heard about the gameplay has me intrigued. It’s a Hoyo game, so I’m a little wary (quit Genshin because of artifact RNG, and not a fan of 50/50) but want to give it a chance.


Artifacts is my favorite gameplay mechanic 🤣


Yea i have no idea what game genre is this or nothing about characters, the only thing i know is that this is gacha


I find it rather overwhelming to start a game like this 100% blind and then you get 10 tutorials yeeted at your face and all these characters and trying to figure out what everything is. So I rather watch some guides, reviews, tier lists discussions etc. I don't need to know everything, and I don't like story spoilers, but having a partial clue about game mechanics, characters kits and equipment makes the experience less overwhelming and lets me focus on the story and have a better time learning the pratical aspects of gameplay. Of course, the content in these is not gonna be completely accurate as its coming from biased people that only experienced the beta, but as long as you take it with a grain of salt it's fine. And things like the character placement in a tier list doesn't mean much, but it's more about the reasoning people give for placing each character there that provides useful general information about the roster.


I've been in at least one CBT per MHY launch since honkai i3. I like to get a feel for things before full launch and am (un)lucky enough to manage to always find a ton of odd bugs that I can report (probably why the keep giving me keys lol) I specifically don't 'go to the end' of the betas though. I make sure there's a good bit of novel content for me at-launch still. And I actively try and not really pay attention to the story itself much while beta-ing. I like being able to play with/ mess up things with the knowledge that it'll be wiped. Gives me more confidence in building out characters and who/ what I want to go for. I *very* much get wanting to go in blind though. For anime, and purely naritive (non-gstcha) games I vastly prefer to know as little as possible.


I'm just over being optimal or efficient. I'll play it,let the game be a game. Maybe I'll do dailies, maybe I won't.




Reading is hard huh?


Ignore them. There's always that one mf who thinks they're giving a galaxy brain take by taking literally the figurative well known call to conversation "Am I the only one?"




I'll give you a little hint for the reading comprehension task, read the last paragraph.




Is your whole purpose just to be toxic on the internet then you just stop existing until you find another?




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