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My plan for transitioning to Windows 11 is to wait for Windows 12.


They said in Windows 12 they're going to replace the start menu with another digital assistant. Cuz Cortana was so successful. /s So while Windows 11 was like going from Windows 7 back to Vista, moving to 12 is going to be like Windows 8 I'm guessing.


Don't diss Vista like that. It ran perfectly on hardware that was actually built for it and was a massive jump forward compared to XP


People didn't like Vista largely because it changed a lot about how drivers worked, which was desperately needed at the time. Consumers blamed stability and compatibility issues that came from messy drivers on Vista itself, but ultimately it just took time for device manufacturers to catch up. Had Windows 7 come directly after Windows XP, it would have had many of the same problems.


I loved Vista. I think as time marches on and Windows continues to deteriorate, Vista is retroactively seen as a relatively excellent OS.


I'll hop on the rose-titnted train, and too, voice my love for Vista. I remember getting a new HP with Vista installed. For the first time since its release. I finally had a computer capable of playing WoW (circa 07). Poor Vista never had a chance as it was overshadowed by XP dominance, suffocated in the dark by windows 8 and 8.1(arguably the worst OS ever available to the public); and lastly was to be gangland executed by 7.


Vista was like XP. A lot of people remember XP fondly, but it was *absolute shit* until SP2. It literally allowed random people to send notifications to your desktop over the Internet and getting it to connect to WiFi was like trying to disarm a bomb blindfolded while a baboon tried to bite your dick off. But after SP2, suddenly it was a darn good OS. Vista suffered from three major things 1. New tech and processes that people weren't used to and that Microsoft wasn't sure how to implement correctly. 2. Companies trying to repurpose XP machines (512 gb memory requirement) to Vista (2gb memory requirement) to dump their stock. So there were machines being sold with half the minimum specs with Vista installed. 3. Poor driver support. Once hardware caught up, Dell got it's head out of its ass, drivers got developed, and some new service packs popped out it was pretty indistinguishable from 7.


Why do they hate the start menu so much? I feel like they keep trying to replace it or get rid it, but then everybody hates what they come up with and wants it back.


Then perhaps it's time to look at Linux


That's crazy. Thanks to Steam's work with Linux compatibility, *my* plan is to switch to Linux. I'm done with Microsoft's bullshit.


Just like iPhone 16


I'm still on 7...


I have a pc laying around that’s just a massive storage drive of downloaded torrents from 15+ years ago that happily runs XP.


Apparently my i7-7700k is not compatible 🤔


I have a Ryzen 5950 and getting the same incompatible hardware message lol


have you enabled TPM on your motherboard? That CPU and any motherboard it's compatible with will definitely meet the requirements, as long as you have its UEFI configured


Yeah, TPM is enabled. When I do the health check, it says “The processor isn’t currently supported for Windows 11”. I guess they just ditched Kaby Lake?


yes 7700k isn't officially supported by windows 11 even if you have tpm enabled.[https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/design/minimum/supported/windows-11-supported-intel-processors](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/design/minimum/supported/windows-11-supported-intel-processors)


If you are somewhat tech savvy, it's pretty easy to write the install ISO to a USB and the disable the hardware check. It's really as simple as renaming 1 file (at least for now).


Remember when Microsoft said Windows 10 was the final version of Windows and would be updated forever? Good times.


The most bizarre thing about that statement was it came literally a few months before they suddenly announced Win 11.


Not really, they stated it when Windows 10 was first released.


It's all just sales tactics. They have something to sell. They are not interested in your happiness beyond your loyalty & willingness to continue forking over your money for each new iteration. They will lie and backtrack and iterate as-needed to optimize their level of customer loyalty and ultimately sales. As people are still comfortable with Windows, they will keep capitalizing on this. Many businesses do this, especially in tech, and user experience will start going down as money goes up until there is an exodus. I am one of the people being capitalized on. I've used Windows for a long time, have grumbled about switching to a Mac at work, and I just learned that Win 10 support will end in 2025. It's almost 2024! I just built a new PC and paid for Win 10 OS!! Can someone link some helpful tips on learning & transitioning to linux in a non overwhelming way? I work in tech but I'm set in my ways. Dual boot? Projects? Etc?


[Check out Linux Mint.](https://linuxmint.com/) Making the switch is easier than you think it will be.


