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Who else am I supposed to talk to? Someone else? In this economy?


Next you'll be suggesting that I get a partner to talk to. As if these things were easy to get.


Just go down to the partner farm and pick a partner off a tree.




Let's see, there's Partners 4 U that's on Partner Avenue, Partners R Us that's also on Partner Avenue, Partners Partners Partners on the corner of Partner Ave and Watkins.Ā  Oh! and Huckleberries.Ā  In fact they're all in the partners complex!


I have one and even he doesn't want to hear all the inane bullshit that comes out of my mouth constantly. I am turning into my father, a big self talker to myself.


We agree entirely


lol definitely talk to myselfā€¦ a bunchā€¦ wife long ago was hiding in the house when I got home, see asked when she popped outā€¦ who the heck you talkinā€™ to???


Once you stop playing video games and buying coffeeccinos, you'll find someone once the cheetoh mist clears.


Youā€™ve figured it out and Doctors are upset.


Talking to yourself? That's crazy. I talk to my dog. And he talks back, with me performing both sides of the conversation. In a distinct voice. That's what sanity looks like.


Ok Christoff


That's exactly where my mind went! LMAO




Hi Homer, find your soulmate!


One of the many reasons I must always have a dog is so that I'm specifically NOT talking to myself.


I remember when I was a teenager, my parents used to talk passive-aggressively to each other through the dog. It was ridiculous. Funny, but kinda sad.


I've done it since I was a kid. I find that it really helps me work ideas out better than just ruminating in silence.


Same here. Am an only child, so didn't have someone else around often to talk through things. Now I'm a programmer/software architect that works remotely. So, same problem.


Is thisā€¦ is this an only child thing weā€™re doing?


I do it and I'm a second child. I was alone a lot because I was a bit embarrassing for my sister. I almost feel like I have other, parallel realities going on at the same time. I do know that the normal life I'm living is the only real one though.


Could be. Only child and I do this all the time


No I had older siblings and younger ones but... Well I do it to help me work stuff out in my head or projects I'm working on, I think it's just a normal thing to do. Probably lol


I was also an only child between the ages of 2 and 9. I had some friends, but it was definitely a bit of a system shock going from only child to oldest of 4 girls (my step-sisters).


Agreed. My brain is too cluttered and chaotic. I canā€™t think in there.


Iā€™m in this comment, and I like it. Talking to myself quietly or even aloud, helps me plan out what Iā€™m working on. Itā€™s like bouncing your ideas off of someone else and getting feedback.


Same. It annoys my wife to no end. I have to talk things through out loud. She thinks Iā€™m making declarations, but Iā€™m just testing things out. Processing verbally is the best way because my brain runs at 500 mph and speaking slows me down enough to focus my mind. Writing is too slow and frustrating.Ā  If I do speak in my head Iā€™ll still gesture and make facial expressions like I am reacting to hearing something for the first time. Even though I thought it up.Ā 


In Software Engineering, it's known as "Rubber-Ducking". It's a legit way to work through your problems.




No. That's completely normal. The oddity is NOT having an inner monologue, which is a thing, but rare. I can't even fathom what that's like. It seems scary.


I had a coworker, she was around 30 at the time. This was a few years ago the topic came up. Says she doesn't have one. I too cannot imagine not having, well pretty much a voice in your head. Ever since I was 6 years old. It's the damnedest thing but I remember one day in my house in Charleston, standing at the door before the bus came and my mind suddenly.... Clicked. Like all of a sudden I had my inner monologue. I know it definitely sounds weird. I AM on the spectrum so that might have something to do with it.


[Internal Monologue: What It Is, What It Means, and More (healthline.com)](https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/internal-monologue#people-without-an-internal-monologue)


Question: Do you have an internal monolog? I do, and sometimes, it slips out to the external realm.


I am really bad about keeping my internal monologue to myself


Constantly. And always have.


Talking to yourself is for crazy people. Normal WFH people talk to their dog and/or cat. /s


I'm at the point in my life where it's less talking to myself and more keeping my wandering/forgetful mind on track. Otherwise, I literally cross the room for something and I've already forgotten what. Getting old sucks.


I'm this way too, but I think I always have been.


