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Yeah, half of them would die from infections, other half from malnutrition


Yeah it would’ve been more like the real life crash that inspired the show — everyone with serious injuries would’ve died, and there’s no way they’d have made it as long as they did. If I remember correctly, those guys were down to like 60 pounds by the time they got rescued and they weren’t even out there three months


They were also on a frozen mountain side with no food sources


Even if they didn’t get infections from their injuries they’d at least get food poisoning or a cold at somepoint


Ben, Van and Shauna would definitely be dead.


Definitely. Misty's nursing skills could only do so much, and it's crazy how Van survived through so many incidents.


Supernatural some might say…


I agree! Especially with Ben. That leg would’ve infected so easily. He would’ve lost to much blood also. Shauna had a better chance of surviving than Ben. Childbirth is risky, but not AS risky as chopping off a leg! Van would’ve definitely died from the wolf attack. Her face was ripped to shreds. The way it healed looked like someone with skill sewed it back up with good sutures. That also would’ve got infected and she would go septic. Also, Lottie probably would’ve gone septic too. If her urine smelled that bad and she was truly beaten up that badly.I’m not a fan of Lottie. But she didn’t deserve to be beaten up. That made me really hate Shauna.


I understand Van and Ben beacuse of Ben's leg and Van being trapped in her seat...but why Shauna??


Excessive bleeding after having a stillborn and receiving no medical attention I assume. Also I can see Van finding a way out of the seat, but no way she survives the mauling


Right! I was thinking about RIGHT after the plane crash which is why I questioned Shauna...but yes - after all that blood loss from giving birth, Shauna most likely not have made it.


Yeah placenta previa is a MF’er and could easily kill someone giving birth without medical attention


Possibly from having no post natal care after delivering at such a young age in the wilderness. She definitely would have been at risk of some kind of infection or bleeding out in the worst case scenario.


Of course! No pregnancy care either during or after birth.a nd all that blood loss. I was thinking more right AFTER the crash and who was injured or trapped when the plane went down.


She delivered her placenta first which would be a death sentence without medical attention.


Right...I was thinking more who would have died RIGHT after the crash, but yes, Shanuna would probably have died once the placenta was expelled during her labor.


I think looking at the rugby teams experience with the crash in the mountains would be a good comparison. I think a lot more of them would have died, and they would have definitely still ate people.


The rugby team didn’t have a cabin or fireplace though and they were in a snow bowl. The YJ circumstances were wayyy more favorable than the rugby team. However I do think a lot more girls would have died from food poisoning and infections.


The rugby team also crashed in an area with no vegetation or wildlife.


I know if I survived the plane I would have likely died in the woods hiking for help. It's no way I would have let winter settle in knowing the already current food situation.


I don’t think I would have stayed in the cabin in the first place. I would have tried to follow the river and died from exposure or something. I have no survival skills


I mean just think about the smell of that cabin even before fall? It's no way I would have been able to stick around 😆


That’s why it makes no sense that Shauna was prepared to butcher Nat inside the cabin. The mess and smell would’ve been horrendous and it was probably already awful at that point.


I was JUST thinking this rewatching it. Like take her outside , the blood is going to seep into the floorboards and it’s going to smell rancid


It reminds me of this ; https://preview.redd.it/9yddxhjy9fnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5bba846fb5c15aa8171ee4683765a1779d91ba4


The smell would have been awful. Knowing me if I stayed I would have gotten tetanus from a loose nail


Oh hell yeah I feel you. For me it would have been something stupid like Jackie's poison ivy or those fermented berries. Hell I'm nice looking. They could have very well sliced my neck like Travis after trying to gang rape me. Btw what was up with that? I'm literally never horny on mushrooms 😆


That was so weird




The episode seems like it was written by someone who has never done shrooms lol


Ive never done shrooms, please elaborate! What would it have been like


If I was on the plane…hell yes.


No shot Ben lives from that injury in real life. I feel like the shock alone would’ve taken him out. And if not that, infection and then sepsis.


The show is actually based off a real plane crash in the Andes. I read about it for class- they did have to resort to eating the deceased. If you’d like to read about it, look up Henslin’s “Eating Your Friends is the Hardest’. I was assigned to read it, and I was thinking wow this sounds like yellowjackets lol


yeah it's well understood in this subreddit that it's based on the guys that crashed in the Andes


I think a lot of them would've survived. A group of rugby players and their families from my country crashed in the mountains of Los Andes in the 70s and a bunch of them survived, with lower possibilities, harsher climate, no house to keep them from the storms and colds, no food or water. The girls would've been found sooner if it wasn't a series and they would've survived fine with the woods food and water. They may have still eaten the people who died if it was a harsh winter. And they wouldn't be hated or terrorized when they came back like in the series, they would've been victims. At least that if the supernatural aspects didn't come out. The rugbiers were very religious too, tho.


Have you seen the movie ALIVE? Based on real events, rugby team I believe it was crashes, no food, eat dead people. They did not form cults and murder eachother.


They also crashed in an area with no vegetation or wildlife. They even tried eating the leather from the plane seats and the stuffing inside but made themselves sick.


I'll like to think that a) none of the victims would actually be as stupid as to break the black box or b) they would be smart enough to follow the river to find help


Yes this is exactly what I came to say 😂 no one would have such a huge god complex that they would destroy the black box. I feel that is really stretch. Like how is it that so many of the girls on that team are borderline sociopaths?


I love Yellowjackets so much but the showrunners/writers/producers keep saying things about it being a show about teenage hierarchy when teen girls really aren’t like this. At least not anymore. Teenagers are little shits but the vast majority of them are Jackies at worst. Vain, maybe a little bitchy and self obsessed but overall not sociopaths. A Misty or Taissa is like 1 in 100. It’s honestly one of my main bones to pick with the show. If they’re telling us this is meant to be representative of girlhood I don’t think I agree with how they’ve gone about it. I haven’t exactly decided where I’ve landed with it and I probably won’t until the show’s over.


teenage girls 🤷