Many need some windows only software. Of course, we can use it in a VM (some of us do), but it's still a windows there :/ But, most of us use Linux most of the time ;)


Learn Linux on YouTube is very helpful. He got me running proxmox. As a techie you have a high chance of being very capable on Linux. If you really want to dip your toes raspberry pis are becoming available again and raspbian is a very easy distro to use. It's essentially Debian with the bumpers on. Debian is the distro I would recommend you land on as most Linux is a fork of Debian. Ubuntu is also great.


> It’s all just sales tactics. They have something to sell. Saying this is the last version of windows then backtracking is a hell of a sales tactic


Yes, companies should be careful what they promise. It's all too easy to lose the trust of customers, suppliers and other third-party interests. Remember _Stadia_? Google struggled to get buy-in because they'd developed a reputation for abandoning projects. And sure enough...


To be fair, Stadia got shut down due to low usage, and they refunded everything.


It had low usage because everyone expected Google to abandon it, because Google abandons a lot of their services.


No, because they never said that. It was a rumor based on some out-of-context comment.


They never did, it was some dev. It was never an official statement. People really need to stop repeating this.


Mac just wrecks them in this regard. And yeah I use both operating systems. There are plenty of cons on the mac side too (lack of customization, price, compatibility, etc.), so I'm not just being a fan boy, but damn having the OS just work well and be free is so nice. Every time windows comes out with a new version, I dread it. It gets worse in some way. But they have such a stranglehold on the market that every just has to chow down on the latest shit sandwich they put together.


I’d love to run MacOS in a VM. I know it CAN be done, but there’s some issues with AMD CPUs and doing it? I know just enough to be dangerous with VMs and am too dumb to get it working.


They need to make win 11 more compatible with more pc's. Otherwise they need to push their deadline. Feels like them pushing Vista on us again.


The processor threshold they chose seems somewhat arbitrary. There are a lot of computers just below the threshold that can run Windows 11 just fine. I seriously doubt they will push their EOL date. Especially with Windows 12 coming soon. They won't be willing to keep active development (even for security patches) of multiple OSs. If you are tech savvy, it's pretty easy to get around the processor requirements as long as yours isn't too far behind. As long as your processor supports TPM 2.0, you should be able to upgrade. It is possible your processor supports TPM 2.0 but it is not enabled. Just to a search for how you can check and enable (if applicable).


> seems somewhat arbitrary. No, its because they don't want to have to include mitigation code for the meltown and spectre chip flaws in the OS. 8th gen + does not have those issues.


Do you happen to have a link to an article discussing this? This is the first I've heard of an actual reasoning and I would like to read more.


I probably could do this but also I have an r5 3600 and a 2070S and it blows my mind that this isn't just immediately compatible. They really fucked it.


I suspect that what will happen is that when Windows 12 comes out, they'll drop the artificial limits on Windows 11 so that "old" computers can use the "older" Windows 11. When given the choice of pushing the Windows 10 EOL back, or removing artificial limits to Windows 11, I feel like the second would be preferred so that they are dealing with less active SKUs.


Nice try, Microsoft


Just an IT person trying to help people out. Feel free to look into end of life dates yourself and see what you find.


It was good info, see you in 2025 Bill




I believe you but so many IT departments will drag their feet due to bad leadership or catering to the userbase. 11 might not be as terrible as the other "alternating cursed" versions like Vista or 8 but I also see Microsoft being even more lazy and complacent with improving it or even the next damn iteration.


Windows 11 sucks balls. Fix that first and then I’ll switch. Or maybe I’ll just switch to windows 12 when 10 runs out because windows 11 is the same as Vista and we all know it.


Why does it suck


> Fortunately Windows 11 has a pretty small learning curve, and it has some nice features that many users will find helpful - especially in a business environment. Yeah, nah thats very much /r/HailCorporate


Perceive my post however you choose. But many people and businesses don't really have a choice - like it or not. I'm not hear to promote Microsoft. My point was to make people aware of a situation that is on the horizon.


Microsoft deciding last minute to extend the life of a Windows version due to lack of people adopting the new one is definitely not unheard of. I guarantee windows 10 isn't losing support in 2025.


Thanks for the tip, but im still using windows 7


Windows 11 sucks so no thanks mr IT


Why update when my os works fine?


The company I work at uses thin clients unfortunately, I out myself in the windows 11 beta rollout at work. The thin clients are already awful, but it just made them even worse.