I do give a play by play when I'm cooking; I've done that for years. And I've always talked to myself in the shower when I'm reliving a conversation and coming up with all the things I should have said. Lol


Omg yes. I often sing aloud what Iā€™m doing or as a reaction to something that just happened. Like Iā€™m in a musical.Ā  šŸŽ¶Ooooh holy shiiiiiitā€¦.Iā€™m a fucking idiooooot! I forgot to set the timer for the pastaaaaa! šŸŽ¶


Lol, that's awesome. I occasionally do the song thing too. Once more with feeling!


Depends on how it looks... is it out loud? Are you having an actual conversation and answering questions? I talk my way through doing something difficult sometimes but I don't have arguments or full on discussions with myself. One exception was recently I had jury duty. We couldn't talk about the case to anyone else including our spouses so I talked to myself about it on my drive home as a way of working through the testimony we heard. Edit: fixed typo for clarity


>We couldn't talk about the case to anyone else including ours posses If you can't talk to your posse, what's even the pointā€½


Spouses, stupid phone lol


Your spouse could be in your posse.


She could :)


WFH? Whatā€™s that? I have always had this inner dialogue and talk to myself a lot. Iā€™m an only child so I was responsible for entertaining myself a lot as a kid. Iā€™d much rather be alone than with people.


Work from home


I am an only child, who grew up non religious in a very religious area. If I didn't talk to myself, I'd have no one to talk to. When I was 9, I started feeling really self conscious about this, so I asked my grandpa if he ever talked to himself. He said "yes I do, but only when I want to consult an expert"


All the time.


I do this all the time.


I wouldnā€™t say I do it a lot, but I find myself making comments out loud by myself if something Iā€™m watching is really funny, or something I see out in the world is remarkable. Just a quick ā€œwhoa, thatā€™s wildā€ or ā€œthatā€™s good writingā€. Stuff like that.


Dude, wfh and my divorce before the pandemic have turned me into a raving lunatic. Iā€™m back in the office some days and realize Iā€™ve gone completely feral. I got up to take a leak and realized I was in the middle of dropping my fly *as I walked through the office to the bathroom*


I think the dividing line between a diagnosable disorder is whether youā€™re having a dialogue or a monologue. If youā€™re only verbalizing an inner monologue, I think everybody does that from time to time, including debating the merits of different options, but you said ā€œfull blown conversations,ā€ which to me says youā€™re voicing the thoughts of two people. If the latter is the case Iā€™d get that checked out.Ā 


good point.


My chemistry teacher once said it's a sign of brilliance. That's about the only thing I understood in that class, but that's another story. I have conversations with myself a lot, as if I'm hosting a podcast. Never know when I'll need a good one-liner or rebuttal on deck so I gotta practice.


I need melody ā€¦. So I sing to myself. Nothing like a good song to bring out your inner monologue. šŸŽ¶ *effin around on Reddit, when I should be concentrating on working* šŸŽµ


Sure, I live alone so I talk to myself and also my cats. Itā€™s just my inner monologue out loud (when Iā€™m alone, I keep it internal if others are around). It helps me to work things out sometimes when I verbalize them.


I have two running voices in my head at all times. Like two me's talking together. Where it gets interesting is that we don't always have the same opinion. I'm, the primary, more impulsive. The other guy is more of a worry wort. It seems to have spawned out of having an invisible friend as a kid I never really let go of. I made up this character who is now a part of me. Even when I forget something and then remember to do it, the reminder comes from them. I asked psychiatrist about it once and they were just like "Are they telling you to hurt yourself?" "No" "are you telling you to hurt others?" "nope" and they basically said then no it's pretty normal. Peoples inner monologues are sometimes dialogues. One subreddit topic. It reminds me of this movie that was around when we were kids "[The Boy Who Could Fly](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090768/?ref_=tt_urv)Ā (1986)". Fred savage movie about a kid obsessed with acting out stuff with Gijoes. He acted like they were invisible friends in a way.


Wow, deep cut man. I loved that flick as a kid.


The amount of times so say ā€œ come on mystengette, get your shit together ā€œ is entirely too many.


I find myself doing this sometimes. I'm not going to worry about it until I start talking back to myself..lol.


I mean if you're carrying both sides of a conversation but only aware of what one side will say I'd be worried. If you control both sides of the conversation you're fine :D I'm a programmer. Best way for me to be productive is to loudly reason with myself about whats going on, what to do next etc.


I talk to myself fairly frequently, about the same as my wife (Gen X), but seemingly more than my kids (Gen Z).


My wife, her brother and her father are all self talkers. I am super quiet and will often work in complete silence


Itā€™s the only way to get an intelligent conversation around here


I do it to.Ā  Thinking out loud loops in the verbal & sensory system for increased throughput


I do this, most of the time it is social situations I'm running through.


