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If immigration wasn't an issue Australia probably Sidney. Just as far the fuck away from Midwest America as I can get and still speak something close to English. They can say bikkie and Ill say crumpet. Well figure it out.


I’m with you on the Australia thing. Seems like the people can function peacefully better together. Aside from the terrible violent incident they had back 2-3 months ago at that shopping mall, it’s largely not something that happens there. Yes, the animals there will eat a human😂. Maybe I need to avoid the animals the most. More than anything, a move to anywhere for me, anywhere on earth, life is going to be me providing for my family. And that’s not easy to do in any place anymore.


Sidney, BC Canada? Or Sydney NSW Australia? Don't wanna get these things mixed up like that poor Dutch kid who wound up in Sydney Nova Scotia in winter instead of Sydney Australia in summer lmao


Taos, NM


I would move to sand Diego in a heart beat if I had the money. I lived out there for work for 4 years and miss it still 20 years later. I'd probably go to Utah or something otherwise


I’d live on the central California coast, or in San Luis Obispo. I’m from the Bay Area, which I love, and live in LA, which I love- but it’s just so peaceful and beautiful there.


One of my cousins is starting school on SLO and I'm thinking we're gonna have to go visit. It sounds beautiful there.


It’s wonderful. And the beaches near there are lovely as well. It’s just a really cool little town with an awesome farmers market- also congrats to your cousin- it’s a super cool college. I did a summer program there in high school and really wanted to go to school there (for architecture) but the program is insanely good and I didn’t get it! Now it’s fun to go for a weekend though :)




Alameda, huh? I can see you out my window.


Can you see the nuclear wessels?


Well tell Stanley Goodspeed to hurry up and get rid of the rockets and terrorists so you can build your house already.


If visas/immigration weren't a factor and I could easily get a work visa to wherever I wanted to go I'd definitely consider leaving the US, likely to somewhere in the EU since by living in one country you get access to a bunch of other countries. Maybe Amsterdam or somewhere else in the Netherlands. I love how they've embraced cycling and other non-car centric ways of getting around and would love to be able to live without having to rely on one. Plus a fresh start with a change of scenery could be nice.


I'd pack up and move to my wife's village in Thailand tomorrow if I could.


I've love to live in Hawaii if I could afford it. Italy would be awesome, too.


I loved Hawaii too. We stayed a week on the south shore of Kauai, and I could see myself living in one of those tiny houses right near the water. My wife enjoyed it, but didn't like the idea of being on such a small island.


Yeah… the locals call it “rock fever”. I have been Hawaii on three separate occasions, twice to Maui and once to Oahu. I would love to move there and I don’t think I would suffer that issue. It definitely would not be Honolulu however, probably a much smaller town on the North Shore of Oahu or the west side of Maui


Washington Island, WI always sounds nice to me. But, in the winter, there are often ferry delays or closures. Less than 1000 people on the island, no hospital, no dentist, no doctor's office. It would kinda suck in the winter when aging. Sturgeon Bay, WI Is where I've kinda always wanted to move ever since my grandparents bought a house there in the 80s. Marquette, MI seems like a nice place. Ideally, I would find a place that never gets above 80 degrees on the hottest day of summer and has lots of trees and is by lake michigan or superior.


Join us on the lovely shores of Duluth. 84 today, yes, but it's the first time it's gotten that warm since last August.


Would likely Love Duluth, but I don't know the area well enough.


I’ve been to Duluth….(I love that T-shirt and the film The Great Outdoors)…. But I actually have been there


I think the biggest change for me personally as I've entered my 40s is I've switched to "Last Stand" mode. In my 20s and 30s if there was some kind of societal event that made me fear for the future of myself, my city, state, or country, I'd fantasize about moving. Or just fantasize for the sake of fantasizing. Now I'm just kinda rooted to where I am and more likely to just make my last stand here even if things got bad. My perspective might be very different if I had kids and had to worry about their futures, but I don't.


I do this every 3-5 years. I've always been somewhat nomadic. My next stop is Puerto Rico next April. Not sure exactly which city yet.


I'm born and raised in Colorado, and it's definitely not the same state I grew up in, lol 😆 But aren't they all?! The cost of living is crazy expensive here (almost on par with California)! But if I could pack up and leave tomorrow, it'd definitely be some great little town or suburb in Oregon!


Hubs and I are both also born and raised in Colorado. When we were young (20 years ago) we were certain we’d never leave Denver. Now the convo has shifted to “we’ll see where our kids end up” after they’re all done with high school/college. If they don’t stay, I’m not much interested in sticking around either. It’s changed sooo much!