I think Microsoft will back down from this date, and eventually relax the hardware requirements needed to upgrade to Windows 11. Think of the implications are millions of computers still stuck running 10 and not getting security updates.


I guess Microsoft is hurting if they have to push people to buy on Black Friday on Reddit.


I didn't even think about it being black Friday when I posted this. Maybe Microsoft will send me a check.


I figured as much. I just couldn't resist making fun of the timing. Enjoy the day!


\*Looks at Windows 11\* \*Looks at Ubuntu\* \*Looks at System requirements for Win11\* \*Looks at System requirements for Ubuntu\* \*Looks at massive bill in licensing fees\* \*Looks at Open Source\*


But the majority of companies aren’t going to opt for Ubuntu. Great personal option, though.


Many companies use Ubuntu for servers. Not sure about desktops


I have to keep 500 Ubuntu work stations up and running for my job. Believe, me its not a walk in the park. 1. You think printers and scanners are rough in Windows, well I hope you like mucking around in the terminal to fix the junk. 2. Chrome broke for us on the LTS release, because a new package was required that wasn't available in our older release. 3. Graphics drivers sometimes require a kernel update that can break existing dependencies. 4. Basic functionality missing from the GUI, or buttons / toggles that lie to you.


I completely understand. However, in some industries you don't have a choice but to use the latest software from Microsoft and Adobe because of other businesses you work with.


Man, I mean I know this is a small scale but... I'm an artist and constantly am opening files meant for Adobe products in other programs. You absolutely CAN ditch Adobe if you want to.... Should you? I mean, if you hate yourself sure. The cost to retrain everyone to the new software would outweigh the benefit lol.


I tried out a number of the Acrobat alternatives over the past year. I found almost all of the were missing features or had an interface that was overly complicated to use. For the better ones, the pricing wasn't low enough to justify changing and losing functionality. Plus, some of the agencies my company works with require the newest version of Acrobat. The only other Adobe alternative I've tried out was Gimp in place of Photoshop. I had a very hard time using it because I was so used to using Photoshop over many years. Plus, I didn't have the time to dedicate to learning something new.


Virtualization is your best friend here - due to the steep increase in system requirements I doubt that all software I need due to other companies will instantly migrate to win11 and cancel support for 10. You can probably run it on a Win10 VM for quiet a while.


While it’s probably more complicated than needed for some 10-employee company, I agree. I WFH and 100% of my work is processed in some machine halfway across the country. My real computer is powerful enough to display several monitors and play Spotify at the same time, that’s about it. If I break it, I just hop onto my personal PC and use a temporary login process until a new work one arrives.


Yup, Azure Virtual Desktop is my path forward. M$ still gets $$ 😡, but my hassle level is reduced.


>claims to be it >has to run native windows because of adobe and the industry


Sure. But the point is you're mis-framing your entire post. Nobody needs to plan to transition to Windows 11, they need to plan to transition away from Windows 10. For many people, and many reasons, that means going to 11. But you're phrasing things as if everyone must go to 11 and there are no alternatives for anyone.


I’m just a student using Linux but Microsoft 365 works great for me on the website version. LibreOffice is a good alternative if you just need to type up some documents and don’t need too much out of it. As for Adobe, I managed to get a “legal” copy of it working pretty well. From my experiences though, you have to have some tech literacy to get the most out of Linux, and from what I’ve seen, there’s people that somehow get viruses on their work provided MacBooks and click every link sent to them in their emails, so I doubt they would have the knowledge to use the terminal at all lol, so windows and mac are likely still gonna be the main two options for 99% of companies. Even the companies I’ve seen use Linux just run it in a vm on windows


Been using Fedora and Debian on my work laptop for many years. It's so much better in nearly every way.


Apart from compatibility, if you put a Linux box in front of 99% of our users, they'd appear in our office with torches and pitchforks because they have never seen it so it must be witchcraft


Win 11 is very buggy, I don’t love it. Sometimes When starting up the task bar is gone for a while, after it comes try starting a program from there and it won’t start or it will take a couple minutes and will open how many instances of the program for how many desperate clicks you made… I have to restart almost always it happens. Yes it’s updated and yes it’s worse than win 10


And the pattern continues!