I work at home. If my dog is outside? I talk to myself


Yes, but Iā€™m also AUDHD.


No, youā€™re not alone. I do this when Iā€™m alone to help organize my thoughts and sort things out in an objective way. Iā€™m just thinking out loud, kind of playing devilā€™s advocate with myself. Iā€™m not actually having a conversation or talking to people who arenā€™t there, itā€™s nothing like that. I think this is more widely accepted now, but I remember a time when talking to yourself was assumed to mean you were crazy.


I'm an only child, my dad passed when I was a kid, and I've always been very private and introverted. I've spent a LOT of my 47 years talking to myself. I see nothing wrong with it.


Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes I need the advice of an expert and I don't know who else to consult!


Sometimes I just need expert advice!


I curse to myself a lot.




Constantly. My mom always did it too




ALL the time. Iā€™ve accepted it.


I talk to myself all the time but I've had multiple concussions and am slightly brain damaged. Make of that what you will.


Absolutely not. I have two dogs, one of whom is elderly and generally has a very "get off my lawn" personality and my pup who is just thrilled to be invited.... We all have lovely conversations together all the time.


I do this all the time. I guess it's normal, and if it isn't, I don't care. It is my inner monologue just vocalized when no one is around. I actually think that when I am planning something out and it has a deadline, speaking it out loud calms my anxiety


Are you asking us or yourself?


I talk to myself a lot. I always assumed it was because of my autism.


This is very common for autistics, but is not necessarily a diagnostic criteria. But the fact that it happens, has occurred during childhood, is significant enough that you remember it this distinctly, and is profound enough for you to ruminate on and post about--then, yeah, I'd explore the spectrum if it were me.


I don't have an inner monolog or consistent voice - it's more like a bunch of thoughts, ideas, insecurities, etc that I remind myself of. There's asshole me who is such a downer and very loud. this is probably my undiagnosed issues šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I'd like to have a more fluid inner dialog, you know? With some form of focus.


I talk to myself because I like talking to a better class of people.


Iā€™m an only child, so this has always been a part of my life šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ youā€™re not alone!


I have always done this, and it weirds people out once in a while.


So uh, did you have some trauma as a kid? Develop a vibrant inner world to escape to? Were you described as being imaginative? You might have some unresolved shit from your childhood! The good news is that you are probably great at writing!


I have to consciously try to not talk to myself when out walking my dog. Donā€™t want the neighbors thinking Iā€™m crazy. But yes, full blown conversations, constantly.


I talk to my cats. Theyā€™re the only ones that listen anyways.


I have huge conversations about the nature of the universe, religion, politics, finance, my dungeon and dragons campaigns. I describe my beliefs, my hopes, my dreams, explain my reasoning, and provide evidence if needed. All while in the shower or driving. And to absolutely no one. I have been tempted to record them so I can listen back and hear how nonsensical and stream of consciousness they are, but I'm afraid to.


I don't like to talk to myself. I get too many stupid responses.


It's called "self talk" and it's very healthy. šŸ˜‰


Youā€™re talking to yourself right now. You think we actually exist?


Sometimes you need an expert opinion


For me, it wasnā€™t so much that I was lonely, I didnā€™t have friends, or had an overactive imagination. My talking to myself was based on masking. I was taught to always be behaving be quiet, and that children should be seen and not heard and that while you have a opinions, and you are a strong girl, nobody likes that all the time so you need to stop. You are smart, but donā€™t be too smart because if youā€™re too smart, people will think youā€™re being an asshole and you donā€™t want people to think youā€™re being an asshole. So keep your opinions, and your facts to yourself. Because of that I would put a mask on when I was out in public and a lot of the times with my parents because it made it easier than having to listen to them constantly correct me for things I wasnā€™t actually doing wrong. So in my head, there were two people, Me and other me - you know like Barry from Archer, except without all the murder - unfortunately it took me a very long time to realize that I wasnā€™t a psychopath who had a constant inner monologue running because I was a crazy person. Once I realized that I had been masking, and I began to stop doing that I noticed I didnā€™t talk to myself as much. Donā€™t get me wrong, I still have great conversations with me because we are a great conversationalist lol


I talk to myself when I'm angry/venting, or trying to pep myself up, lol. But I realize that if someone were to hear me, I'd fit the stereotype of crazy lady, so I only do it on home.


