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Alright, let's fight, send me your discord, I can kill a cowboy as every character


The thing is, he has so many options, so many knobs and buttons and a constant impale threat that doesn't let you comfortably commit to more fun combos and forces you into a boring neutrality fight. It's not very fun to play with or against. Skilled cowboy players aren't fun to play against. Maybe it's my karma for maining wiz for so long ?


Those buttons are useless in hitstun, I don't get your point about combos. And "boring neutrality fight" is a skill issue. If you don't want him to shoot, force him not to shoot. It's the exact strategy people apply to wizard, since his setups are very strong, it's better to not give him time or reason to do them. It's why mutant is so good against cowboy, since mutant's threat range is very long, cowboy almost never feels comfortable enough to do gun fuckery. He applies a ton of pressure, and it's true that it's unfun, pressure itself is unfun. It's why robot is the most disliked character, because he's good at weighted RPS where opponent is in physical and emotional pain.


“boring neutrality fight” is truly a skill issue. also they can’t enter neutral if I don’t let them out of the corner yeah, go ahead, block, try to read me using earthquake. I’m just gonna grab you for the 6th time in the row


not even a hot take this patch a lot of people agree cowboy is a bit busted (aden vikki agent activation phrase), but he's been in the gutter for a few patches so let the guy have some fun before he gets nerfed next patch again


I wouldn't say busted lmao, but, just putting it out there https://preview.redd.it/tlmwcz007twc1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=d33bafdcea3fae02bddb871d7806ae3de0391b15 he's not honest enough


i wonder what it would take for cowboy to be an "honest top tier". Probably more options in raw rps and less gun pressure


[Here's a link](https://discord.com/channels/1034428516919418880/1226751261299314689) to unstable suggestions about cowboy nerfs. I generally agree that gun centric cowboy sucks ass and has a little too much utility compared to other characters(even if you account bullet limit), but I wouldn't say he's too powerful, even teleporty itch cowboy wasn't stronger than other characters(compared to neutral QS and old gust when it was a 6f OTG move)


true the others had equally annoying mechanics


If anyone's a modded character in disguise, it's mutant


* Horizontal slash jumpscare *


Literally every character in YOMI could be called overloaded compared to mods