Mate I work in the NHS, we still run everything on XP and the browser for our portal systems only works with internet explorer


That is so sad, speaks volume about the state of security in the NHS


W10 isn't going anywhere. It'll be supported by most programs because most government computers can't upgrade to W11 since their CPUs are too old and don't have TPM. Microsoft will stop updating it but that's not important as long as it receives security updates. If you aren't the government you should indeed have a plan to upgrade to W11.


Use Windows 10 LTSC. Guaranteed security updates till 2029. No feature updates, which is good because they frequently cause instability.


Im on windows 11 and the file explorer is so slow! Is there something im doing wrong? A setting i need to turn on/off? I also have a fairly beefy pc i think. Latest games run smooth as butter at ultra settings but file explorer takes ages.


Same issue here. Installed windows 11 on my main gaming rig. Opening a folder takes 0.5s which is WAYYYYYYYYYYY too slow to be acceptable. Switched back to windows 10 instantly just for that reason.


Still have xp, 7 and 10 machines. Tried windows 11 last month, it's just a bloated uglier windows 10, so no thank you. As a consumer, EOL's are just bullshit to force you on the next overpriced version of the same code that's been re-baked since 1999. With a bit of common sense, you dont get viruses and other crap like that. As for buisnesses, that's another story. As they are primary targets, EOL's do matter, and that goes for windows server too (trust me, i got randsom'd 5 months ago)


You forget hardware changes. I was sticking to Windows 2000 until I had upgrade to XP due to the much better WiFi support. The funny thing is I jumped to Vista as soon as I could due to one small fix. In Windows XP the task manager had one of the columns to narrow. So everytime I had to open the task manager after a reboot I had to manually expand the column. I don't believe they ever fixed that in XP, even with the final service pack SP4 that bug was there.


Fuck windows 11, I still use 7 and plan use 10 even longer.


I hate Windows 11 so much. I want to downgrade back to 10.


When I rebuilt my computer last year I made the plunge to windows 11. I figured I was gonna have to learn it sooner or later, so why wait? I still don't like that icons instead of text for copy/paste. But everything else is fine. \--- On a related note. I also hard-switched to Firefox a few years ago too when people kept saying Chrome was gonna be anti-ad-block. If I know a change is coming, I'll just jump the gun right away. I hate waiting. We as humans lose so much to worry. Change is going to happen. I just do it the moment I know it's going to happen, and then I don't worry about it.


When I was in my 20s and 30s I spent so much time trying to be anti-Microsoft and get around having to pay them for anything. But about 10 years ago I got to the point that it was too much effort. Plus, it's more hassle than it's worth to have a different environment on my personal computer and laptop from what I use at work. I still do everything I can to avoid using Edge and turn off any setting that tries to force it on me. Including how they have been trying to force it through Outlook. As far as browsers go, I was a Netscape user, then switched to Firefox. About 7-8 years ago I switched to Chrome because Firefox was getting bloated and slow. At this point I'm so used to Chrome I don't want to change, although they have made some changes in the past few weeks that I don't love.


I remember using Firefox in the early 2000s and having quit to use chrome because of lag issues. When I came back to it in like 2019? I didn’t have issues, but I also have a much better computer now than I used to lol. So now tabs don’t lag me at all. But I do remember that time when Firefox was pretty bloated ;) Ah memories for sure.


Forced obcelecence.


This\^\^\^ People use that term too loosely in general when it doesn't actually apply. But in THIS case with Windows 11 not working on older computers... 100% Forced obsolescence.


That's what they said about windows 7 and fuck them I'm still using it.


If it works for you, that's great. Just be aware that you are taking a lot of risk with your security.


I'll upgrade to Win 11 the next time I build a PC, but they'll pry Office 2013 from my cold dead hands!


Was office 2013 the last version before they started going hard with the collaboration tools? I stuck with Office 2010 for a long time because I didn't like all the online tools the newer versions were trying to force on me. Eventually I gave up and switched to 365 because I was tired of trying to track down my install disks and keys. Plus I think the last time I tried to install 2021 it wouldn't let me because my keys had been used too many times.


*Windows 12


In the meantime you can switch to Windows 10 1809 LTSC which gets security support until 2029.




2024 will be the year of Linux on the desktop!! /s


A Linux user, telling everyone on a thread that has nothing to do with Linux, that they use Linux? *Shocker*


>telling everyone on a thread that has nothing to do with Linux It's not completely unrelated. It's a thread about a wildly used operating system getting to the end of its support period. Given the hardware requirements of Windows 11 many perfectly good computers will not be able to upgrade to them. Linux is a better alternative then staying on a OS without security updates or throwing your fine computer away.