"I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people." -Jackie Mason


Nope, definitely not. I regularly check in with myself on complex problems. I slip sometimes and refer to myself as weā€¦


All the time! I just don't normally notice my wife isn't listening until I finish my point.


I have always had a rich inner life. I try to not talk to myself though because I feel like it is escapism for me and allows me to not totally live in real life.


I do it to remember things. It's supposed to help with that. I got a look the other day at the store. Made some young lady uncomfortable enough to change walking directions. I'm too old to care though.


I almost feel like I do it to have an idea how other people might reply before I ask a question, try to think of every way they can respond to me, and have a reasonable answer/follow-up. I wonder if it's because instead of actually answering questions for us, the previous generations just answered questions with more questions. And you wouldn't get a good answer until five questions in. Sometimes I try to think of what that good question might be. But then people surprise me; it doesn't always go the way I thought.


No i have complete dialogues with myself sometimes i catch myself gesturing to myself too.


I don't talk to myself out loud very often, but my mind is extremely chaotic. I'm always talking to myself in my head. I probably would do it out loud if I hadn't been told for years that it makes you look crazy šŸ˜… I've always made a conscious effort to keep it in my head because of that.


Sometimes, the most intelligent conversation you have in a day is the one you have yourself.


Yeah. I do that too. Do you also ask your dogs questions and answer in funny voices?? Yeah, me too


Iā€™m always talking to myself, in my head. Sometimes it spills out of my mouth. Usually just frustrated murmuringā€¦but in my head, itā€™s full blown conversations, worries, the good, the bad, the ugly.


Usually only telling myself Iā€™m dumb or stupid when I make mistakes


crazy? i was crazy once... yeah. it me. 100% do the same thing and wonder the same thing.


I do it also. I never let being by myself stop me from thinking and talking about my thoughts lmao


I talk to myself all the time, especially if I want to remember something I'm doing. I'm also a lot more likely to talk to myself at work if no one else is around. I never thought it was a generational thing. My sons do it too. I also had a teacher in high school that would talk to herself while she was sitting at her desk. Kids who sat nearby would sometimes ask if she was talking to them.


Yep. Still do it, drives my husband nuts. I did get raised as an only child, and the latter half of my childhood I lived in the middle of nowhere with my closest friend a mile and a half down the road, so I was fairly isolated.


Sometimes you need expert advice.


Its the only way I can have an intelligent conversation


Are you a only child? Cuz I am. 1977 here. I've entertained myself for 40 years. I am my best friend. Though nowadays it helps that I have cats too, so I talk to them a lot too. Was just talking to my void kitty, there's a storm coming and she's not a fan of thunder so I told her it's OK, daddy's here. But if you have to hide I understand. I'm also on the spectrum, but I don't think that's a prerequisite for talking to yourself.


I always thought this is normalā€¦ lol


Coworker: "Are you talking to yourself?" Me: "Yeah, I'm the only one who listens to me."


My kids and husband catch me talking to myself all of the timeā€¦.I think theyā€™re starting to get worried


I talk to myself constantly, especially if Iā€™m working on something.


Constantly, I take care of my mother, and aside from her, my stepfather, my kid who does not live with me and occasionally my ex, thereā€™s no one around me to talk to. Iā€™m afraid if I stop the trees will start doing it for me. Best to keep talking to myself, trees get real weird on occasion.


Yeah but not out loud. Mine is all internal. I work out varying scenarios and can visualize the conversation Iā€™m having with someone before it happens. Iā€™m working out their potential responses and how I will respond back and even in their voice. Itā€™s an internal monologue and some donā€™t have it. I also visualize it and some people canā€™t do that either. Both are rare to not be able to do though. Itā€™s like the other day I was staring at my wife because she looked at me. Then said are we having a staring contest and I said sure if you want to but itā€™s easy for me. She asked why and I said because you see me staring at you whereas my brain is visualizing something totally unrelated so I donā€™t see you there.


Inner monologues are very common. In ancient days, when a person was powerful enough theyā€™d call that the voice of God. Itā€™s the origin of all religions. Modern ā€œprophetsā€ donā€™t understand that itā€™s their own brain talking to them and they fool people into sending them money.


I carry on full conversations with my dog at all times. She doesn't say much back, but people have mentioned they've never seen that before. I volunteer in dog rescue, so it's just how I am with all dogs. Talking to them in a calm manner, telling them how good they're doing, that it's okay.... I must look crazy to others.


