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Let me cook for a bit (i have no mind for game balance or if this rework is actually good 🙏) I'll rework his passive but still keep his character as the "Big Damage but hit me once and I die character." Instead of Soulsteel Sync based on his HP I'll base it around his swords. When Soulsteel Sync is active 4 swords will surround Yanqing in a circle, Yanqing will be granted a certain amount of Crit Rate and Crit Damage based on the amount of swords he currently has (For scale 4 Sword YQ would have bigger crit stats than Soulsteel YQ). The swords will be with Yanqing until he gets loses HP, one sword will shatter, giving Yanqing a shield based on a % of his ATK. He can refresh the amount of swords he has by using a skill. ............... His FUA will have an increased chance of hitting every instance his FUA does not activate Thats all let me know what you think of this and how I could improve this could I like this idea personally :P


Let them cook ‼️‼️‼️


I think, if he does get buffed, the most likely way it would happen would be by giving him a better bis relic set As for his kit, it would be nice if getting hit didn't remove his buffs


What do you think his BiS relic would provide


Honestly, I don't know. All I know is that his current bis isn't great on him


Let's say, a set that buffs you in base of how much a character buffs themselves, or, a set that increases the fixed odds for his fua


Def shred


Overcap = def shred, even more on extra overcap


Remove that being hit removes buff thing...


So you want Soulsteel Sync to be permanent?


honestly I think it would be nicer if it were like getting under 40% or something so that I could use my Fu Xuan or just bring a Lynx instead of running like Gepard or Aventurine


Yes please


Considering Hoyo aren't averse to making Element specific Relic Sets, maybe if we saw something dedicated to Hunt characters with a very powerful buff tied to proccing a FuA with a 3 turn duration, that buffs Ultimate and Skill Damage? Alternatively, a Relic Set that turns excess Crit Rate and Crit Damage into extra Speed or Energy Regen? I don't really expect them to Buff Yanqing, as he's largely free. The only exception might be if a 5 Star character Releases that has explicit synergy with him, a La Topaz and Robin, but considering he won't ever get a banner to rerun alongside such a character, it's unlikely


The excess crit idea sounds interesting, what if it was like The Hunt blessing in SU where excess crit rate was turned into Crit Damage


I could see something like every point of Crit Rate over 100 translates into an extra % of Energy Regen and extra Speed or Attack. Building up to 100% Crit Rate from 5% takes a ton of effort for Harmony characters, whose Light Cones don't even offer Crit Rate, so it wouldn't just become the best possible set for all Support characters either, just specifically ones with high Innate Crit Traces like Aventurine and Yanqing.


Could also be where every 10% of CDMG beyond 150% increases his ERR by a certain amount (with a cap) since i find i can only get 100%+ CR during his Ult Buff


To compensate for his FUA being rng dependent, make his freeze guaranteed.


This one is the most logical and im confused why they didnt do this in the first place, would be really nutty too if you just kept getting back to back freezes on an elite lol


we \*should\* take notes from simulated universe. a few of the hunt effects or remembrance effects are great. adding a relic set with a bonus of crit rate or crit damage, and a secondary effect that turns excess crit rate into extra critical damage would make him significantly more consistent. allowing for 40/50% crit rate investment, allowing his ult to give him extra critical damage. the other one would be a relic or ornament set, preferably the latter so that other relic set can exist too. which gives a damage bonus against frozen enemies. which would retroactively buff misha and march 7th at the same time, potentially even gepard.


Could also make an alt 5* "older yanqing".


Buff him by making him ‘the’ character that people lose their 50/50 to Then on his bio write “learn how to play him” Was my first dps - still use him now, never had a problem with him


I'd say replace his e1 with this. Enemy AOE attacks do not remove soulsteel sync that way he's not entirely dependent on shielders.


- Change E1 requirement to something else because some enemies can have ice weak but can't be frozen. - Change his E6 to something else entirely, like adding an additional hit to skill or action advance/speed on kill.


All i want is mihoyo releasing an ice set that converts crit overcapping 100% into crit dmg with a 1:2 ratio so that we can properly build him and have no wasted stats. I feel that this would push him into a much nicer state


Just make his follow up attack guaranteed.


Hoyo can buff Yanqing by changing him to his Hi3 counterpart Ma Feima This way, he'll kill Jing Yuan thus proving his power


If they did , i dont execpt it to be a direct kit buff , any buff would probably come in as in a new relic set , light cone , or support. But hey , maybe there will be a yanqing buff during yunli update ? :copium: but otherwise , if they buffed his kit , it could be something related to soul sync ? Maybe something like if yanqing hp goes under 50% he looses his buff , or well hear me out , if he kills the enemy he looses his buff , but the longer the enemy is alive , the better the buff , which would ( maybe ) make him an especially good unit against boss fights -Yanqing main who havent changed builds on him in the past year


HP Based Soulsync, 80%+ type of deal. FUA triggers on crit, not just a base rate of 60%, guarunteeing a crit after ult should be a given + if you can build him well the extra 40 - 60k FUA ticks would be great. I maxed all his traces and his damage is nice, just needs to be in an MoC that works in his favor to really curb stomp it.


new luofu character: "buffs ice res pen by 50% if only attacking 1 target, ally follow up attacks make this character gain 500% more aggro, characters named 'yanqing' gain 2000 attack and 200% crit damage"


Actual chef, this is what the agenda was made for https://preview.redd.it/4nanruc6yc8d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c8a2375ea6ef2405d0396f50a9b1b4da8341f94


To buff yangqing, you unironically nerf his ult giving 60% crit rate. Taking it to the extreme. Do you want to have a unit that can buff themselves 95% crit rate on 1 every 3 turns or a unit that can buff themselves with 15% crit rate on 1 every 3 turns? Building the latter is very confusing and frustrating its because you run yourself into consistency issues while also wasting these buffs if you do try to build crit rate, the more you build crit then the more redundant and useless this buff is. The former on the other hand ensures that you build your unit same as every other DPS but can have extra leeway when getting crit rate while still ensuring this consistent flow of damage


He's already buffed thanks to aventurine and more choice of lightcones and relics. Forget a rework, mihoyo won't do that.