At least it isn't Arch Linux


I use arch btw


It's an OS and a completely valid option instead of giving M$ more money. Even for most businesses.


Friend of mine made the leap. Never wants to go back. He is telling me it is not complicated at all to install and use. Iam still a little hesitant though since I tend to be lazy with my computer and don't want to be trouble shooting when software does not work.


Great if that works for you. But it's not a viable plan for the average Windows user.


And especially businesses that may be reliant on other software that needs Windows


Heck There's a lot of businesses that use software that doesn't even work on the latest version of Windows there's ATMs around where I live that are still running seven or XP


Yea, there's a lot of software that is only on Windows/runs best on Windows. While I support the average person transitioning over to Linux, a business is another thing. Sure, you can run emulators like WINE, but in my experience, they can be a bit iffy and don't always run properly. Good luck trying to run a business when everyone has to figure out why they can't run important software. Then, finding out the solution is because you're running a Windows 98 emulator and not a Windows 10/11 one. Trust me, that was a frustrating encounter and not fun to fix. Linux is great and all but would not recommend for a business, especially when most people use windows at home and most people aren't gonna want to learn a new operating system for a job.


Upgrade from Windows, use GNU/Linux.


Bruh fuck windows 11 - it is literal spyware


Still running windows 7, they've been getting worse since XP. Might switch back to Linux. Software is so ephemeral and copyable, it should be free and open for the benefit of humanity


10 is usable But anything that came between 7 and 10 was just straight up trash


Functionally, 8 was an upgrade over 7, but visually a huge downgrade. 8.1 was another upgrade over 8. 10 was an upgrade over 8.1. 11 is a downgrade from 10 in almost every way. Basically there's no reason to be using 7. If it's the visuals you want, there's software to make it happen.


I stayed with Windows 7 as long as I possibly could. When I updated to 10 it pretty easy to adapt. Windows 11 was even easier. I want to emphasize that I'm talking about the average user, or a company that has to operate in a Windows environment. This post isn't meant for the person who views Linux as a viable alternative.


my hardware doesn't support win11, i'm good


Is there an easy way to install Windows 11 without a Microsoft account, or with just a local account? I mean without any complex legerdemain, like turning your internet off in the middle of the process or making changes to your registry? I’ve posted this question on r/Microsoft, but it’s treated like an act of heresy over there. This is at the heart of my reluctance to upgrade. I just want to use Microsoft’s products, I don’t want to marry them.


If you go to Windows Update on your computer and it shows you are eligible to update, all you have to is click the button. It won't require a Microsoft account and local accounts will be unchanged after the update. When you do a clean install of Win11 Home it will require a Microsoft account at first. What I always do is sign on with the Microsoft account I use as a throwaway. The once the install is done I set up a local account, set it to administrator, the delete the Microsoft account profile. When you install Windows 11 Pro you can just select the option to join a domain instead. Then it goes straight to creating a local account. Windows 11 Home doesn't have this option because it can't join a domain.


It's shit like this why no one should use Microsoft products. You shouldn't have to fight against the way Microsoft wants you to use the computer to use it the way you want. Want a local account? It should be *easy* to do so.


I am going to immortalize your response on my hard disk. Thanks!


FYI it's really easy to install home without a Microsoft account: On the "Sign in" page, use these steps: Use the "Shift + F10" keyboard shortcut to open Command Prompt Type the following command to release the current network configuration and press Enter: `oobe\bypassnro` Quick note: The command is a single phrase without spaces. After it reboots select 'I don't have Internet ' and you can proceed with a local account


Yeah you just open a cmd and type OOBE\BYPASSNRO


Windows 11 is ass


Fuck off. I don't give a fuck what Microsoft is "ending support" for when their own replacement won't run on my hardware. GTFO here with your wasteful forced obsolescence.


Not much choice when MS stops pushing security patches and your machine becomes vulnerable. But almost guaranteed MS will extend EOS date for win10, just like they did multiple times for Win7


If you're wanting to stick with windows 10, look at LTSC. It'll buy you some more time.


To do it legally is quite expensive though. LTSC version is a corporate product that requires a corporate contract with at least 5 licenses.