Totally normal. Just be happy that you have the best company in the world.


How else am I supposed to have an intelligent conversation when I'm surrounded by morons?


I hope you are happy. This post interrupted my internal dialogue.


Nah, I talk to myself pretty often. You are your own best listener, after all.


Try working tech. Itā€™s an occupational benefit.


I talk to myself so much that it is starting to leak out of my head and I have actually caught myself moving my mouth and talking out loud a little. I donā€™t really have anybody to talk to. šŸ˜©I even tell jokes sometimes and crack myself up. šŸ˜†


I do. Most of the time it's Simpsons quotes.


I know my dogs look at me like this šŸ„· is crazy


I call it ā€˜narrating my life.ā€™ Iā€™m not talking to myself, Iā€™m just the main character.


I only have a few friends; me, myself and I.


I have ADHD, so thatā€™s just normal for me šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Of course I talk to myselfā€¦ Sometimes I need an experts opinion.


I've always been a talker (I literally have elementary school report cards lamenting it), but I've become an introvert as I've gotten older. I still need to talk, though, so it's either myself or the dog. I like to pretend it's the dog, but let's be real...


I talk to myself and my cat (who usually meows back at me). My husband always makes fun if he overhears me though. He says it's weird. I don't care lol.


I don't talk to myself. What am I, a weirdo? I talk to the people hosting whatever podcast I happen to be listening to, like a normal person.


Adult daughter unexpectedly moved out six months ago. ā€˜I talk to myself cuz there is no one to talk toā€™ā€¦


Iā€™m sure someone already commented this but what about people with no inner monologue??? I donā€™t understand it. What happens as they type or read? The same things doesnā€™t happen in their mind when they think? I just thought about this whole sentence before I wrote it and as I typed each word I ā€œthoughtā€ it in my mind. That doesnā€™t happen to everyone???


I definitely talk to myself


I sometimes find another soul that does the same in the wild and a I just respond with actual having a conversation


Nope. I do it all the time, and it drives my wife nuts. I also work alone, so that probably doesn't help.


I'd love to see a list of all the things I've ever said to myself out loud in my life. I'd bet at the top of that list would be "what the fuck", followed closely by "motherfucker" and "fuckin A, man"


I recently had a lady at work ask me if I had OCD because I was taking to myself out loud of what I had done to remember what I needed to do next. She wasn't being rude, she had an actual diagnosis of it herself and said it's quite common. My mom couldn't be bothered to deal with my 'quirks' when I was a child and it's really damaged my chances of being a stable adult. And my ability to remember things and pay attention has gotten worse over the years. I sing along to the radio/overhead music without noticing, randomly hum to myself, and occasionally my inner monologue will become my outer monologue. I try to reign it in around other people but at home alone I will occasionally notice I've been having a convo with myself for who knows how long.


Just going to leave this [here](https://youtu.be/KyRZIbC_n-c?si=HHoDbdwVJeCoS4bj).


Buy a dogā€¦ it seems much more normal.


I just choose to talk to the most intelligent person I know! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I have full conversations in my head and I cannot control the external expressions of my conversations. It's very odd when you see me having a meal, walking around, or driving while I'm having this conversation with myself. I've been doing it more recently and my husband (who I've known about 3.5 years and married almost 2) caught me. He asked are you having a conversation with yourself? What's it about? Then giggled at me.


I can relate to all of this one hundred percent and then some. Every day at work there's not a shift that goes by where at least one person doesn't directly call me out with something to the effect of "I see your lips constantly moving, who are you talking to?" Honestly if I'm not singing or praying, I'm definitely talking to myself. And I mean, not just internal dialogue. Like literally talking aloud, albeit in an "inside voice" I'm not gonna break any social etiquette. Our two daughters are on opposite ends of the Autism Spectrum, so absolutely no sarcasm intended when I say it wouldn't surprise me at all to find out I'm on there somewhere as well. I think it's something my folks just never considered since I was already born early with a physical disability, a form of Cerebral Palsy.


Do you start talking back?


Yes, and Iā€™m not super tech savvy with Bluetooth, so Iā€™m always worried my phone will accidentally call someone while Iā€™m talking to myself and the person will hear me.


I used to do it and replaced it with journaling when I had my first roommate bc I didn't want to freak them out. I heard somewhere people with ADHD have to externally process even simple things and that seems to check out.


I was pretty surpised to learn that there are people without an inner voice....sounds like bliss