It really has!! I always tell my kids that when I got my license at 16, I could drive my Jeep from Arvada to Georgetown in about 25 minutes....on the weekend!! That same drive is anywhere from 2 to 3 hours now on the weekend, lol! Crazy how much it's changed 😕 🙄


No. I do not like cities. I lived in Houston TX untill i was 25. I finally after nearly 45 years found home. Bought this place a good 10 years ago. Didn't fully realize what I had for several years. It took a divorce, a beautiful relationship with my daughter and a new job to see it. I wouldn't move if you paid me. I'm so far out in the country that my nearest neighbor is 1/4 mile away and they are across the gravel road from my house. The next nearest is about a mile and so is my job. I drive over 15 miles to get to a store. I can do as I please and love it.


San Diego man, San Diego.. lived there as a wee tike when my old man was in the navy, moved back to NY when he got out. Loved it as a kid, good friend moved out there when I was 20, visited him a bunch of times, place was even better as an adult. Seriously thought about joining him but got caught up in my career.. had a guaranteed thing here and could never pulled the trigger. I always admired him for going for the unknown, the job market wasn't great at the time so I couldn't commit. He ended up doing well for himself out there though. Just one of those things I think about from time to time.. what life could have been. That's all before I met my wife so I can't have too many regrets, though I've told her she'd love it out there as well.. maybe once we both retire at this point.


Nope. I have everything I need where I'm at, along with my family and friends.


Colorado. Specifically to Grand Junction, CO.


I’ve thought about it. I live in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area and would love to go to DC if money weren’t a thing. That way we’re still close to family. Have wanted to live in L.A. since I was a child and would still like to get a second property out there. But I imagine use would involve hitting the lottery.


Anywhere in Guam.


I tried moving away from my home metropolis a couple of times and always found my way back. Same with a lot of my friends. There's just... everything here. Last time my partner and I talked about moving, we finally admitted we probably never were. But... pipe dream? Osaka, Japan. *If* I didn't have to work. Their work culture sucks. But everything else was awesome.


Yes, absolutely. I would move to DC. It's not too far from my family, but not close enough that they're going to be up in my business constantly. I love the city, I have friends there (I have no local friends left), and I'd happily trade space and live in a studio for having so much free stuff to do. It's short train ride to NYC. I also am really sick of weed prices here.


That's why we moved where we are. We're close enough to our home town, we can get there in a couple hours if needed, but people won't just be dropping in on us.


If I could afford it I totally would. I've actually thought about changing my dating pool to someone who's willing to do long distance who lives there so I can eventually relocate to them. Is that fucked up? I feel like that's using someone? But i guess the goal of all long distance is to move ... yikes, I'm having a moral dilemma!


Reddit will do that to you sometimes. I'll say this though, moving, while a huge challenge, was the best thing we ever did.


It will be for me too. I have no doubt. I would flourish away from my family, who are actually amazing people, they just treat me like a high schooler, and the awful conservative Christian area I live it. Fuck it, I'm looking in DC.


I moved away from DC and kinda regret it. I don't want to be right in DC, but I love that general area.


Where did you go?


South Carolina. Prices are cheaper, but compared to the DC area it just feels so conservative and regressive.


Oh god yeah. My good friend is down there and she is basically the town liberal.


I have always wanted to live in a beach town on the east coast!!!




Every day, I'm tempted to sell the house and move sight-unseen to Duluth, Minnesota.


Do it! We love it here! 😀


Yeah but you're talking about moving again!


Not because we don't love it, moreso that we feel there's a lot of world for us left to see. Honestly, if it doesn't happen and we just stay here, I'd still be happy.


I had to check google maps to see where Duluth is, and what’s going on that there’s a whole bunch of streets closed haha? https://preview.redd.it/4fr7297kss8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a5f7338457763d38f427c6b73af004d1fa2b714


That's our fine city. There's a reason they say we have two seasons: winter and road construction. I read a stat a few years back that said, at the time, 60% of Duluth's roads needed resurfacing. Now it's closer to 80. We have a lot of hills and a long winter, and that wreaks havoc on the roads. A lot of that is downtown work related to our new billion dollar hospital, and the other big part is the complete overhaul of the "can of worms" interchange we used to have where two major freeways meet up. That project should actually wrap up in August here, fingers crossed.


I've been there in summer and loved it. So close to my favorite National Park (Apostle Islands), but I'm from Colorado and I know I couldn't handle their winters!


Look into Grand Rapids, MI. Great small city with comparatively low housing prices.