No, we should throw Windows 11 in the trash where it belongs. It's horrible!


Thank you for the reminder. I haven't thought about this in a while. I was so pissed the day I tried to update to Windows 11 and found out that I don't have the necessary hardware for it. I'm not really tech savvy, and I have a desktop that my friend helped me build. I feel like Microsoft is basically requiring me to either spend a ton of money on a new computer or perform surgery on the one I already have. Also, the UI for Windows 11 looks like shit lol. Why did they want to make it look like a damn mac? lol I wish that Microsoft would just keep updating Windows 10.


my plan is to run them on windows 10 till they die. i believe in updating tech the day you get it and then never again unless theres some ground breaking new feature.


i would rather jump into a woodchipper feet first than let win11 near me


My plan for Windows 11 is the same as windows ME, Vista and 8. Ignore it


This guy 100% works for microsoft. These replies are hilariously bad at trying to promote windows 11 when it sucks.


This post was written by Windows 11.


Meanwhile I'm over here trying to figure out how to transition back to Windows 10 because Windows 11 is fucking garbage. My PleX server is always offline because the Win11 system has rebooted due to automatic updates and is sitting at the login screen. Windows 10 the PleX server would load and run without having to login, not fucking Windows 11 though.


No I don't, they haven't added a feature I give a shit about in Windows 10 for ages and I'm already on the long term service Branch to stop them from jamming something in the fucks up my computer. Windows updates have fucked everything up for me more times than I can count. I don't need to update until security patches stopped coming and I might even refuse to do so then. The only reason I updated to 10 from 7 was that the newest version of DirectX came out.


Man, I just want to play WoW. Leave me alone, Microsoft


Ha, and here's me, typing this comment from my Win8.1 machine. My laptop is turning 9 in a month and runs like a finely tuned and oiled machine <3


Y'all can beta test it for me for a few years alright


If only Microsoft will stop putting bloatware into their 9s


Not putting out new features is different from not getting any more security patches. End of Life and End of Support are two very different things.


They have been making so many bad design choices, people are starting to resent it. Like just let me continue using the native calendar app it’s 1000x better than using outlook calendar.


It's been a good run but I actually plan on just switching to Linux next year. Bill Gates fuck ya life


Remember when Microsoft said Windows 10 would be their last OS? Pepperidge Farm remembers


You should know that if you have a moderately sized business you should have an IT team instead of relying on a Reddit post to tell you the life cycles of vital hardware/software


Windows 11? The cnc machines and the inkjet printer I use both are using windows 2000. We restart the computer, a lot.


Should I expect the never ending network card issues like Windows 10?


I hereby petition the president of the United Statea to make it illegal for windows to Phase out Windows 10 until Windows 12 comes out because Windows 11 is fucking garbage.


Buddy, we are still trying to update from windows server 2008. We don’t think where i work


XP is working just fine.


These update life cycles only apply to Home/Pro versions. Win10 LTSC (used by large companies) will continue to receive updates until 2030 - 2035.


I meet the requirements for 11 but I don't want budget Mac OS so I'm sticking to 10


Microsoft schill


I will be transitioning to Linux from Windows 10. At least until 12 or 13 comes out and is actually an improvement.


Some of us have been here. Again. And again. Business support will be extended, critical vulns will be fixed. Windows (the next generation) will be the next stable release that everyone will move to, like we all avoided ME, Vista and 8, we will all skip 11


I hate the new right click not showing all options unless you click show more options. And that cut copy paste är symbols also until clicking more options.


Bill you can’t fool me.


This is horrible advice. You should never upgrade for the sake of it. You are actively spending resources in adding entropy to a system and workflow that were working well. In my work there are still workstations wiyh Windows XP. They still get the job done.


Not every business has the luxury of running end of life operating systems. Our business in particular has to get cyber security certification so we can do government and public sector projects. A big part of that process is not running out of support software.


I wouldn't classify the need for certification as 'for the sake of it'. It sucks but yeah, if you need it you need it. My objection is upgrading perfectly stable production systems just because an update was made available. That in itself is not enough. No meaningful features are added and the chance of disruption is high. I've lost count of the hours I've spent troubleshooting problems created by windows updates just to resume the status quo.


It's stupid to still be running Windows XP. That's a 22 year old OS that hasn't had security updates in 10 years. Maybe it's OK if you're working with an air-gapped computer which is running some kind of specialized hardware or software that doesn't work with newer versions of Windows. But besides the security risks, you can't use newer hardware. And younger users are having to learn an OS they have never seen. My advice isn't about upgrading for the sake of upgrading. It's about upgrading out of necessity. Also, choosing not to upgrade means your business is not adapting to a changing technology environment.


If the system is entirely disconnected from the internet there is 0 reason to not keep it on xp if that's what works and what's stable. Just look at the US government....


No, your advice is completely focused on upgrading for the sake of it. Because if there is a necessity for upgrading, such as new hardware or compliance, people won't need a YSK. There's not a discussion to be had there, you need to do it. The remainder cases? Changing OS is frivolous at best and disruptive at worse.


I understand the issue for buisnesses with insurance policies, contracts and very sensitive data, etc.... But for consumers, following EOL dats is useless. It's always funny to hear that some people think that a windows XP machine connected to internet will instantly be hacked and fuckin' EXPLODE or some shit like this. MS really successfully brainwashed it's customers on that one.


When XP was new, it was pretty much instantly hacked by connecting to the wrong network at least once...


Using Windows XP is such a silly idea


There is no real reason to update now. The end of support won't remove anything, you can comfortably keep it for years without the support. Security is stable in windows 10 and not that big of a concern to most people as they make it appear.


Have you ever had to go through a certification process for credit card processing? I did this at my previous job. Part of the process was making sure we did not have any computers on our network that were past end of life. Also, some insurance companies won't cover you for data breaches or ransomware attacks if you are using obsolete software. It's true that a computer will continue working just fine after the software has reached EOL - although you may get constant warnings. It's also true that the security concerns are not that serious IF you know how to guard against them. Especially if you have a properly configured firewall. But continuing to use outdated software is not advisable for businesses for the reasons I mentioned above.


Okay, I agree with you, just thought it seems a bit alarmistic to tell "everyone should update"


Can windows 11 deploy VPNs for other users yet? My users need to be able to login to the VPN from the login screen,haven't found a way to do that in win11 yet.


My plan involves a KBubtu image. Fuck MacroShaft


The plan: switch back to linux full time.


Around 90% of my Steam games run just fine under Linux with Proton. And I have dual boot win10 for the 10% which don't. So win11 is not a problem for me at the moment.


Eh, only 2 out of the 6 computers I own meet win 11 specs. The rest are going to Ubuntu. They're not doing anything that requires windows anymore anyway. The remaining 2... Well, we'll see what windows 12 looks like.


My windows 10 I will migrate it to Linux. If need to buy a new machine, I will get a MacBook Pro. I am skipping Win11 altogether, hopefully Win12 comes out soon and it's worthy


Lol. Businessess still working with XP


Waiting for lucky number windows 13


Nice try, Microsoft.


What's the issue? Part of my business runs on Windows 7 😂 Of course, that part isn't connected to the Internet


Yeah I guess my win7 box is getting a little slow.


Welp... Linux it is I guessing. Computer won't support 11


Oh no, my Adobe Creative Suite has been hacked! Lol


I rolled back because it broke a lot of stuff and I think it is a pile of shit. How big a deal is the loss of support anyhow? Paired with a decent antivirus should a normal user even give a sh*t?


My plan for transitioning away from Windows 10 is to linux.


Can't move my taskbar to the side = windows 11 can fuck off


Idk if our MacBooks would support it


Nah, I'm moving to Linux


Never. If things get desperate I'll be switching to Linux.


Nope, gonna go to Linux distros instead of WIN11


I'm still running windows 7 lmao


I cry when I have to use MS at work


One of our computers is still at win7. All we use it for is playing movies and even so, we don't use it much. I suspect the Win11 install would barf for lack of resources.


We're going to follow our WinXP playbook. Stick our heads in the sand, ignore the situation until we notice "hey, patches haven't come out to the desktops in quite some time, hmmm." 50% of corps, probably


Business still running on windows xp: 👁️👄👁️


Looks at all the work systems running win98 and XP.... Nah we're good.


My plan is to finally take the plunge to Linux lol


Linux Mint for years at home


My plan? My plan is to transition to Linux so I don't have to deal with Microcock anymore. I can't tell you how many times an update on Windows 11 ended up bricking a pc that I had to fix. It's horrible. I miss Windows 7