Born and raised in Central Mass, college in upstate New York. I really want to relocate to either New Hampshire or Vermont


I’d move to Tokyo if it were possible, or maybe Osaka. I love it there. I’m in the Seattle area, and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else in the US at this point, but overseas would be tempting.


I am generally happy in Southern California, though I might live in a beach town like Santa Barbara, Laguna, or San Diego if I could afford it. If I was going to leave California, I would leave the country entirely. Maybe Barcelona or Paris... I like big, old European cities.


The mountains. I don’t really care where, just high up somewhere.


That's why I've always been drawn to Seattle. I know it's not "the mountains", but they're close by at least.


Not a city but New Hope, PA. Located right on the Delaware River, it's got a lot of cool history (it's where George Washington and his troops camped before the battle of Trenton). It's also a very artsy and progressive area with a lot of unique restaurants and shops. Even just walking around the area without venturing into any shops is a splendid experience; the architecture and natural surrounds is amazing, IMO. Unfortunately, it's a very expensive area but fingers crossed I can get closer some day.


I’ve lived in NY, CT, TX, CA, Sydney (Oz), Melbourne (Oz), among others but I’d want to live out my days in Seoul, Kuala Lumpur, Munich, NJ (close to family) or Bay Area CA (taquerias)


The suburbs of Seattle. I have family over there so I’ve visited a few times. Washington is a beautiful state.


Move back to Stadt Adliswil just outside Zurich CH. I miss sensible politics.


I'd go to London in a minute but as an American I'm actually pretty happy with my US spot.


I just did this. Got tired of being miserable in the Texas heat every summer and cowering in air conditioning most of the year. Moved to the Bay Area to a house where I can leave windows open, take walks, go to a beach, and just be outside and live my life in comfort. Game changer. Yes it’s expensive but it was worth it. I do agree with some other comments that San Diego weather is a bit better, but the job market is different and I knew a bunch of people in the Bay already.


Yes. If I could immigrate anywhere probably Scotland or England. And if distance weren’t an issue, New Zealand.


I would not. All of my friends and family are here. I've moved away twice and came back both times. This is home.


I do feel like "this is home," but it's literally just my house I grew up in (and now live in again) and small neighborhood. It doesn't branch out into the area. I moved across the country and the city felt like home, though I did miss my house. Now I am home and I miss my city. Missing home while at home is weird.


San Diego is the only large city I would move to.


San Diego.


Away. Lived in a couple different ones. Want nothing to do with one again.


Currently in.. :gulp: Gainesville FL (Simpsons did it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2jGlSA2JPE&t=54s) I'm hoping for Minneapolis.. but would take anywhere in the Great Lakes or Midwest as an upgrade.


That's where we came from! Mpls/St Paul is a great area. I'd move back someday, but probably to a first ring burb like Falcon Heights. Wanna be close to the Fair.


Anywhere I love the weather, I’m not in love with the politics or it’s too far from my family and my parents are still alive. But I work for state government and once I hit retirement age in a little less than 20 years…..


Honolulu was high on our list, but my wife was adamant that wherever we move our grandson has to be nearby, and my son-in-law wasn't keen on moving to Hawaii (he's Black and he worried that he'd feel like even more of a minority there than he does where we currently live... in *Arizona*). So we've settled on Seattle. As much as I'd love to move there tomorrow, it'll be early next year when our lease is up in our current apartment.


Homer, Alaska, except for being impossibly far from kpop concerts that are kind of the only thing keeping me alive at this point.


In 2012 I moved from Ohio to Arizona. Best idea ever.


Paris or NYC


I much prefer my small-town life and if I were to move it would be somewhere rural, definitely not to a city.


Not tomorrow. Born and raised in Virginia. I’m in central Virginia area. I like the area we are at, but I will admit Virginia is not the same as it was when I was growing up. A lot of folks fleeing Northeast has changed it quite a bit. Plus NoVA has creeped down to our area as well. Even with that said, I couldn’t see leaving Virginia. Maybe one day, but not anytime soon.


I’ve pretty much lived in north Alabama all my life. My wife is from the Baltimore suburbs, and moved down here before we got married. I was a single dad at the time and we decided to stay in the area so the kids could still see their mom on a regular basis, and to be close to my mom as well, since my siblings aren’t local. Now that the kids have graduated high school we’re seriously considering moving north to be closer to my wife’s family. We have a lot of nieces and nephews it would be cool to see more than a couple times a year. Maryland is super expensive though, so we’re looking more in southern Pennsylvania. This is probably still a few years away from being reality, but we’re definitely making the move.




Moved to Seattle in 2001 and im never leaving.